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Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

Excalibur opened the door for a brief moment. "FOOL! I can walk myself out. I think I'll go have a cup of Jasmine." He said as he walked down the halls, singing his little Excalibur song.

Trey perked up as he read her note when it came back and chuckled a bit, paying attention when Sid came in.
A bit confused about what Agatha had meant about sparks, he assumed the statement was to mean that she was a Weapon. Hearing the teacher enter the room, Alex was astonished at how correct Alette's description of him was. He couldn't help but stare at the screw sticking out of the man's head, "Your right, he DOES have a screw in his head....I wonder if it hurts..." Alex whispered to Agatha and Alette while un-breaking his gaze. For once, he couldn't help but ask a question and felt his curiosity well up inside. (@Sayomi @albinope )
Alette was interrupted by the sound of a spinny chair coming in. Agatha rolled around in her seat to ger her first glimps of the teacher. She was surprised to see a giant screw going through Stein's head. 'Definitely not normal,' she thought. She got her notebook out and opened to the front page. Her name was written there in careful cursive. She wanted to start the year off right. She chewed on the tip of her pen and waited for class to start, glancing left at her two new acquaintances.

"He seems okay," Agatha whispered back. "Thought I can't say I ever experienced a screw going through my head. I hope they aren't common place here."
Autum looked up at Sid. She threw a ninja star him and smiled. Wondering when the fateful moment of finding a partner would come she stared at her desk and wondered what the outcome would be. Would she find a partner, or would she be burned?
Death City - Aslatiel's Apartment: Aslatiel Troyse

Aslatiel groaned as he sat in a semi-boneless heap on the sofa in his apartment's common room. The apartment was a small one; Two shoebox bedrooms,a kitchen,washroom,and a common room. The AC unit in the window was making a hellacious racket,cooling the apartment to a pleasant 21 degrees Celsius... Or,at least,vainly trying to. Aslatiel hailed from Canada,and,as such,was used to cooler,more humid climes. In Nevada,he felt like he was always being cooked alive.

Lifting his head to look at the TV screen,he saw that the weather report was starting. As usual,it was hot enough to cook eggs on rocks,and the wind wouldn't help,due to how dry it was. Aslatiel peeled himself off of the sofa,and shuffled off to the washroom for a quick shower before heading off to the DWMA,which his apartment was a scant kilometer from; An easy ten minute walk. The apartment itself was kept rather immaculate; Fairly easy,considering Aslatiel was the only one living there. At least for the time being.

The second room was set up for a tenant at any time,so long as they were his Meister. However,he had a bit of a rep for being a Solo Weapon,and was even given a sword near the end of the last year,thanks to how his Meister bailed from the school within the first month,and he wasn't able to get a replacement since. Such a shame,too; A suit of armour thick enough to stop fifty caliber rounds was an excellent asset to have.

Aslatiel finished his shower and dressed himself in his usual outfit. Many people were amazed at how ornate it was,but Aslatiel was always a sucker for a good suit,and this was no exception. It was all fairly light,of course,except for the vest,which was actually boiled,hardened leather plates; Fashionable armour,though it wouldn't hope to stop anything more than a butter knife. Sliding his greatsword into its scabbard,he slung it over his shoulder,and made for the door.

Stepping out into the street,Aslatiel donned his hat to keep the sun out,and made his way to the DWMA.

Death City - The DWMA: Aslatiel Troyse

Aslatiel climbed the stairs to the DWMA,already sweating and panting. This damnable heat was not something Aslatiel enjoyed,and not something he doubted he'd ever get used to. "Man... Why did Lord Death set up in the middle of the Mojave desert?" Groaning,Aslatiel took one final step,about halfway up the stairs of the academy. "Bah,screw it." In a flash of amber light,Aslatiel became a suit of armour,almost like the knights of old.


The suit was completely contained,and airtight. What's more,it had numerous glowing green highlights,most noticeably on the visorless front of the helm,and the pauldrons. The sword and its scabbard were still slung over the shoulder. The suit of armour rolled its shoulders and neck,and the Demon Weapon sighed,as if through bad speakers,and said, "Much better..." It was; Metal was cold. And the suit had full climate control within,so he wouldn't overheat. Now unburdened from the climate,Aslariel continued his climb up the steps,though it was fairly graceless; His movements were swift and jerky,like primitive robots. A small price to pay for comfort.

Reaching the top of the stairs,Aslatiel was unsurprised to see that he was almost alone; Class was set to start in a few hours. He decided to arrive early so he could get himself oriented properly. And maybe see if the admin staff was able to get student pairings up on the notice board early,though,he doubted it.

Clomping in through the main doors,Aslatiel's armoured body whirred mechanically as he awkwardly walked through the halls,not even bothering to transform back into his human form; He was comfy like this.

Death City - Jeanne's Apartment,Ninety Minutes Later: Jeanne Leroux

A shrill,digital buzzing roused the young Witch from her sleep. Muttering a constant stream of French obscenities,she slapped her alarm clock multiple times before it shut off. Crawling out of bed,she scratched her neck under the old,long-since-defused bomb collar she always wore; She never found the key,and nobody felt like trying to remove it,considering the rather tight fit; One tiny mistake,and they slice open her trachea or a carotid artery. Jeanne didn't mind; It was practically a part of her,now. Besides,she liked how it looks.

Stumbling groggily into the shower,Jeanne cleaned herself quickly,and the water finally pulled her fully into wakefulness.

Cleaned and dried,Jeanne dressed herself,and began to make her breakfast; Class was to start in a half hour,so she'd have to bike to the DWMA. She'd rather walk; Less tiring. Plugging in the toaster,she popped in two slices of bread,and rummaged in her fridge for something to put on it. She had a general default for whenever she made toast; A sandwich. Sliding the tub of margarine aside,she found the leftovers of last night's dinner; Chicken breasts,braised in wine.

So painfully French,but it tasted excellent.

Tossing that onto the counter behind her,she quickly fished out a jar of mayo,and a bottle of mustard before pulling out two slices of pre-sliced havarti. As the toast popped,she assembled her breakfast,and was out the door,eating her sandwich in one hand as she led her bike out onto the street with the other.

Death City - The DWMA,Now: Jeanne Leroux & Aslatiel Troyse

Jeanne arrived at the DWMA,and locked her bike up on one of the metal fixtures stuck into the ground. Jogging into the building,she checked her watch,cursing in French. She was late,and as a Witch,many people in the administration are likely looking for a reason to kick her out of the school. Old prejudices die hard. As she ran past the noticeboard,which was empty,she tripped over something metal.

As Jeanne tumbled to the ground,she landed hard on her shoulder,and skidded to a halt after half a foot. Picking herself up,she saw what she tripped over; A suit of armour. A moving suit of armour,as it happened,as it was getting up. So,it was occupied,and judging by how they were moving,they were just waking up from a nap!

"You! What possessed you to sleep in the middle of the hall,vous baise con!?" As the French woman ranted,the armoured man realized what had happened. "Oh,shit! Sorry! I didn't mean to fall asleep. I sorta just... Did." His voice sounded like it was coming in through cheap speakers; It was Aslatiel,of course. His glowing green "eyes" examined Jeanne quickly,looking for injuries; He found none,though he was sure that her shoulder would develop one nasty bruise soon.

"Well,at least you're not injured." Jeanne simply glared at him,and he looked at the clock over the noticeboard,and Jeanne followed his gaze. "Merde! Je vais être en retard!" Jeanne began to sprint down the hall,and Aslatiel followed suit,transforming back to human for some extra speed.

The two blundered into the classroom nearly simultaneously,though Aslatiel had to shrug his sword's scabbard off his shoulder and into his hand to keep from getting stuck in the doorway. Seeing that Doctor Stein had arrived already,the two hastily made for their seats,which were,much to Jeanne's relief,on opposite ends of the room.
Akimi put up her snack, wiping her desk and mouth when Sid walked in his classroom.Half-expecting the class the cheer when Excalibur left . Akimi now watching over at the paper ninja star being thrown at Sid. Putting her head down again to avoid attention by the teacher, not really wanting that sort of attention at the first day of DWMA. Not really seeming to bother the prankster. Although, she did seem to be more serious than before when Excalibur was here.
Zylen grumbled, and forced himself up the stairs in front of the DWMA. He had spent the morning listening to his younger sisters bicker as he packed. When he finally did manage to get away from them, he made his way to Death City, and found the apartment he had rented a few weeks ago. He had unpacked and started walking to the DWMA from there. There were multiple things he found unlikable in Death City, the heat being the biggest one.

When Zylen reached the top of the stairs, he walked in the front door, and wandered through the halls until he found Dr. Stein's classroom. Seeing the teacher was already there, he made quickly for a seat. Once he was seated, he glanced at the other students, and then concentrated on the teacher.
Renshu yawned for what appeared to be the eleventh time. He was late. Perhaps it had been not the best idea to ignore the alarm ringing on his ears in the morning. Nor sending the object across the room, breaking it as it hit the wall. He should have to probably buy a new one...then again, it sounded like too much work. Plus, it was if he was actually interested in arriving on time to class. It was fine, really. As long as the teacher didn't yell at him.

Okay perhaps he should buy one in the future. Just in case.

He sighed, brushing his messy black hair as he made his way to class across DWMA's halls, couldn't help but admiring the grand structure of the whole building. That's America for you... As a Chinese transfer student, he would find himself making such cheesy comment as this one from time to time. Though he wish he would not.

Entering the classroom, quietly as he could, he made his way to a spare seat, plopping himself into his chair, yawning once more, hoping Sid would not call out for him.

Here we go...
Autum was more bored then when Excalibur was in the room. She had noticed a student who came in later than she did. Smiling, she was glad she wasn't the only one who was late. Over looking her army and ninja stars, she pondered what she would make next out of he note book paper.
Trey thought for a moment before making an origami dragon and setting it on a paper airplane, flying it to Autum's desk and letting it land perfectly. He waved at her, knowing she would probably look back.
Autum turned around when a dragon came flying in on a paper plane. 'My life is complete.' she thought when she saw it land perfectly on the desk. She waved back and gave a thumbs up, referring to the folding and the landing.
Renshu folded his arms and let his head plop on top of them as they hit the wooden surface of the desk. Grunting softly, it was clear that he was already regretted being there. But not even his arms would replace his bed. And he was pretty sure Sid would not let him sleep through class. How was he supposed to get a partner by acting like a sloth?
A girl with short red hair and neon blue eyes was in the training, was practicing her close combat with a hologram of a new training stimulation that was recently installed into the school. The hologram had a weapon and she didn't but was holding her ground fairly well. She should be in class right now but too concentrated in her training to notice.

@Nenma Takashi

Haru walked through the halls of DWMMA finding the training room and seeing a girl fighting a hologram. "She's pretty good." Haru didn't miss the chance and ran over dropkicking the hologram. Then turned to the girl. "Why not spare with me and make it fair and more fun?" He punched the air a bit.
The girl blinked st what just happened "uh.... sure?" She said as she looked at the hologram that was now laying on the ground. The hologram disappeared and reappeared again. With a different weapon, which was a big hammer. Esther raised an eyebrow and got ready to fight. She looked at the boy " better transform" she said to him.

Haru chuckled. "Let's see if you can even use me!" He transformed into a knife with a chain coming out the handle and landed in her hands.
Sid had given the option to stay in class or go to the training room. Autum stretched and got up, she wasn't exactly ready for training, but she did need to get use to it with the daily training that will come with attending the DWMA. Autum made her way to the door and opened it. She walked down a hallway, looking for the training room. After a few minutes of searching she found the room and walked in, seeing two students testing their soul wavelengths.
The girl examined the weapon and tilted her head " hmm...." she said as she started to swing the knife in a figure 8 pattern. The hologram stared at her for a before dashing towards her when the knife was up in the air. The girl smirked and dodged and got behind the hologram and yanked the chain and made the hook of the knife make a clean cut around the neck of the hologram. She hummed a little and examined the knife "your a cool weapon..."

"Really alot say I'm weird it's funny this is the first time I've fought with a partner yet this feels so natural like we have been doing this for years!" Haru couldn't hide his excitement he was happy maybe he has finally found someone who can welde him. "This is awesome let's do another one!"
Lycan walked into Sid's class with his hands folded behind his head. He didnt care at all that he was late and looked at the people there and the people leaving for the training room. He said in a relaxed voice, "Sup Sid?" as he sat down next to a kid sleeping in his arms on his desk. He put his hands folded at his mouth and elbows on the desk. He sighed and was ready to start his day off.
Alette watched as a few more students entered, just barely making it before class began. "I don't know. He's never acted like it hurt.." She replied to Alex's question also whispering. She then went silent again and focused on Stein, as he had started to speak. She wondered what he was going to talk about, and glanced to Agatha, noticing she had taken her notebook out. Probably for notes. She refocused on Stein again.

"Alright. Welcome to the DWMA, class." Stein began, after he stopped turning the screw in his head. "First off, can any of you tell the class the purpose of the DWMA?" He asked this question, not really expecting an answer. Wheather he got one or not, he'd still end up explaining the DWMA to these kids. He always did.

"You may head to the training room, if you wish. Those of you choosing to stay, I suggest getting your notebooks out." Sid began the proper class with these words, not even bothering to scold the latecomers. After the latest kid walked in, and a few left, he turned to the board and began writing. Those that still wanted to leave could. The latecomers would have to get his instructions from the other students. He didn't answer the boy who had spoken to him, nor did he scold the student obviously attempting to sleep. If they weren't ready to learn, then that was their problem, not his.
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The girl smiled a little and nodded " sure. Why not?" She said, she likes the weapon " what your name?" She asked as she went over to the controls and pushed some buttons. There going to be 3 rounds of one on ones. She got into place and the first hologram appeared.

((@Nenma Takashi you can take the next hologram if you want))

"I'm awake!" Renshu's head popped from his arms as he heard Sid's voice. Fortunately, his outburst was not enough loud to let the whole voice know of his little nap. Still, it made some heads turn and some even chuckled towards him, receiving a glare from the slacker as a result. Renshu facepalmed as he realized his mistake, when the onlookers turn their faces from him, intimidated. Perfect, just perfect. He didn't even bother to get up. He was tired and had just ruined a good chance to interact with the other students duo to his arrogance. What was the pointing of training now? Taking his notebook out, just to not draw Sid's attention, Renshu sighed, trying his best to keep his eyes opened. Hell, at least he could learn something useful!
The next hologram had two swords. "My name is Haru Senji and you are?" The hologram came running swinging the swords rapidly. "Look out this ones faster!"
The girl smiled as she blocked the swing of one katana with the chain and blocked the other with the knife. She used the hook and redirect the sword at the floor and then wrapped the chain around the sword. She kicked the hologram in the stomach "Esther Netherland"


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