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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Marcus looks at her, shocked.

"Chi, don't do it! These guys don't play nice! You are going to get hurt, just come back! We can fight them, p-"

Marcus coughs heavily, his heavy injuries really starting to affect him.

Kane grins, walking over to Chi.

"You made a smart choice, pokehuman. I'm gonna get rich off you. You got weak Marcus."

Marcus pounds on the barrier uselessly, shouting.

"Chi, don't do it, please! Nido, Skar, stop him!"

@Shiro kurogane
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "What the hell was that about?... Meh, who cares." She mutters before flying off back to Emile's lab. Uxie was floating silently in her new room, meditating. Interrupting her would be quite the poor idea.
Emile was waiting. Waiting for what? Nothing, really. Nothing but his new "lover," of course. Emile noticed the front entrance on one of the cameras. A familiar figure was shown yet again. Emile grinned and straightened his glasses and tie. "Welcome back, love. How did it go? Does James still have a grudge on me for killing all his friends?"
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
Emile was waiting. Waiting for what? Nothing, really. Nothing but his new "lover," of course. Emile noticed the front entrance on one of the cameras. A familiar figure was shown yet again. Emile grinned and straightened his glasses and tie. "Welcome back, love. How did it go? Does James still have a grudge on me for killing all his friends?"
Comet shakes her head. "Nope, he said he forgave you. No idea why." She shrugs. "He's the second weirdest legendary I've ever met, and that's saying something."
Chi smiled sadly and weakly as she laid a hand on the dome where Marcus was trying to hit it. "i don't want you getting hurt again.... at least this way you will be safe." she flinched slightly at Kane coming closer.

"no! poison drive!" Nido used the drill shaped poison blast to create a hole under the dome. "assault drive!" he used the move to shoot towards Kane and slam him into the ground.

"Chi, me and Nido can not afford to fail the mission of protecting you. rain of swords!" Skar focused on pinning down the steelix and Ursaring.

"Marcus, get chi and run!" Skar and Nido both yelled.

Marcus watches as the two pokemkn break through the barrier, watching as they duke it out with Kane. Listening to them, he nods as he grabs Chi.

"Chi, let's go. If we don't, Kane will take you away. Nido, Skar, please be careful!"

Marcus puts Chi on the back of Heatran, returning Aggro to his pokeball. He gets on the back of Heatran as well, and the Pokemon scurries away as fast as possible. Kane roses, and Steelix and ursaring attack Skar and Nido.

@Shiro kurogane
Skar and Nido both Grunt in answer to Marcus. they both knew they could warp out whenever they wanted, but first Chi needed to be away from the area. they continued to by time for Chi and Marcus.

Chi was on Heatran before she could say anything. "marcus... why? you could have turned me over to those people and saved yourself from being hurt." she whimpered as tears formed. "you didn't have to get hurt because of me.." she said looking at him.

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Marcus only looks ahead, occasionally looking behind him to make sure they weren't chased down. Still not answering the question, they finally get to a town, and Heatran takes them straight to the nearest medical center. Marcus falls down in front of the center, knocked out and barely breathing. @Shiro kurogane
Chi followed the nurses after she had run inside and asked for help. Chi ended up being told to stay outside because Heatran was trying to go inside as well. "Heatran, you can't go in there. you're too large of a pokemon." she said gently and patted the pokemon softly. Chi thought about why Marcus hadn't answered her question, maybe she had just read too much into something Marcus had thought little of. sitting down beside Heatran she felt hollow inside. "he was hurt because of me..."

The nurses quickly rushed in Marcus, blood covering his entire chest and torso, blood still dripping down his arms. The stun dart was still stuck in his chest, and the nurse pulled it out as they begun to work on him. After a few minutes, a nurse walks outside, biting her lip as she looks over at Chi and Heatran.

"Your friend has been heavily injured, almost to a fatal point. It seems that he has been injured over a course of few hours, and that his injuries haven't been given time to heal. You'll be able to see him soon, but I suggest that you both go to a Pokemon center until things are cleared up. We will contact Nurse Joy, who will then contact you two."

@Shiro kurogane
"oh... ok." Chi said turning to Heatran. "come on... you have some wounds too Heatran." she walked beside the large pokemon, both of them casting a worried glance back at the medical center before heading for the pokemon center. "heatran.. this was all my fault... wasn't it." she asked as they entered the pokemon center.

The Heatran growls, and in Pokemon language, it translated to "There would've been no chance of stopping Marcus. Once he sets his mind on set on something, he's more stubborn than Aggron. And that's one thick headed Pokemon."

The Nurse quickly scurries to the two, taking Heatran in the back. The large Pokemon was nestled onto a large resting mat, his wounds getting bandaged up. The nurse walks over to Chi, smiling.

"You look like you need some first aid as well. Let me see your arms, they look a bit injured as well."

The nurse quickly wraps up her wounds, medicine being sprayed on the wounds and cleaned.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi giggled softly from Heatran's words as he was led away for treatment. Chi nodded at the nurse and let the woman dress her unimportant injuries, she flinched slightly at the small sting of the disinfectant. after the nurse had left her, Chi sat by and looked out a window as she waited for Heatran to be treated.

As the Pokemon was being healed up, the doors of the nursing center open, and an officer Jenny walks in, holding a wanted poster. She goes to the nurse, and the nurse points back to Chi and Heatran. Officer Jenny walks down to Chi, and holds up a wanted poster of Marcus.

"I have been told that you have been following, or should I say, being held hostage under the notorious bounty hunter Marcus Ko. Is this true?"

@Shiro kurogane
"what? no he was not holding me hostage and what do you intend to do with Marcus? he's hurt." Chi became defensive of Marcus. she didn't want to hurt anyone but if they tried moving Marcus....

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Officer Jenny listens to Chi, writing down everything she said in a journal. The officer closes her book, looking at Heatran.

"Marcus is still a criminal, but we will transport him to prison once he is released from the hospital. We will also need you to come with me, back to the office. We will keep you safe from Marcus. His Heatran, once healed, shall also be detained until further notice."

@Shiro kurogane
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"no, your not taking Marcus or Heatran anywhere. when there are healed, Marcus, heatran and me are leaving." Chi glared defiantly at officer Jenny. her gaze flicked to the exits of the pokemon center and to where Heatran was before going back to Jenny.

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The officer signs as she shakes her head.

"Sorry Miss, but you are coming with me. You are with a dangerous bounty hunter, infamous for selling Pokehumans on the black market. I'm surprised you are still even here. Marcus was honorable, but he let his hate get to his heart. That's his fault for making those choices."

@Shiro kurogane
"no, hate did not corrupt his heart. if it had, his pokemon wouldn't have stayed with him and i wouldn't be here right now. im staying with Marcus and his pokemon." Chi was not willing to leave Marcus and her eyes showed she wouldn't consent.

The officer gives the girl a steely glare, and she takes out a pokeball. Suddenly, Machine springs out from the pokeball, and the bulky Pokemon grabs Chi. Heatran gets up, trying his best to get there on time. However, the air started to get chillier. Suddenly, the Machokes eyes widen before it drops to the floor, holding its stomach. Standing behind Jenny was a Weavile, the Weavile smirlkng as it waves its claws.


As Weavile leads Chi and Heatran to the front doors, Marcus was standing there, his chest and arms almost completely wrapped up. He grins as he sees the.three coming and Heatran throws all of them on his back as the Pokemon runs off, Officer Jenny yelling from behind.

"I knew shed be here, but it was worth the risk. You needed treatment, you and Heatran."

@Shiro kurogane
"Marcus.." she said happy to see him. "should you be moving around yet?" as she asked this, she reached towards him and lightly touched Marcus's bandaged arm. "and Heatran are you ok?" she pet the pokemon as she asked. then i thought struck her "when did you have a weavile?"

Marcus grins as he pets Weavile, scratching the happy Pokemon between the ears.

"I came to this town a few days ago, and I was staying here getting myself ready to hunt down more pokehumans. Of course, that cursed Officer Jenny found me again, and she forced me to leave the Pokemon center, where I was healing two of my other Pokemon, Weavile and Sceptile. I got them both back, however, which means.... You okay? I hope those injuries didn't hurt too bad. Mine don't feel horrible, those doctors really saved me."

A few moments of silence pass as Heatran continues to run, now out of the town, heading off to a new city.

" I... I thought about what you said. I want to help you find that peace."

@Shiro kurogane
"im fine, anyway your friends with a Sceptile? i've never met a Sceptile before." her eyes filled with awe. now that she knew Marcus and everyone was okay, she was returning to her open nature, until he mentioned their talk about peace from earlier. "help? you want to..." Chi smiled suddenly and wholeheartedly as she hugged Marcus. "i knew you were still a good person inside and thank you"

Marcus grins, however, his head was still faced right in front, so Chi couldn't see his face. However, he was relieved that someone believes in him.

"Yeah, well since I got no other place to go anymore, I have to do something. The law and the Bounty Hunting Order will be coming for you and me. And I'm not letting them have you. No, not today, not ever."

@Shiro kurogane
Chi's cheeks turned pink behind Marcus and her heart rate sped up. "that sounded... cool..." she thought as she tried to calm herself. "i don't care who comes after us because i trust you. i know you'll be there for me and i'll be there for you." she was smiling again. she hadn't been this happy since before she fell into her thousand year slumber. the small child had always wanted to play with her and she grew to love the child as a mother. although for some reason her feelings towards Marcus were... different, but not bad.

Marcus nods as Heatran exits the city, now heading through a forest, out in the silent and peaceful forest, Pidgeys and Starlys chirping. Marcus points to a large tree, and Heatran quickly drops them all there, Heatran making sure to check the perimeters. Marcus winces, but ignores the pain as he helps Chi off Heatrans back.

"Is there any specific location you need to get to? What's your objective?"

@Shiro kurogane

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