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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

"I don't believe I know for certain... That is something Latios may know, however. If anyone has seen the Shade up close, it is most likely him."
"I don't believe I know for certain... That is something Latios may know, however. If anyone has seen the Shade up close, it is most likely him."
"Oh.... I would ask, but I don't know how he will react to such a question...." Genesis stopped, and then changed the subject, "How did you meet nathan and the others?" he asked curiously. "I know very little about you, and I have been at your side since the day we met Lugia."
"I was out for a walk, actually... And I noticed this large group of pokemon. Including the Legendaries. Needless to say, I was intrigued. So I watched them. Max then noticed me, and I came down to introduce myself... And decided that I'd like to help their cause."

"I'm afraid I merely stumbled upon the group, no exciting or engaging story there..."
"I was out for a walk, actually... And I noticed this large group of pokemon. Including the Legendaries. Needless to say, I was intrigued. So I watched them. Max then noticed me, and I came down to introduce myself... And decided that I'd like to help their cause."

"I'm afraid I merely stumbled upon the group, no exciting or engaging story there..."
"Interesting. I saw you guys flying when I met you all, I am pretty sure you remember that.." He said as he kept flying. "To be honest, I never knew that the Lati could be black feathered. I thought it was just red and blue."
"That is a side effect of being tested on in that lab that we visited back there... He says that he had endured years of suffering and experiments. The black coloring in his feathers stems from that."
"That is a side effect of being tested on in that lab that we visited back there... He says that he had endured years of suffering and experiments. The black coloring in his feathers stems from that."
"In terms of being experimented on and all that.... I empathize with Latios. Being experimented on, being shouted at, and all that jazz sucks. I would never wish that on my worst enemy. And out of many Genesects that were made, I am the only one that is red, the others were made purple. I was created as a leader for the hive, but I could not lead them out of death's hand.... And I am unsure if any of my brethren made it out.." He stopped, and sighed. "Let's change the subject, before it gets even more depressing up here."
Arcanus nodded solemnly. "A good idea...". Though he paused again as he couldn't find a conversation subject that wasn't outright depressing. "... I am having trouble changing the subject, I am afraid.."
Arcanus nodded solemnly. "A good idea...". Though he paused again as he couldn't find a conversation subject that wasn't outright depressing. "... I am having trouble changing the subject, I am afraid.."
"Do you have any family?" The Genesect asked Arcanus as he wondered what his family before was like, like mother anx father, Siblings (if any). "I.... I never had a had an actual family like everyone else, so I would like to know from your perspective." he added.
"Oh, yes. Two parents and some relatives. They were all very happy... Our family has a different philosophy than most Pokemon on the subject of Humans. We feel as if it is our mission in life to find a suitable trainer, someone we can truly bond with and care about. My family... They all found their trainers already."
"Oh, yes. Two parents and some relatives. They were all very happy... Our family has a different philosophy than most Pokemon on the subject of Humans. We feel as if it is our mission in life to find a suitable trainer, someone we can truly bond with and care about. My family... They all found their trainers already."
"Good for them. I hope they are happy. What were your parents like, in terms of their dispositions and such?" He asked Arcanus. "I bet they were a kind couple towards humans."
"They were very mellow, and calm. Very happy together, must have been a match made in heaven. Together at least 20 years... They taught me to see the inherent and everlasting beauty in the world, and how to enjoy it. My father taught me respect, my mother taught me to have an unholy amount of patience, even though it had dulled somewhat over the years."
"They were very mellow, and calm. Very happy together, must have been a match made in heaven. Together at least 20 years... They taught me to see the inherent and everlasting beauty in the world, and how to enjoy it. My father taught me respect, my mother taught me to have an unholy amount of patience, even though it had dulled somewhat over the years."
"Wow... Sounds like you had the perfect parents. I like them already." Genesis joekd, Arcanus' parents did sound lovely though. "I'd like to meet them one day, if they are still around that is... But hey, that is up to you, really."
Arcanus chuckled a little bit, shaking his head. "As I said, family all have trainers already. My parents were both captured, as well. I can only hope that they are happy, today."
Arcanus chuckled a little bit, shaking his head. "As I said, family all have trainers already. My parents were both captured, as well. I can only hope that they are happy, today."
"Let's hope so.... Anyways, what moves do you know? I know X-Scissor, Gear Grind, Techno Blast, and Blaze Kick." Genesis said, with a bit of gloating. "Also, do you hit your enemies with Psychic beams like other psychic types?"
"No moves out of the ordinary for us Hypnos, truthfully.", Arcanus replied, shrugging. He chuckled a little bit, though, as Genesis seemed excited. "You seem very curious about us.. Do you see a lot of Hypnos or psychic types?"
"No moves out of the ordinary for us Hypnos, truthfully.", Arcanus replied, shrugging. He chuckled a little bit, though, as Genesis seemed excited. "You seem very curious about us.. Do you see a lot of Hypnos or psychic types?"
"No, not really. I don't really see a lot of pokemon. Mainly because I spent 18 years hiding from everyone." Genesis replied to Arcanus. "I am just curious about everyone really, so forgive me if I ask too many questions."
Arcanus cracked a bit of a weak smile, lightly. "It is quite alright... Knowledge is often times the best weapon. It is best you know about your team."
Arcanus cracked a bit of a weak smile, lightly. "It is quite alright... Knowledge is often times the best weapon. It is best you know about your team."
"You got that right. I know very little of everyone in the group." He replied as he sighed. "But in time, I will get to know everyone." He stopped, and awaited Arcanus' reply as he flew.
"One of my first priorities when I decided to join the group was to know that I could know that none of them would let me down, with myself having to take an entire new responsibility on. Having a good idea of how the people around you interact socially is a useful knowledge to have. I often find myself taking mental notes whenever somebody speaks. You would be surprised how much you can tell somebody's personality by only the first few sentences they say to you."
"One of my first priorities when I decided to join the group was to know that I could know that none of them would let me down, with myself having to take an entire new responsibility on. Having a good idea of how the people around you interact socially is a useful knowledge to have. I often find myself taking mental notes whenever somebody speaks. You would be surprised how much you can tell somebody's personality by only the first few sentences they say to you."
"I.... I never thought of it that way. That is a rather smart way to look at it." Genesis said thoughtfully, thinking about the advice given to him. "You know, at first, latios seemed irritable when we first met, and emlas was always happy."
"Every single person you meet has a mask of some sort." Arcanus claimed, getting a little bit more comfortable. He seemed to really enjoy talking about social dynamics. "Many of the outer emotions they show are just that. A shell on the outside that is used to convey the very basics of one's personality, or the personality they wish to become. Some people's inner emotions are very close to their outer personalities, while others can be far, far away. The inner emotions of one's mind is something I have a vague sense for. Sometimes they are truly not too deep beneath the surface... But, as an example, with someone such as April, it takes much time, patience, and digging to break through to.. Everyone is different."
"Every single person you meet has a mask of some sort." Arcanus claimed, getting a little bit more comfortable. He seemed to really enjoy talking about social dynamics. "Many of the outer emotions they show are just that. A shell on the outside that is used to convey the very basics of one's personality, or the personality they wish to become. Some people's inner emotions are very close to their outer personalities, while others can be far, far away. The inner emotions of one's mind is something I have a vague sense for. Sometimes they are truly not too deep beneath the surface... But, as an example, with someone such as April, it takes much time, patience, and digging to break through to.. Everyone is different."
"Wow.. You are really smart. Anyways, I have a question, and I need you to be honest with me." He stopped, and took a deep breath before asking, "What did you think of me when you met me?" He genuinely wanted to know, since he felt as though he might have been a nuisance at first.
"To be honest... You seemed fairly normal. Of course, nobody trusted you straight off simply because you were a stranger, but that is only to be expected. I had a fairly immediate sense of your imagination, curiosity, and logic. As well as sorrow.", Arcanus replied simply and honestly.
"To be honest... You seemed fairly normal. Of course, nobody trusted you straight off simply because you were a stranger, but that is only to be expected. I had a fairly immediate sense of your imagination, curiosity, and logic. As well as sorrow.", Arcanus replied simply and honestly.
"Wow... I.. I never had anyone say something like that to me. At least it's better than being called a murderer or a monster by people who hear rumors about me." He said as he remembered listening to people's conversations, and a rumor would always pop up. "It... It did not feel right, but I am not a monster...." He stopped, and stayed silent.
"There are times when many people have to make morally challenging decisions. I know Latios has. In fact, more times than not... It is a part of our lives to some extent. Some stories being far more dramatic than others. I acknowledge that there has been.. Very serious things happening in your past. And I feel as if you are already well on your way to recovery. I also do feel like you are a trustworthy Pokemon. After all, you literally have my very life in your hands as we speak."

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