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Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

Haru turned back into human form and held out his hand. "Well Esther this looks like the start of a great partnership what do you say?"
Esther blinked she wasn't finished with the hologram " change back!" She said as she grabbed his hand and moved him out of the before the hologram could hit him. She put him behind her and dashed forward towards the hologram and ducked from a swing and punched it in the stomach, hard. It then fell back ads and disappeared. She huffed and looked Haru and smiled. She walked over to him and shook his hand " csn I call you Haruhi?" She asked. " you look like a Haruhi to me"

Akimi looked at the passage of notes...and paper airplanes. The room turning into the United States Postal service, by land, air, probably by water if they found a way to get enough water in. Akimi holding a cookie with both hands looking around as the notes past one side of the room to the other.

Akimi started to look up as the teacher started to speak giving them a choice to move to move to another place. The idea of going to the training room was appealing, until a small group left there, thinking of the pros and cons of each, the training room seemed to be correct logically even with the people there. Leaving as well, some of her stuff carried with her, following the group on the path to the training room.
Haru thought about it. "Only if I can call you sweet cheeks." Haruhi sounded girly and he was sure she wouldn't agree so he was safe from a dumb nickname. He thought about the nickname sweet cheeks. "I want some candy."
Esther stared at him and put a hand in her back pocket and took out a box of chocolate sticks and tossed it to him. " you can call me candy... but not sweet cheeks" she said to him with a smiled. She saw another hologram appeared " hmm... Looks like round two!" She said as she jumped back, this one had dual guns.

Haru put the candy away. "Alright candy then I guess Haruhi is okay but only because you gave me chocolate!" Haru transformed into his wepon form. "Let's do this!"
Trey was getting bored, so he left for the training room as well, finding a group along the way. "Huh..I may not be a weapon, but I'm sure I can find a partner there!" He said unknowingly out loud to himself, running full steam ahead in search of a partner in the training room, noticing himself passing Akimi there. "Hi!" He said as he slowed down to her.
"Hello Trey," Akimi said a little quietly but enough for him to hear, waving with the other hand that did not have her stuff. Slowing down so she could talk to him. Remembering to say sorry to Excalibur at her own risk. "You left too?" A stupid question to ask if they don't read in between the lines. Looking at the door of the training room, opening it for her and Trey.
He nodded as he went in the door and thanked her. "Yeah, I thought this place might be more fun, plus I could find my partner somewhere here, and just that is exciting in itself!"He said with a bright smile to her. "What about you? Got bored of the class as well?" He asked curiously to her as he looked around and wondered what to do first.
Esther smiled as held her Haru. The hologram looked at her and dashed towards her and threw a punch at her face. She leaned her head to the left and used the hook off the knife to cut the arm off. She then jumped over it and wrapped the chain around it's neck and strangled it. She defeat the hologram and waited for the next one to appear.

"The boredom carried over even with Sid. I have nothing against the Zombie.." Akimi said explaining herself as she looks around at the people, suddenly feeling nervous again, with more cons in her mind are being created. She decided to stick to who she knew best, in this case being Trey. "Um..Trey you said you were a meister. Want to try being partners?" She said somewhat hopefully, not wanting to have to keep introducing herself to strangers.

((Sorry -falls asleep-))
He chuckled a bit and nodded, seeing everyone was trying to practice when he heard Akimi. He looked over to her. "Partners, huh? Sure! Sounds like fun!" He said to her as the hologram appeared in front of them. "Ready when you are." He said to her as he got himself in a ready stance to attack wen she turned into a weapon.
Akimi smiled a little wide at Trey's reaction, one of the cons potentially gone as she barely trusts him well, thinking that he was nice so far. She noded slightly, wondering if it was right to say sorry to a hologram, with little consideration she wouldn't do Akimi reverting into a weapon, a sword with small curves on the sides that go inside and lands in Trey's hands. Looking at him through the blade, noding again to confirm that she was ready, ignoring the strands on hair that covered up parts of her cheek.
That hologram being the last Haru transformed back. "We make a good team....C-Candy." He agreed to call her that but having nicknames for each other already made him a bit uncomfortable like they were going out or something like that. He took out the chocolate and ate some handing one to Esther. "Want one?" He asked.

Esther smiled and nodded " thanks" she said and took on and put it in her mouth and stretched. " that was a good exercise.... I have been here all morning... " she said to him and yawned. She said feeling a little sleepy, but shook her head to stay awake ' i should go and splash my face with water...' She looked at Haruhi noticing he is uncomfortable call her Candy " if you feel uncomfortable you don't have to call me Candy" she said to him. She did some more stretches. ' and I need a shower...'

Haru shook his head. "N-no I agreed and I don't go back on my word if I say I will do something then I will do it!" He ate another piece of chocolate. "We should explore the place more but first." He looked at Esther stretching. "You should wash up or something bet your tired after all that work." Haru began to walk away. "I'll be sleeping on the steps of the entrance if you need me."
Esther smiled as she watched him walk off. She yawned a little and started to run of to her dorm room to take a shower. She ran between two students who were about to start fighting with a hologram and out the room. After a few minutes she arrived at her room and took a 20 minute cold shower.

[QUOTE="Dead Heart]Akimi smiled a little wide at Trey's reaction, one of the cons potentially gone as she barely trusts him well, thinking that he was nice so far. She noded slightly, wondering if it was right to say sorry to a hologram, with little consideration she wouldn't do Akimi reverting into a weapon, a sword with small curves on the sides that go inside and lands in Trey's hands. Looking at him through the blade, noding again to confirm that she was ready, ignoring the strands on hair that covered up parts of her cheek.

Trey felt Akimi's weapon form in his hands and smiled brightly. "Wow...amazing! Swords are a specialty of mine!" He said to her, nodding back as he saw her give a nod. The hologram charged at them and Trey smirked, using a burst of speed to launch toward the hologram and doing a combo slice on it, managing to weaken it's health some. "Aw yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Ready to kick it up a notch Akimi?" He asked excitedly as the hologram got ready to come at them again.
"Good." Akimi said as to his 'Real Praise' smiling back in her sword form. Akimi's sword slicing through nothing other than the light of the hologram. Somewhat surprised as to how Trey launched at the hologram,"Lets go." Akimi said not as surprised at Trey's choice of words, mostly because how he has a playful or chill personality from how he has reacted before and choices of words before. Looking at the damaged hologram, feeling a little more comfortable around Trey at the moment.
Trey nodded to her and charged at the hologram once more, slicing it with Akimi in a perfect way. It's almost as if they were dancing a perfect dance. He stepped back and his eyes narrowed as he sped into the hologram once more, landing behind it as it disintegrated from defeat. He stood up and smiled to Akimi. "That was awesome!" He said to her.
Haru laid on the steps to the entrance of the DWMMA. "Can't believe I have a partner and a good one to boot it's like a dream looks like being a death scythe isn't just a fantasy for me anymore!" Haru recalled all the other weapons and Meisters who made fun of him not being able to find a partner someone who could deal with his stupidity and boldness someone to keep him in line. So he smiled. "Sure showed you guys didn't I." He whispered to himself.

Esther came out of the shower and stretched. She wore white underwear and a white short sleeve hoodie, black shorts and black combat boots. Her stomach growled and she wanted to go get something to eat. ' i should go get Haru...' She said and walked off to the front of the school to go get her partner. She was really happy that she got one that is as unique as him. She hummed happily.

Haru opened his eyes and saw Esther coming over to him he sat up. "Yo sup!" His stomach growled. "Man I'm hungry." He said clutching his stomach. He stood up and walked over to her. "Want to get something to eat?" Without waiting for an answer he began walking to the cafeteria. "If your hungrythen come on." He said wwithout looking at her he hoped she didn't see his big stupid grin. He just couldn't help it.
Esther found Haru and was about to say if he wanted to go to the cafeteria and eat with her, but he beat her to it. She smiled and followed him without any protest " you seem to be in a good mood..." she said to him.

Haru kept walking. "M-maybe I am so what?" They got to the cafeteria and Haru got his food and sat down at an empty table. He then devoured all the food on his tray in a matter of seconds.

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