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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

TheOutsideLookingIn said:
Emile pulled away and stared at Comet's irises. "You remind me of a certain someone." The Lucario told her with a seductive grin as he caressed her chin. "Well, I'm sorry to say this, but the world is not enough." Emile spoke quietly, with a creepy voice that could startle a horde of Tauros. Then, without warning, the doctor took out a sharpened bonesaw. "Don't play dumb with me, love. I'm not insane. You should know that from all the information that James forked over to you." Emile held the instrument of surgery against her windpipe, threatening to sever it at any sudden movements that Comet could make. It's such a shame that you decided to kill me. With my own poisons, no wonder! It's such a waste of genius, having to kill such a beauty like you. You looked cute when you blushed." Emile took out another detonator, similar to the one that Emile possessed while in Sinnoh. "Don't try to run, love. I knew that you would be teleported to the most dangerous region in the world. I have rigged all New Team Galactic's bases with my special time bombs. I am giving you a choice: Rebel against me and face the depths of reality itself as every inhabitant of this place and all the NTG bases will be erased from Dialga's records, or surrender yourself and your leader, Deoxys, to me. If you surrender, I promise that I will disarm the bombs and not harm a single hair on any NTG grunts or soldiers." Emile let his final question of the day sink into Comet's skull. 'I have plans for you, love. Plans that will make you the happiest woman in the world.....'
Comet frowns. "Huh... so I have two choices, either surrender, or die a horrible death basically. Well, I'm no idiot. I choose to surrender, obviously." She sighed. "You're a lot smarter than you seem, although, there's many things that you haven't taken into account. Many things that could easily be your downfall. But, like I said, I'm surrendering. You win."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "Huh... so I have two choices, either surrender, or die a horrible death basically. Well, I'm no idiot. I choose to surrender, obviously." She sighed. "You're a lot smarter than you seem, although, there's many things that you haven't taken into account. Many things that could easily be your downfall. But, like I said, I'm surrendering. You win."
"I win? Hardly!" Emile stated as he picked up Comet bridal style. "The bombs, however, should be disarmed in around ten minutes, If my calculations are correct." Emile used Teleport to take Comet back to his laboratory. He set her body on a comfortable sofa. The doctor then took out a syringe labeled, "Anesthetic" and injected the scientist with it through her shoulder. "You should wake up in a few hours, love. Please let me get prepared for my next trick...."
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"I win? Hardly!" Emile stated as he picked up Comet bridal style. "The bombs, however, should be disarmed in around ten minutes, If my calculations are correct." Emile used Teleport to take Comet back to his laboratory. He set her body on a comfortable sofa. The doctor then took out a syringe labeled, "Anesthetic" and injected the scientist with it through her shoulder. "You should wake up in a few hours, love. Please let me get prepared for my next trick...."
Comet frowned. 'Oww.' She thought to herself just before she lost consciousness.
A few hours later, Comet woke up. She was dizzy, disoriented, and didn't even bother to open her eyes before sitting up. 'Huh...now I know how it feels to be drugged. Does not feel good. Nope, not at all.'
Comet kept her eyes shut, listening closely. She couldn't hear Emile's voice, so she assumed he wasn't around. 'Alright, he's gone, now to make my escape...' She quickly put her goggles on and began hacking the manual teleporters stationed in one of the NTG bases. 'I ain't sticking around here.'

JackOfHearts said:
Comet kept her eyes shut, listening closely. She couldn't hear Emile's voice, so she assumed he wasn't around. 'Alright, he's gone, now to make my escape...' She quickly put her goggles on and began hacking the manual teleporters stationed in one of the NTG bases. 'I ain't sticking around here.'
Comet didn't notice a familiar shadow wandering near her backside. The dark figure adjusted it's cloak. "I suggest that you don't touch that. It's not a NTG teleporter. It's an execution chamber." Said the cold, robotic voice. It was a 504-Timebot, who had just suddenly exited the recharging stations. "Visitor, you are reconfiguring one of the creator's most dangerous machines. I suggest that you step away from the device before I decide to book all of us a trip to Helltown, You're Screwed St." The mindless drone threatened subtly as the torso opened to reveal yet another T1M3-Bomb.
"I knew that it had to come to this, you sly dragon." Emile's voice teased as he also walked out of the shadows. Comet shuddered as the doctor examined her lime green hair with his gloves. "No matter, love. I am here to give the world my final bow." Emile pulled a lever on one of the walls as a nearby door with the characters, Purojekuto"-boshi wa jūbunde wa arimasen' on it's shiny, metallic surface. The Timebot pushed the captive Flygon into the room. It was a giant control area, with a map of all known pokemon regions on a giant, holographic screen attached to the wall. "This, my dear, is my final revelation. I have both nuclear missiles and my personally-manufactured T1M3-Bombs targeting all known major cities and settlements, with high-value targets such as Team Plasma's temple, Giovanni's secret underground bases, Goldenrod City, Castillia City, Pallet Town, all of NTG's known laboratories according to their files, and lastly, Emile's own Laboratory. I've always wanted an intelligent girl around my age such as you to be my research assistant, but you keep trying to struggle out of my chains like a Patrat with rabies." Emile held up three remotes, all named with different choices. The first remote was rusted and looked very old. It had the words, "Death Wish" written on it. The second remote was plated shiny gold, and had different grunt badges from different crimes, such as Magma, Galactic, Plasma, Rocket, Aqua, and Flare. It was listed with "Justice". The third remote resembled a wooden clock, and had the words, "The End" scribbled on the piece of paper that was taped to it. "So, what'll it be? You join me and leave your alias of Comet and your alliance with Legend and NTG behind, or will you choose one of these remotes? Keep in mind that each remote will result in a different type of casualty, such as civilians or crime groups." The Lucario pulled out a gilded stopwatch with a hummingbird carves onto it's shiny surface. "I stole this watch from a man who cheated death multiple times. A man that could be one of your friends one moment and a traitor the next. Now, it will keep track of the time that you take to choose. You have three minutes. Be haste, as the time is of the essence, my love....."

SkarmorKnight (Skar) = red text.

NidoKnight (Nido) = blue text.

Jirachi (Chi) = pink text.

Chi skipped along the road and was singing again. this time however, she knew not the song being sang. it was almost as if a distant and nearly forgotten memory was trying to resurface.



"dude... what the hell is she singing about now? she's been aimlessly walking around while doing it. humans and pokehumans are staring.." Nido whispered to Skar as they followed behind Chi. "i mean seriously... what is she even singing?"

"hm.... i do not know. perhaps its a song from 1,000 years ago? at any rate let her sing. it's much easier to keep up and watch her now that she's not running around for food or playing with children."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "What in the bloody... how did you even manage to set up all those bombs?!... I-I-...Damn it! Fine, you win... Damn it..." She sighs. 'This guy really is a lunatic...I can't let all of those people die! Even the ones who are my enemies!' She thinks to herself. She had no way out.
Emile grinned at Comet maliciously. "There is one catch to being my assistant, however...." His smooth voice trailed off as his hands untied the rope binding her hands. "You have always reminded me of this Dragonite that I had a crush on many years ago as a teenager...." Emile could speak no more and gently embraced the forlorn Flagon with his arms and looked into her beautiful, bright irises. "The catch is, you will be my lover, traveling through time with me, having an eternal lifespan and visiting many different realms to continue my research in uniting all worlds, no matter if they are neighbors or alternate dimensions." Before the scientist could make a statement, the doctor moved his face forward so that their noses were touching. "But best of all, you will be the happiest dragon in the world, that I promise you, love." Emile took and locked Comet in a mutual kiss. Both creatures had no thoughts but each other at the moment, and for once, the Lucario felt at peace. All was right with the world.

Back at Orre's NTG base.... "DAMMIT! LOVE ME, HITOMI!" A certain 'Dreamer' was looking at his phone, which had a dating sim app currently on, with the words 'game over' shown in bold black kanji on the screen. I NEED A BEER! WHERE IS REGICE WHERE YOU NEED HIM?!" The legendary droned and ranted on and on about the inconvenience of the situation, completely ignoring the dormant T1M3-Bomb in the hallway, and the giant hole in the ceiling caused by Shadow Comet and her giant flying sea god. "The white-haired individual remembered something, and started typing in a phone number. "Hello, is this the pokemon center? I would like to order one-thousand three-hundred seven poke pizzas at 143564, Route 69. A few Sudowoodo should be seen outside a metal hatch on the ground. Yes, poke-food flavor please. That'll be 1443294239494792471924 Poke dollars..... Give me a moment, sir." The legendary put down the phone. Uxie! I need to borrow a few zillion poke-dollars.... Yes, I promise that I'll pay you back in thirty years or less....
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
Emile grinned at Comet maliciously. "There is one catch to being my assistant, however...." His smooth voice trailed off as his hands untied the rope binding her hands. "You have always reminded me of this Dragonite that I had a crush on many years ago as a teenager...." Emile could speak no more and gently embraced the forlorn Flagon with his arms and looked into her beautiful, bright irises. "The catch is, you will be my lover, traveling through time with me, having an eternal lifespan and visiting many different realms to continue my research in uniting all worlds, no matter if they are neighbors or alternate dimensions." Before the scientist could make a statement, the doctor moved his face forward so that their noses were touching. "But best of all, you will be the happiest dragon in the world, that I promise you, love." Emile took and locked Comet in a mutual kiss. Both creatures had no thoughts but each other at the moment, and for once, the Lucario felt at peace. All was right with the world.
Back at Orre's NTG base.... "DAMMIT! LOVE ME, HITOMI!" A certain 'Dreamer' was looking at his phone, which had a dating sim app currently on, with the words 'game over' shown in bold black kanji on the screen. I NEED A BEER! WHERE IS REGICE WHERE YOU NEED HIM?!" The legendary droned and ranted on and on about the inconvenience of the situation, completely ignoring the dormant T1M3-Bomb in the hallway, and the giant hole in the ceiling caused by Shadow Comet and her giant flying sea god. "The white-haired individual remembered something, and started typing in a phone number. "Hello, is this the pokemon center? I would like to order one-thousand three-hundred seven poke pizzas at 143564, Route 69. A few Sudowoodo should be seen outside a metal hatch on the ground. Yes, poke-food flavor please. That'll be 1443294239494792471924 Poke dollars..... Give me a moment, sir." The legendary put down the phone. Uxie! I need to borrow a few zillion poke-dollars.... Yes, I promise that I'll pay you back in thirty years or less....
Comet frowns. "Lover? Jeez, you really are insane." She mutters to herself. "Fine fine, whatever." She says, sighing. what had she gotten herself into? Even she didn't know.

Gigas yawned, waking up in the Orre region. "How did... I was just in kanto, and now I'm here? Something's fishy..." He muttered, walking around in circles.
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "Lover? Jeez, you really are insane." She mutters to herself. "Fine fine, whatever." She says, sighing. what had she gotten herself into? Even she didn't know.
Gigas yawned, waking up in the Orre region. "How did... I was just in kanto, and now I'm here? Something's fishy..." He muttered, walking around in circles.
I'm not insane, dear. I'm mad. Just like you." Emile stroked her face and drew her to another heated kiss. "I was always looking for the right girl for my life. I've met lots of different women back in the day. Some were smart, some were dense, and some were just plain boring. You on the other hand...." Emile placed a french kiss on Comet's cheek. "You are a very intelligent person who is not much different from me. That is why I like you." He finished, as he pulled away from her face.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
I'm not insane, dear. I'm mad. Just like you." Emile stroked her face and drew her to another heated kiss. "I was always looking for the right girl for my life. I've met lots of different women back in the day. Some were smart, some were dense, and some were just plain boring. You on the other hand...." Emile placed a french kiss on Comet's cheek. "You are a very intelligent person who is not much different from me. That is why I like you." He finished, as he pulled away from her face.
Comet blushes. "What the hell is it with you kissing me very damn chance you get dude?!"
JackOfHearts said:
Comet blushes. "What the hell is it with you kissing me very damn chance you get dude?!"
"You look cute when you look mystified." Emile answered, avoiding Comet's question. The Lucario helped her stand up. He gently took her hand into his. "Do you want to spar? You look like an individual who's seen her fair share of battles and blood trauma, considering your career choice..." Emile was very curious about her abilities. 'What is she behind her cheerful mask? A broken individual like me? Likely.' Emile randomly shook his head and closed his eyelids to clear his mind for a second. They opened again, now looking at the Flygon in all her beauty. "The rules are that we cannot use our inventions. You cannot use your special darts and I cannot have the assistance of my 504-Timebots or T1M3-Bombs. Deal?" Emile shoved a small waiver into her hands before she could answer. "Sign this. It is a contract that will bind you to the essence of time, much like me."
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TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"You look cute when you look mystified." Emile answered, avoiding Comet's question. The Lucario helped her stand up. He gently took her hand into his. "Do you want to spar? You look like an individual who's seen her fair share of battles and blood trauma, considering your career choice..." Emile was very curious about her abilities. 'What is she behind her cheerful mask? A broken individual like me? Likely.' Emile randomly shook his head and closed his eyelids to clear his mind for a second. They opened again, now looking at the Flygon in all her beauty. "The rules are that we cannot use our inventions. You cannot use your special darts and I cannot have the assistance of my 504-Timebots or T1M3-Bombs. Deal?" Emile shoved a small waiver into her hands before she could answer. "Sign this. It is a contract that will bind you to the essence of time, much like me."
Comet sighs, crossing her arms. "I'm not fighting you pal, even if it's a sparring match. I've had enough of fighting as of late, pal." She shakes her head. "Honestly, it get's rather boring after a while. Plus, well, you'd win. I'm not exactly strong pal."
From the meadows, out in (wherever anyone is), there were three bulbasuar pokehans who were tied up. Standing next to them was Marcus, holding up a piece of paper, seeming to have the prices of each pokehuman.

"Hey, how nice. I can get 300,000 by turning you all in. Aggron, shove them in the cage."

The large heavyweight Pokemon nods, and picks up the small pokehumans, the bulbasaurs too terrified to fight back. The cage closes behind them, and Aggron lifts the cage up onto a truck. @ anyone who wants to stop him

(Skarmory pokehuman) SkarmorKnight (Skar) = red text.

(Nidoking pokehuman) NidoKnight (Nido) = blue text.

(jirachi pokehuman) Jirachi (Chi) = pink text.

Chi stopped her singing upon hearing voices. "hey Skar, Nido.. you two hear voices?"

"yeah... we should precede wh-.... where did Chi go?" Skar looked around for her.

"dude... she took off shortly after asking us about the voices." Nido chuckled as he explained how Chi hadn't waited for an answer.

Chi walked into the meadows the voices came from. "hey... why are you capturing pokehumans?" she asked the pokemon trainer with Aggron. "pokemon shouldn't be used for bad reasons... and let the bulbasaur pokehumans go. they have every right to be free like you humans and other pokemon." Chi yelled in a obviously scared tone. she was not a fighter.. she just wanted everyone to be friends. "even after my thousand year slumber, there are still bad people.." Chi said with genuine sadness.

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From behind him, Marcus hears a small voice behind him, and he turns around to see a Jirachi Pokehuman. His eyes light up as he looks through his paper.

"A Jirachi Pokehuman? I've never seen one before. Alright then. Aggron, Stone Edge."

Aggron nods, and the large Pokemon roars as several large spiked stones fly straight at the jirachi.

@Shiro kurogane
"suppression force! you won't be doing anything to Chi, human." Skar's suppression force rains down heavily onto the Aggron' stones. the machine gun-like heavy fire of his steel wings, not only destroying the flying stones heading for Chi. but Skar also moves to stand in front of her.

"stupid pokehuman hunters.. Assault drive!" Nido yells from behind the hunter that tried attacking Chi. flashing into close range of the Aggron, Nido assaults the pokemon with bone shattering force.

Chi watches in stunned silence. she couldn't believe someone would just attack for no reason. "why? why would you attack?! i've done nothing to warrant that!" she yelled to the trainer, as she side stepped out from Skar.

@National (also, see my cs sheet's forbetter descriptions of Skar, Nido and Chi's movesets)
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(Already have @Shiro kurogane )

Aggrom grunts as he gets slammed by the powerful move. However, Marcus cracks a small grin as he snaps his fingers.

"You got him in close range now, Aggron. Brick Break!"

The Aggron raises its massive arm up, and brings it down on the nidoking. Marcus pulls out another pokeball, and tosses it in Skar's direction.

"Heatran, let's go. Heat wave."

The massive Pokemon roars, firing out a torrent of scorching flames right at the Skarmory.
Nido cries out as the move slams into him and into the ground. "hehe... this might be more fun than i thought." he chuckled as he stood back up and said this. "lets see how this works.. poison drive!" Nido yelled as a giant swirling mass of poison fires at point blank range and in a drill-like form.

"aaahhhh!!" Skar pushed Chi out of harms way as he was struck by the heatran's heatwave. "you.. are not getting Chi, not while we still stand. rain of swords!" he yelled throwing his sword into the air. "we will not fall to a human who hunts pokehumans!"

"no, wait stop...." Chi yelled fruitlessly. she watched as a now full blown battle started. she didn't like fighting and was scared for the pokemon and her 'protectors' as they had called themselfs. this fear also of course carried over to the trainer as well, even though he had tried hurting her.

@National (oki)
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Marcus sees that Aggton is in trouble, but there was no way Aggron could get out of range.


The heavy Pokemon roars as it gets slammed, buckling down to one knee. Aggron stands back up.

"Aggron, Iron head!"

The Pokemon rears its large head, and powerful metallic aura starts to encase his head as he charges right at the Nidoking.

Heatran grunts as it gets bombarded by several swords. Heatran submerged from the swords, bruised but fine.

"Alright Heatran. Flash Cannon!"

Heatran fires off a large concussive blast of magnetic force right at Skar and Jirachi.

@Shiro kurogane
"iron head? i knew you were thick headed.. but this is ridiculous. how about you excite me more.. spirit of battle!" Nido's body explodes with a pulsating aura, that slow grows stronger. "lets see who will win this clash" he roars as a beam of pure energized aura fires at Aggron.

again, Skar protects Chi. but this time she still gets some of the damage. "Chi!" he yelled before turning to the heatran and it's trainer. "you who uses pokemon for evil. you will fail this day, armored strike!" Skar's armor equips itself and glows with the aura that empowers it. Skar punches his armor, causing it the shoot forward with the speed of a rapidash.

Chi screams out as she is hit with a weakened flash cannon. laying on her stomach, she lifted her head to look at the still ongoing battle. being a non fighter, Chi was not good at taking damage. "....no.... s-stop.... don't.... fight...." she said weakly. she still thought the trainer was good at heart, especially since his Aggron and heatran were so loyal to him.

Marcus grimaces as he sees the energy beam go straight for Aggron. While Heatran takes the blast, and still stands, Aggron wouldn't be able to take the blast. Aggrn already fought a Dragonite, and the Pokemon was barely at half strength. If Aggron gets hit, he wouldn't be able to be the same. He would get heavily injured, or worse. Marcus jumps in the way of Nido's blast, being flung back several yards as he slams into the ground, blood coming out of his mouth. Aggron looks worriedly at his trainer, and Heatran doesn't he same.

@Shiro kurogane
"what the hell?! why would..." Nido was rendered speechless.

"you..." Skar stopped his attack inches away from hitting the heatran. he was also dumbfounded by the hunter's action.

Chi watch what had happened in slow motion. "no!!" she yelled as she pulled herself weakly to her feet. "you do care about your pokemon, i was right." she was now kneeling beside the injured human. moving him gently she rested his head in her lap. "i hope this works... it did for a human child once." she said this as she used healing prayer on the trainer.

"now you're trying to heal the guy that attacked you?" Nido was still not used to Chi's friendly and trusting nature.

"......" Skar said nothing as he watched.

"come on... please work...." Chi murmured to herself as she still continued to use healing prayer.


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