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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Something wroung Amy. You seem confused about something." Draka said looking down at her.
"Humans can't really be bad, can they?" Amy asked, looking up at Draka "I mean..." She added, pausing for a moment before looking down again "The ones I knew weren't..."
Lucario smiled. "Thank you. I like to think that I've gained a somewhat refined sense for berries over the years. Not as good as the food I used to eat, unless you know how to find the good ones."
"Games?" Kage asked, "sure." he said, crimson eyes focusing on the pokemon before him. "Why ask?" @Kimona
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"yay!" Zorro exclaimed happily, tail swishing now, "what to play a game?" he asked very very excitedly. he had found someone to amuse him, and he could not deny him. he grinned.

"... You used to eat. Like what." She asked him. Emlas was curious what other foods out there that was better then berries.

"I understand that know all humans are bad. There are some good ones as well. I'm assuming you met the good ones. Latios dosen't understand that. He's only met the bad. As such, his perspective is a little one sided. Emlas has never meet a human so she takes Latios's word on thier horrors."
"Oh... That's really sad..." Amy said, looking down again before looking back up at Draka "Why were the Humans bad to him?"
"Sure. Sure, I'll play." the disaster pokemon answered, raising a brow towards the Zoroark and chuckling lightly. "What kind of game is it, though?" @Kimona
"I used to eat human food," Max said with a smile. "Berries are good, they can be REALLY good, but I don't think anything can beat well prepared eggs or steak."
"Human food, I've ever eaten it. It's alway to risky to go near the humans for us. We only steal from them when it's a last resort, other wise they would try to take us away like they did to my brother."

"I don't know why they did those things. Latios never talked about it. There was a reason behind the pain he went though but he refused to say it. What ever those humans were planing it was to horrifying to say why."
"Oh..." Amy replied. She didn't say anything else. She didn't want to talk about this anymore. She wanted to be happy for a while, now. She just didn't know how to shift the conversation to something happy, so she was kind of stuck.
"Steal? Why would you steal with such an abundance of berries in the forest?" Max frowned as he looked into his basket before reluctantly sighing and with a smile now on his face he took out a package with a brown wrapping on it. "This is chocolate. It was probably my favorite food when I lived with the humans. Here..." Max tore off some of the package and broke off a piece of milk chocolate and handed it to Emlas. "Try some!"
"That's why it's a last resort, we already have so much food here that it's unnecessary." She took the piece of chocolate and took a bite. Her eye immediately lit up. "Mmm, that was so good... Um, I don't suppose I could have one more." She said shyly.

Draka saw the sad look in Amy's eyes. It wasn't good for a child to feel sad. She knew this from personal experience when she raised younglings. "Hey, you want to take a swim. We got a nice pond right here to splash in."
Max chuckled and tore off another chunk. He gave it to her and then took off another chunk and ate it himself.
"Mmm, wow this stuff is so good. How did you get it." She was very curious for she wanted to possibly have some more in the future.
Amy heard the suggestion and brightened up near instantly "Okay! That sounds like fun!" She answered, bouncing up and down excitedly.
"Then let take a swim." Said Draka. She dove straight into the water. Making a splash back at Amy getting her wet she taunted her. "Come on in. I thought you were a Dratini, not a Slowpoke." She giggled at her.
Amy giggled back, diving into the water as well. She poked her head up above the surface "And you're not a Magikarp, silly." She teased back, using her tail to splash back at Draka.
"I don't know, I'm a little magic. I was able to turn that frown of yours upside down." She said while splashing back
Draka laughed too and gently bopped her back. "Your it. Catch me if you can." She yelled as she swam around the pond.

Latios herd laughter coming from outside. He wonder what it could be. He flew out and saw Draka playing with the Dratini youngling. It brought a smile to his face. He decided to join them as he needed to get his mind off what he had just discussed with the pesky Latios. "What are you guys doing." Latios asked.
Dratini giggled and was about to chase her when she heard another voice "Oh, hi there! We were just playing a game!" She told him, swimming in his direction.
"Well mind if if I join." Latios asked Amy. A good game would certainly help clear his mind.
"Sure!" Amy said, climbing up onto the shore. She slithered up to him and bopped him with her head "You're it!"

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