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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

The Charmeleon howled in pain at threw the Larvitar of him. The Venemoth spoke up. "Where is the rest. It appears the twerp called for something big."

"Any second, Eclipse brought everyone. The numbers will over run anyone."
Fryn smiled at Amy, but her smile quickly evaporated as a scream wound its way in from outside.

"Dad! Help!"

She didn't recognize the voice, but some Pokemon was obviously in trouble. She glanced over at Amy and asked, "Hey. Did you hear that?"
The Charmeleon being not as strong fell like the Mightiana, he too had a normal look to him now. A Large Flapping sound could be heard. Over the trees came a Salamance. "Just in time." Called the Venemoth. Seeing its target it dived at the Lucario with a venomous glare. Its mouth became covers in Black fire. It was not a know move but it sure looked like it would hurt.

"Become another puppet. You will make a useful addition."
Said the booming voice again. This time coming from the Salamance.
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Max grit his teeth and held up his hand as his eyes flashed.

Max used Detect!
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The Salamance swooped up from the ground having missed due to the detect the Lucario made alowing him to avoid the attack completely. "Stubborn, Agile, Strong. All the more reason for me to corrupt you." The Salamance said launching his attack once more.


Latios groggily awoke, something was making tons of noise. He needed his rest for tomorrow. Muttering to himself he got up and looked outside to see a horrible sight. Half the forest was on fire. "Oh no, EMLAS WAKE UP."

she screamed startled. "What is it. I'm tryin to sleep."

"Change of plans, we leave now."

"What are you... Oh no. I'll get everyone else. Come on everyone wake up."
Max grit his teeth. He got into this battle to save the young larvitar, but it was not fleeing.

This new Salamance was his enemy.

He quickly dodged the Salamance and used Close Combat. He was doing well, but he was beginning to tire. He's taken down two Pokemon, and this was his toughest one yet. Between the paralysis, protecting the Larvitar, and dodging and attacking many foes in turn, he was beginning to exhaust.
More and more shadow Pokémon began to surround the two fighting. There was nothing from stopping them from simply growlite pilling (yay Pokémon puns, aka dog pile just so you know) him but they did not interfere. It was as if they were waiting for an order. The Salamance roared from the hits. They weren't very strong from type advantage but they took their toll. "FALL." Screamed the Shadow. As he let loose a hyper beam.
"What's going on?" Amy asked, eyes wide as she looked around at everyone in the cave. The forest was on fire?! When did that happen? How did that happen? Now was the time she wished she knew Rain Dance. Or... Really anything that could help here. Though admittedly there wasn't much any Pokemon could do against a forest fire. Well, other than the two Lati here waking everyone up. Maybe.
Max watched as the hyper beam came closer. Unfortunately, he was unable to dodge it as paralysis struck and he was sent flying. He rolled over on the ground and hissed from the pain. Max glared at his opponent. For a moment, it seemed he was going to faint until he stood back up, proud and strong as ever. "I'm not... going to fall... to you." Max grinned. There was an advantage to being raised by humans. You got special priveleges that wild pokemon didn't. Including accesability of previously unknowable moves. Max charged Salamance with a yell, raising his fist.

Max used Ice Punch!
"We are leaving and fast. Every one, pick a partner that can fly and hop on. We will never make it through the forest on the ground." Latios's attention turned to the forest. How did this fire start. It had just rained it was to wet for it to lit. The fire must have been made by Pokémon, and lots of them to make one this big.
The super effective (X4 BABY, for being flying and dragon) move caught him off guard. He should have fallen to that direct hit. As the move mad contact searing pain came through the shadow and fainted. He too, like the rest reverted to what a normal Salamance looked like. It seemed that knocking them out freed them from what ever spell they were under. The other shadows did not attack they stood there in a circle seeing thier fallen comrade. Then all all spoke, all in unison, all with the exact same voice. The deep booming one. "You have fought well. You defeated one of my best puppets. But it ends here. You are our numbered."
Amy nodded and headed immediately over to Draka, wrapping herself around the Dragonite's wrist "Okay, I'm ready to go!" She said, looking up at her.
Max looked around at them. He was beginning to feel weak. His many years of training clearly paid off, but he couldn't go on for much longer. "W-what are you?!" He yelled out. There was a fire... he had to buy time until help came.
"A Shade." They all said and began to move forward.

Emals took Fryn and Latios went solo having no one else. Latios set off takeing the lead. Draka and Emlas followed. Latios spotted a horrific sight. And the center of the fire was the Lucario form earlier that Emlas was talking to. He was surrounded by what looked like black colored Pokémon. There was also a Larvitar. "Emlas, I could use you help."

"On it."
She said and fired a Mist Ball at the ground creating a smoke screen. Latios dive in grabing the Lucario by the arm and useing Psychic to lift the Larvitar with them. He swooped up getting him to safety.

"Quick, climb on." Latios said to Max as he gently placed the Larvitar with Fryn as there was more room with him then there would be on Latios in a minute.
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Latios flew off once Lucario had gotten on. The rest followed. "This isn't good, he's moving faster then I thought. I hope there's still time." Said Latios talking to nobody in particular.
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Latios was a bit shocked. Wasn't that in his head. Must have slipped. "Umm, it's nothing. Honestly." He concerning look came to his face as he flew on. Did he hear him completely, could he trust him. No one should get involved with his past.
Max frowned. "You sounded like you've encountered this phenomenon before. Please enlighten me."
"Eclipse is none of your business. -gulp- I said that out loud, didn't I." Latios was a bit frighten. He was very frustrated right now, he needed to pull himself together. First a long dead enemy returns and now this.
Lucario frowned. "A child and myself were almost killed by this Eclipse. We have earned the right to know."
"He's a monster, born from death itself. The death of my kind to be more precise." He said. Latios wasn't sure if he should tell him the rest, it was a delicate subject, much involving bad memories he vowed never to bring up.
Max grit his teeth. He could tell this was personal. "Hmm... very well. I can see this is an uncomfortable situation for you, so I must ask only one thing. Does it have any relationship to you?"
"No, he's not my friend in any way. Why would I be associated with someone who used my people's souls. I did everything to prevent his birth but I was to late." He cried out. The was stressing for him, these memories were filled with nothing but pain. Both physically and mentally.

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