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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Amy popped her head up above the surface of the water and looked up "Hey, it's raining!" She declared the obvious, in a manner only a child could.
Max looked up towards the sky as it began to rain. He frowned and turned to Emlas. "Looks like it's raining. We may have to cut our conversation short."

Fryn shook her head, knocking a raindrop from her nose.

"Geez, where did this come from? It was sunny a moment ago..." she added quietly, before looking at the Latios, wondering if he was going to invite them in the cave.
"Maybe someone nearby did a Rain Dance?" Amy suggested, still looking up at the sky to see if the rain would go away soon. That was how Rain Dances worked, right? She only knew a couple of Pokemon who could perform one.
Before everyone thought it was normal rain a bolt of lightning flashed within the forest. "Um, anyone want to head into our cave before we become fried Pokémon." Said Latios. Emlas has already made her way inside.
Amy jumped and yelped, dashing her way inside the cave without a second thought as well. She might like rain and water, but definitely not lightning!
Max frowned as Emlas unceremoniously went into the cave. That was a somewhat rude parting. However, Max heard the nearby Latios invite others into the cave. Not wanting to be fried, he ran inside as well.
When Latios got in he found Emlas in a corner shivering. That bolt had really jump scared her. "Hey Emlas, you ok."

"Y-yeah, just a little shocked is all." She stuttered.

"Well it looks like we are all stuck here for the night, make yourselves comfortable everyone. I know this isn't the biggest cave but just make room." And with that Latios laid down next to Emlas.
Fryn stared at the sky for a moment, before following the others into the cave. She stood near the entrance, shuffling awkwardly, wondering where she should sit.

Then she spotted the from earlier Dratini nearby.

She looks spooked, Fryn thought, making her way over with a smile. "Do you mind if I sit here?" she asked.
Amy was visibly shaking as she stared at the exit of the cave. She looked over at the Bulbasaur and nodded "Yeah, g-go ahead." She said, smiling as best she could "I don't like lightning... It always comes out of nowhere and is really loud and scary."
Max followed after Emlas, until he saw Latios lying next to her. Alright, so she's not a viable target. Max looked around at the newly assembled group. He soon found that everyone was already talking to someone else, so he just shrugged and sat down along the side of the cave.
When Draka walked in she saw the Lucario all alone. "Hey, you ok. Mine if I sit here." She asked.
Max looked up at the Dragonite and smiled. He scooted up and patted down next to him. "Feel free."
Max frowned a bit. "Sorry. Earlier I was sent down memory road, as it were, and... you know how nostalgia can be."
"Oh, just my conversation with that Latias over there," Max said as he pointed to Emlas. "Not her fault, of course."
"ah, your catching on." Zorro grinned, "good job." he threw one off to the side of Kage, then hurled one straight at him again. he smiled.

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"If you want to know, her name is Emlas. What did she say to you that made you think so much."
"Hm? Emlas. That's a nice name." Max thought back on the conversation for a bit. "It was my fault for mentioning it, really. I said that berries were good, but not as good as the food I used to eat. Emlas began to pry from there. Not in a rude way, of course."
"Huh, well she is very curious about stuff. Once she got into a beedrill nest." She said chuckleing at the end. "It was a mess when I treated her afterwards, but not the worst I've seen. Latios in particular."
"Oh, it's nothing. He just got into a big mess that's all." She said trying to avoid the subject. It was Latios's personal life. No reason to give it out to everyone.
Max noticed that this was a touchy subject, so he decided to back off. "I hope the storm subsides soon. I have an important matter to attend to."
"Well judging by the fall of the rain we're going to be here for awhile. The faster and harder the rain is the quicker the storm runs out of gas." Draka told him.

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