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Fantasy (Revamped!) High School for the Angelic and Demonic


Badass Fighter
Welcome back to Ascelpius High everyone! The school has been re-opened and accepting students back. Maybe you're a previous student's child or just someone new in town. Either way we have opened our doors. Prepare yourself for the many school years to come!

Anyone is welcome! Whether you're experienced or new here, doesn't matter to me. Just come have fun and RP. I always like it when people get along together well. ^.^
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"Welcome to Ascelpius High! All students should proceed to the hall immediately." Ace yelled to the students, floating above the entrance gates. "I hope you enjoy your stay and learn well."

Kira walked through the gates, smiling. "I can't wait!" She exclaimed excitedly as she started making her way to the hall. 'So this is where mummy used to go..."

Destiny entered too, glancing about happily. He waited for other students in the hall. He'd already arrived at the school before the rush. He sighed as the hall started filling up.
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After hearing Ace's introduction Arion walked through the gates. He was not sure what to expect, for it was his first year at the high school.
Scarlet arrived the gates, and looked around, "Ugh..this school is crowded..." She thought while walking through the hall, dodging people about to bump her.
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Blossom took the fascinating view of the school before her eyes.

'Whoah. It's even more beautiful and big than I could of ever imagined.' She thought, taking her surroundings in and looking around at the hoardes of people scurrying around in awe, seeing if she recgonised anyone
While no one was looking Arion transformed into a copy of a girl he saw. She looked about 14 ish. She had brown hair and white wings."Hello" He said, in a perfect imitation of the girl's voice.

(actions directed towards blossom)
Naoki looked up at the school infront of him, it'd made him feel like some tiny insect as he saw how big it was. Watching all of the students walking towards the school the thought that they were all a bunch of bugs swarming towards one area made him laugh a bit. Tightening his uniform he walked on towards the school thinking about how this was his first time going to one. Luckily he signed it at the beginning of the year so he doubted anyone would notice he was new or notice him at all for that matter.

"Onward I go " he muttered to himself as he walked with the other students into the school. Every one talking about there lives starting at this school started to make his ears twitch from a small annoyance ,not at them the students, just at his increased senses. Naoki moved his way around trying to avoid the other students.
"Nice too meet you!" Arion said,still imitating Blossom."Okay, that's enough tricking people for one day."Arion said, before morphing back into himself. "Well um, hi. I am Arion."
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Kira spotted Arion with someone else but decided to have a look elsewhere. She made her way inside the hall happily.

Destiny sighed and instead left the hall. "No point..." He muttered to himself as he started looking around the school.
Naoki walked through the door and walked into the school watching all of the students go by. He passed through them and started walking through the halls holding up a paper. "Where was this class" he muttered looking around at the doors. Never actually attending the school to see the classes before he was a little lost. Thinking about asking a student Naoki thought maybe he shouldn't .Continuing down the pacted hallways Naoki wasn't sure what to do.
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Naoki looked his ears twitching as he thought he heard a voice. Looking he saw a male student looking like he was talking to him. Turning Naoki smiled,"yeah I can't find my class" he said grinning stupidly.
Naoki smiled letting out a relieved sigh, "thank you" he said. It wouldn't have done good to be late on the first day. Nodding he followed the student down the hall dodging the other students.
Destiny finally arrived at the classroom. "In here." He said kindly. "Anyway, I'll be headin back unless you need anything else?"
Scarlet finally reached the classroom. The halls were filled with students so it was hard to get there. She went in, dodging Destiny, and took a sit in the back row.
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Naoki watched a student pass by them as he was about to reply. She looked like a strange angel and she seemed to be busy with getting to her seat. Looking back at Destiny he smiled shaking his head, "no I should be fine thank you for your assistance" Naoki said politely.

Doing a little bow he walked into class and decided to sit in the farthest part of the middle row that he could. Noticing that she was the only other person in the class at the time it felt a bit awkward, but he wasn't sure if he could start a conversation or if she wanted to talk.
Zadaine, worrisome of crowds, decided to find another way in. No entrance was safe from the hordes of students. At first he stood back, like some child who didn't fit in. As he looked into the sky he realized there was people flying to school, and suddenly his odd feeling out, vanished. This wasn't like his middle school where he constantly had to hide everything about himself. He gave himself a small fist pump of encouragement before entering.

For the first time he wasn't scared of people touching him. Zidaine pulled out his crumpled up paper, trying to read it. "Why do I got to be so bad at directions?" He kept looking at doors and his paper. Upset that when his father first told him he enrolled him that he had thrown away the schedule.

Zidaine stopped in front of a door,

"Well, this might be it." He looked at the door gloomily.

"Don't panic, I got this. Oh I know, I'll make a big entrance! I'll enter this room and--" Some girl ran by him, her arm grazing his. A tingling feeling shot up his arm, and his breath began to deepen. "Ah, crap!" He growled out loud, which bothered some around him but the rest kept on walking. His face blushing, he ran inside the classroom and went straight to the window. Today is my first day and this is not the expression I want other's to know me by. Glad not a lot of people are in here, he thought to himself.
Ace teleported into his office, shrinking himself to fit. He picked up a mic and spoke. "All students should either nhead to their classes or to the hall."

Kira heard the announcement as she sat down in the hall. She was quite excited.

Destiny smiled and entered the class after the other two.
Naoki sat at the desk leaning in the chair his tail swishing around as the announcements came on. Letting out a sigh he was happy that he made it to the class on time. He observed other students coming in and wondered if he was the only other new person in this class, Naoki doubted it but the idea still made him curious. Messing around with the clothes he was wearing he let out a sigh regular clothes felt so constricting but his clan wouldn't let him leave the mountains till he switched.

Still looking around the room he imagined what a average day of school would be like filling in the empty desks with people and a teacher in the front. According to the books he read it was suppose to be a place to learn with others but students still in the halls were all greeting each other and talking about what there doing after school already so he assumed it was a place to socialize as well. He looked around and wondered if he should talk to anyone but they seemed busy.

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