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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Sharon looked at Kenzie as she giggle. "You almost got me there...." She then said Cosmo and Olivia come running to them. Cosmo pick Kenzie and take her to the room, and treat her wound and give her an antidote for the poison.

Sharon is in her room as she rest on the bed.

"Right, except I'm gonna kick your ass before you even think about selling her."

Behind the man, the lean figure of Marcus was standing there, and Aggron was just right beside him, glaring at the man, ready to pound him into ground beef.

"Hand her over, or I'll make Aggron here squish you."

@Shiro kurogane
Blossom smiled as she was hungry she was trying to read doing her homework as she saw her door open but kept trying to read" c..a.....t" she say as she smiled @JessBeth
The man looked at marcus in both surprise and terror. "i thought that Jirachi pokehuman was gullible... and im not handing my new prize to you. unless your willing to buy her after i've had my fun." he chuckled as he pulls out another pokeball and throws out a salamance. "salamance, used earthquake!" he yelled jumping onto its back.

Aggron growls as the earthquake fissure get stopped by its figure.

"Disable the Salamences wings. Stone Edge!"

Aggron slams its foot into the ground, and massive shards of stone fly straight at the flying dragon. @Shiro kurogane
Blossom looked up from her book" trying to read since i can't read big sister" she say as she smiled looking at her sister" how long do we wait since mommy still mad" she say @JessBeth
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"dodge the stones, Salamance!" the dragon swoops under and barrel rolls to avoid the rocks, but gets hit in the back by one. the man struggles to keep hold on the dragon's back. but ends up falling off right at Marcus's feet. the masterball holding Chi rolls from the man's hand and bumps lightly into Aggron's foot.

Marcus glares at the man, picking up the pokeball, and releasing Chi. Aggron starts to lumber over to the fallen criminal.

"You threatened to kill me, and you threatened the safety of Chi. You attacked her, and I can't let that slide. Why shouldnt I end you?" (Pulls out a groudon and kills Marcus)

@Shiro kurogane
blossom just looked away as she shrugged" but i'm so hungry i want to be strong like mommy i want to train i learned a new move" she say smiling
Chi looks around slightly confused before she remembers and hides behind Marcus and Aggron. "marcus..." she hugged him from behind, but in a way so that he could move around without being hindered.

"pfffft, you couldn't kill me because as of right now, im the only one that knows a masterball can hold pokehumans. that and killing me would raise questions and include an investigation." the man was bluffing, in actuality no one knew him or his theory.

Marcus grits his teeth.

"Fine, then I won't kill you. Then I'll just call over officer Je-"

If Marcus did this, however, Officer Jenny could see his face and remember it. He grits his teeth.

"Fine then. Get out of here before I change my mind then."

@Shiro kurogane
the man gets up and jumps onto his Salamance's back and flies away hurriedly away.

Chi lets out a relieved sigh and sinks to her knees exhausted from trying to break the masterball from the inside.

Blossom just looked at her as she frowned as she went to the door as open the door hitting her head" owie" she cried
Marcus watches as the man flies away, Marcus sighing in relief as he watches the criminal leave. He turns over to Chi, bringing her in close, his breath passing onto her neck.

"Thank god you're okay!"

@Shiro kurogane
Blossom just rubbed her head" nothing i wanna train mommy i begin learning to read mommy" she say jumping on her bed
Chi hugged Marcus and let his breath on her neck sooth her. she had been scared that Marcus would have gotten hurt and that she would never see him again. "im so glad your ok too! i thought i might not see you again!" tears streaked down her cheeks.

Kenzie sat up as she smiled look around" man sherry is strong" she say as she smiled

blossom smiled" yeah i wanna be strong like mommy nina and i saw battle with auntie kenzie" she say
Marcus smiles, kissing her on the lips.

"Of course I'd be okay. Truth be told, I used to be in the elite four. However, now I'm just known as a forgotten legend. Not a lot of people remember about me. Can you wal-"

Suddenly, a taser shot hits Marcus in the back, and he screams in pain as he hits the floor, writhing from the massive amounts of electricity pumping through his veins. A little giggle is heard as two girls skip out of the shadows, about Marcus and Chi's age, but looking as young as Chi does. Behind the two girl, an espeon and umbreon waltz around them, circling Chi. The first one speaks.

"Look sister look! It looks like we caught ourselves a Jirachi pokehuman! She's so cute, can we keep her?"

The other twin was a bit more serious, her shadowy eyes betraying her youth.

"Don't be silly sister. We must take the girl now before the infamous bounty hinter wakes up. Mienshaos, knock the girl out!"

The two Mienshaos waltz around Chi before one feints a cross chop, while the other one fires off a poison jab right at Chi's gut. Aggron roars, but the two girls send out two more pokeballs, two Beartics. The Beartics jump into battle, keeping Aggron busy.

@Shiro kurogane

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