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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"you shouldn't help me down if your still in some degree of pain." she had caught Marcus's wince. "and no i don't. normally i just drift from place to place and help everyone along the way." Chi said truthfully. "then when i find someone who can't be helped, but still yearns for help. i offer them a single wish and after granting said wish. i'll shortly fall into another thousand year sleep. but... i won't do that unless its absolutely necessary for helping someone."

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Marcus nods, listening to her.

"Well, let's make sure no one uses you. These scumbags like me would use you. I guess our first mission then is to free the Pokehumans. Were actually not too far away from here. Wanna do that?"

@Shiro kurogane
Chi walked up to Marcus and poked him purposefully. "you are not a scumbag. you simply did what you believed would give you revenge on the pokehumans that destroyed your life. but even than, you were still good inside." she was slightly mad he'd called himself a scumbag. "and yes, it sounds like a good start."

Marcus looks away distantly.

"I still am a horrible person. You can try to justify it, but it won't work. I literally have no where to go without getting attacked."

He continues to observe, his eyes distant, confident that he is right about himself. @Shiro kurogane
Chi looks at Marcus. "that may be true of your past self, but right now you are not horrible and you are my friend. home is where the ones that care about you are. me and your pokemon all care for you." she said trying to get him to see that he wasn't bad like he thought he was.

"How can you say that about me. I almost left you to become a slave, almost sold you as property. You can try to make me feel like I'm not, but in my eyes, I'm just a crimi-"

Suddenly, voices could be heard from the forest. Heatran growls, but Marcus gently grabs Chi's hand.

"Go hide. I'll distract these guys. Probably Officer Jenny."

@Shiro kurogane
"exactly you almost did, but chose not to." she couldn't say more as the voices neared. "what? no, im not leaving you. just as you didn't leave me." Chi looked to the direction of the voices and stood beside Marcus. she was obviously not going to hide unless he was too.

Marcus grits his teeth, his hand still gently holding Chi's.

"You're not making this easy on me, are you? Fine, I'll let you stay with me. Stay safe."

The voices get closer, and finally, a man and woman appear from the brush. The man had a barrel chest with large arms, and a large thick beard, covering the entirety of his mouth. The woman was slim with a regal beauty, her mass of golden hair put into a golden ponytail, wearing a green formal dress shirt and green heels with black stockings and a khaki colored skirt.

The woman speaks first, looking right at Marcus and Chi.

"Young Marcus Ko, former infamous bounty hunter of Pokehumans. I see you have encountered Chi, one of the most legendary pokehumans, and quite about one of the most valuable. Chi, my name is Leah Mequis, and this is Chad Burns. I am the Champion of Sinnoh, and Chad here is one of the elite fours. We have come to take custody of you, since we believe that your safety is heavily disabled with this outlaw here."

@Shiro kurogane
Chi clung to Marcus's arm as the two spoke. "im not leaving Marcus and im staying with him." she said stubbornly but politely since the Leah and Chad hadn't tried attacking or hurting Marcus. Chi looked between the champion and the elite four member as she stared at them.

JackOfHearts said:
Comet shakes her head. "Nope, he said he forgave you. No idea why." She shrugs. "He's the second weirdest legendary I've ever met, and that's saying something."
"Well, then. Who is the weirdest?" Questioned Emile curiously. He'd never expected to be forgiven by James at all, but even a timelord can't predict the future of things.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Well, then. Who is the weirdest?" Questioned Emile curiously. He'd never expected to be forgiven by James at all, but even a timelord can't predict the future of things.
Comet sighs. "Well, the weirdest was Regigigas. Honestly, that guy doesn't even act like a legendary half the time. He'll be your best friend one moment, and be trying to kill you the next..."
Marcus stares at Leah and Chad, and he grins nervously as Heatran gets in front of Marcus and Chi, ready to fight.

"Sorry, but I'm not going to let you take her away from me. I'll be able to protect her. Just give me a chance."

However, Chad already throws out his first Pokemon, Machamp, and Heatran charges right away. Machamp anticipates this, and he sends down an earth shattering brick break. However, Heatran was now healed, and he uses Iron head, sending Machamp into a tree. Heatran scorches Machamp with Flamethrower, and after another Iron Head and Stone edge, the Machamp faints. However, now it was Leah's turn. She sends out a Latios, and the look on Marcus's face spelled out his doom. Heatran goes for another Iron Head, but Latios swiftly dodges, firing down a barrage of Draco Meteors. The barrage beats down on Heatran, and the Pokemon wasn't able to fight back, Lstios firing off Hyper Beams and Psychic attacks, bombarding the poor Heatran. Heatran faints, and Marcus grits his teeth as he returns Heatran back to his pokeball. After a few epic battles, Leah went through four of her Pokemon, her Pokemon that Marcus beat was Latios, Metagross, and Hydreigon. However, her fourth Pokemon, Aegislash, was still floating, perfectly okay as Marcus's three Pokemon all fall down to the floor. Marcus goes for his last Pokemon, Sceptile, but Leah holds up her hand.

"Accept some defeat already, Marcus. I still have three Pokemon, and you only have four. I know who your last Pokemon is. Surrender the girl."

"I'm not surrendering Chi, I'd rather get killed then let you take her!"

Leah sighs, snapping her fingers.

"Aegislash, use slash."

The Pokemon goes straight for Marcus. However, his pokeball opens, and Sceptile intercepts the attack, its red eyes peering right at Aegislash. After a powerful duel, Sceptile gives out a battlecry as it stands on the fallen Aegislash. Leah nods, and she goes to send out another pokeball, before Chad interrupts the battle, exploding in anger.

"Let's just take the damn girl! Hariyama, Mienshao, Medicham, Hitmontop, and Hawlucha, attack!"

Chad throws out the rest of his Pokemon, and Marcus looks over at Chi.

"Chi, you have to run. If you don't, these guys will just take you away, and lock you up because you're a "threat." Please, run."

@Shiro kurogane
"Chi bottom lip quivered. "but what about you? they'll lock you away too." she looked around half expecting Skar and Nido to appear and help Marcus. "i don't want to leave you." she was kneeled in the grass beside and slightly behind marcus.

Marcus pushes back, but Sceptile was starting to get overwhelmed. Itneas too late for her to run, as Marcus returns Sceptile to his pokeball. He crouches down next to Chi, holding her close, using his body as a shield. Right as the five pokemon attack, Marcus silently prays.

"If there are such things as gods, then please, prove it and save us!"

@Shiro kurogane @TheOutsideLookingIn @JackOfHearts (for all of us to merge and interact I guess)
JackOfHearts said:
Comet sighs. "Well, the weirdest was Regigigas. Honestly, that guy doesn't even act like a legendary half the time. He'll be your best friend one moment, and be trying to kill you the next..."
Emile smiled fondly. "Ah, I remember Regigigas. A weird bugger, he was. I diagnosed him with multi personality disorder and a severe case of OCD. In his case, the obsession with alter egos. It was a shame that he's probably either bored or dead in that alternate dimension. I could bring him back, but he would probably destroy half of Sinnoh to calm himself down."
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
Emile smiled fondly. "Ah, I remember Regigigas. A weird bugger, he was. I diagnosed him with multi personality disorder and a severe case of OCD. In his case, the obsession with alter egos. It was a shame that he's probably either bored or dead in that alternate dimension. I could bring him back, but he would probably destroy half of Sinnoh to calm himself down."
Comet frowns. "Wait, alternate dimension? I saw him while I was on my way to the NTG base!"

Gigas was wandering around Orre, muttering something to himself angrily.
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "Wait, alternate dimension? I saw him while I was on my way to the NTG base!"
Gigas was wandering around Orre, muttering something to himself angrily.
Emile's eyes widened in shock. The Lucario ran to his kitchen, where he would hastily grabbed a bottle of brandy. Emile returned to the main hallway, where Comet was waiting. "Please repeat that again, dear?" He said as he took a swig from the bottle.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
Emile's eyes widened in shock. The Lucario ran to his kitchen, where he would hastily grabbed a bottle of brandy. Emile returned to the main hallway, where Comet was waiting. "Please repeat that again, dear?" He said as he took a swig from the bottle.
Comet frowns. "I said I saw him while I was flying over Orre. What's the big deal? It's just Gigas we're talking about here."
(Alright. Time for Plan B)

Marcus grabs his fifth pokeball. He never got a real good grasp of his fifth Pokemon, but this was their last chance. He throws the pokeball, and a shadowy figure appears from the smoke, firing off shadow balls at everyone. The fighting Pokemon were almost instantly dropped, and Marcus covers Chi's body as a powerful shadow ball crushes into Marcus's back, his bones breaking, blood spurting from his mouth as he holds back his shouts of pain. Out from the smoke appeared a Gemhar, and its laughter echoed through the forest as it jumps around mischeviously. Using this distraction, Marcus picks up Chi, and he races down the forest, putting distance between him and the elite four and the champion. Gengar was quickly behind them, giggling as it follows them. They finally get out of the forest, and they get to a bus stop, just outside of the forest, a street stretching all the way out to a huge city. Marcus takes the Gengar back into his pokeball, and he falls to his knees, his ribs and shoulders completely destroyed.

@Shiro kurogane
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "I said I saw him while I was flying over Orre. What's the big deal? It's just Gigas we're talking about here."
Emile pinched himself before taking another swig. After he downed the first bottle, he wiped his lips with one of his sleeves and then realized what Comet said. The girl gave him a moment of silence to let the information sink in. After a few minutes, the doctor threw the liquor bottle at a nearby terminal, shattering it's monitor before turning to the scientist and rapidly talking to her. "I AM SO SCREWED IF HE FINDS MY BASE! HE WAS PROBABLY PLOTTING MY DEMISE WHEN HE WAS INSIDE THAT DIMENSION. WE NEED TO CHANGE OUR NAMES AND MOVE TO KALOS. BEFORE YOU ASK, YES, I AM DRAGGING YOU DOWN WITH ME TOO."
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
Emile pinched himself before taking another swig. After he downed the first bottle, he wiped his lips with one of his sleeves and then realized what Comet said. The girl gave him a moment of silence to let the information sink in. After a few minutes, the doctor threw the liquor bottle at a nearby terminal, shattering it's monitor before turning to the scientist and rapidly talking to her. "I AM SO SCREWED IF HE FINDS MY BASE! HE WAS PROBABLY PLOTTING MY DEMISE WHEN HE WAS INSIDE THAT DIMENSION. WE NEED TO CHANGE OUR NAMES AND MOVE TO KALOS. BEFORE YOU ASK, YES, I AM DRAGGING YOU DOWN WITH ME TOO."
Comet frowns, covering her ears. "Jeez, calm the hell down Emile. Gigas is a complete fucking pushover, why are you so scared of him? I've beat him up before."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns, covering her ears. "Jeez, calm the hell down Emile. Gigas is a complete fucking pushover, why are you so scared of him? I've beat him up before."
Emile took out a pill from his laboratory coat and swallowed it. The madman fell down on the floor, unconscious, but breathing and full of life. Comet spotted a note in one of his pockets and began to examine it.

File Name: Regigigas

Occupation: Legendary Pokemon

Type: Normal

Moves: Crush Grip, Hyper Beam, Giga Impact, Hidden Power, Confuse Ray, Zen Headbutt, Heavy Slam, Earthquake, Rock Tomb, Focus Blast, Retaliate, Thunder Wave, Thunder, Bulldoze, Strength, Rock Polish, Substitute, Earth Power, Gravity, Icy Wind, Super Power, Block, Iron Head

Bio: A mysterious, gigantic legendary from Sinnoh who is closely related to Regirock, Regice and Registeel, and supposedly their creator and trio leader. Regigigas is rumored to have been part of the creation of the pokemon regions under orders of Arceus. With the help of the weather trio, the Legendary Beasts, Hearten and the Forces of Nature. It was reawakened a few years ago do to unknown reasons, though supposedly, a boy named Ash Ketchum and his companions made him dormant yet again. After I locked him in an alternate dimension, I realized shortly after that Regigigas doesn't have a digestive system in his body and therefor, doesn't need to consume foods. It was only a matter of time when Dialga, Palkia and Giratina had gathered enough power to open a rip in space-time to send him back. I fear that he is stronger than ever. I'll update this log when more information is made public or when the day comes when I finally meet him again.



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