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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

I didn't say it had to be a positive one, Max thought. But he said nothing. He was grateful for his savior, and he wouldn't push him further.
Emlas was just shocked, in more ways than one. Latios had told her what happened with him in his past but this was new information. Souls of our people, did he mean the Lati. Who was this eclipse. Did he meet him back at the humans captivity. What was going on. Apparently Latios was still a locked book more than she realized. She dared not questions, now was not the time. She knew the look on his face all to well. It was the same face he had brought home with him when he returned to them. The look of dispare and pain.
T-bone watched as the battle ended and a group of pokemon began forming around them. suddenly his father and his older brother came crashing through the trees and towards him. "t-bone!" His father yelled scooping t-bone up in his arms. surveying the others he looked at tibis and nodded before running off with t-bone. earthquakes began happening where his fathers feet hit the ground until they were at the moutain.

@Assailant @Latios

Achoo heard a huge rumblings and jumped surprised before running off. sniffing her nose she didn't notice the huge group of pokemon in front of her and ran right into one.
"ow" she cried falling over

@Assailant @Kimona @Anyone else where i am
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Latios began to search for other who may have been lost in the fire. There had to be some survivors from the shadows. They were still about too. The forest was absolutely flooded with the monsters. He spotted a Tyranitar running away from multiple shadows chasing him. In his arms was a child. He dove into the trees in hopes of helping him @BeebeTheWarrior


"How could you let not one, but TWO Lati get away! Do you know how precious they are to me." Eclipse screamed at his Puppet.

"I'm sorry sir, they came out of nowhere. First the red one made a smoke screen then the black one..."

"Stop. Did you say a Black Lati."


Eclipse did not respond, instead he broke out in laughter. Cackling like a mad mad. With his echoing voice it was the creepiest thing ever. "So, we ran out my old friends. Good to see you Ishtaralos."
Max looked around, hoping to find someone. He noticed the aura of a small pokemon all on its own. It belonged to a small cubchoo. "There," he pointed out to Latios.

T-bone curled up in his fathers arms watching as his brother tried to fend of the shadows. setting me down His father said "tibias please take t-bone away" before using his strongest move giga impact to fend them off. picking me up tibias began running as fast as he could and t-bone could see his father laying on the ground tired from the giga impact as shadows surrounded him. "DAD" t-bone screamed trying to break free of tibias's arms


Achoo sneezed before looking up at the pokemon in front of her. she had never seen this pokemon before in her icy tundra and she sniffed her mucas getting drippy and watery decreasing her powers.

Max had jumped off Latios and ran over to the Cubchoo. While Latios was working with the Tyranitar and Larvitar, he would get the Cubchoo. Max smiled and kneeled down. "Hey, it's very dangerous here. Would you like me to take you someplace safe?"
looking nervously up at the strange pokemon she said "what are y-you" she asked wiping sweat of her browl. she wasn't used to this hot temperature and she didn't like it either

Max smiled as supportively as he could. The smoke was becoming thick, so he had to kneel down very low. He coughed a bit. "My name's Max, I'm a Lucario. I'm here to help, alright?"

Max smiled. "Hello Achoo. I'm going to pick you up and bring you to a safe place. Is that alright?"
Max smiled and picked Achoo up, bringing her over to Latios. "I found another."
Draka took the cubchoo in her arms makeing sure she was safe. Latios was busy defending the Tyranitar with a dragon claw. Swiping at the incoming shadows that had intent to kill.
achoo sneezed as she was put in another strange pokemon's arms "i feel sick... its to warm" she groaned sneezing again

t-bones dad had gained enough strength to stand up and nodding to latios he sprinted after me and tibias. when we got to the moutain he Used earthquake to create giant mountains blocking the way in and out of their home
Once the Tyranitar had made his escape with his family Latios took off to the others. "Hurry, we need to leave now." He said. Emlas and Draka took off with him and follow Latios into the sky with everyone on thier backs
The higher they got the colder the air became and achoo began to smile having not felt the cold in a long. grinning she looked at her snowflake
Max looked down on the flaming forest with sadness. It was amazing how, despite the forest being so damp, it got this crazy. He spotted human firefighters approaching the forest. "I wish them good fortune and safety."
"They will need that luck. The human fools will get them selfs killed trying to extinguish the fires. The shadows are still within the forest." He said, his distaste for them was shown in his tone
realizing this achoo leaned over facing the forest and used hydro pump . watching as a bunch of the trees were put out she sighed. "if i was colder it would do more" she thought sadly
Max smiled. He heard the distaste in his tone. "Humans are smart and resourceful. They will find a way. I'm sure their Pokemon will protect them too."
Fryn stared down at the forest... or what was left of it. The fire had consumed nearly everything now, and was very obviously out of control, despite the humans having arrived to try and put it out.

Suddenly, she had a pang of sadness, picturing the Oran berry field- her home, burst into flames.

"How did this even happen, anyway?"

The last few minutes- or was it hours? had been such a blur.

And what was up with those Pokemon...?

She decided to ask someone.

"Hey, those Pokemon earlier... they were... strange. I've never seen anything like that."

She hoped someone would have some answers.
"Ha, smart. It was thier stupidity that started this mess in the first place. And understand that the few Pokémon they have might not be enough to help them escape. The sheer numbers in there is overwhelming to anyone. We were lucky to escape ourselves."

Emlas hear Fryn speak up. He asked about the strange Pokémon. "I don't know what they are. But Latios seems to know an awful lot about them."
seeing someone ask what they were achoo said "they are people. they force she said bitterly pokemon into balls and have them fight" she said bitterly

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