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Fandom Pokémon: Rise of Shadows

Max breathed in as they flew overhead. He had a lot to think about, especially with Amber's...

Just a little longer, he prayed.

He took a shaky breath and looked down at April. She kept her distance from the group, staying as far away as she could while still maintaining contact and control. She was only as close as she needed to be not to lose them. He frowned as he mulled over recent events and debated internally before finally coming to a decision.

"April?" She stared forward, her eyes narrowed. She didn't make a move to acknowledge him, leading him to believe the wind was too loud. "Ap-"

"I heard you the first time," she spat. "Jeez." She said nothing after that. Max waited for her to do or say something for a few moments before sighing.

"I understand." April was silent for a time before glancing up at him.

"What... that's it?" Max didn't respond. April waited for him to do so before scoffing."I don't know what you're expecting me to say to that." After a few moments of silence, Max continued.

"I know what's going on... what's running through your head. I was there. I was you. I understand." April turned her head and looked at him inquisitively.


"I'm referring to your anger... specifically at Arcanus." She scoffed.

"Let me guess, you want me to chill the fuck out and 'be zen' or some of your bullshit. Well it isn't happening! He deserves all the shit I'm giving him!" Max let her speak before smiling.

"I wouldn't agree that he deserves it, but I'm not telling you to stop either."


"Rage, scream, hit things. Er, preferably not here, but later." She frowned.

"That doesn't sound like you." Max shook his head.

"Perhaps not, but grief changes people. Resisting that change is very unhealthy, and only serves to make more permenant changes." She seemed confused as he sighed. "When Felix died, I was much like you. I was furious at those who had killed him and at the world which deemed him worthless enough to die. I-"

"Wait, grieving?" She laughed. "You think I'm grieving? As if I cared about that dumb bi...-bitch." She seemed to almost wince just saying that. Max smiled serenely and nodded.

"Of course, what was I thinking?" The two were quiet for some time. Finally, Max spoke up one last time. "As in all things, this will pass." April had no response to give, so she simply flew onward.
"There are times when many people have to make morally challenging decisions. I know Latios has. In fact, more times than not... It is a part of our lives to some extent. Some stories being far more dramatic than others. I acknowledge that there has been.. Very serious things happening in your past. And I feel as if you are already well on your way to recovery. I also do feel like you are a trustworthy Pokemon. After all, you literally have my very life in your hands as we speak."
"More like claws, but that works too." Genesis joked, he chuckles, and spoke, "and with the recovery part, there was one thing I wanted to do before we left Hoenn, but I guess it could wait." He sighed, and asked, "Do you really think I am trustworthy?"
"Of course. I do not sense any maliciousness in your actions towards us, I do not feel as if you are a danger to us or our mission. You are as trustworthy as Latios, Max, Emlas, Draka..."
"Of course. I do not sense any maliciousness in your actions towards us, I do not feel as if you are a danger to us or our mission. You are as trustworthy as Latios, Max, Emlas, Draka..."
"That is good to know. I appreciate the honesty." Genesis said, a slight amount of relief in his voice. "I trust you as well. But I have yet to get to know the others, with time of course." He added.
Arcanus nodded with an understanding look on his face. "If you cannot find it within yourself to trust them, than do at least trust me. For I trust them."
Arcanus nodded with an understanding look on his face. "If you cannot find it within yourself to trust them, than do at least trust me. For I trust them."
"I trust them, but I do not fully trust them. I know latios a bit more than everyone else, so I trust him more." he replied as he thought about it for a moment. "I know a little bit about everyone, but not enough to get a good picture of them, know what I mean?" he asked.
Arcanus nodded politely. "Precisely.", he simply answered. "Some people are more willing to trust others. Some are not. Everyone is different and special in their own way. And with how many people are on this world... Is that not an amazing thought?"
Arcanus nodded politely. "Precisely.", he simply answered. "Some people are more willing to trust others. Some are not. Everyone is different and special in their own way. And with how many people are on this world... Is that not an amazing thought?"
"It is amazing, now that I think on it. Especially with how many living beings that are in this world." he never had to think so much in his life, but he had his mind opened up just a bit.
Arcanus smiled, looking up into the wide open sky. "You can almost feel them all, mere specks on the surface of this living, breathing planet. Even the plants hold precious life in their stems."
Arcanus smiled, looking up into the wide open sky. "You can almost feel them all, mere specks on the surface of this living, breathing planet. Even the plants hold precious life in their stems."
"It is interesting how nature manages to harmonize everything together. It feels like everything is in tune with each other." He added as he sighed. "But that will all be gone if Shade takes over." Latios Latios Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie
Arcanus nodded, staring worriedly down at the passing ground below them. "I intend to die before I see this world in ruins.",
With Night fall approaching fast so to was the shore line. They quickly landed on the sandy beach that meet the ocean waters that they'd soon cross. When the Lati let go of Raikou he was very egar to be on land again.

"Anyone up for first watch. We need to watch our backs more than ever."

Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
Arcanus would have normally volunteered but... Max looked eager, and he was honestly too tired after everything that had happened that day. Especially after April had wailed on him. He sighed and relaxed a little bit.
Max nodded and stepped up. "I volunteer to take watch."
With Night fall approaching fast so to was the shore line. They quickly landed on the sandy beach that meet the ocean waters that they'd soon cross. When the Lati let go of Raikou he was very egar to be on land again.

"Anyone up for first watch. We need to watch our backs more than ever."

Assailant Assailant Daisie Daisie Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"I volunteer too. I don't really need to sleep at all." Genesis chimed in. "You all need it more, so just kick back and relax, we got this. If anything happens, we will wake you all." he informed with an assuring nod.
Arcanus climbed down from Genesis and took a breath before walking out to go find firewood, deep in thought about everything. He was very scatterbrained, he wasn't quite all there, anyway.
Max did the same. His thoughts were somewhat more focused, but what he was thinking about seemed to be a mystery to this around him. He was deep in thought, though, that much was obvious.

April, of course, immediately separated herself from the group, flying off into the woods.
Gensis ran off into the woods, and started to look for sticks and fallen limbs. "Alright, let's start the search." He said to himself as he looked around, picking up any sticks he may find. He was in his own thoughts as he picked up stick after stick. He reflected on his conversation with arcanus, and began to think on it. "Arcanus is such an intelligent being... I feel like I got smarter just talking to him." he joked.
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Max rested against a tree. The sun had long ago set, and the fire was beginning to die out. Nonchalantly, Max tossed a stick on the fire, bringing it back to life. He deeply inhaled and exhaled, looking around for his partner on watch. He seemed distracted, looking elsewhere. Max nodded contently, looking back up to the sky.

A leader is not to be emotionless and cold. That is an unfortunate misconception. What is important is that they can set their emotions to the side where it matters. They don't show their emotions to those they lead: they appear strong and resolute.

Max didn't know it, but earlier Arcanus had questioned how he could be so strong. Had he heard this, he would've felt flattered. It had worked. Even without Max hearing that, he felt he did a good job. But what kind of Pokémon must he be to feel nothing after the death of such a close friend? Amber was a mother, a friend, and a beacon of hope for all of them.

As he thought of all of this, he was blessed by the night, coating him in inky blackness. And thus he cast aside his facade, loosing his pain and weeping where he prayed no one could see, not for his sake, but for theirs.

( Latios Latios good to go)
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Max rested against a tree. The sun had long ago set, and the fire was beginning to die out. Nonchalantly, Max tossed a stick on the fire, bringing it back to life. He deeply inhaled and exhaled, looking around for his partner on watch. He seemed distracted, looking elsewhere. Max nodded contently, looking back up to the sky.

A leader is not to be emotionless and cold. That is an unfortunate misconception. What is important is that they can set their emotions to the side where it matters. They don't show their emotions to those they lead: they appear strong and resolute.

Max didn't know it, but earlier Arcanus had questioned how he could be so strong. Had he heard this, he would've felt flattered. It had worked. Even without Max hearing that, he felt he did a good job. But what kind of Pokémon must he be to feel nothing after the death of such a close friend? Amber was a mother, a friend, and a beacon of hope for all of them.

As he thought of all of this, he was blessed by the night, coating him in inky blackness. And thus he cast aside his facade, loosing his pain and weeping where he prayed no one could see, not for his sake, but for theirs.

( Latios Latios good to go)
As Genesis was picking up wood, he saw Max, and walked to him with all the sticks they could need after about 10 minites of looking around. "Got the sticks... Hey, is something wrong?" he asked after setting the wood down. "You don't seem like yourself, should I be worried?" Genesis knew something was up, but he did not know what exactly.
Max perked up at the sound of Genesis. Shit, he thought internally. He looked over at him and sighed, wiping some tears off of his face. "Nothing too out of the ordinary, I suppose... simply with recent... Genesis, if I may ask... what does it mean to be a leader?" he asked Genesis
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Max perked up at the sound of Genesis. Shit, he thought internally. He looked over at him and sighed, wiping some tears off of his face. "Nothing too out of the ordinary, I suppose... simply with recent... Genesis, if I may ask... what does it mean to be a leader?" he asked Genesis
"Honestly, what it takes to be a leader is compassion, understanding, determination, and the ability to pull through when the going gets tough. And more importantly, you have to sacrifice everything to ensure you and everyone else are safe." he said as he looked at max. "Is something bothering you about that?" he asked, though his look was blank, he was confused by the question. Though he had given his honest answer, he did not know much about leadership, except from what he learned watching wild pokemon interact, with a leader leading them to food, shelter, and water.
"Honestly, what it takes to be a leader is compassion, understanding, determination, and the ability to pull through when the going gets tough. And more importantly, you have to sacrifice everything to ensure you and everyone else are safe." he said as he looked at max. "Is something bothering you about that?" he asked, though his look was blank, he was confused by the question. Though he had given his honest answer, he did not know much about leadership, except from what he learned watching wild pokemon interact, with a leader leading them to food, shelter, and water.
"In a way." He sighed and leaned against the tree he was on. "It is my conviction that a leader should abstain from allowing his emotions to control him in front of his subordinates, and should remain stoic and strong in their presence. To weep and yell is for their own privacy. Am I wrong in this belief?"

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"In a way." He sighed and leaned against the tree he was on. "It is my conviction that a leader should abstain from allowing his emotions to control him in front of his subordinates, and should remain stoic and strong in their presence. To weep and yell is for their own privacy. Am I wrong in this belief?"

Emperor Of Embers Emperor Of Embers
"Somewhat, if you show your emotions, then that is what will make you stronger. It is a powerful thing, but do not let it take over your judgement."He replied as he looked into the fire, just staring.

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