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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Sharon looked at everyone who is there. She really have her hand full as she looked at Cosmo for help.

"Don't worry,..." Cosmo said as he go to Blossom and pick her up. 'You said you looking for you're special friend? I think I know where it is?" He smiles as he take her to their mother room.

Then Sharon asked Kenzie to sit down as she turn to Ambre. 'Yelled at you? For what?"

Ambre looked at her as she forgot as she smiled" uh nothing nevermind i thought you were mad at me thats all" she say to her" for dirthing your floors the other day" she say" i guess i can wear shoes" she say bitting her lip as she said it

Blossom just laughed as she picked her up as she placed her head on his shoulder" i like big brothe coso" she say his nickname when she was 4 she hasn't called him that for a long time she couldn't say his name right at first

Kenzie just went to sit down as she looked at sharon then to ambree
"Oh yeah...thank for reminded me....Yes I am mad for dirty the house....and you still grounded...starting in the morning, you are going to help doing some chores in the house. Is that clear?" said Sharon.

Cosmo smiles as she tuck her in the bed. 'Bubby is here..." Buddy, a shiny Bulbusaur come with a nice clean toy she was looking for. "He found it at the garden....it was so dirty so I clean it up for you...." said Cosmo

"Bublba!" said Buddy.

Blossom smiled as she hugged it" thank you big brother" she say as she smiled as she was in the bed" do i have to go to bed now" she say pouting a little looking at him" bubby" she say happy hugging her toy as she was happy

Ambre just looked down" i'm sorry i uh i understand ma'am" she say to her" how grounded am i" she asked as she looked at her @JessBeth
"For a week..." said Sharon as she saw the blood. 'Ambre? What happen? Are you hurt?"

"Yes, you have too....Mom will be coming back and sleep with you....." Cosmo said as he pet her head.

Ambre just looked at shoulder" oh just a pokemon kinda attacked me its nothing really i be fine" she say to her as she looked at her

Blossome just looked at him" okay big brother" she say as she lay down on the bed as she yawned dozing off
Marcus smiles, and he hugs Chi, kissing her again, this time, on the cheek.

"Go get ready. I believe that the doctor will come in soon, and then I will ask his permission. Well go shopping for you, and then we can go to the contest."

@Shiro kurogane
"o-ok." she had stuttered because of Marcus kissing her cheek. "you're going to turn my face permanently red..." she said looking at the floor to hide her blush. "and when we leave here, let your pokemon out to see your ok. they were just as worried about you as i was." she said turning towards the door and walking to it.

Olivia stomach was growling again as she sit up on the bed as she looked out the window was kuto was dead she didn't know at all as she looked around

AMbre winced a little bit" ow that hurts i can do it" she whined a bit
"You should have take care of it sooner...." Sharon saw Cosmo coming and as him to bring the first aid kit'
Ambre just looked at the first aid kid as she saw needles in it she was afraid of needles" i was i just forgot" she say as she looked at her
Cosmo help out as he put some homemade healing herb cream on Ambre shoulder. Then Sharon put some bandages on and tell her to go back to sleep.
Ambre just nodded as she went to sleep in her room as she nodded off she slept on her bed she was 21 why was she grounded it wasn't fair for her

Kenzie just sat there as she looked around
Kenzie looked at her" i can try and help i guess" she say" i'll help out i won't leave you plus i have no where to go this is my home" she as she stood up" plus i don't want to leave my best friend" she say as her tail was wagging" i'm kinda tired i want to sleep" she say yaawning
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Sharon smiles. 'Yes...it is getting late...." Sharon stand up as she show her a guest room. The she go to everyone room to say goodnight and go sleep with Blossom like she promise.
Blossom snuggled next to her mother as she smiled when she woke up in the morning she felt a little better from the nasty medicine that was gaven to her yester

Ambre was woken up early since she had chores to do" ug why do i have to wake up so early" she whined a bit
Nina is still in bed, sleeping and dreaming about her power.

Cosmo walk up early since he have to take care the garden and then he go check on Olivia.

Sharon still sleeping since she is tired from last night.
Blossom just smiled as she just hold on bubby as she smiled as she wanted to train today as she kept laying down on the bed she didn't want to get out of the bed

Olivia woke up as she was brushing her hair with her hands she felt better today as she smiled she blushed at the thought of cosmo @JessBeth
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Chi walked out of the room just as Marcus brought out his pokemon. "i said after we left..." she giggled to herself. "i hope he doesn't get yelled at by the doctor for that...." she thought coming to the waiting room of the medical center.

After a few minutes, Marcus walked out of the room, the doctor shaking his hand as he walks out. Marcus smiles at Chi, and he holds out his hands, his fingers wrapping around hers.

"Ready to go to the shopping center?"

He was wearing an opened button up shirt, bandages covering up his entire chest and ribs, his hair wet from a shower.

@Shiro kurogane
Olivia just looked at him as she smiled" morning" she say as she stood up she felt better" thanks for helping me" she say hugging him

blossom went downstairs as she see ambre doing chores she didn't want to wake up her mom she watch cartoons she sat too close to the tv

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