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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"Of course, a leader mustn't be emotionless. To be devoid of feeling would be to be devoid of life itself. But when others are in the depths of sorrow, they must rise above, or at least appear to..." he turned to Genesis.

"How are you feeling, if I might ask? After everything that happened in the past day."
"Of course, a leader mustn't be emotionless. To be devoid of feeling would be to be devoid of life itself. But when others are in the depths of sorrow, they must rise above, or at least appear to..." he turned to Genesis.

"How are you feeling, if I might ask? After everything that happened in the past day."
"After leaving that complex, I no longer have an urge to murder everything in my path, that with added regret and fear on top of it. I am still scared of myself... The things I did..." he stopped, and looked away from the fire and max. "I am trying to do good for once... Stray away from bloodshed. But it always finds a way to get me..."
Max looked over at Genesis. It seems their paths had diverged... after his trainer's death, he was possessed by a bloodlust that gripped him tightly for years. In the end... he rose above it. It seemed like, perhaps, Genesis was just beginning to travel down that path.

"Admirable," he stated, his empathy and exhaustion both easily audible in his voice. After a few moments, he sighed. "And about our friends? Amber... Nathan... April...?"
Max looked over at Genesis. It seems their paths had diverged... after his trainer's death, he was possessed by a bloodlust that gripped him tightly for years. In the end... he rose above it. It seemed like, perhaps, Genesis was just beginning to travel down that path.

"Admirable," he stated, his empathy and exhaustion both easily audible in his voice. After a few moments, he sighed. "And about our friends? Amber... Nathan... April...?"
"Amber was one of the few I have opened up to... I am uncomfortable with nathan because of my past with humans, and april..... I'd rather not talk about. She might be listening somewhere..." he replied before sighing. "This whole 'saving the world' thing scares me. We against a force I know nothing about... And that worries me."
Max nodded. "When faced with the unknown, most creatures are afraid. That is the nature of existence." He sighed. He was tired and sad and felt like a bit of a wreck. Genesis hadn't caught him at a great moment. Even still, he pushed on. "Most of us know very little. Other than Latios himself, I have been battling these creatures the longest, and even still there is so much about them that I do not understand. But what are we to do?" He smiled. "The fact that there are creatures willing to fight these beasts in spite of such overwhelming odds is a testament to the good in this world, I think." He smiled. "Oh, and April is sleeping about twenty meters off behind some bushes. I can still sense her." He sighed. In some way, some small part of him almost felt jealous for Genesis. He had not known Amber long, so he must not be feeling much at her passing. He pushed that thought aside and smiled once more. "I wonder... what do you plan to do when this is all over?"
Max nodded. "When faced with the unknown, most creatures are afraid. That is the nature of existence." He sighed. He was tired and sad and felt like a bit of a wreck. Genesis hadn't caught him at a great moment. Even still, he pushed on. "Most of us know very little. Other than Latios himself, I have been battling these creatures the longest, and even still there is so much about them that I do not understand. But what are we to do?" He smiled. "The fact that there are creatures willing to fight these beasts in spite of such overwhelming odds is a testament to the good in this world, I think." He smiled. "Oh, and April is sleeping about twenty meters off behind some bushes. I can still sense her." He sighed. In some way, some small part of him almost felt jealous for Genesis. He had not known Amber long, so he must not be feeling much at her passing. He pushed that thought aside and smiled once more. "I wonder... what do you plan to do when this is all over?"
"That... Is a good question. Maybe keep looking for a Trainer?" he asked, since he has a hole that he wanted to fill ever since Jackson had died. "I want a trainer that sees me for my capability, and not see me as a trophy like most do.." he sighed. "What will you do after all this?"
Max hummed in thought. Latios had asked him this question some time ago, and he hadn't known the answer. Now, faced with the question once again, he tried to find the answer once more. "Perhaps..." he continued to think on this. "Well, I may just return to my quiet life, but perhaps..." he found himself still unsure, but one thing nagged on his mind. "I may try to fall in love. For the longest time, I have been content with simply being. Love was never a thought that crossed my mind except in occasional contemplation. Now though, I've found myself pulled towards it. It seems I've only fallen in love twice, and following through with that has become a desire of mine."
Max hummed in thought. Latios had asked him this question some time ago, and he hadn't known the answer. Now, faced with the question once again, he tried to find the answer once more. "Perhaps..." he continued to think on this. "Well, I may just return to my quiet life, but perhaps..." he found himself still unsure, but one thing nagged on his mind. "I may try to fall in love. For the longest time, I have been content with simply being. Love was never a thought that crossed my mind except in occasional contemplation. Now though, I've found myself pulled towards it. It seems I've only fallen in love twice, and following through with that has become a desire of mine."
"What is that?" Genesis asked, not understanding the concept of Love. "That concept sounds foreign to me..." he added. He had never felt love before. All he felt was sadness, anger, and fear.
Max sighed "oh boy." He thought for a few moments. "It's sort of like a fluttering, pleasant feeling in your stomach. It's what compels Pokémon to be together, and even mate and have families." He thought longer. "Like Arcanus and April."
Max sighed "oh boy." He thought for a few moments. "It's sort of like a fluttering, pleasant feeling in your stomach. It's what compels Pokémon to be together, and even mate and have families." He thought longer. "Like Arcanus and April."
"I still don't understand..... I have never felt it before. And I am pretty sure it's hard for butterflies to get in my stomach to begin with." He said as he scratched his head, trying to ponder Love. "I guess I was not made to feel it at all.... Makes sense because I was made for evil purposes by a group called Team Plasma." (If I remember correctly.)
"Maybe..." Max frowned. "It's really hard to comprehend if you've never felt it... and as I said, I've only loved two Pokémon before, so maybe I'm not the best to describe it."
"Maybe..." Max frowned. "It's really hard to comprehend if you've never felt it... and as I said, I've only loved two Pokémon before, so maybe I'm not the best to describe it."
"Maybe.... But I am practically a robot. I mean look at me, I have metal armor, my eyes are like headlights on a car, I cannot eat or drink, and sleep is meaningless to me. That and I am also based on a fossil, as a scientist in the last said to his lackeys...." He stopped, and turned the other way. "I'm sorry.... If you want, you can go to sleep. I will wake you when needed."
Max paused and nodded. "Do you want to be done?"
"If it's alright with you..." he said as he looked at latios. "I just.... I do not know what and who I am anymore.... Ever simce I met you guys, I jave questioned everything about myself, and what my purpose is. Just talking to you all..... Fills me with questions I do not know answers to..."
Max nodded. "I'd be happy to answer what I can, by as it stands, goodnight. Oh, and Genesis?" He turned to Genesis with tears flowing from his eyes. "Let's... keep this between us, alright?"
Max nodded. "I'd be happy to answer what I can, by as it stands, goodnight. Oh, and Genesis?" He turned to Genesis with tears flowing from his eyes. "Let's... keep this between us, alright?"
"Alright... But please... Be honest with me, alright.... You, Latios, and Arcanus are the only few I can trust.... And I am being genuine about it.. Good night." Genesis said as he stood up, and looked around, scanning the environment for anything at all.
As morning rose Latios sat there for a while watching the sun rise above the waters things about the situation they were in. He didn't get much sleep last night. He was to worried about how close those shadows were to their camp site that sleep just wouldn't come to him. Which was bad because he needed to fly across the ocean today while helping to carry Raikou. Latios let out a sigh as he continued to watch the waves hit the shore. He missed the peaceful days back at their cave. Back when there was no dangers they had to avoid and their only worry was gathering enough food for when winter hit. Speaking on which when they got back they were going to have to work over time to make up for all the slacking they've been doing on this trip. As for the trip, so far the only benefits he had come by was that Emlas has ecstatic to be flying to far away places and that they had found their long lost brother. But even with the family union, it just wasn't how he thought it would be. Things had changed, what he had remember from their first time together just didn't match the present. Maybe it was the current oppressing feeling of danger. Once they got back home things should return to normal. At lest he hoped.

By now the sun had risen fully above the water. With one last sigh Latios rose from the gound himself. He looked over to Max seeing if was still awake. "Anything at all last night."
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Max looked over at Latios. His eyes had crusted and dried a bit from watching overnight. He wiped his eyes, wetting them once ahain and shook his head. "Quiet night," he responded simply.
"No... Not much. To many things to think about." Said Latios. "Strange though that nothing happened. I honestly expected them to reach us sooner than that. Either that or Eclipse is taking his sweet time comeing after us. Anyways, once we cross the ocean we should be far enough away from him."
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus opened his eyes as he heard the group talking. He lifted his head from between the roots of a tree... Odd, as he didn't actually remember falling asleep. Though he was very tired last night... He sighed as he sat up. He still felt drained. But he'd have to push that feeling aside for now. He simply sat there, groggily watching the crew from a short distance away as they talked.

Assailant Assailant Latios Latios Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Max nodded. "He may be worried about us using his Soul Dew against him. Perhaps hems been hesitant so that we don't try something desperate."
"Who says it's a Soul Dew. No Soul grows this large and explodes at the touch. No, scratch that, Soul Dews do explode, but only when their already about to die. But this ones not, and that's a different explosion. And besides, we could use it right now. Just keep hitting it and he feels the heat. If anything it would usher him faster because all he has to do is block us off from it and we can't use it."
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"Who says it's a Soul Dew. No Soul grows this large and explodes at the touch. No, scratch that, Soul Dews do explode, but only when their already about to die. But this ones not, and that's a different explosion. And besides, we could use it right now. Just keep hitting it and he feels the heat. If anything it would usher him faster because all he has to do is block us off from it and we can't use it."
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"So hitting the orb would be last resort, right? Because I am not interested in using it willy nilly, unless we need time to escape." Gensis said as he looked at the orb, and appeared to stare at it for 10 seconds. "Anyways, shall we get moving to our destinaton? We need to get moving before the shadows catch us."
"Who says it's a Soul Dew. No Soul grows this large and explodes at the touch. No, scratch that, Soul Dews do explode, but only when their already about to die. But this ones not, and that's a different explosion. And besides, we could use it right now. Just keep hitting it and he feels the heat. If anything it would usher him faster because all he has to do is block us off from it and we can't use it."
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"My point," Max said, "is that he knows that we'll only use it as a last resort. So he doesn't want to push us into a last resort scenario until he KNOWS he can stop us."

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