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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"MARCUS!!" Chi touched his convulsing body and was shocked and pulled her hand away. "who are you? what do you want?" she crawled and laid over Marcus's body protectively. the two pokemon circling her was scaring her. hearing the girl give the Mienshaos to attack she fliched from the first one feint and let out a pained cry as the poison jab it its mark. Chi fell unconscious on top of Marcus's body.

The two girls giggle as they watch Chi get knocked out, but they both look back in alarm as they see Aggron slam the two Beartics to the floor.

"Curse the strength of a former elite fours Pokemon. Sister, let us leave."

"Aye aye sis!"

And with that, the two girls return their Pokemon as they look at Aggron.

"Come with us with out attacking, and your master and the girl won't get hurt. Do I make myself clear?"

Aggron gorlws under his breath, but he obeys orders, keeping distance from him and the girls as the girls take them all back to a base hidden in the mountains. On the outside, more girls in kimonos were out in a beautiful Cherry Blossom garden, the large trees shadowing the beautiful meadow. The girls bring the two unconscious ones into a large temple, where they are taken to a large empty room, where sunlight pours onto the floor. Marcus and Chi are both tied to two separate chairs, facing across from each other. The more cheerful girl grabs a bucket of water, and splashes it all over Marcus and Chi's face. Marcus sputters as he wakes up, shaking his wet hair off his face.

@Shiro kurogane
"Mom? Yeah, she is strong, thanks to Dad....." Cosmo chucke as he remember something a long time ago. 'I have a story that might be interesting for you....wanna hear it?"

Sharon look at Blossom and Nina and then she said, "Very well, we can start train....but first, lets eat...."

Chi feels the cold water and jerks awake looking around fearfully. she sees the two girls that brought them here, than catches sight of Marcus and fells only a smidge better.

Blossom smiled as she ran downstairs as she went to eat" mommy why do i have dylexia i can't read its not fair i get made fun off at school and they say i'm weak" she say pouting grabbing for bubby

kenzie try to move her legs but couldn't" i'm listening" she say smiling
"Sweetie, don't say that you are weak...." said Sharon.

Cosmo sit on th chair. " There was a time when Mom and Dad is all lovely-dovey.....then one day Mom start to get really mad at Dad when he forgot about their anniversary ....."
Blossom just pout" kids at school say i'm weak mommy i get made fun off" she say looking at her

kenzie laughed" that so my brother he forget stuff like that i miss him" she pout
"That's true...kids say that behind her back...." Nina said as she eating her food.

"Nina, you're not helping..." said Sharon. " The training will be good for Blossom..."

"Yea....Mom was so angry about him forgot about it. That she stop talking to him and sleep on the different room...and its took 2 weeks..."
Marcus looks around, growling at the two girls.

"The hellvis all this about??"

The more cheerful one responds by pulling out a knife, and holding it gently across Marcus's neck as she stands behind him, her other hand on his chest. The more serious twin turns to Chi.

(Don't think that you should know what the Cave of the Three means, Chi is supposed to not know)

"Let's play a game. Every time you don't tell us where the Cave of the Three is, my sister will carve a symbol into his chest. Now, where is the Cave of the Three?"

@Shiro kurogane
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"w-what? cave of three? whats a cave of three? and don't hurt him!" Chi struggled against her binds as she tried to get to Marcus but couldn't. "please, let him go... i'll do anything. just let Marcus go and i promise i don't know what a cave of three is or where it is." she yanked on her binds desperate to get to and protect Marcus.

The serious one shakes her head, and the more cheerful one drags the blade across Marcus's chest. He holds in his pain, but a small gasp escapes from his mouth as the blade cuts deeper and deeper. After she was done, there was a symbol that looked almost exactly like a flower petal.

"That's not what I wanted to hear. Where is the Cave of the Three?"

@Shiro kurogane
Blossom pushed away the food" i'm not hungry mommy" she say playing with bubby as she went to the living room

Kenzie just looked at him" whoa 2 weeks you serious" she laughed @JessBeth
"no! stop hurting him! i don'e know where this cave of three you keep asking about is. leave Marcus alone!" Chi tried yanking at her binds again but gets nowhere.

'Blossom, you have to eat if you wanna start training....." Sharon said to her.

Nina finishes eating hers as she put it away the plates on the sink.

"Yup, Dad think it will only last one or two days....but he was wrong....he try to apologize by give her nice gifts, beg her, make a puppy-eyes looks.....but Mom is so stubborn to forgive him....until one day she said, "If you want to me to forgive you, battle me!" said Cosmo.

Blossom looked at her mom as she pout" but but mommy" she whind to her mom as she sat back she poked the green beans she hated vegetables
The young girl does a "tsk tsk.", pulling up her knife, and cutting through his flesh again. Marcus holds in his pain, but once again screams in pain, this time even longer, his voice filled with agony.

"Almost no one survives the third. I suggest you tell us now, before Marcus the Hunter dies."

@Shiro kurogane
The young girl goes to cut up Marcus again, but the serious one holds her hand up.

"I believe that this girl is telling the truth. However, we aren't done. Sister, go the pokegirl."

The cheerful one skips over to Chi, and pulling out her knife again. She gets behind Chi, pulling her head back and lightly pushing her knife into her soft stomach.

"Don't you dare hurt her. I'll kill you all!"

The older one smacks Marcus, forcing his head to fly to the left. He coughs up blood, the cuts on his chest bleeding.

"I should've just asked you in the first question Marcus. Where is the cave?"

"I don't even know what the cave is."

The serious one shakes her head, and the cheerful sister giggles as she carves in a much smaller rose petal into Chi's stomach.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi cried out in pain as tears rolled down her cheeks. but even so, she was glad they weren't hurting Marcus anymore. she sobbed softly at the pain but endured it.

Marcus strains against the bonds, trying to break out of the chair.

"Stop stop stop! Alright, fine! I know where the Cave of three is! Raikou, Entei, Suicune. The pokehuman versions. I know where the Cave is. Please, don't hurt her anymore. Please..."

The two girls smile at each other triumphantly, before taking off Chi's bonds.

"We know you won't be much of a problem! We'll come back for you in an hour or two to escort us to the cave!"

The two girls leave the room, and the door lock as the two are left alone.

@Shiro kurogane
Blossom looked at her mom and back at her food as she picked up the fork and eat the vegetables she liked her deserts and didn't want to not eat desserts for a month she just eat all her food" mommy i'm done all done" she say as she smiled as she put it in the sink

Olivia looked at her stitches as she thought it was cool" um Cosmo i was wandering can you teach me how to read so maybe i can try this school thing out" she asked him @JessBeth
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Chi sagged to the floor in pain. she crawled sluggishly to Marcus and lifted her upper half into his lap and spoke weakly. "are.... you.... ok" she was still worried for him rather than herself. she couldn't wait for an answer though because she fainted in his lap.
Marcus grits his teeth, and he holds up the small framed girl closer to him, sobbing into her shoulder.

"Damnit, these bastards! Don't worry Chi, I'll save you, I promise. I promise."

@Shiro kurogane

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