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Fantasy Seasons Gaurdians

"Yes. I suppose you are right. That David kid is one of the hyper ones. Must be a spring. We'll have to make sure he stays focused on his education." Answered Annalia back as she tore into a fried chicken leg.
Lu Xun chuckled at her excitement before lightly patting her on the head, " Go get some lunch and enjoy the school, Jessica ". With that said, he turned around and made his way towards Madelyn and Annalia, " What's the topic today? ", he asked.
Jessica smiled and scurried into the dinning hall to grab herself some lunch.

Madelyn smiled at Lu Xun.

"Students and witch ones will be the most.....whats the word i want to use...."
"Which students will be the most likely to succeed and do a good job." Said Annalia bluntly. She was always straight forward and wasted no time in anything she did.
Madelyn gave Annalia a stern look "Annalia, they will all be successful in their own way. Some learn quickly and others don't."
Lu Xun laughed, " Although it isn't exactly the choice of words I would use. Annalia is correct. We're training the future Guardians. We need them to be dedicated and prepared. So far, I see a fair bunch ". He trailed off when he felt intense stares on his back and looked back at a bunch of blushing and giggling girls, " And a not so fair bunch ".
Lu Xun smiled sheepishly, " I understand that.... but I'm uncomfortable with their stares and giggling. Is there something on my face? ", he asked while rubbing the back of his neck.
Madelyn giggled.

"Oh there's something on your face alright." She said and patted his shoulder before heading inside the dinning hall.
Maxine snorted at Lu Xun cluelessness, giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder. "Sometimes, I wonder how you even remotely survived through your teenage years Lu." She teased, before following Madelyn inside.
" Huh? ", Lu Xun seemed genuinely confused, " So I don't have anything on my face, huh? ", he said more to himself than to them. Shaking his confusion off, he follows after Madelyn and Maxine into the dining hall to grab some lunch.
As everyone was finishing their food, Madelyn stood and did a finger whistle to grab everyone's attention. Once everyone fell silent she smiled.

"I'm so glad you're all here. We have to go through some rules real quick and then we'll give you all your room assignments. " She cleared her throat "First of all, in order to keep everything here running smoothly, we have a daily schedule. Breakfast is at 8:30 in the morning and your first lessons start at 9:30. This lesson lasts until 1:00, during these four and a half hours you will learn basic things that you have been learning since you were in kinder garden. Math, Literature, and the usual. Then at 1:30 is lunch. Then beginning at 2:30 is your second lessons. These lessons will be with the former guardians of your season. For example. If you are a spring guardian, at 2:30, you would go to the green house and meet with Lu Xun and myself for your training in your powers. This will last until 7:30. Dinner will then be served at 8:00. After that you are allowed to socialize and have free time until 11:00. At 11 you are all to be in your dorm rooms, then lights out is at 11:30 and then the next day we start again!

"Now, we only have a few rules. Rule number one, under no circumstances will you ever use your powers against another person in this house. We are here to learn how to change the seasons properly, not restrain someone with vines or freeze someone in a block of ice. Rule number two, you are not to use your powers outside of your 2:30 to 7:30 lessons unless you have a former guardian of your season outside to watch you.

"Now lets move on to room assignments. We have separated you by gender. In past years students have been put together by gender and season but I believe that it will be beneficial for the seasons to intermix considering you will be spending the rest of your lives together. So! Ladies first. Primrose and Faith you will be sharing room 103 with each other. Lauren and Amber you will be sharing room 104 with each other. Juliet, Akita, and Rain will be sharing room 105 with each other. And Jessica and Bianca will be sharing room 106 with each other.

"Pera and Austin you will be sharing room 100, Devon and Grayson you will be sharing room 101, and David, Stipe, and Lyle you all will be sharing room 102. If anything happens during the night, Myself and Annalia will be in room 107, Maxine and Lelianna will be in room 108, Lu Xun and Casper will be in 109, and Andrew and Max will be in 110. We will show you all to your rooms and give you maps and keys in a few minutes. Acquaint yourselves with your roommates!" Madelyn finished her long speach and walked over to the rest of the former guardians.

"Did i do well?" She asked.
" Ah, you're growing up fast, Madelyn ", Lu Xun teased her, " You would never have done a speech like that in high school. Very good, makes me feel nervous for when it's my turn to introduce myself to the Spring students ". He gave her a grin, " Willing to do an introduction to our spring students for me when the time comes? ". Earning a playful smack from another guardian, he chuckled and took one last bite of his apple before cutely pouting and creating another apple to snack on. He found himself fairly excited to be rooming with Casper, their personalities were similar so he wouldn't have to worry about bumping heads with him. Also, he is excited to be working alongside Madelyn, she's friendly and he appreciates her honesty. He just prayed that the students would be good and express excitement in learning.
Madelyn giggled with a blush.

"Thanks Lu Xun. But i think I've done enough talking." She said
"Yes you did. Straight to the point. I like that. In also think you had then right idea mixing the seasons. Makes for better education." said Annalia as she finished the last of her meal, skipping the cake completely.

David turned to face Lyle.
"Do you know who this Stipe person is? I remember you from the walk in here. Just haven't seen this Stipe."
Stipe got himself some caesar salad with a soda and started to have his lunch. He finished when Madelyn started to talk. She told them about the schedule, the saddening rules, and who he would be staying with. It turns out he would be with two other boys rather than just one, but he didn't know who either of them were. Without a thought, he went over to Madelyn and asked,"Hey Ms. Madelyn, can you show me who David and Lyle are?"
Madelyn smiled at Stipe and pointed over at Lyle and David.

"Those two, David is a spring guardian and Lyle is a winter guardian."

Lyle shrugged

"I dunno." He said, crossing his arms.

Jessica looked around for this Bianca girl. She didn't exactly know who this girl was.
"Hey Stipe get over here." Yelled David in no particular direction trying to find the last roommate. "You know three is a lucky number right. We'll be like.... Uh I don't know of any famous groups of jst three people. Oh wait Nirvana. Dibs on Dave Grohl."
"The Golden Trio", Lu Xun mumbled under his breath when he heard the new roommates talking, with a smile on his face before turning his attention to consuming his apple. He glanced over the trio and nodded his head in agreement, "I would prefer if they called themselves the Golden Trio, wouldn't you agree Madelyn? ".
"Wasn't there like four of those guys by the end of it?" Asked David as he settled back down in his seat and waited for Stipe to come to them. "I can't say I have read too many of the classics in fact never read that one just something I heard about."
Stipe walked over to the two and said," well I haven't read that book yet, but three musketeers sounds nice." He then thought of any famous trios he knew from music, television, and stories, but he couldn't come up with a good one. Anything he came up with was either two boys and a girl or a group that was a trio once. "Yeah let's go with that," he said.
"Nice to meet you Stipe. So we'll be the three musketeers then." Said David smiling. "So what season are you? I'm Spring."

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