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Fandom Rising Stars of the DWMA

Ryu was just enrolled into the DWMA, he had already looked around the city with Threlm. It was a nice place, but he was more interested in the people. Ryu was walking up the steps to the school with Threlm,the doors were huge, giant actually. It was exciting, a little nerve racking but like always, Ryu didn't care.
Threlm who had been walking next to Ryu the whole time through death city was standing beside him as they approached some huge swinging things and stayed next to Ryu a bit nervous with being around all of these people. He was fully ready to turn into a spear the moment anything sketchy went down.
"Don't be so nervous" Ryu was confused about why Threlm was so nervous, its just a school. Ryu saw all the people walking through the halls and some in classrooms as Ryu tried finding someone to help him find his and Threlms class.
Threlm thought to Ryu "There are so many humans here...." When someone got particularly close to Threlm he let out a small but strong growl for an instant before stopping remembering that Ryu had told him not to attack or growl at anyone at this school thing.
"Stop that." Ryu patted Threlms head softly but harshly to tell him to stop. Ryu was still looking around for someone who looked liked they knew what they were doing. Ryu was slowly growing impatient and was getting bored. Then he just stopped moving and looked at all the people, scanning the room for someone helpful, not finding anyone, They continue walking.
Threlm not really knowing what else to do decided to just keep following Ryu and make sure no one got too close to him. He only ever looked around a few times to try and see any particular reason they were in this building called a school. The only thing he could really gather was it was important and their were allot of people that are able to turn into weapons but he already knew that.
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[QUOTE="Dead Heart]Akimi sticked her tongue out at him as Trey poked her, walking back to the students that stayed in Sid's classroom. She was now walking backwards so she could see her new partner still weird even to think the words. Then turning back not wanting to hit something or someone, walking with Trey as she opens the door and sits down in the seat she was sitting before she left to the training room.

He laughed some, quieting down as they went into the room. He watched as she walked backwards and he smiled to her. They walked in the door and he thought for a moment. They were partners now, why shouldn't they sit together? He moved next to Akimi and sat down beside her, giving her a glancing smile to her before looking forward to pay attention.
Akimi rose her hand,not exactly waving it just raising and placing it back on the desk, but the meaning was the same. As she looks back up seeing the joker still here. Now looking over to Sid's teaching,taking out and writing in her notebook with the occasional doodle off to the side when she could afford time to do so...
Renshu sighed, resting his chin in his left palm. He was bored once again. He almost regretted staying in the classroom instead of going to the training room now. At least people seemed to have founded their own partners. Good for them. He felt a bit envious honestly. If only it were that easier. He started tapping his fingers quietly on the wooden surface of his desk, as if playing piano.
Haru head slowly slid off the desk making him fall onto the floor with a loud crash. "OW uh what huh what time is it?" He looked around still half alseep. He rubbed his eyes a little completely care free.
Esther was taking jote quietly until she heard a loud crash next to her. She blinked and looked at Haru ".. hey are you ok?" She asked as she lend him a hand to help him up.

Haru stood up on his own. "Y-yeah fine don't worry about me." He sat back down in his chair like it never happened and began spinning his pencil.
Lycan was having a nice dream about pizza wen he heard a tapping. He knit his eyebrows and opened his eyes while sitting up. He looked to Renshu and said, "Bro. Tapping? Why?" He sat back in his chair and folded his arms.
Renshu was brought back to reality thanks to Lycan's voice, as his fingers froze. "Oh, sorry..." He apologized for waking him up as he held his palms up. "Force of habit. That's what you get from being forced to piano lessons for years, I guess. I'll try not to mess your beauty sleep again, don't worry."
Lycan put his head down but quickly brought it back up and said, "Bro. You play piano? Drums are where it's at. You should try playing them. You know what they say, if you can play the piano, you can play anything." Lycan then held out his fist for a fist bump and introduced himself. "The name's Lycan. Nice to meet you." He smirked to show his friendly side.
Renshu let a small chuckle his mouth at the friendly approach. He was not making fun of him, far from it. He was thankful for the interaction. Being ignored was boring. "That's pretty cool...though I just know how to play the basics. I was forced, like I said. Saxophone is more my thing." He admitted, already missing the object in his hands. He stared at Lycan's fist for a few seconds before smirking lighty and bumping it with his own. "Renshu Zhan. Though you can just call me Ren. Or Shu. Or Zhan. It's up to you, my friend."
Esther took at Haru " are you sure your ok?" She asked looking a little worried. She watched him spin his pen as she wrote down some notes as the lecture went on. Her partner was very to her, but she didn't mind that. To her odd is interesting and she enjoys that.

Haru just nodded. "Yeah yeah I'm fine geez you sound like my mom." He joked. Truth be told he was just excited to spar with someone anyone he just wanted to see how well this teamwork would be.
Lycan put his fist down and said, "How about I call you Renshu." He looked around for Renshu's partner but couldn't find anyone who seemed to be with him. "Hey. Are you a keister or a weapon?" He aske him wondering if this guy could be his partner.
Renshu shrugged with a half smile. "Your choice. But I can't really blame my parents, it's not that bad of a name..." As Lycan finally addressed the elephant in the room, he sighed, folding his arms as he leaned backwards. "Meister. What about you? same or Weapon? 'Partnerless' as well?"
Lycan couldn't help but smile. "I'm a weapon and I am single and ready to mingle. You down bro?" He asked Renshu with a small giggle.
Renshu gazed at Lycan for a moment, taking in the prospect of having a partner, especially such a cool one from his looks. He smirked and cocked his head slightly at him. "Count me in. This will be fun...Let us mingle." He extended a hand in the air for him.
Lycan shook Renshu's hand and said in a deep voice, "Dope." with an enlongated 'o' sound. "So do you want to go to the training room and do something fun? Or would you want to ditch instead?"
Renshu chuckled, starting to feel a bit excited. Now making this decision was important. Perhaps it was best to play safe and actually see if their wavelenghts were compatible. Even though they got along well, nothing could confirm that as of moment. Then again, the possibility of a challenge ahead to take part in...tempting. "I'm the worst person to ask!" He replied, chuckling once again. "What do you think, partner?"
Lycan sighed. "I'll put on my big boy pants then. How's about we go to the training room and check out each other's souls. Ight? Ight." He stood up and started to walk out of the door and said, "Later Sid." To Sid and laughed.

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