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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max nodded. "Yes, we should be going." He turned back to April to see if she had eaten, and his smile faded. "April?" April was staring blankly at her fish, though she clearly wasn't focusing on the fish. She seemed to be staring off into nothing.

Amber sat next to April as the two sat down while everyone ate their fish. "You need to eat," Amber said as she sighed with exasperation. April huffed.

"Whatever. I don't NEED to do anything."

"Well, it's that or starve," Amber said with a small smile. "I know fish is unusual to eat, but it's better than nothing." April groaned.

"I guess..." Amber smiled and leaned in to hug April. April sighed but did not fight back, before slowly leaning her head on Amber. Amber smiled.

"Sweetie?" April said nothing. "Max is trying to get your attention. Maybe you should respond to him. It's rude to ignore people."


"Hm?" April lifted her head inquisitively to look at Max. Max sighed.

"We're going to be leaving soon. Are you going to eat?" April looked back down at the fish before slowly nodding and taking nibbles out of it. Max smiled sympathetically.

Soon, she was done eating and ready to go.
Arcanus finished quickly, though it was obvious where his mind rested. Like April, he wasn't focused all that much on the food he was eating away at slowly, but rather his eyes quite often drifted towards the familiar Pidgeot. He was.. Concerned for her. He wanted to help, but he wasn't sure exactly how. His thoughts felt clouded, and for once, he didn't feel as if he knew where he was going... He couldn't tell if it was because of the recent death, or because of his realization of his love for her. Perhaps a combination of both... Either way, nothing felt quite real anymore. He just wanted to let go of it all.

His eyes drifted towards the ground once more as he thought of the responsibilities he'd taken... He was starting to believe that April was right. Doubt fogged through his mind, and reaped thoughts that he didn't find welcoming. Frightening ones... He was foolish to think he could take all of this on at once. He'd made arrogant decisions, and he acted like he was in control of it all. He'd dug his own grave.

Maybe he just wasn't a good person, after all.
He shook his head gently, and stood up quietly. Straightening his fur, he looked around the group, attempting to ignore these thoughts. He could fight this... Right?
Arcanus was ready to move wherever they needed to go next.

(Woo, I got up the motivation to post. Go, me.)
With everyone dine with their meals and stomachs filled to their capacity, it seemed they were ready to leave. Latios didn't want to stay a moment longer. Some much time had been wasted just sitting here. They needed to go. He quickly told those would didn't fly to soon get with their partners. Draka would still have to carry the orb still as no one else could. She insisted that she would be able to make the treck across without it tiring her out but even then Latios could help but worry. After that Latios and his siblings prepared themselves to carry Raikou across the ocean as well. The lighting tiger wasn't pleased with the idea of floating in the air over the vast ocean for the long period of time ahead but there really wasn't any other options.

With the decision made they finished packing and began the voyage across the ocean.
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Max once again took his position with April. April seemed tentative to allow him on, but begrudgingly let him do so. She looked over at Arcanus longingly, but her expression grew mixed as she did so. She had no idea what to feel. She still loved him, some part of her knew so, but she drowned it out with anger, but she didn't quite know why she was angry anymore.

Max winced. These past few days had been rapidly draining him. He could sense emotions passively, he had no choice in the matter. Sitting near April for him was like sitting on swords. It almost physically hurt him. He had to hold on though... he could do it
Arcanus finished quickly, though it was obvious where his mind rested. Like April, he wasn't focused all that much on the food he was eating away at slowly, but rather his eyes quite often drifted towards the familiar Pidgeot. He was.. Concerned for her. He wanted to help, but he wasn't sure exactly how. His thoughts felt clouded, and for once, he didn't feel as if he knew where he was going... He couldn't tell if it was because of the recent death, or because of his realization of his love for her. Perhaps a combination of both... Either way, nothing felt quite real anymore. He just wanted to let go of it all.

His eyes drifted towards the ground once more as he thought of the responsibilities he'd taken... He was starting to believe that April was right. Doubt fogged through his mind, and reaped thoughts that he didn't find welcoming. Frightening ones... He was foolish to think he could take all of this on at once. He'd made arrogant decisions, and he acted like he was in control of it all. He'd dug his own grave.

Maybe he just wasn't a good person, after all.
He shook his head gently, and stood up quietly. Straightening his fur, he looked around the group, attempting to ignore these thoughts. He could fight this... Right?
Arcanus was ready to move wherever they needed to go next.

(Woo, I got up the motivation to post. Go, me.)
With everyone dine with their meals and stomachs filled to their capacity, it seemed they were ready to leave. Latios didn't want to stay a moment longer. Some much time had been wasted just sitting here. They needed to go. He quickly told those would didn't fly to soon get with their partners. Draka would still have to carry the orb still as no one else could. She insisted that she would be able to make the treck across without it tiring her out but even then Latios could help but worry. After that Latios and his siblings prepared themselves to carry Raikou across the ocean as well. The lighting tiger wasn't pleased with the idea of floating in the air over the vast ocean for the long period of time ahead but there really wasn't any other options.

With the decision made they finished packing and began the voyage across the ocean.
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
With everyone packing to leave, genesis noticed that Arcanus was alone again. He walked up to the Hypno, and asked, "need a ride? I will be more than glad to let you ride." He would be smiling if he could, but the enthusiasm was more than enough to ensure how happy he was to let Arcanus ride his back. "What's wrong? You look like something is bothering you."
Arcanus nodded, quietly. He thought for a moment or two before looking back up at Genesis, with a bit of a weak, but warm smile. "I am alright. There is no need to worry, I am simply thinking.". He wasn't sure if he was alright, truthfully, but... He didn't need everyone around him worrying. He accepted the kind Genesects' offer, and took his place. "Thank you for the ride."

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus nodded, quietly. He thought for a moment or two before looking back up at Genesis, with a bit of a weak, but warm smile. "I am alright. There is no need to worry, I am simply thinking.". He wasn't sure if he was alright, truthfully, but... He didn't need everyone around him worrying. He accepted the kind Genesects' offer, and took his place. "Thank you for the ride."

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Genesis transformed to his flight form, and felt Arcanus hop on his back. "You are welcome. Are you sure everything is alright? You seem defeated in a way." He said, seeing that something was up in his head. "Well, I am here if you wanna talk." he said as he began his flight, following close with the others.
Arcanus looked down at the ground leaving behind them. "Ah... Perhaps I am, in a way. But there is truly no reason to worry. I will be alright... I do appreciate the offer, though. Thank you.". He smiled a little bit again and looked ahead. He wasn't really ready to discuss his feelings at the moment... However much it could have helped him.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus looked down at the ground leaving behind them. "Ah... Perhaps I am, in a way. But there is truly no reason to worry. I will be alright... I do appreciate the offer, though. Thank you.". He smiled a little bit again and looked ahead. He wasn't really ready to discuss his feelings at the moment... However much it could have helped him.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"Alright, I will leave the topic be. But I am here if you do need to vent. Anyways, feel free to gaze at the sky while we fly." he said as he focused on keeping up with the others.
Max sighed as the flight continued with little to make note of. He looked down at April. Even for her somewhat seclusive nature, she seemed quiet today. She also seemed particularly unenergetic, flying very slowly. Max looked down at her.

"Are you alright?" She was quiet for a few seconds, and right before Max was about to give up she spoke.

"You can sense emotions, right? So you know damn well how I am right now." Max paused, thinking on that.

"It's merely a formality," he explained. She scoffed.

"Don't condescend me like that." He was about to explain that that was not what he was doing, but he stayed his tongue.

"Sorry," he apologized, still not entirely sure what he'd done wrong. She was quiet once again as he tried to think of what to say. "Arcanus-"

"Don't," she said quietly. "Please... don't." Amongst the maelstrom of emotions within the bird, he sensed remorse beginning to emerge.

"You feel... you feel bad about what you said and did to him, don't yo-"

"No! Er, yes. Maybe? No! I don't think so..." she groaned in confusion. "I don't know."

"That's understandable. Please think about it."

"Don't condescend me."

"He's doing his best to be there for you, and we all are as well. I'm sure he would be happy for you to talk to him."

"Shut up."

"...alright." With that, the flight resumed.
Flying while using ones Psychic to carry a tiger across the ocean could be very taxing on oneself. The use of Psychic required concentration to begin with and it was hard to do so on that one very thing for hours wile flying across the ocean. Several times Latios needed to stop just to make sure they were still flying in the right direction. Even with two other helping the lift, that only lessened the physical burden as it didn't sap as much strength. But the mental berden was still great. Latios was sure Emlas was really struggling here for she wasn't trained as well as he and his brother were. He approached Emlas as they flew to see if she would be able to make it.

"Hey. You doing alright Emlas."

"Yeah... I'm ok... I'm... Ok."
She said in short gasps. Latios could tell she was becoming fatigued by this. They needed to land soon. He thought about where they could reach sooner than their destination. The outer areas areas of the Sevii islands were going to pass them soon. If they changed their course to the right slightly they could land there and rest.

"Don't worry. We'll reach land soon." He said before moving to the front once more and building the group to the islands instead.
April continued to fly in the same direction, even after the trajectory had been changed.

"April, we're diverging from the group," Max said to no response. "April!" She started a bit, before looking around, finding the group, and flying after them
Arcanus fidgeted slightly as they changed direction, snapping him out of his trance. He breathed in as he looked around them, making sure everyone was there.

Of course, his heart dropped a bit as his gaze locked on April, who he thought may be trying to leave the group once more. But he felt the relief wash over him as she changed course again to follow.

But still he was concerned. He wanted to say something so badly... Maybe "I'm here for you", or "I'm sorry"... Maybe even a simple "Hello" would help. He turned to look downwards.. Why couldn't he do it? He got himself into this mess, he should at least be able to wave. Once more he questioned himself for only a moment, before he made the quick decision to turn again and wave meekly towards April momentarily, just to finish that whole train of thought.
April looked at Arcanus as he waved, but didn't say anything. She didn't look angry, as she had in the past, just sort of... empty. Like she hadn't even registered the wave.

Max looked as he storm progressed, and tried to use his aura senses to determine where the storm was. However, the excited aura of the area made it hard to tell. If it hadn't passed the islands yet, it was close.

"We should fly high," he said telepathically to Latios. "That way, we can fly over the storm if it has surpassed the bounds of the islands, and break through the cover when we must."
Arcanus smiled a weak, fake smile as he received the empty look from April, before he decided to look ahead again. Great move, he thought to himself. Though he was promptly distracted by the nasty-looking storm clouds that laid ahead of them. He frowned worriedly, with a bad feeling crawling up his spine.
"With that attitude we'll be starved of oxygen for awhile. And there's no telling how far it is so by then we might just pass out. I say we fly as we are for now. Then when the storm is closer we fly above."
Assailant Assailant
Max responded approvingly. This sounded fair. He was right after all. He knew there was an altitude at which air became scarce, but being unfamiliar with flying, he didn't know what it was. If that was it, then Latios's plan seemed the best.
Genesis growled as the storm came up, and followed the group closer. "Great... Just what we need, a storm!" he exclaimed with a growl. "Arcanus, I have a feeling we will be going through once the storm closes in, so get ready!" he warned as fear of being struck down took hold.

"These conditions are not optimal for flying, I hope Latios knows what he is doing." Daisie Daisie
Latios stared at the clouds for the longest time. He wanted to see if he could judge how far they were relative to them and if they had passed over the island yet. But as he was observing the clouds something cuaght his eye. A dark figure jump out of the water and dive back in. He didn't quite see what it was but for the most part it seemed to be just another fish jumping above the surface of the water. So why did this strike him as odd.
Daisie Daisie @assasilant Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Max frowned as he watched the figure jump in and out of the water. "Fish leave stormy areas due to changes in temperature, pressure, and light. Why is one jumping around so casually?"
Genesis watched a figure that was jumping in the water. "Something is not right. That should be frantic jumping.... Could it be an enemy? No...." he shrugged off the thought and kept flying, watching the figure as he kept his course.
After its first jump Latios never saw it again. But it had gotten him intrigued now. He kept looking for any signs of it but it was nowhere to be found. He decided he could worry about the fish later. The fast approaching storm was more important. By this point it was clear it was over top of the island. Which meant that they would have to fly above for a short time.
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus knew that his breath would be short soon, so he started taking deep breaths, increasing the amount of oxygen in his body. He gripped tighter in anticipation.
Max had a different strategy: he began meditating. As he focused on nothing,his breathing began to slow further and further. Soon, it almost seemed like he wasn't breathing at all. He should be able to get through fairly easily.

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