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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

T-bone shivered feeling very unnerved as he tried to escape the horrible feeling. Hearing foot steps he jumped terrified for the first time and began sprinting in the other direction as the feeling of the darkness watching him got worse and worse."Go away!" He yelled absolutely scared out of his wits

@Latios @Assailant
-???- (when I do this it means it's another POV)

Ravenous, starving, hungry. Mindless, empty, hollow. If one saw this thing those words may describe it. A creature of night, black, darkness. It's glowing eyes saw through the night with ease. And right now it's eyes were locked onto its next 'meal.' A green youngster. It was yelling like a lunatic through the forest saying 'go away.'

"Time... To devour." It said.
The being saw that another 'snack' had appeared. It's was doing a good job of keeping the little one still. "Should I pounce."

"Not yet. Wait for the others." Said a voice to the dark being.
Bouncing out of her pokeball Achoo felt water pound down on her head.sniffing she turned around and watched her trainer run into the distance. looking towards the woods She sniffed again and slowly walked inot them

Just as the voice said, more had come. There was now 5 in the pack watching the two in the forest. This wasn't even including the countless ones flooding their way into the forest as they speak. "Well, my we have dinner now." Said a Mightiana

"Yes, consume, we want." A Vememoth said

"... Go ahead, the corruption begins now. First, we take the site of distortions, Spear Piller."
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Kage growled, still running. Shivers going throughout his body as he felt his head ache more and more. Why did he just leave the Zoroark behind though? He didn't know...it was just...his stupid instincts. Closest thing to ever really 'saving' a pokemon himself was when he bumped into a lost Torchic, and that was a long time ago. He shook his head, fur soaked, still running and looking all over. His eyes gave a slight glow.
Zorro transformed into Kage and followed after him since it would be easier to keep up as another absol. Soon enough he saw Kage ahead.


Cylus, well he was at the bottem of a lake.

"No the meal is getting away." The mightiana yelled.

"After them."

The shadow made a howl into the night signaling the attack. It proceed to make a lunge at the two Pokémon trying to make a break for it.
Max continued running with T-Bone. He was fast, but between bringing along T-Bone and the speed of his pursuers, capture seemed inevitable. "There's a cave up ahead. It'll be safe there. Tell them Max sent you." Max dropped T-Bone and turned towards his adversaries, determined to buy some time.
The five shadows quickly surrounded Max. Cutting off all escape. "Your going no where, meal. You will become one with me." The voice has changed at the end to something completely different. It echoed without reason. It was deep and empowering. The mightiana made a tackle for the defending Lucario.
The Aura sphere thanks to its nature hit dead on. The Shadow Mightiana was pushed into a tree. Quickly recovering it jumped back at him with a massive Crunch attack. At the same time the Charmeleon with the group lunched a Flamethrower from the opposite direction.
Before the Mightiana could even open it's jaw, Lucario used extreme speed to strike Mightiana. As such, it moved out of flamethrower's range.
The flamethrower haveing missed recklessly lit up the surrounding trees. The intense flames dried the damp plants setting them alight. The Mightiana however was knocked out clean and strangely looked normal again.

The Venemoth casted a stun spore upon the open clearing hoping to slow down there powerful foe.
T-bone watched this completely confused and scared. "i should of stayed home" he thought watching some tree burst into flames.
Max stared down at his defeated foe. What's going on? He was confused enough that the stun spore hit him. He felt his muscles seize up. Max went to strike, but found himself unable to move.
T-bone looked around and seeing max unable to move used earthquake. the move caused the ground to shake but nothing more than that. watching the pokemon he tried pulling max with him
With the opponent slowed the Venemoth took his chance to fire a Signal Beam at the Lucario. The earthquake missed the Venemoth entirely because of flight. Once he recovered the Charmeleon charged a Metal Claw up to attack the first chance he got.
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Max growled. "Please, leave me young one! It's more important that you make it!"
Shaking his head he bite the charmelon and used protect blocking the signal beam. suddenly having a idea he cried out "DAD HELP!" he screamed at the top of his lunges and a few seconds later two sets of stomps started getting louder.

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