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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Marcus smiles, his hands wrapping around her back. His face was also blushing, just as red as herd, and his hands push her hair out of her face.

"Thank you."

He looks around, and he sighs.

"I know this City. Calkhome City, one of the largest cities for Pokemon Contests. For what I know, I'm not known here, so we can finally relax and take things easy. Where's Heatran? And Aggron? Is Sceptile okay? Did Gengar and Weavile get healed?"

@Shiro kurogane
Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom open her eyes as she saw her mom as she saw she was in her pjs as she hugged her blanket" mommy" she coughed as she felt a bit dizzy she saw the medicine as she cover herself with the blanket the medicine always tast bad
"Blossom, you have a high fever and you must drink a medicine...." said Sharon.

Nina giggle. 'She hate drinking some homemade medicine...." She whispered to Kenzie.

Chi smiled and took Marcus's five pokeballs with the named pokemon in them. "don't be mad... but i took them off you so they could get checked out at the pokemon center while you were being treated..." she held out the pokeballs for him too retake. "your Gengar likes to tease me..." she said pouting at the memory of trying to convince the pokemon to let nurse joy heal it. "the rest were all nice to me" she said this smiling because the others including Gengar had been just as worried for Marcus as she had been.

Blossom just sighed as she sat up" but but i don't wanna " she say pouting a little the homemade medicine was always nasty she was forced every time she was sick she was coughing as she saw her mom gave her the look" fine mommy i take it" she say opening her mouth to take the nasty medicine

Kenzie looked at her" how bad is it" she asked

Ambre was sitting in her room she didn't know if sherry was still upset with her

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Marcus's eyes lit up as he took the pokeballs, and he smiled.

"Y...you're the best Chi. Thank you so much. My Pokemon, they've always been there for me. Thanks for taking care of them."

Marcus looks at her, his heart still beating faster and faster. He cared for Chi, he just didn't know in what fashion. His cheeks start to blush again, and he doesn't even notice.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi's own smile widened as she watched Marcus blush. the blushing make him look cute. Chi cheeks tinted red at her thought. "your welcome..." her heart still felt ready to explode and she had no idea how to calm it.

Sharon take a spoon full of medicine and put it in Blossom mouth. "That's a girl..." She said as she take it away. Then she take out a oran berry, knowing that she loves berry. 'Here, eat this."

Nina whispered back. "The taste is so bitter...you'll feel like passed out...but its alway work, you get better in no time...."

Cosmo pick up Olivia and put her on the bed. 'There now, are you feel better?" He smiles gently.

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Marcus couldn't stop blushing. His head looks down, his face looking right at his blankets. He gets up from his bed, standing up fully, stumbling, but steady. Suddenly, his lips go into contact with hers, holding it there for a second before pulling away. His hair was covering his eyes, and he turns away, looking out the window.

"Whaddya wanna do today? I think there's a Pokemon contest today, if you want to watch it."

@Shiro kurogane
Blossom smiled as she eat the orsn berry" yummy can i sleep with mommy tonight mommy since i'm sick" she say as she was doing the puppy eyes

olivia nods" i just don't know where to go' she say' my sister wants me dead' she say

"Tck, you such a big baby..." teased Nina.

Cosmo looked at her. "Well, right now, I want you to stay alive.....tomorrow I'm going to help you....not get some sleep...."

Chi's heart stopped when Marcus pressed his lips to her own. her face became a deeper red than that of a tomato and her knee wobbled a bit as they weakened. again she was stunned speechless while she tried to recompose herself so it wasn't blatantly obvious to anyone that looked at her could tell she liked Marcus. after a minute or two she had calmed herself enough to hug the male from behind. "that sounds fun... but are you ok to walk around?" she asked still hugging him from behind since if he looked into her eyes again, she felt she would faint.

Kenzie look at sharon as she walked to her" hey you okay" she asked as she pulled down her sleeve" are you sure i can be an aunt" she asked

olivia just looked at him" thank you" she say clossing her eyes

ambre went downstairs as she went outside on the swing set 'mama papa why' she asked herself

Blossom looked at her as she smiled" yeah guess i am big sis" she say

Marcus nods, smiling as she hugs him. His eyes gleam, holding her close.

"Don't worry, I'll heal over time. And also, I almost have my entire team. I have to hunt down my last Pokemon, and I know exactly who has it. And also, I want to get you new clothes, so you can also blend in more. The clothes you are wearing is about a thousand years old right?"

@Shiro kurogane
Sharon look at Kenzie. 'Huh? Of course you can....You're not being afraid, are you?"

Nina signs. 'Well, I going to sleep, don't wet the bed, big baby..." Nina flick her forehead and walk away. She about to head her room until she see Ambre room is open. She take a look inside and see it's empty. 'Where did she go?" Then she spotted the window is open, and thinking that she climb out.

Cosmo smiles and let her to sleep as he walk out of the room. " Mom....Aunt Kenzie, what's going on here?"

Chi looked down at her clothes from before and nodded. "yeah, they are." she replied blushing at realizing Marcus had been looking at her while wearing the old clothes. "so... who did you pick for your next pokemon friend?" she was curious to know since his other pokemon, aside from the teasing Gengar all liked Chi. "and i don't want you walking around until the doctors say so." she looked at the floor before saying the next part. "i don't want you to get hurt again..."

Kenzie had a break down" no no no" she say shaking her head as she was remembering the past of katy" i can't i can't" shse say afraid she just cover her ears shutting her eyes the truth was she was afraid of being here and being a aunt she was afraid if she goes crazy like when she was with katy her hands was shaking in fear

Ambre walked away as she was checking her pokemon as she smiled she still felt bad she just seat in the cave she thought sharon didn't love her anymore

Blossom just fell asleep on the couch she was confortable as she yawned the tv was on while she slept @JessBeth
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His hands rest on her shoulder, and he smiles at her.

"Fine, I'll wait for the doctors to give me permission first. And I'll try to stay as safe as I can, alright?"

His head looks down, and he could see her eyes.

"My last pokemon.... A troublesome Pokemon. It loves to play pranks. Before I went to go out bounty hunting, I let him stay with my cousin. Shed actually going to use my pokemon in the contest today.".

@Shiro kurogane
"thank you" she smiled at Marcus, happy that he'd get an ok from a doctor before walking around. she watched his eyes lock with her own and her heart stopped again for a moment. she wondered how the person she loved could keep having the same effect on her. "a prankster? it sounds fun." Chi said breathlessly, she was gonna have to work on getting used to the way Marcus made her act. "your cousin? she's a contestant... cool"

Marcus looks down at her eyes, and smiling, he turns to the window, which gave them a clear view of the stadium, where everything was able to seen. It was an open roof Colosseum, so the inside of the Colosseum could be seen.

"She's a reigning champion, one of the best right now. This is for her fourth ribbon."

@Shiro kurogane
Kenzie looked at sharon as she was taking deep breaths as she sighed" i don't want to go crazy again i don't want to kill people again i get panic attacks everything came back to me" she cried as she put her head on sharon" i'm scared to be an aunt i can't do it i'm crazy i try to be good" she say her hand shaking

Olivia woke up as she felt better but she was forced to stay in bed

Ambre went back to the house as she saw nina" hey kiddo what you doing in my room you want to take a nap with me" she asked as she lay in the bed @JessBeth
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"Kenize, come down, you're not crazy....you're safe now....." Sharon start to pet her head as Cosmo also comfering Kenzie too.

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Kenzie took a deep breath as she hugged her" i'm sorry" she cried on her " i'm safe i missed you" she say" i missed a lot" she say as she looked up as shse whiped her tears

Blossom just woke up as she yawned rubbing her eyes as she saw her bulabur was missing as she was trying to find it" mom have you seen my stuffed bulabsur its missing someone stole it" she say as it was special to her

Ambre went downstairs" um sharon go ahead yell at me i know your still mad at me from yesterday" she say bowing her head
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