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Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

Esther smiled " it's a good thing" she said to him as she got her food and sat down with him. She got pudding and pasta with a side salad. She watched him as he ate his food in seconds " wow... your hungry" she said as she started to eat her pasta.

Haru looked over. "Oh no not really I guess it's because growing up with a bunch of siblings you kinda learn to eat fast before it all gets taken. But I guess I don't have to worry since they don't come here well anymore at least."
Lara tilted her head " hmm..... you had siblings here?... where they weapons too?" She asked curiously. Her parents also went here before , so she is just following in their footsteps. She tried some of her salad.

Haru nodded. "Yeah I'm the only male weapon of the family. My mom was a handgun my oldest sister a rifle my middle sister a hammer and the one not to older then me was a spear. They were more like brothers then sisters anyway also telling me about how awsome their meisters were and how great soul-resonance is. How much fun huting keshin eggs is how exciting fighting a witch is and all that crap." Haru looked away. "They also always said that finally finding someone compatible is like finding the missing piece of yourself someone who knows you like you know yourself." He smiled. "Pretty cheesy huh?" He chuckled.
Esther quietly listened to him and smile " i am an only child... my mom was a katana.... and my dad was her meister..." she hummed "my mom died while she and dad was fighting a witch..." she said to him softly. she sighed a little and shrugged " my dad said that when he paired up with my mom it was love at first sight" she said giggling " it's really cute when you think about it" she said to him.

Haru looked down. "Yeah I guess in a way that's true it is sweet." He chuckled again. "Then I swear as your weapon that I'll help you get all 99 keshin eggs and that Witch soul we'll be the best team ever!" Haru stood up. "And just so you know I never go back on my word so hope your ready to be number one!"
Esther couldn't help but smile again " hey after school do want to do a mission?" She asked him. She has been wanting to do a mission, but since she never found a weapon, she was never allowed to go to one. She was really excited about it.

Haru laughed. "Of course I do heck we could do the 99 keshin eggs now I'm so pumped let's do this!" Haru was too excited to contain any of his hype. He then began fist pumping.
The moment Autum had entered the training room she left. Although she was American, her father was japanese, therefore she knew a bit of Japanese. "Kuso..." she said to herself, everyone in there seemed to paired so she saw no reason to stay. She entered Sid's classroom again and sat down. Resting her head on the desk for a moment she thought about just finding her partner outside of school. 'I'll be the one miester here without a weapon, great.' she though while lifting her head back up and listening to Sid's lesson.
Akimi fought with Trey them being almost graceful in the killing of the Hologram "Really" Akimi said smiling again, still in her weapon form when Trey said that it was "Awesome" working with her. Enjoying the praise even if she had it from him, watching the hologram fall apart, changing back into her human form. Going to change back if Trey wanted to fight again, "We did a good job I guess" Akimi hoping she did not jinks it almost as soon as she said it aloud.
He nodded to her. "We work pretty well together you know.." He said to her, thinking. "Akimi...I know we don't exactly know each other all that well but..if you're open to it, and this is just a thought...can I be your partner?" He asked her curiously, wondering what her answer would be. It's true that it did seem like they worked well together, maybe they would make great partners as well.
Death City - The DWMA; Doctor Franken Stein's Classroom: Aslatiel Troyse & Jeanne Leroux

As the Doctor began the class proper,he asked a question that seemed to be fully rhetorical; Nobody who even hoped to attend the DWMA didn't know the answer to that question. A couple of people answered,one even standing at attention to deliver her answer as if to a military drill instructor in BMQ. However,when Stein answered his own question with barely any hint of hesitation,the overzealous student sat herself down,looking rather embarrassed for herself. When Stein gave the class their options,Aslatiel took a bit to weigh the options; Some people left for the training room,while others took out their papers and pens.

While being a defender of humanity is,by default,a martial lifestyle,mandating that people keep sharp,it also demanded extensive cultural training,alongside the normal education expected of North American students their age. In essence,the DWMA was the world's most prestigious school,considering the juggling of responsibilities. Only a select few could ever hope to pass. Fewer still remain mentally whole. With a sigh,Aslatiel stood,and picked up his sword,which he had deposited by his seat at the enormous shared desk in the amphitheater-like room. Without a word,he left the room,making a mental note to copy the notes down from someone else later.

Jeanne,meanwhile,had a nearly identical argument in her mind,also. However,to her,it was more like another test; Shirk class to play,disguised as training? Smelled like a trap. No,better safe,than sorry. She leaned down,and pulled out an enormous,steel-bound book from her bag,and opened it up. She labeled and dated the page,and began to take notes with an interestingly styled pen; It was a fountain pen,and it looked exactly like a stiletto dagger,complete with convincing edge grinds.

Death City - The DWMA; Training Hall: Aslatiel Troyse

Aslatiel stepped into a crowded training hall. Though the room was enormous,it seemed many other students from other classes had opted for the training session. Dropping his bag by the door,Aslatiel stepped into the training hall proper with a smirk and confident swagger. Aslatiel was a second year student. The DWMA,however,didn't exactly care for seniority; Do your job,get the grade. No matter how long it takes. Some of their students were even pretty much toddlers,like the famous Pots of Fire and Thunder,twin partners to Kilik Rung,who were instrumental in the Battle of the Moon against Kishin.

As he stepped to a relatively clear section of the room,Aslatiel drew his greatsword; It was slender and nearly as long as he was tall. The blade looked like it was in horrible condition,but when Aslatiel tried to reverse the "damage" when he got it,it was revealed to be deliberate colouring of the steel. Placing the semi-rigid scabbard on his back once more,Aslatiel deftly flourished the weapon in one hand above his head,before adopting a high guard,with the blade pointed forward,with a slight droop,as the pommel was just under his ear. As he awaited the first "opponent",the Demon Soul Gambeson couldn't help but muse aloud, "So,who here wants a Weapon who can take it just as well as they can dish it out?"

When the first opponent spawned,it was a humanoid foe with a handaxe. Pivoting to face the opponent,Aslatiel used his distinct reach advantage to thrust forward,stepping into it for more power; The blade slid into the holographic foe's chest,and Aslatiel stepped into an orbit around the opponent,guiding the thing away from him as the blade poked out the other side,then slid out under the arm,between the ribs. The holographic man stumbled to his knees,clutching the clean,yet fatal wound. It's a slow death.

Without missing a beat,Aslatiel used the momentum to bring his sword over his head,and down the other side,taking off the holographic person's head,ending their simulated misery in moments. As the headless body fell to the ground,it faded away,as was the head,which was rolling towards the onlookers. Just as his sword returned to a neutral guard at his waist,another foe spawned,this one wielding a rather long spear. "A challenge." Pivoting to face the opponent,he prepared himself.

His foe's weapon was easily ten feet long. Nearly twice as long as his sword. The spearman charged,just as he expected him to. Aslatiel stepped doagonally,towards his opponent and to his rear arm's side,while at the same time deflecting his opponent's weapon with his own. With the spearman's weapon knocked aside,Aslatiel closed the distance. However,the spearman,holographic or not,was wily. They abandoned their spear,just as they lunged forth with their backup weapon; They had it held in their rear hand the whole time,and it was a shortsword.

In a flash of amber light,Aslatiel transformed. In the place of a young man dressed like a foppish Renaissance nobleman was a suit of late medieval Gothic armour,though it did have glowing green sections on the tops of the gauntlets and boots,though those were just narrow bands; The most noticeable glowing portions were the besagews under the pauldrons and the helmet's "visor".

All of this happened in an instant,and when the shortsword struck home,it did so against hardened metal plates,reinforced by the strong soul of the man who had become the armour. Aslatiel,who was the armour,turned his trunk,and drove his sword's pommel into the holographic spearman's temple as he tried to disengage from the sudden suit of animated armour. The force sent the hologram sprawling onto the floor,dropping his shortsword in the process. Planting an armoured boot on the hologram's chest,Aslatiel rammed the sword,point first,through the hologram's face,and gave it a savage twist,like a stubborn key,then removed the weapon. The hologram faded away before the weapon was fully removed.

Flourishing the weapon again,and propping it on his armoured shoulder,Aslatiel turned to behold his audience,and said, "I can teach you how to swing my sword. And wearing me,you can afford to make mistakes. How about it? Aslatiel Troyse,the Demon Soul Gambeson." His voice sounded like it was coming out of old,crappy speakers. By now,another opponent had spawned,one wielding a mace. However,as it ineffectually hammered on Aslatiel's reinforced body,he simply ignored it,as if to demonstrate the protective qualities of his transformed state.
"Sure! Barely knowing someone is better than a complete stranger.." Akimi pointed out, and did what she rarely did, spoke loudly enough for the next weapon and meister to hear. Turning light pink once once she heard how loud she was, and then how excitedly she said it with a group of people even though he was looking for a answer and she could have just said yes, rather than a full answer. Her face back to normal she starts to think of ways to tease him soon.
He chuckled a bit at her answer and smiled to her, seeing her turn a shade of light pink. "So, I take that as a yes then?" He said to her, the over-complicated answer almost making him laugh some more. "Awesome! I'm glad then. We can keep fighting if you want or just do anything else for that matter, no teachers are here." He said to her.
Esther chuckled a little and nodded. " looking forward to it, partner" she smiled as she watched him fist bump the air. She started to eat her pudding " we should get to class, soon..."

Akimi slightly even more embarrassed at his laughter, turning pink again, turning her back to him. However she was still listening to him as he speaks again, "I think we should go back to Sid's room, it does not seem fair to stay here while they suffer of boredom." Turning back towards him as she opens the door again, holding her snacks back in her hands, as she does so. Starting to pull back some of her hair, as she starts looking up at the clock,the nice as she was she is going to torture him with teasing words to make up for him laughing.
Trey nodded and poked her shoulder playfully, making sure she didn't drop anything. "Come on, no matter cute you are with that pink tone, it gets you nowhere!" He said with a playful smile and opened the door, exiting the training room with her. He finally had a partner and it felt so great! He considered himself lucky to have a partner like Akimi after all.
Esther smiled and finished food and then threw them in the trash. She hummed and started walking to her classroom, which was with doctor Stein. She hummed happily excited to learn something from him.

Haru walked behind her smiling and nodding his head. Then an idea popped into his head. "Hey first chance we get we should fight someone to see how well we do against real people!" Haru also just wanted to fight he got like this alot when he was excited but his sisters would always try to "beat it" out of him.
Akimi sticked her tongue out at him as Trey poked her, walking back to the students that stayed in Sid's classroom. She was now walking backwards so she could see her new partner still weird even to think the words. Then turning back not wanting to hit something or someone, walking with Trey as she opens the door and sits down in the seat she was sitting before she left to the training room.
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Lycan nudged Renshu's arm and asked him, "Dreaming about girls? Or guys, if you're into that." He snickered to himself and looked back at Sid, not paying attention to what he was saying. He yawned and lowered his beanie to cover his eyes. He laid his head down on te desk and said, "Night class!" To everyone in the classroom.
Renshu grunted back at his fellow classmate but soon a smirk found its way into his sore expression, lightening up a bit. "Who knows, maybe even both?" He answered his question in a teasing voice. "I'm not picky." He said in a matter-of-fact voice, frankly not at all bothering if he got stares for saying so. Honest was the best policy, after all. He raised a brow as Lycan announced himself to the whole class. What was he doing? Trying to mess with Sid's class? That wouldn't be good...then again, Renshu would not mind if things spiced up.

Esther looked at Haru and nodded " we should spar with someone..." she thought, she wasn't sure she is ready thought to fight a really person yet ' but it's like a hologram... so bit shouldn't matter....' the two soon arrived at class. Esther stretched and went over to a desk and sat down.

Haru sat in the desk next to her an instantly went to sleep drool flowed from his mouth and onto the floor. "No more souls for me I'm stuffed." He mumbled.

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