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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Alright." he grinned, gathering up a pile of berries, "i'll throw first, cause i have the berries." he grinned, he also never mention how you could throw them, or even if they had to directly at the other pokemon. he tossed 1 right to Kage, then another, and another, before suddenly throwing off to the side of kage, then at different speed toward him. (4 of those)

Kage huffed, "okay." he was quick to catch several of the berries, using the scythe on the side of his head to stop some of them. "Huh, this is pretty easy" he remarked, laughing lightly. @Kimona
"Welp, should've never said that." Kage jumped upwards, trying to use his scythe once again to at least stop the berry flying above his head, and the other berry smashed against his fur, making him shiver in disgust. "Well...there's that." the berry had stained his white fur.
(i'm restarting my characters @Latios )

T-bone yawned opening his eyes and flipping to his other side. he hadn't had a very eventful day as he had played in the rocky mountains as usual though yesterday his brother tibias had evolved but he just talks to his dad about grown up stuff.
cylus was strolling.

Zorro grinned, "i never made a rule about how you could throw them." he grinned. he threw another one that would smash, and another one to high, then threw a normal one.

Kage continued trying his best to catch these berries. A thought came to mind as he did, this is hard when you're 4 legged! he then thought back to the rules that were set in stone...wait, were there really rules rules? No, and that pokemon never said anything about not using moves!

Kage chuckled before using QUICK ATTACK, jumping as he did so to catch the berry that was thrown above him. @Kimona
After several minutes of splashing around, Fryn felt amazing! She'd never had so much fun! She smiled and started to prepare another Vine Whip, but stopped suddenly, wondering what was going on at the shore. A black coated Latios and the Dragonite from earlier were talking. They both looked grim.

"Hey," she mumbled absentmindedly, "I wonder what's going on...?"
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Amy stopped and looked over at Latios and Draka, like the Bulbasaur "Hey, he's back... A Pidgeot pulled him away, saying something about a message for him. Do you think they'd tell us what it's about?" She asked.
"I don't know," Fryn replied. She was feeling a little shy around the new Pokemon again, but she was too curious not to try and find out.

"Hey!" she called over to the Latios from earlier. "Is everything okay?"
Latinos was confused, should he tell them. He didn't want to cause panic. He looked to Draka who gave him a look that told him what to do. "No, everything is fine. Say how about we do that game again." He said with a smiley
Amy jumped at the idea, completely forgetting that there was anything at all wrong "Okay!" She said, rushing over and giving Latios an adorable headbutt "You're it!"
"What, oh your on." Useing his speed Latios spend back over and flew directly infront of her cutting off Amy's path. "Going somewhere."

Draka just watched and giggled.
Amy blinked and, before she knew it, she was running headlong into Latios. She stumbled backwards a little bit, confused "Bweeeh... Howdidyadoodat?" She asked, looking dizzily at Latios.
Amy fell over onto her back and took a moment to upright herself again "Waicombaaak!" She called after him groggily, slithering vaguely in his direction.
Amy stumbled around for a few more moments until she fully recovered, and she started to chase after Latios more directly "I'm gonna get you!"
"No you won't." He said. While flying away. Then suddenly Draka came in and pinned Latios to the ground

"Quickly, nows your chance."

"Draka, let me go."
(Latios and Draka are very calm about this xD )

Amy ran over as fast as she could and... Bopped Draka before running away, diving into the water and giggling.
"Aww come on Draka." Latios said. He didn't bother getting up even though she released him.

"You know she wouldn't have gotten you anyways."
She said.

"Alright." Latios looked over at Fryn who seemed who seemed to be just sitting there. "Hey Fryn, don't you want to play."
"H-huh?" Fryn stammered, looking surprised again. "Oh... sure. I was just..." she trailed off, letting the thought drift away, then smiled and nodded.

"Yeah! Okay," she added.
It was then a droplet of water landed on Latios's face. He looked up to see that it was beginning to rain. The sky was Darkening very fast. "Huh, well that's odd."

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