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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Heatran and Aggron go next to their injured trainer, both worried for their trainer. Suddenly, when it seemed that it wouldn't work, Marcus coughs weakly, his red flickering open.

"Bastard would've hurt Aggron... I'm not letting that happen.."

He looks at the Jirachi, and he weakly struggles, trying to get out of her grasp.

@Shiro kurogane
"basturd? im the bastard? YOU attacked first, you scumbag!" Nido was angry since the human had started the battle.

"human, you hate pokehumans..." Skar asked the rhetorical question.

tears of joy spilled from Chi's eyes as she gently laid the trainer softly onto the grass beside her. "thank goodness... you'll be okay." she was relieved the human would live. looking to the trainer's worried pokemon, Chi pet them comfortingly and told them their trainer was gonna be fine. the two pokemon seemed to like her. "as for you... you should tell me your name and stop trying to move. you'll hurt yourself more and stop acting like i'll hurt you. Skar, Nido go and get herbs!" she said all this as she kneeled beside the human and checked him for anymore injuries.

Marcus grimaces, not being able to stand up. He submits, his anger boiling.

"Of course I hate Pokehumans. You are all *cough* beasts.. I don't know why you arent killing me. You've done it to others."

Marcus looks at his truck, which was now open, the bulbasaurs long gone.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi looked behind her as Skar and Nido were already gone and out of hearing range. she looked back to the human as he called all pokehumans beasts. "i am not a beast, sir. i have been asleep for a thousand years, that's before you were even born. as for all pokehumans.. they are like humans. some are cruel and evil and other are like me, peaceful and nonviolent. as you could tell from earlier when i was hit by flash cannon.. i've not ever been in a fight." she wasn't mad or angry, she of all pokehumans knew first hand. the corruption that lay in some of their hearts. "you know me to be a Jirachi pokehuman.... but for that reason. i've had to spend all my days running from everyone, including humans, pokehumans and pokemon."

Marcus looks up at the Jirachi.

"You don't know anything. The beasts that is your population killed my family. How can I trust people who have killed my family? I'm not gonna forgive. Since you helped me, my name is Marcus Ko."

@Shiro kurogane
Chi was stunned silent by Marcus's words. "i admit... that is horrible. but you lost your family, when i've never known mine. i didn't even know where i come from and still don't. imagine.. waking up for the first time you can remember and know nothing of yourself. but your name, now picture humans, pokemon and pokehumans all killing and destroying towns to find you... all for a single wish that can grant anything." tears slid down her cheeks again, but not for herself.. for Marcus who had his family taken from him. "sorry forget what i just said, and you don't have to forgive... just remember there are some pokehumans like me out there and just want a peaceful life. now.. you need rest, i will watch you and so will your pokemon."

Marcus tries to stay awake. What if these pokehumans wanted to torture him. Would they take his Pokemon? However, the Jirachi's words gave him comfort, so he submitted to her invite to sleep. As he closes his eyes, Aggron and Heatran both get closer, making sure that their trainer doesn't get injured. Aggron was still poisoned, and he was very weakened from fighting for two days straight.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi smiled at the now sleeping Marcus. "good.. now, lets get you two healed." she said turning and using healing prayer on both Aggron and Heatran. "oh.. and this too" she said giving the poisoned Aggron an antidote. after that she sat beside the sleeping Marcus as he slept and had his Heatran provide heat for the human, as well as having Aggron sleep too.

Marcus continues to snooze, the large metal Pokemon collapsing next to Marcus. Heatran continues to exert heat, the large Pokemon also laying down next to Marcus. His peaceful breathing showed that he was getting better. However, every once in a while, he tensed up, and talking in his sleep. "No, no please." @Shiro kurogane
Chi watched Marcus and his pokemon laying together. although seeing Margus start talking and looking troubled in his sleep made Chi want to help him. but she could do anything, except place a comforting hand to his cheek. "its ok.. your safe now." she whispered to him, not knowing if it would help.

Marcus's eyes fly open, shouting as he grasps at the air in front of him. He was shaking, sweat dripping off his forehead. He tries to get up, but grimces as the wounds on his chest keep him down.

"Damnit, I was hoping this was just a dream. Is Aggron and Heatran okay? And what happened to your two friends? I don't think they're dumb enough to truly leave you alone with me."

@Shiro kurogane
Chi startled at Marcus's sudden awakening. "calm down. yes, your friends are okay and my friends are.... somewhere.." Chi said the last part as she looked around for them. "they tend to just disappear from time to time and i've only met them moments before i met you."

Marcus pushes himself, and he finally stands up, taking much out of him.

"I'll be fine now. Aggron, Heatran, let's go."

He takes his first step, and he instantly falls to his knees. However, he continues to push, not wanting to look weak. He finally gets to Heatram, and the large fire Pokemon pushes his trainer on its back, ready to leave the meadows.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi followed behind Marcus and his pokemon. "you won't be, if you keep trying to move around. i know you hate pokehumans but have i done anything to even hint that i might attack you? no i haven't. so stop acting tough, anyone with sense can see your hurt. plus your Aggron needs more rest as well." she was annoyed that even though the man was hurt, he was trying to act cool and tough.

Marcus tries to ignore her, but the pain in his chest was only increasing. He sighs as Heatran Brings him back to the meadow, and Marcus more or less falls off Heatrans back, right onto the grass again. Aggron plops back down in front of them, relieved that he could continue to rest.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi was still worried about Marcus, especially since he kept moving around while injured. she visibly fliched when Marcus slid off Heatran and hit the grass. "see? i told you... and sliding off like that was stupid. you could have hurt yourself more." she scolded as she kneeled beside him and checked for any new cuts or bruises.

Marcus tries to push her away, bit onlynfalls over as he falls back down, his breaths heavy and raspy. He looks up at her, confused.

"Why do you want to help me? I just tried to capture your own species. Am I not a criminal in your eyes?"

@Shiro kurogane
JackOfHearts said:
Comet sighs, crossing her arms. "I'm not fighting you pal, even if it's a sparring match. I've had enough of fighting as of late, pal." She shakes her head. "Honestly, it get's rather boring after a while. Plus, well, you'd win. I'm not exactly strong pal."
"You are in possession of more than enough powerful moves. The rules are that we cannot use our machines or special powers such as my Roar of Time, etc. If you still do not want to spar, then please sign this." He gestured to the waiver still in Comet's hand, which had a list of agreements, namely the fact that the person who signs will stay the same even if the universe itself collapses. "Think of it as the ultimate life insurance: You will stay the same even if you age, you will gain time-based powers and the ability to use and activate T1M3-Bombs and such. Besides..." Emile leaned closer until the Flygon could feel his hot breath on her ear. "You want to continue your research, correct? If you join me and sign the waiver, all information not related to my past will be yours to use in your experiments and discoveries."
Chi moved closer to marcus and set him back onto his back. "stay still or you'll never heal. i help you because you're hurt and why would you be a criminal in my eyes? everyone pokemon, humans and pokehumans... all have their own ideals of what they do is right. yes killing and destruction of villages are wrong and evil. but you capture pokehumans because its your way of paying them back yes? she had seen so many like this male before. if she had been able quell their angered hearts, pokehumans might not have attacked humans.

TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"You are in possession of more than enough powerful moves. The rules are that we cannot use our machines or special powers such as my Roar of Time, etc. If you still do not want to spar, then please sign this." He gestured to the waiver still in Comet's hand, which had a list of agreements, namely the fact that the person who signs will stay the same even if the universe itself collapses. "Think of it as the ultimate life insurance: You will stay the same even if you age, you will gain time-based powers and the ability to use and activate T1M3-Bombs and such. Besides..." Emile leaned closer until the Flygon could feel his hot breath on her ear. "You want to continue your research, correct? If you join me and sign the waiver, all information not related to my past will be yours to use in your experiments and discoveries."
Comet sighs. "I'm not going to spar you..." She mutters to herself. "Alright, I'll sign the dang waiver." She says, pulling a pen out of her pocket and signing it without even bothering to read it. She'd never been one to read the fine print.
Marcus huffs in exasperated anger, but there was nothing he could do. He was at the mercy of the Jirachi. But he was getting angry. With a burst of angry strength, he grabs the Jirachi, lifting her off her feet.

"Why do you care so much?! There will never be peace! There will always be fighting, there will always be conflict, it is impossible to stop! You came back after a thousand years, and boy have things changed. Everything has gotten worse. There won't be peace. There never has been peace in the first place."

Heatran and Aggron worriedly stand up, and Aggron growls softly, pulling Marcus off of Chi.

@Shiro kurogane
Chi said nothing as marcus lifted her and yelled into her face. "i care because its how i am! and you think i don't know that peace will always be out of reach?! that doesn't mean to just give up on that dream.... you lost your family, but you don't know how many times i've seen not only pokehumans! but pokemon and human kill one another for some reason! even if its just one child or pokemon that gets happiness or peace from my caring and trying to make peace! than at least i was able to help them! that's why i hate fighting, war, killing and seeing people hurt!" Chi yelled back as she dropped to her knees with angry tears flowing from her eyes.

Marcus falls back, to injured to retort.

"Peace is just a lie. Everything about it is just a huge lie. Why would you ever want to to believe it? You'll just be let down."

@Shiro kurogane
Chi wiped away her tears "Aggron, Heatran can you two please set your friend back on his back? he won't heal if he keeps moving so much." she asked the two pokemon since they seemed to like her and because she doubted marcus would let her lay him on the grass again. "it may be just a lie... but its all i have to believe in. those days of me running, of not knowing... im too scared to go back to those ways of thinking..." she spoke softly as she started shaking in fear, just from the thought and her voice had shook slightly.

Marcus tries to push back, but Aggron was way too powerful for Marcus to even lift his body an inch as the Pokemon sets his trainer on his back. Heatran sits down next to his trainer, keeping his head on his chest to prevent Marcus from moving. Marcus looks at Chi, and her sadness in his voice struck a chord with him. He could feel her sadness, her regret. Was she doing this to him? Or was this actually his feelings?

@Shiro kurogane

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