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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max nodded in agreement, though he couldn't quite shake the possibility from his mind. Eclipse should be stopping at nothing to get to them. If he hasn't made an effort, than either what they have isn't as important as it seems, or he's planning something.

He put that aside for now as he went into the woods and found April, waking her up. Begrudgingly, the Pidgeotto followed him back to the others, though she said nothing to any of them when she arrived.
Arcanus put a hand on the tree he was sitting against and pulled himself up, taking a breath. He was a little bit more awake now. His stomach growled and he looked around as he approached the group. "Before we leave, will we have anything to eat?".
As much as Latios wanted to stay and find food to eat, there just wasn't enough time. Yes, he too was starving after only eating very little for each meal of the day. "I don't think we..."

But he was cut off when Raikou spoke up. "Actually, I may be able to help with that. But just to be sure, how many of you like fish."

Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Max nodded. "Yes, I enjoy fish greatly."

April scoffed. She said nothing, but it was clear that the notion of eating fish was appalling to her.
"I will eat whatever is necessary." Arcanus murmured in response, looking over at the large and powerful Legendary.

Latios Latios
Raikou chuckled a little before trying around and walking to the ocean waves. "Imortal I may be but hungry I do still get and can die from not eating, so I've learn many tricks to getting food over the years." He was soon deep enough in the water to where it reached up to his neck. For a moment he just stood there before roating loudly and sending a huge amount of electricity into the water around him. After a few seconds he stopped, and one by one several Magikarp, Finneon, and the occasional Tentecool floated to the surface. "Dig in."
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus headed over to the ocean shores, stepping down into the tide cautiously, picking up a Magikarp for himself and sitting down in a pile of sand.
Max walked over and grabbed the fish, bringing a small amount back onto the shore. April scowled.

"You can eat or starve," Max said. "We don't have an alternative." April grunted.

"I'd rather starve." Max threw a fish over to her.

"In case you change your mind."
Latios took a Finneon seeing as he knew from past experience that Magikarp didn't taste the best. Finneon had a better flavor but their size only made enough for a snack. However there was plenty now floating in the waters so size no longer mattered. He practically carried all the Finneon to shore because he wasn't just feeding himself there was also Emlas, Draka, and now Edron. He didn't quite know if Edron had the same tastes as the rest of his family but when Edron took the fish anyways without a complaint it didn't really matter. Emlas however nearly inhaled her serving, but had to stop to pick out the bones. Draka did thank Latios for collecting her some fish but due to her large size there wasn't enough to go around. So instead she only took a portion of the Finneon he brought amd went back to the ocean to pull out some Magikarps to fill the rest of her stomach.

Raikou stayed in the waters snapping up and swallowing whole any of the fish that came in his way. He even at the Tentecool dispite how hated they were to eat and possibly poisonous. But it didn't deter him at all. If anyone had their guess it was that Raikou had developed an iron stomach over the years he's existed. Or maybe it had something to do with his immortality making him immune to such a thing. But one could only guess and never truly know the answer.
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Latios took a Finneon seeing as he knew from past experience that Magikarp didn't taste the best. Finneon had a better flavor but their size only made enough for a snack. However there was plenty now floating in the waters so size no longer mattered. He practically carried all the Finneon to shore because he wasn't just feeding himself there was also Emlas, Draka, and now Edron. He didn't quite know if Edron had the same tastes as the rest of his family but when Edron took the fish anyways without a complaint it didn't really matter. Emlas however nearly inhaled her serving, but had to stop to pick out the bones. Draka did thank Latios for collecting her some fish but due to her large size there wasn't enough to go around. So instead she only took a portion of the Finneon he brought amd went back to the ocean to pull out some Magikarps to fill the rest of her stomach.

Raikou stayed in the waters snapping up and swallowing whole any of the fish that came in his way. He even at the Tentecool dispite how hated they were to eat and possibly poisonous. But it didn't deter him at all. If anyone had their guess it was that Raikou had developed an iron stomach over the years he's existed. Or maybe it had something to do with his immortality making him immune to such a thing. But one could only guess and never truly know the answer.
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers

Genesis watched as everyone ate. It was quite the sight for living beings to eat ine another. "So this how it goes on.... I've always heard about it being a Dog eat Dog world, but never would I imagine it being this literal.." he said, since he thought all pokemon lived on berries and pokepuffs given by humans. "You learn something new every day."
Max quickly ate the fish, not even sparing the bones or organs. He looked up at Genesis. "Oh, right, this must be quite the sight for you." He nodded. "It is a somewhat unfortunate reality of existence. However, the world is built around such things. It is all one big balance." With that, he continued feasting on the fish
Max quickly ate the fish, not even sparing the bones or organs. He looked up at Genesis. "Oh, right, this must be quite the sight for you." He nodded. "It is a somewhat unfortunate reality of existence. However, the world is built around such things. It is all one big balance." With that, he continued feasting on the fish
Genesis watched everyone, he could not fathom the fact that they killed other pokemon for food. "I am utterly horrified, but I am intrigued at the same time. Do you absorb nutrients from them when you eat?" He asked, not really grasping the concept of Herbivore and Canrivore yet. "Forgive me if I am being nosey, but I do not understand how organic beings survive by consuming others."
Max nodded as he paused his eating once more. "Yes. I cannot profess to be an expert on how it works, but each creature has certain nutrients in it. Same with every plant. Through eating them, we gain those nutrients. Ideally, you would eat a variety of foods for the most nutrients, but our bodies conform to certain diets such that that consumption pattern isn't necessary, only recommended." He wiped some of the blood off of his maw and smiled. "It has been many years since I last ate meat. It is a wonderful feeling." He looked back at Genesis. "Each Pokemon has their own diet that their biology requires them to follow." He pointed at himself. "I, for instance, am supposed to eat meat for the majority of my diet. Obviously I don't have to, and I typically choose not to. There are minimal negative effects to that though. For another example, humans have a very broad diet, consisting of almost every type of food source."
Genesis watched as the group ate. "I had not really needed to eat... But I guess I can give it a try. Do I have to kill something like you guys did?" He asked as he looked out into the ocean, to see if he can find any potential prey. He had never felt hunger, so he never needed to eat at all, being a mostly mechanical creature.
Max shook his head. "There should be fish left, I think." Max gave Genesis one of the fish he had brought.
Max shook his head. "There should be fish left, I think." Max gave Genesis one of the fish he had brought.
Genesis grabbed the fish, and poked his claw in the middle of it, like a kebab. He then took a bite, which looked like a ghost just took a bite, for his mouth did not move an inch. "I like this 'eating' thing. This fish has a nice taste. But this is still new to me." he said as he took bites into the fish, which disappeared bite by bite.
Max nodded as he finished off his last fish with a content sigh. "I imagine it must be an odd feeling. It is certainly a pleasant one." He frowned as he looked over Genesis. "I wonder how your body is built for defecation though... hopefully that won't be too much of a problem."
Max nodded as he finished off his last fish with a content sigh. "I imagine it must be an odd feeling. It is certainly a pleasant one." He frowned as he looked over Genesis. "I wonder how your body is built for defecation though... hopefully that won't be too much of a problem."
Genesis just stared at Max, though his face may not show it, he was confused, since he had never heard of another natural process in which living things go through. "D... Defecation? What is that?" he asked.
Max frowned. "It's a process by which the waste of food is removed from the body. The body takes what's needed, and removes what isn't. I'm simply wondering how your body is built to do so."
Max frowned. "It's a process by which the waste of food is removed from the body. The body takes what's needed, and removes what isn't. I'm simply wondering how your body is built to do so."
"I.... I don't know. I have never given it much thought, really." Genesis said as he took another bite. "But whatever, i am not worried about it at the moment." he said as he ate, until the fish was no more. "Living things are more complicated than I thought.... I never knew that they have internal processes going in, besides their hearts beating, and the need to breathe."
"Mmm, yes," Max said. "Living organisms are immensely complex. It's beautiful, but also terrifying. If one thing messes up or fails, that could be the end."
"Mmm, yes," Max said. "Living organisms are immensely complex. It's beautiful, but also terrifying. If one thing messes up or fails, that could be the end."
"Wow..... Like a machine?" Genesis asked as he looked out at the sea. "Instead of rusting as you get old.... Your systems start to fail, and you... Die?" (sorry for the short post. I have been working a lot this week.)
Max nodded. "That is it, yes. If you are lucky enough to make it to old age and not claimed by villains or disease or an accident, then your body becomes weaker and weaker until something fails, and you die."
Max nodded. "That is it, yes. If you are lucky enough to make it to old age and not claimed by villains or disease or an accident, then your body becomes weaker and weaker until something fails, and you die."
"Wow.... That is truly interesting. So one's knowledge will be lost forever then..? It is a rather unfortunate way of life, but it is what it is." he said as he looked at the group. "Anyways, we need to get moving. The faster we get there, the better." Latios Latios Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie

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