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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Arcanus nodded again and thought a bit more, trying to make sure they weren't forgetting anything. "I believe those are my only concerns.", he finally finished off.
Max nodded. He hoped they could come back for Nathan, but Latios was right: this seemed to be the best option. That was the only safe spot. This was not even their best option, really: it was their only option.
"So, if everyone is in an agreement then we leave for Spear Pillar immediately. There's enough daylight that we'll reach the coast. There we'll rest before we cross the ocean, however there may not be much rest as well be having to keep an eye on our backs."
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"So, if everyone is in an agreement then we leave for Spear Pillar immediately. There's enough daylight that we'll reach the coast. There we'll rest before we cross the ocean, however there may not be much rest as well be having to keep an eye on our backs."
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"We should do it, but as quick as we can, I do not want to be caught by the shadows while flying to Sinnoh." Genesis muttered as he nodded. He did not know what he should expect, but he will be ready to fight.
Max nodded in agreement. They didn't have much time, they had stayed in one place for far too long. Besides, the sooner they left, the sooner they could return for Nathan. "I am ready whenever you all are."
Arcanus nodded, pulling himself away from the tree. "I am ready to travel, as well."
"Right. Draka, your going to have to keep carrying the Orb. Cresselia, you can fly in your own now so your fine. Raikou... There's two options for you. None of us are strong enough to carry you so you can either let us lift you into the air using our Psychic, or, you can allow us to use a Pokeball for easier transportation. Both are not exactly ideal for you but the latter is easier on us. Obviously we would free you after we had stopped flying."

"Do we not have anyone that could teleport, even if they can't teleport all the way to Sinnoh. Maybe even just to the coast and then across the ocean."

"Unfortunately not. None of us can teleport." He said not trying to mention the only one that had been able to probably do such a thing.

"... Fine, carry me with your Psychic. I don't trust you enough to even allow Pokeballs."

"Then it's settled. Everyone, get with your partners. However, Arcanus, go with either April or Genesis. Draka is busy carring the orb right now."
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus nodded in reply to Latios.. And he looked over at April with pleading eyes. He knew it was extremely unlikely that she would actually carry him, considering the circumstances. But he still wanted to try, nonetheless. "A-..Ah... Perhaps...?", he simply stuttered.

Latios Latios Assailant Assailant
April looked at him, and for a moment, only a moment, her eyes seemed to soften. They quickly hardened once again as she scowled deeper than before. "You've got a lot of nerve asking for that. Fuck off."

Daisie Daisie
Arcanus kept the same hopeful expression on his face for a few moments before hanging his head. "A-Ah, okay...", he mumbled awkwardly, and barely audibly as he turned around and did the walk of shame over to Genesis.

Assailant Assailant Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus kept the same hopeful expression on his face for a few moments before hanging his head. "A-Ah, okay...", he mumbled awkwardly, and barely audibly as he turned around and did the walk of shame over to Genesis.

Assailant Assailant Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"Need a ride?" Genesis asked as he shot a glare at April, then looked at arcanus again. "What's wrong? You look a little down in the dumps..." he asked in a concerned manner. Ever since Amber passed, the pair had split apart. "If it's about Amber, I just want to let you know that I was once in your position. I know how you feel Arcanus, I used to have a trainer, but now she is 6 feet in the dirt because I failed to protect her." He telepathically said to Arcanus, he felt bad for the Hypno, knowing what he is going through, somewhat. He did not think it would help, but he had good intentions of helping Arcanus in his time of need.
Arcanus nodded slightly, getting into position to fly. "A-Ah... Please, I would prefer it if you didn't compare this situation to anything. Simply let me mourn. As I am sure you are aware, I need time. Just have patience with April and I.". He sat in a semi-comfortable position and stared at the ground, saying no more. He didn't want to talk anymore, he didn't want to move. He didn't want to think, nor breathe. The usually stoic Hypno was now visibly miserable.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus nodded slightly, getting into position to fly. "A-Ah... Please, I would prefer it if you didn't compare this situation to anything. Simply let me mourn. As I am sure you are aware, I need time. Just have patience with April and I.". He sat in a semi-comfortable position and stared at the ground, saying no more. He didn't want to talk anymore, he didn't want to move. He didn't want to think, nor breathe. The usually stoic Hypno was now visibly miserable.

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"Sorry... I'll stop now." Genesis said as he changed forms, and awaited for Arcanus to board, silent and still. He respected Arcanus' request, and decided to stay silent for the duration of the ride.
"You are alright. Thank you, nonetheless.." Arcanus simply murmured, boarding the Genesect quietly.

(Gah, I feel like my posts are so short. :S sorry about that.)

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"You are alright. Thank you, nonetheless.." Arcanus simply murmured, boarding the Genesect quietly.

(Gah, I feel like my posts are so short. :S sorry about that.)

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
(same) "You are welcome, friend." Genesis replied as the Hypno boarded him. He turned, and looked at Latios. "Are you all ready?" he asked, since he probably had to wait for the others to ready up.
Latios nodded and began to lift Raikou into the air with the help of Emlas and Edron. Raikou was a bit fidgety at first about not having the found beneath his feet as he had always had it but soon calmed down and let them take him. From there they quickly began their trip to the shoreline so they could proceed with the trio to Sinnoh.
Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Max looked around as people started flying. He looked over to April, who was the only available flyer. April met his eyes and scowled. April knew just from his look what he needed, and was tempted to say no. Then she paused... she glanced over at Arcanus. I just turned him down... so if I say yes to Max... she smiled and beckoned over to him. "C'mon Max," she said, making a big show of it. "I'll carry you! Let's go!" The anger in her voice was poorly concealed, but she made a show of sounding upbeat and happy about it. Max sighed and lowered his head as he walked over to her and got on.
Arcanus sighed, glancing over at April with a drained, tired, and painful look. After everything, he couldn't find it in himself to be angry or sad. Just sort of alive and miserable. Her enthusiasm still hurt, and it was obvious, so he simply stared at her for a few moments and looked back outwards, not bothering to say anything.

Assailant Assailant
Genesis flew, taking in the view of the sky as clouds zoomed past the group. "Flying, what a way to move. The feeling of the wind blasting you in the face, and the clouds zooming past you... It's great." he muttered, not expecting anyone to hear him.
Arcanus looked down at Genesis, snapping out of his trance. "Ah.. I believe I will never quite get used to the feeling of flying. It is.. A very recent feeling for me.", he said, in an attempt to take his mind off of things.
Arcanus looked down at Genesis, snapping out of his trance. "Ah.. I believe I will never quite get used to the feeling of flying. It is.. A very recent feeling for me.", he said, in an attempt to take his mind off of things.
"Well, you will be doing a lot of it with all this interregional travel. It definitely beats swimming at least." Genesis chuckled in reply to Arcanus.
"Oh, we have already done our fair share of traveling, trust me. It has certainly been an adventure.", Arcanus looked back tiredly, relaxing a little bit.
"Oh, we have already done our fair share of traveling, trust me. It has certainly been an adventure.", Arcanus looked back tiredly, relaxing a little bit.
"So I assume you guys did a lot more before you met me? Interesting." Genesis muttered. "What do you know of the shadows? I know nothing except that they wanna take over the world and kill every living thing in site..." He trailed off, since to him, the Shadows were an enigma. He had never heard of them until he met latios and the others.
"The Shadows are a killing and spreading force that is taking over the world by the minute.. I believe they are all ruled by a being called the 'Shade', who grows stronger with every death."
"The Shadows are a killing and spreading force that is taking over the world by the minute.. I believe they are all ruled by a being called the 'Shade', who grows stronger with every death."
"Wow... Sounds like someone has the Moxie ability." Genesis joked, but then became serious again. "So this shade.... Is he or she a lati?" he asked.

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