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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"They're very important to me!" Max yelled. Up until now, Max had maintained a very calm disposition... almost sagely. But this ferocity was unseen from him. "You don't need to go with me, but I'd rather die than leave them behind."
"... No, I'll go with you. My stealth abilities will make it back with more success then you would. But you must tell me what we are looking for." Latios hated people willing to throw away thier lives for things like this. It was unnecessary, but if he was this determined to get them back he might as well help. After all, Latios might need the assistants of this Pokémon for the journey ahead.
Latios confirmed with Enlas and Draka on the plan. He couldn't believe he was doing this. Just for a basket. He started to turn around. Hopefully this didn't take long. They needed to get back on course soon. "Just what's in the basket."
Max considered explaining. However, he then remembered their earlier conversation and reconsidered. "Some things that are very important to me."
"What exactly that's so important. I kinda want to know what I'm risking my life for." He said. This was a big deal going back to the Shadows. Latios wasn't even sure if his invisibility would be enough to get by.
Max frowned. "If you don't want to risk your life, that's fine. Drop me off, and I'll do it alone."
"No it's fine. I don't want to to go and feed yourself to the Arcanine's." He told him. (Aka, another Pokémon pun for Feeding to the dogs.) Latios really wanted to know what what in that basket. "How about we trade information. You wanted to know what Shadows were. You tell me what's in that basket."
Achoo was very confused as to everything

t-bone watched as mountains sprung up around them and heard the crys of people. looking at his father who had just roared out as his brother dabbed some of the moutain roots they collected trying to make his wound on his leg better. sighing he began climbing the moutain and watched the chaos as the forest was burning to the ground and people were running everywhere. he watched some try to climb the moutain to safety only to be dragged away by a shadow. tears in his eyes t-bone watched all this completely and utterly upset.
Max hummed silently. "Help me get it first. Once that happens, I'll explain."
The air grew more and more stale as they got closer. The smoke was choking the air up in the sky. What was left of the forest by then was many smoldering trees. You could see shadows crawling around everywhere. Latios saw the place where the humans had come to try and put out the fire. There was no one there but all the equipment was left behind. 'They must have encountered the shadows and ran off.' He thought to himself. There was no place to land it seemed. "I'm going to drop you off on the outside of the forest. You wait there while I get this thing off your."
Max sighed. "Alright. But please respect my right to privacy and don't look inside, alright?"
"Alright, just don't get yourself killed." He flew to the outer edge and dropped him off. Emals and Draka stayed with. Turning invisible Latios dove back to the cave.
Max waited impatiently, tapping his paws on the ground. He couldn't wait to get it back, and he simply had to hope that Latios didn't look inside. It was crucial that he got it back tonight.
The place was packed. Every corner he turned there was more Shadow Pokémon. He almost bumped into some. That would spell trouble. Alerting them would mean the end of this search. He dared not go above the tree line as well. The glimmer of his body from the light of the stars would be enough to stop him from above. With help on the trees he could stay hidden way longer.

When he finally made it he noticed a surprise. The cave was being watched by two shadows. A Drapion and a Rhyperior. 'Ugh, how will I get by them.' He began to think it a plan. Useing psychic on a rock by the cave, he lifted it up and carfully moved it away before dropping it loudly. The two ran to the sound in hopes of finding an intruder. Latios made a dash for the cave and grabbed the basket and ran straight out.

It was risky carrying the basket. He couldn't cloak it like he could with his body. To everyone else it would look like a floating basket. He decided the best way to make it out was to make a run for it and take to the sky. Dashing off he could here many of the shadows screeching as they were alerted. He quickly meet back up with the rest. Un-cloaking he urged them to move. "Quick, there's no time! It They are on to us."
Max smiled as he saw the basket before grimacing as he noticed the shadows. He fired off some Aura Spheres before running. He was very fast, so he wasn't too worried about being caught.
"What, where are you going." Said Latios, he was about to take back off into the sky when Max had run somewhere else. 'I swear this guy is going to get us killed.'
Umbra was flying through the forest, away from a shadow or two. She had no concern about running into anything, as she could easily phase through the trees. She flew as fast as she could, clutching her cool skull-mask, away from all of these freaky.... Freaks.

She rammed full-force into a strange-looking Latios, full force. "AGH!", she shouted out.

@Latios (Did I do a good this time? ;w;)
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"I'm running to you!" Max yelled as he approached Latios to meet him halfway.
(Oh, well it sounded like he was running away as Latios came to them. Sorry.)

"Hurry up and get..." He was cut off as the Drapion form earlier burst out of the trees. Latios was righty in his path with almost no time to move.
A Hauntar had come out of no where and luckily pushed Latios. It tunded on the ground making many rock tear out of the group creating a 'Spike Nest' around it. (What ever you would can that ring of spikes around someone). It gave Latios a glare and proceeded to use a Cross Posion attack. Latios used a protect shielding Emlas, Draka, and everyone else.

At the same time the Rhyperior came crashing though with a Hammer Arm swinging strait for Max.
Umbra immediately shot upwards, gaining her composure. She took little time to consider the situation. She swung by the Drapion, sticking out her long tongue and bringing it across its face. Her mouth and eyes emanated a bright blue glow.
Max was caught off guard, and just narrowly had enough time to use detect.
The Drapions attack on Latios stopped as a mass amount of saliva covered his face. He staggered backwards trying to wipe it off. Latios took this chance to strike at him with a Dragon Claw. He landed a clean blow to the Drapions head. He roared in pain. Once he had recovered he fired multiple Poison sting attacks at them.

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