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Fantasy (Revamped!) High School for the Angelic and Demonic

Arion had made it into the class just before the announcements started. The only seat remaining was next to an angel. She had red hair and large white wings. He sat down next to her."Hello" He said."I am Arion.". He had never talked to an angel before and was not sure what to expect.(Actions directed towards Scarlet.)
Rose looked up at the large school, exhales nervous from the large building. Looking around realizes not many students were about. "I hope I'm not late.." Mutters to self starting to walk into the building. Glances down to Rowan ((Pet)) who sat on shoulder, looking around. He seemed to be a bit more confident then Rose did. His whiskers twitched while he looked up at. Rose looked away a bit annoyed, she walked through the doors looking around a bit awkwardly.
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"And here it is...." Harrison said to himself, while using his wheelchair to move forward, keeeping his head down, as if he wanted to be ignored, but glancing up a few times, when he got inside, he tried to find someone to show him the way towards his class.

(Sorry for the small post, I am having the 'writer's block' recently.)
Rowan poked my neck which made me flinch, Looks down at the small rat on shoulder. "What is it?" growls a bit aggraded. Looks back over shoulder hearing the sound of wheels on the tiles of the school. Sees the boy in the wheelchair, tilts head to side. "Eh.. Hi.." Mumbles to the boy, looking down at.

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Harrison looked at the girl who spoke to him "Hello there, I am Harrison Wells, sadly, paraplegic.....what about you?" He casually asked, as he rub the back of his neck, looking around once before looking back at her.

Looks down at, offering a smile. "I'm Rose, nice to meet you Harrison." Pointed ears twitch and looks down at the rat. Rolls eyes a little bit, shaking head and looks back to Harrison. "This is Rowan, he's not to friendly to new people," Mutters, gesturing to the rat on shoulder. Ear twitches again, looking down at Rowan. "Shut up." Snaps at the rat who responds in a growl, sulking away into pocket.
"Fos brit faan, Rose" Harrison accidently mumbled in another language (Yes, I used Dovahzul). "Sorry, I mean....nice meet you Rose...and Rowan. so, do you know if class already started or something?" He asked, but was still curious about her.

(Lol, accidently used the wrong username on the @
xD )

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Tilts head to side a little confused from the language that he spoke, shrugging it off. "I'm pretty sure that classes have started, but I don't exactly know where to go," Glances down at schedule that was in hands,"I wish they had a map somewhere." Sighs a little softly looking around.


"Screw it." Harrison mumbled to himself before standing up. "Maybe we should explore the school?" He asked, but still slightly curious if she was going to show any kind of reaction, since he wasn't actually paraplegic, but had to fake it. "And...yes....I am not actually paraplegic..." He whispered to her.

Flinches a little bit surprised from him being able to stand. "U-uh," Coughs a little to clear throat, shakes head a little bit. "Yea, sure," Mumbles, looking up at him. Looks down at the schedule again, looking for the room for first class.
"So...umm...what are your powers?" Harrison asked, still curious about her. "And...well....dreh ni about the wheelchair....." He said, once again speaking in 'that' language, but he was now smiling.

So much for making MY entrance, thought Zidaine. He removed himself from the window and sat down in the middle row, still next to the window. Zidaine looked around. There were more people now, but the ones that stood out to him at the moment were a red hair girl mostly ignoring the black haired green eyed guy (Scarlet and Arion) And a man sitting in an odd contraption talking to a girl with pink hair and ram horns. So far the two at the front caught his attention. The people in his village would of probably burn those two at the stake. But remembering the villages punishments on him made him angered and he could feel the heat begin to flicker in his stomach.

Too cool himself down he began to think about his mother.
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Destiny looked at the new girl. He stood up and allowed her to take his. "Don't worry. I can stand." He said kindly.
Aki's eyes sparkled at how big the school was. She looked at the time and rushed into the building. She quickly ran into the office to pick up her schedule and then went to go look for her first period class. She was a bit lost, but she noticed the pattern to the room numbers and made her way to her class making it on time before being late. Aki opened the door to the classroom and quite a bit of attention was drawn to her. She looked around finding that all of the seats were occupied. She rubbed the back of her head, regretting coming to school late. She gave a cute smiles, "No more seats?..." She looked around to check again.

(Sorry reposted it since I accidentally attached a photo xD )
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"I guess we should hurry up...." Harrison said as he sat down on the wheelchair, moving it forward and towards a random hallway. "You' going?" He asked Rose, then kept going forward, still lost, eventually finding the classroom by pure luck, noticing it had no avaible seats avaible, he just shrugged.

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(Just to be clear, Harrison is on his wheelchair once again.)

Harrison stayed on the back of the classroom, trying to not attack someone and look calm, since the chatting was getting annoying for him.
"Rah rahgol nii, fod nust fen tinvaak?" He said to one one in particular, not even bothering if he spoke in 'that' language once again.
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More and more students started to walk in a lot making tons of noise causing his ears to twitch a bit. Society was definitely a noisy thing that he was going to have to get used to. Naoki watched as the male student who lead him to class was chatting with some girl who walked in. As the teacher still hadn't arrived he felt to out of place and decided to go talk to the male student again to kill a little more time. "So how can a school like this exist anyways" Naoki said to destiny curious if he might know.

Naoki thought about it then answered, "how would they keep humans away or disguise it so it looked like every other kind of school" he said curiously. Not positive but he assumed not many humans if any attended the school.

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