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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Cosmo chuckle as he pet her head. 'You're welcome...come lets have some breakfast..." he hold out his hand.

Nina slowly walk up and and walk to the living room while rubbing her eyes. "Morning...."
blossom saw her big sister as she smiled" wanna play sissy train with me look bubby is clean" she say smiling

olivia held her hanf as she smiled holding his hand hand blushing as she walked downstairs

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"Huh? You want me to tarn you? Ok, then I'll burn Bubby...." Nina said as she about to use Ember.

"There will be no fighting in the house, girls!" said Cosmo as he stop them.

"Oh, Big brother!" Nina looked happy to see him.
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blossom hugged bubby" no mommy nade bubby" she say as she went outside to play on her swingset she wasn't allowed to play outside by herself

ambre made breakfast as she smiled
"Good morning, Ambre..." said Cosmo as he take Olivia to the table. "Stay here while she give you breakfast....I'll be right back." He walk outside to get Blossom. 'Blossom, where are you?" Then he found her on the swing set. ';There you are...."

Nina sit in the table and notice Olivia. 'Hm? Who are you?"
Olivia looked at her she was the same age as nina" name is olivia i'm an ophan no family" she say

Blossom just swing on the play set" yeah big brother" she say playing
"What are you doing playing outside? You know you can't go outside with me or Mom......" he said to Blossom.

Nina looked at her. 'Oh! You that stranger that we found you all bloodily and hurt...."
olivia looked at her" did i really looked that bad yeah thats me i got stitches too" she told her

Blossom looked at him looking down" i forgot i wanted to play big brother am i in trouble will you tell mommy" she say looking all sad
Cosmo looked at her. "I won't tell her if you come inside...." He said it with a smiles.

Nina see Ambre give her pancake and start eating it.
blossom just frowned" but but i wanna play" she say looking at him she got from the swing and held his hand" okay mommy won't know" she say

olivia ate the pancakes as she had her hat on hiding her eye
National said:
After a few minutes, Marcus walked out of the room, the doctor shaking his hand as he walks out. Marcus smiles at Chi, and he holds out his hands, his fingers wrapping around hers.
"Ready to go to the shopping center?"

He was wearing an opened button up shirt, bandages covering up his entire chest and ribs, his hair wet from a shower.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi let Marcus take her hand and entwine his fingers in hers. "yeah." she said smiling at Marcus. some people in the waiting area smiled and smirked in their direction. Chi let her eyes travel along Marcus's body as she took in his wet hair and open button up shirt. "why does he have to be so.... perfect." she blushed at her thoughts.

Marcus nuzzles his head into hers, before pulling back up, buttoning up his shirt.

"Let's go to the store. Then, I can show you the Pokemon contest."

Marcus opens the hospital door, holding the door open for her. As they both leave the hospital, the people kept looking at Chi, noticing her odd feature. Marcus stares them down, before opening the store door, revealing a plethora of clothing.

"Pick out whatever you like."

@Shiro kurogane
blossom shock her head as she noticed her mom there she gulped tighten her grip on hr brother hand" no timeout" she cried

amber smild" hiya i made breakfast sharon" she told her @JessBeth
Chi lightly kissed his cheek as Marcus nuzzled her. she had wanted to try kissing him in some way since he'd kissed her. she chuckled inwardly watching as Marcus stared people down that looked at her weird. upon seeing the massive amount of clothing, Chi's stared in awe. "when.... did people make so much clothes?" she asked slightly confused. a thousand years ago, people didn't have anything more than the robe-like cloth she was wearing at the moment.

Marcus blushes as she kisses him, holding her close until she releases herself. As she looks at all the clothes, he chuckles quietly.

"Yeah, all of this is pretty new. We've evolved a lot since a thousand years ago. I think this would look good."

He grabs a dress with the sides entirely showing, a pretty skimpy dress. Of course, Marcus had no idea about fashion or whatnot, so he had no idea what he was doing.

@Shiro kurogane
Sharon didn't seem to known Blossom is here as she looked so sleepy as she go sit down. "I want some coffee."

Nina giggle as it turn out she is tricking Blossom.

Cosmo sit next to Olivia as he eat his oatmeal.

Ambre just gave her the coffee as she was told she didn't want to upset her at all she just was doing her chores

Blossom got the pancakes as they look yummy she was trying to put a lot of syrup on it

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Chi looked at the dress and flushed pink. "um... that's a little..." she stopped to think of a modern word to describe the dress. "... revealing." she could hear some older woman snickering good naturedly.

one lady walked over and whispered in Chi's ear. "that's a dress for showing off for your boyfriend." the lady chuckled as she walked away.

Chi's pick face lit up like a christmas tree. "b-b-b-b-boyfriend..." she muttered to herself looking at the floor as other women flicked momentary knowing smirks before going about their business. turning to face Marcus, Chi hugged him to hide her bright red face. "maybe i should get a female to help me pick out a new set of clothes..." she loved Marcus, but standing here with him and having other women whispering what would get Marcus's attention was going to make her a tomato.

Marcus looks at the woman whisper to Chi, and suddenly, she turned into a strawberry. He smiles as she hugs him, and he nods.

"Yeah, that probably is the best way to do it. I'll wait here then. They seem to have chairs for the guys anyway."

He walks over to the waiting lobby, and picks up a magazine labeled "Champions Illustrated", flipping through the pages at the many articles.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi looked around and found an employee of the store and asked for help picking out a new set of clothes. after disappearing into the back for an hour, Chi came back to stand in front of Marcus. "what do you think?" she indicated to the very much modern dress version of her old robes. she was wearing a modest skirt with shorts underneath and the shirt looked like a dress but wasn't.

Marcus looks up, and his eyes widened. He quickly tries to cover it, but her clothing complimented her to the highest caliber. It was what all of the other girls usually wore, but to Marcus, he couldn't take his eyes away from her. He finally breaks from his gaze when the employee asks him to pay, and he nods, pulling out his wallet. After paying, he was still too shocked to say any words, until he finally shakes his head, and breaks out of it.

"You look beautiful."

@Shiro kurogane
Chi smiled at Marcus's reaction to the new clothes and did a small sort of happy jump. her smile slipped into one of embarrassment at his words. "t-thanks..." she said blushing again, at this rate Chi thought she might really become a tomato or strawberry.

Marcus's sneakily slips down, and his fingers intertwine with hers as he leads her across a street, going to the Colosseum. Already, there were several hundred people there, waiting in line to get in. Marcus looks at the massive line, and whistles.

"This is a huge line. On the right side, I know a way to get in."

Marcus walks to the front of the line with Chi, and he goes to go through the gate before a guard stops him.

"Whoa there buddy. Unless you are blind, there is clearly a line. I suggest you get to the ba-"

"I am Marcus Ko, cousin of Lelìa Ko. What were you saying again?"

The guard stutters, before shaking his head and allowing them through. Marcus grins, taking Chi to the front of the stage.

@Shiro kurogane

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