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Fantasy Seasons Gaurdians

Jess Buck

Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
In each generation, there are sixteen children chosen to be the Season Guardians. They are born with special powers that pertain to their season. For example, someone born as the Spring Guardian would have the power to make plants with just their hands. When these children turn 14 they are sent off to a special school where former Guardians teach them how to harness their powers and how to work together to make the seasons change.

Rules: (I promise there aren't many)

1. There may only be 16 new guardians, 4 for each season. Keep that in mind when making your characters.

2. However there may be a sh*t ton of former guardians.

3. You have to make at least one former Guardian.

4. If you have a winter guardian do not name them Elsa, Jack, Anna, Sven, Olaf, Hans, or Kristoph. I know how you guys work. :wink:

5. Please have a color for when your characters speak, that way it makes it easier to distinguish dialogue when there a large text posts.

Character Skeleton:


Age: 14 for new guardians and older than 30 for former guardians




Appearance: Real Life Pictures Please


Please Submit Characters Here: http://www.rpnation.com/threads/seasons-gaurdians.74366/
Madelyn was bustling around the green house making sure everything was set up correctly. She had on her focused face, which meant that no one was going to get by on skimpy work. Madelyn would make sure that everything was perfect down to the last dust might under the rug for when the New Season Guardians came to the school. Well technically it was a large estate that was owned by Madelyn's ten times great grandfather but that's not the point. The point is that this estate was made specifically in mind to train new guardians with their magic. Here, at this estate, former guardians would come together to teach new guardians how to control, and properly use their magic. Madelyn was determined to make sure that these guardians would be trained and brought up just as well as she had been.

Jessica had had her headphones in the entire bus ride. She was rather bored considering no one wanted to converse with anyone. Jessica had always been the talkative outgoing one. She could never sit still or stay quite long enough for people to forget about her, but there seemed to be a tangible awkwardness in the air. Jessica sighed and she rested her head on the window. Oh well, maybe a nap would get her through this boring bus ride.

Grayson sighed as he stared out the window of the charter bus he was riding. Up until a couple weeks ago, Grayson assumed that the seasons changed because science said so and he honestly didn't really care why. But he learned, not to long after turning 14, that the seasons were something a bit more delicate than that, and it was his job to make sure autumn went off smoothly. He looked around the charter bus. There were fifteen other kids on the bus besides himself. They were all scattered and no one was really sitting next to each other. Grayson turned his attention back the window. Outside he saw a large estate come into view. He gasped at seeing such a large place. "Who in the hell needs that much space?" He thought to herself.

Lyle was one of the first on the bus and he couldn't help to fall asleep. The seats were so comfy and everyone was so quiet. Plus it was hot and Lyle had always felt drowsy and lethargic when it was hot. He didn't wake up until he heard a loud gasp from a kid sitting behind him. He woke up with a start and the first thing he saw was a huge estate outside. He smirked.

"Nice..." He mumbled to himself.
Stipe was standing patch of grass next to a road and that was behind a meadow. He was waiting for that bus to take him over to what would be the school where he would learn to make the autumn happen. He had the greatest of excitement for going there and mastering his powers. He imagined just being able to touch a tree and having its leaves turning colors and dancing to the ground. Oh how that sounded beautiful in his mind. Soon the bus came and he got on, not sitting next to any of the other strangers. He just sat there looking out the window at the passing world. After a while the bus came to what Stipe believed to be the school. The place looked way enormous for just the people on that bus. "Well this looks like it will be interesting," he mumble to himself while gazing out at the place.
Pera was practically hopping in his seat from excitement as the bus grew closer to the school. Soon he would be learning to make spring happen. He couldn't wait to master his powers and bring life to the world. He could already imagine helping the flowers bloom and watching baby birds fly for the first time. Oh, he just knew the sight would be otherworldly. His thoughts were distracted as they finally made it to the school. Grazing up at it in awe he hoped his mouth wasn't hanging open because it was beautiful. Not to mention giant.
Annalia had just come back outside after she was finished taking care of the fish inside of the large mansion. In fact she had been swimming inside the tank as it was that large. Normally she wouldn't but she had noticed that one of the pieces of the filter system had fallen off and needed to reattach it. Luckily she had grown up in a family that had helped to maintain large fish tanks, so she knew a thing or three about them.

She watched as the bus stopped in front of the large manor, her water still wet from the salt water. She was smiling both out of excitement and to give all the new kids a warm welcome. "Well Madelyn this is going to be fun.I wonder if this group will be like when we were here? Then again you did have a head start on our entire class didn't you?"

David peered out and wasn't all that impressed by the house. It had been about what he was expecting, something along the lines of Charles Xavier's school for the gifted and Hogwarts. It would have to be considering all the kids that would be staying there causing trouble, learning how to control something they didn't know they had before. When he had found out he had tried making the pepper plant in his little garden grow faster, but without much success. In fact no success the plant only wiggled lightly in the gentle breeze. He hadn't let it bother him as he knew he had to learn the skill first.
"If they're anything like any of us were when we were here it's going to be interesting all right." Maxine mused standing next to the two. She had just finished setting up the bedrooms the guardians would be staying in. "I still can't wrap my head around the fact that we're the teachers now. It's absolutely frazzling." Max looked around at the grounds remembering just how badly she used to get along with the other kids when she was younger. Always causing fights, and keeping everyone at a distance. Thankfully she'd grown out of that introverted "I hate everyone" stage, but her hot headedness was still lurking under the surface, ready to snap at anyone who tested her patience.
Lelianna looked depressingly out of her window, a pout firmly in place. Cringing inwardly at the thought of teenagers running through the halls making noise and pranks when she wanted only calm, sleepy order. At least they're old enough to be a little mature... she hoped. The buses were pulling in and she watched her fellow teachers get all giddy over the newbies. Well, truth be told she was a little giddy herself. As awkward as she felt around kids, there was something to be said for the thrill of handing off the fate of the world to the next generation. Thinking of her own mentor as a child, Leli summoned up the courage to meet the new students and left the room to stand next to her peers.
Madelyn giggled

"I'm so excited!" She fussed with her skirt, smoothing out the wrinkles. Once the bus pulled up she squealed with delight. "They're here! Where is everyone else? Oh no what if they all slept in?!" She began rambling and fussing about the other guardians not being there.

Jessica smiled as they reached the manor. She bounced excitedly in her seat. "Here it is. My future~" She thought to herself.

Grayson couldn't help but smile upon stopping in front of the manor. He was going to be living here for a while, he was excited to start explore the place.

Lyle smirked as they came to a halt. He was the first person to stand up and head towards the door.
Lu Xun smiled brightly watching Madelyn worry about. " Relax, Madelyn ", he reassured her with a small chuckle. He adjusted the violin strap on his shoulder while looking directly at the buses. To say that he isn't excited to be meeting his students would be a lie, but he wasn't too anxious. They would be just fine. He could feel it. Then again, it could just be his optimistic ways speaking to him.
Madelyn smiled at the fellow spring guardian.

"Right, relax. Don't want to seem crazy when the kids get off the bus...Oh! Here they come!" She squealed with delight as the first guardians came off of the bus. The first kid was a boy. He was tall and lanky but not in a bad way. He had a sculpted face that was pale and almost sickly. His hair was curly and black, styled in a way that made it look like it wasn't styled at all....or maybe it wasn't styled. Who could tell honestly. The first word that comes to mind when seeing this kid is stunning. Absolutely, stunning.
With a brief chuckle, Lu Xun smiles kindly at the first student off of the bus. He takes note that all of the children remind him of his nephew, he hasn't quite seen the teenage boy in a while. He made a mental note to change that when he could. Still smiling, Lu Xun offers a brief wave in greeting towards the students before speaking directly to Madelyn without looking at her, " Do you suppose he is a winter guardian? ", he asked. Of course he didn't mean to sound stereotypical, but not every human being is born to perfection.
Madelyn shrugged before replying.

"Probably. He seems sluggish. Its the middle of summer, he's probably slowed down by the heat." She smiled up at the rest of the students. Giving them each a friendly wave. The next girl off the bus seemed perky and happy. She seemed to bounce with every step. Her hair was brown and short but styled to perfection. She, like her hair, was also very short. No taller than five foot. But what she lacked in height she made up for in her personality. Madelyn could tell that she was going to like this girl a lot.
Lu Xun couldn't help but smile even wider. "I hope some of them like to play music", he said to himself more than to others. The thought of having a guardian who plays music like him fascinated the man, it would be refreshing to have a young protegee to play alongside him. Rather than himself playing alone. Humming with content, he nods in approval at the sight of the students, they looked like they have a lot of potential and that is exactly what they need. Hopefully they would also experience excitement in honing their powers and not taking the luxury for granted. It pains him to see some people do that.
Madelyn giggled.

"Did you not read all of their files?" She asked Lu Xun. "There are at least two guardians who have a knack for music. One of them being that perky short girl who just came off the bus." She said. The next person off the bus was an average looking boy. He had shaggy blonde hair with a beanie on. There wasn't much to him besides his gorgeous smile and beautiful eyes. The brightest green color you'd ever seen.
That caused Lu Xun's eyes to sparkle with delight. Of course, he did feel a bit regretful for not reading the files, but it isn't his fault he was caught up in composing a piece during the time. Anyway, he adjusted the strap of his violin case once more before cutely biting on my bottom lip with excitement. Although he wasn't squealing or running about, he was, without a doubt, excited.
David stepped off the bus and raised his hand over his eyes to shield him from the sun. The place was pretty and it was huge. "You guys have a nice place. So where can we find our rooms?" David was far from being a shy person. In fact he was already feeling a bit comfortable here and knew that this place would be like home. Something that he hadn't had stable for a while. "My name is David by the way."
Madelyn smiled. This David boy was the first to speak. She walked up to him and held out her hand.

"Its nice to meet you David, I'm Madelyn. You will be given your room assignments and you will be able to meet your roommates soon. We will be having a lunch and meeting before you get settled. Your bags will be taken inside the house by the bus driver. His family has helped the season guardians since we guardians came to be. Oh goodness im rambling. Anyway, everyone head inside for lunch. Im sure you're all starved." She smiled and lead everyone inside.
"Awesome lunch. Hurry up guys I know you are as hungry as I am. Unless you snuck snacks when I wasn't looking." Said David who was messing around as he normally would. Like his season he was warm and cheerful to be around. He enjoyed having the life of the party about him and wouldn't hesitate to make a sad person smile.

"Follow me to the dining room. Be on your behavior we will not tolerate tom foolery. This place is for learning, not a summer camp." Said Annalia as she began walking to where the dining room was. The teachers would give them a proper tour after everyone had eaten. She herself was starving having not eaten all day and then had gone for a swim with the fish.
Stipe walked off the bus to be infront of that giant place they call the academy. "It looks even bigger from outside the bus," he said to himself. He switched his attention from the academy's size to lunch when he overheard someone saying it. "Well of to the dining hall," he said as he went inside, though he didn't know his way around the place at all. He felt that the place was going to be comfortable and pleasant.
Lu Xun hummed quietly to himself while watching the rest of the students exit off of the bus. He was hungry, but not by much, having remembered to snack on a small bowl of strawberries earlier on in the day while he was, no surprise, experimenting in the music room. Some students approached him and asked some questions about the school which he gladly answered, he was completely oblivious to the blushes on the cheeks of someone of the girls who were speaking to him. Lu Xun failed to notice that the way he appeared and dressed looked like he was a teenage boy rather than a man in his early thirties. He steadily grew a bit cautious of the amount of teens surrounding him before looking for a way out. He isn't scared of them, it's just that they're all invading his personal space as in, he can feel their bodies grazing a bit too close for comfort.
Jessica smiled as she followed the teacher to the dinning hall. She was excited! Not just for the food but to meet new people and learn new things. As she was following someone came behind her and whispered in her ear.

"Excited are we?" He asked. Jessica whizzed her head around to find a very attractive male behind her. She blushed lightly and nodded.

"Yes, I am." The boy chuckled with a smirk and held out his hand.

"Lyle." Jessica smiled and shook his hand.

"Jessica. But i go by Jess." She said. Lyle lifted Jessica's hand to his lips and kissed it lightly. Jessica's blush grew deeper witch earned another smirk from Lyle.

"Nice to meet you,...Jess." He let her hand go and walked ahead of her. Jessica paused for a moment, staring at her hand before following after the group again.
"So what do you two think of this place? Pretty nifty huh?" Asked David as he thrust himself into the conversation. He had found that it was better to introduce one's self when they could instead of standing in a corner waiting to be noticed. "I'm David and it is nice to meet you Lyle and Jess." He offered his hand out to each of them in turn and smiled happily. There was something contagious about his high spirits with normal people, wither it would show here or not was the question.
Jessica smiled and shook his hand while Lyle looked at it for a minute before shaking.

"Nice to meet you too David." Jessica said. Lyle said nothing but watched David and Jessica carefully. Madelyn came up behind the group.

"Come on guys, lunch will get cold if you keep lollygagging."
Chuckling, Lu Xun walked beside Madelyn while smiling at David, Lyle, and Jessica, they seemed like a fair trio of students. Reminded him of a trio of characters from a book that his sister would always read. " I haven't introduced myself yet either. My name is Lu Xun Eu Min, welcome to our school ", he greeted them politely with a charming smile on his face while holding his hand out.
Jessica smiled and shook Lu Xun's hand.

"Its nice to meet you Mr. Eu Min." She said politely. Lyle nodded his head toward Lu Xun, acknowledging his presence.

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