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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Marcus blushes, and he quickly looks away, stammering.

"Y..y-yeah I guess there has been a lot that a thousand years has skipped. And... I'm happy I got the small lucky chance to meet you."

And with that, he plants another kiss on her lips to return the favor.

@Shiro kurogane
Blossom just looked at her sister" of course not i'm not taking bubby to school i don't want to lose it" she say as she smiled as she looked at her big sister as she put her toy back in her toy box

Ambre looked at the girls" i see you later okay" she say as she smiled she wasn't sure what to do now in her life sign up for college or stay here with them she didn't know she needed to talk to sharon
"Good!" Nina said as she is ready to go. And seeing Ambre there, she said, " See ya!"

Sharon is ready they talk them to school. They're strolling in the woods,and Sharon knows it dangerous for kids to go alone.
Blossom held onto her mom's hand she was actually afraid to go in the words it was dark as she walked with her mom and sister as she had bookbag on her back her big sister was the brave one

Olivia was watching cosmo as she play with her fingers some how she had a crush on him
Nina show no fear as she humming. 'I'm going to be tough to beat a bad guy!" she singing as she show off her mad ember power.

"Nina, no fire power around the woods!" said Sharon.

"Yes Mommy...."

Cosmo is outside, watering the garden and put some soils. He look like he enjoy it.
Blossom just held onto her mom's hand as she was quite as she showed fear she just walked to her school she was afraid

Oliva walked outside seeing a garden" hi" she say to him" may i stay here" she asked" i kinda like it here its not that i don't want to go to school i just emberessed that i can't read" she say her face red she was talking to cosmo about her protblems

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c72f84919_Olivia.png.2a96dc65b84676a3545e48e64837cd4a.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="99935" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_01/57a8c72f84919_Olivia.png.2a96dc65b84676a3545e48e64837cd4a.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> (what olivia looks like)



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Cosmo look at Olivia. "Oh go right ahead...." He said as he cutting the plants. As he listen to her, "Well I don't blame you...ever since what happen to you're family....but who else is taking care of you after you're parents died and you're sister betray you?"

Sharon see the path and see some other PokeHuman kids is playing in a playground. "We're here!"
Olivia looked at him" kuto my boyfriend but i think he died" she told him" i guess i'm single again" shy sighed a bit" you like plants and stuff" she say sitting next to him" all i been eating berries and berries and berries i'm so sick of berries no offense" she say to him

Blossom smiled as she saw the other poke humans" bye mommy" she say hugging as she saw the bully as she kinda whimper a bit but wasn't loud enough to hear @JessBeth
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National said:
Marcus blushes, and he quickly looks away, stammering.
"Y..y-yeah I guess there has been a lot that a thousand years has skipped. And... I'm happy I got the small lucky chance to meet you."

And with that, he plants another kiss on her lips to return the favor.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi smiled at Marcus's cute reaction to her words. she blushed red again as Marcus kissed her. her stupid heart beat faster as well, how was it he always affected her like this.

"You have a boyfriend? Wow, I'm surprise since you're the same age as my little sisters......but don't say he died, you might never know...." He said as he finished cutting the plants. He then move to the vegetables gardens and pick out some. "Yes, I like plants...its the only thing I'm good at.....and if you are sick of eating berries, try eat some human food....since you are a PokeHuman...."

Nina hug her Mom too as she wave good-bye. "Come on, Blossom, lets go make a sand castle!!"

Blossom just looked at her sister" okay lets make a sandcastle together" she say smiling" the other kids say i'm weak do you think i am i know i don't have strong moves like you but i know vine whip and stuff" she say as she smiled making a sand castle with her sister

Olivia looked at him" i know he's dead cause me and him we grew up together he liked me but neveer made a move i had to wait until yesterday he told me well anyways i know he's dead cause me and him are connected" she say to him" no you good with other things i know it" she say" your good taking care of your sister you saved me while i was hurt and bloody i'm grateful for you" she say smiling" my age is 13 or 12 i think i don't really know how old i am to be honest" she say her face turning red @JessBeth
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Nina sit on the sand as she listen. "Yes you're weak!" she said it bluntly."And our power is different, remember? I'm fire/dark type and you are grass/posion types." She said up and point a finger at her. "But don't let those fools get to you, you have Mommy, who is the strong and she is teaching you to be strong. So stop being a wimp and say you are strong!"

Cosmo listen as he put some vegetable in the basket. "I see...well its good you are lucky to be alive...." He pet her head and then he said up.
Blossom just looked at her sister" yeah i am but i will be strong like mommy is someday and i can beat you someday" she say as she smiled as she play in the sand as she put some sand in her sisters shirt as she ran for it as she was laughing

Ambre fell asleep on the couch as she was supposed to be cleaning before sharon gets back from dropping off the kids she was just tired from waking up so early this morning

Olivia went inside the house as she saw the girl sleeping as she smiled she haven't told them her arm was hurting @JessBeth
Nina smiles as she playing in the sand until Blossom put sand in her shirt. 'Why you little-!" she chased after her.

Sharon can back and she signs.
Blossom was running from her sister as she was running away from her sister she was laughing she like messing with her sister it was a joke" nah nah can't catch me" she say she was fast

Kenzie came downstairs as she smiled" hey sherry" she say as she looked at her when she came" anything i can do for you" she say as she smiled @JessBeth
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But suddenly, got herself bump into someone and it is her bully, Rika, the Pokehuman Combusken. "Hey! Watch it!"

Sharon looked at her. 'Yes....I wanna test you with something....."
Blossom stood in front of her big sister as she was getting ready to get punched in the eye" stay away from big sister" she say

Kenzie looked at her" yes" she say looking at her" anything for you" she told her @JessBeth
"Huh? Oh, you that little wimp! So that you're big sister, eh..." said Rika.

Nina look at Blossom. "You know her?"

Sharon make a serious look on her face. "Battle me..."
Blossom looked at nina as she sighed" she's my bully nina" she told her sister as she got punched catching off guard heer eye hurting

kenzie looked at her as she was surprised" okay..." she say
Nina looked at her. "Why didn't tell me or Mommy about this, you dummy!!!" She shout at her. " I'll deal with you later, just as soon as I take of her..." Nina stand to Rika.

Rika laugh. "So that you're big sister? She a fire type...I feel sorry for you to have such a weak little sister..."

"You take that back!" Nina growl as she start to use Ember attack.

Sharon show Kenzie the battle field, outside. "Dreaden build this to train our children....now we can use it...."
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Blossom just watch her big sister beat up the bully as she just watch she felt a bit bad for not telling nina or her mom she just wanted to go home she was getting yelled at she heard the bully say she was weak

Kenzie nods as she smiled" i am ready" she told her
Nina the the bully is even match there power and the fight is going worse, suddenly the teachers stop them and then take them to the office.

Sharon is about to start the battle until suddenly Ambre called her. 'Hm? What is it?"

ambre just look at her" nina got into a fight blossom was with her" she say feeling bad about it

Blossom was at the office as she had a ice pack on her eye" nina didn't start it Rika did Nina was trying to protect me" she say to the teacher she was trying to defend her big sister @JessBeth
Nina is cover with cuts and bruises, "You should punish that stupid bully who picking on my little sister! I have to do something about this!" Nina said to the teachers and principle.

Sharon is not very happy about this. "Kenzie.....lets battle some other time....." She go inside the house.

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