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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Chi faked a smile. "y-yeah... fine." she was bad at lying especially since she'd never done so before now. her mind drifted back to what the stranger had whispered to her... "come to the back of the colosseum alone or your boyfriend and his cousin die." she shuddered at the remembered words.

Marcus brushes his hand across her cheek, his finger holding her hair away from her eyes.

"If you don't feel comfortable telling me, I understand. Ready to go? Were gonna get a hotel room, get ready, and then go to the battle diner."

@Shiro kurogane
Chi cups Marcus's hand and nuzzles it before letting it go. "its not that... but yeah im ready to leave when you are... whats a battle diner?"

Marcus grins, Lelìa grinning right back at him.

"Well, if you want a seat at the battle diner, you have to fight for it. You can also fight for different tiers. Tier one, you get normal seats, then tier two, tier three, and then First Class. Lelìa and I are going to fight for first class. You can use one of my Pokemon to battle."

Lelìa already left, and Marcus holds out his hand for the two to leave the stadium.

@Shiro kurogane
Sharon let out a big signs and lay on the sofa. "I have to clam myself....." She looking tired dealing with her two only daughters. 'I wish Dresden is here....he alway help me when we having some kids trouble...."

Chi takes Marcus's hand and smiles, temporarily forgetting the stranger's warning. "me? battle? but i've never had any kind of battle... aside from running away from them." a worried look crossed her face. Marcus's pokemon liked her... but would they listen to an inexperienced pokehuman. that and she didn't want any of his pokemon hurt because of not being fast enough or something.

Marcus grins.

"I know what you're feeling. Don't worry, my Pokemon are very trained. If you're worrying about them getting hurt, you can use Aggron. He is a tank, and he knows how to battle without command."

Marcus wraps his arm around Chi's waist, bringing himself close into her.

"You sure you're okay? You can tell me anything beautiful."

@Shiro kurogane
Chi blushed slightly at him calling her beautiful. but she nuzzled into him with his arms around her. "i think you are starting to know me too well, if you can read what im thinking." she chuckled halfheartedly. "and... this stranger a moment ago.... h-he told me to meet him behind the colosseum alone... or you and Lelia, would die..." she buried her face into his chest as she spoke.

Kenzie just looked at her" fight me you wanted to battale me so lets do that so we can see how strong the past years" she say as she smiled" and to calm you down" she say as she smiled looking at her as she pulled sherry hand up" just like old times" she say smiling @JessBeth
Marcus grits his teeth, his eyes angry. His hands hold Chi close, comforting her with his warmth.

"I can't believe some asshole would ever threaten you like that. Don't worry, we'll just lure him right into a trap. Then, he'll definitely pay the price once I beat his ass. Besides, how could he kill me and Lelìa? We are powerful trainers, we're no pushovers. And now, I have my full team. Let's lead this guy into a trap. I'll hide, and wait for him to come out. Once he reveals himself, I'll go in and capture him."

@Shiro kurogane
"but... i don't want you or Lelia and your pokemon to get hurt again.." she said still clinging to Marcus. "and we don't know if the stranger will be alone either. there could be others there that would hurt you." Chi again was more worried for him than she was for herself.

Marcus holds her close, his eyes now more angry.

"I'm not gonna let you get hurt Chi. We are doing this together, I am not leaving you. I can't leave you. What if you get hurt? And my Pokemon are tough, they can handle it. I'm not letting you get hurt. No."

@Shiro kurogane
Chi hugged Marcus tighter and sighed. "fine.. we can try your plan. but promise me, you'll run if something goes wrong." she would run to.. if she was lucky enough to get a chance to run away.

Zeldafangirl said:
Kenzie just looked at her" fight me you wanted to battale me so lets do that so we can see how strong the past years" she say as she smiled" and to calm you down" she say as she smiled looking at her as she pulled sherry hand up" just like old times" she say smiling @JessBeth
Sharon look at her and giggle. "Like old time..." She then walk outside and go to the battle field. " Remember, I'm not going to go easy on you..." said Sharon.

Kenzie eyes turned red as she smiled" i'm good you don't have to go easy" she say landing her first attack she used flamethroer @JessBeth
Kenzie smiled as she looked at the protect it was huge" nice" she say as she used crunch

blossom was watching her mom and auntie kenzie fight
Marcus nods.

"I promise I'll run if it gets too dangerous for me."

Of course, this was a lie, but he hid it pretty well, as he has lied many times to bounty hunters. But lying to Chi hurt him, making him feel guilty and horrible.

"Alright, go ahead and go behind the Colosseum. I won't be too far. Once I see him make a move, I'll jump on in."

@Shiro kurogane
Sharon keep using Protect, as she quickly run behind Kenzie and use her new move, Venoshock. She it on her lets and leave a poison.

Nina is in her room until she hear a noise outside. "Hm? Alright! Mommy start to fight!! Its been a long time I seen it.

Cosmo is by the backyard as he hear a noise, "Huh? Olivia, let's check it out...."

Kenzie stood up again as she used fire fang behind her as she was trying to beat sharon!

olivia just went with him as she saw the battle @JessBeth
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Kenzie looked at him as she fell on the ground from the attack as she stood up from the ground" i'm not done i'm been training for this" she sy using flamethrower again @JessBeth
Chi hugged him again and this time kissed Marcus's cheek. "ok be careful." she then turned and walked out of said colosseum and headed for the back of it. once there she saw the man and inched towards him slowly. "w-what did you want?" she said scared.

the man turned to face Chi with an evil looking smile. "oh nothing~ just THIS!" he yelled and threw a masterball at Chi, which hit her and opened.

all pokeballs worked on pokehumans since they were half pokemon. but even so no one knew for certain if a masterball could hold a pokehuman. other pokeball types have been tested and all proved unable to catch pokehumans. but masterballs were still untested for an unknown reason.

"no! what!" Ch cried out as she was pulled into the ball.

the man walked over to the masterball and watched as it shook twice and made a sound indicating Chi had been caught. "i can't believe it! masterballs ARE able to capture pokehumans... with some small tweaks of course. it was well worth the risk of coming alone. now i can both prove i was right and sell this Jirachi pokehuman." the man chuckled to himself. "after... i have some fun with her."

Sharon use Venoshock as in defended and when the flamethrower hit it, it cause an explode and let out a smoke. Sharon make her sneaky move and cut on Kenzie legs again, using her other new move Cut.

Kenzie fell on the floor she was defenseless she couldn't get up from the ground' dammn this can't be over' she thought as she faint cause of the poison

Blossom was sitting at the window tears in her eyes she wished she was strong like that @JessBeth

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