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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Hazel just smiled as she saw the bed as she took off the hat when she was in the room she was jumping on the bed as she was a bit hyper as she was a bit hungry
Alex take off his cloak, under it, he was wearing all black (Long sleeve shirt, pants and shoes). "Hey Hazel, are you hungry or thirsty?" He asked as he sat down on the bed.
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"I think I got some chocolate..." Alex said as he searched for it in his pocket. "I regret something that I don't want to talk about it" He answered her first question. "Ha, got it." He said,gving her the chocolate bar before laying down on the bed. "Would you mind if we go search for a place to eat later?...I'm kinda ti-" He stopped talking as he fell asleep.
Hazel just looked at at him as she fell asleep she put a blanket on him as she fell asleep on the floor after she ate the food she wasn't ussed to sleeping on beds she just smiled
Emile stopped reading his book for the billionth time and looked at his old, battered watch. "Oh dear, I must have daydreamed too long!" And with that, Emile quickly sprinted towards the town's inn. "Hmm... I feel a familiar force.... And it's not too far away...." Emile took out a file and grinned as his read it. "At last, I know where you are...." Emile walked towards the inn as he let out a silent, yet maniacal laugh.
JackOfHearts said:
Comet sighs, messing around with a small device she'd been working on lately. "It's so boring around here." She mutters to herself. Shadow Comet had already run off after getting into a five minute argument with Jirachi, and had left Comet all alone in the lab. Well, all alone wasn't entirely true, it was more that she was the only one conscious at the moment.
"Boring, is it?" Whispered a calm, yet curious voice. It was James, who has conveniently woken up from his nap on the cold, metallic floor of the base. He rubbed his eyes and took a long look at his surroundings. James spotted Comet, all alone. "Good evening, Ms. Emile. How long was I asleep? I has a fantastic dream about my female friend back home...." James' voice trailed off as to let Comet figure the rest on her own. Suddenly, James adopted a shocked face. "Oh no.... He's coming...." James walked to Comet and whispered some warnings into her ear before he took out a candy bar and began to consume it, much like a certain female James had yet to meet...
Hazel got up as she heard some voices as she put her hat on as she left the inn as alex was still asleep she wanted to check who were talking she walked out the inn" hello" she say to who ever was talking
"There. That should keep them busy." Emile smiled as his handiwork. It was a note to Hazel and Alex, telling them that he was on an 'errand' His words weren't entirely false when you looked at them clearly.... "My senses say that my dear 'friend' is inside a secret facility nearby. I better take a look. And with that, the Lucario used his aura vision to spot two faces, one of which is familiar and the other of which was a stranger, but an attractive female at that. Emile sighed and took out a TM with the move, "Dig" on it. "I am walking out of the facility with a potential mate, whether she agrees with me or not." The jackal-like timelord said to himself with a determined voice. "James, my dear friend.... I promise that we will meet yet again in the essence of time...."
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TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Boring, is it?" Whispered a calm, yet curious voice. It was James, who has conveniently woken up from his nap on the cold, metallic floor of the base. He rubbed his eyes and took a long look at his surroundings. James spotted Comet, all alone. "Good evening, Ms. Emile. How long was I asleep? I has a fantastic dream about my female friend back home...." James' voice trailed off as to let Comet figure the rest on her own. Suddenly, James adopted a shocked face. "Oh no.... He's coming...." James walked to Comet and whispered some warnings into her ear before he took out a candy bar and began to consume it, much like a certain female James had yet to meet...
Comet frowned. "How soon is he coming?... And why did you call me Emile? That's not my name..." She sighs. "Although, you wouldn't have been the first legendary to forget it. Wait, did I even tell you it? As for how long you were asleep, well, I think it was a few hours. I don't like to keep track of the time. It's a waste." She shrugs.
Marcus smiles, standing right outside Canalave City with the detonator for the various bombs placed on the outside Team Legend HQ in his hands. Canalave City was crawling with NTG grunts in disguise, and all he was waiting for now was the signal. Suddenly, a message came through his headset. "With a thousand lies and a good disguise-" Marcus cut the grunts message off. "Hit 'em right between the eyes!" He yells, setting off the bombs and leaving massive holes in the outer walls of Team Legend HQ. The grunts quickly threw off their civilian disguises, charging into Team Legend HQ alongside an armada of their pokemon. Electrodes and Rhyperiors and Salamances and Tyranitars and many more extremely powerful pokemon all flooded in alongside their trainers, wreaking havoc on anything in their path. "Hell yeah!" Marcus yells, rushing into Canalave City to join the fight.

Jack heard the initial bombs set off, and quickly found a place to hide. "What the hell is going on?! Is it an attack?!" He mutters to himself, waiting till a NTG grunt passed by and then using his ability, Illusion, to disguise himself as the same grunt and run the same direction as the rest of the grunts. 'What's going on here?! How'd they get in?!' He thinks to himself.

@The Unamed Character
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JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowned. "How soon is he coming?... And why did you call me Emile? That's not my name..." She sighs. "Although, you wouldn't have been the first legendary to forget it. Wait, did I even tell you it? As for how long you were asleep, well, I think it was a few hours. I don't like to keep track of the time. It's a waste." She shrugs.
"Ahahaha! Hello, my dear friend!" The Lucario's voice spat the last word with mock venom. James didn't even flinch as if HE wasn't even there. "Emile, how wonderful of you to join us! Please, come and meet my new acquaintance!" Yelled the James with fake enthusiasm. Emile had dug a hole through the ceiling of the lab and had breached the inner layer of protection, thus exposing the base. "And who might you be?" Emile charmingly asked Comet as he kissed her hand. "If my friend had been telling the truth, then you must be the scientist that he was talking about over the phone! I hope that your sanity is better than mine, though. You must be parched. Here, have a drink." Emile took out a cup and beaker from his pocket and offered a suspicious-looking liquid to Comet. "So, are you thirsty? I specifically engineered this drug for this specific situation..."
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TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Ahahaha! Hello, my dear friend!" The Lucario's voice spat the last word with mock venom. James didn't even flinch as if HE wasn't even there. "Emile, how wonderful of you to join us! Please, come and meet my new acquaintance!" Yelled the James with fake enthusiasm. Emile had dug a hole through the ceiling of the lab and had breached the inner layer of protection, thus exposing the base. "And who might you be?" Emile charmingly asked Comet as he kissed her hand. "If my friend had been telling the truth, then you must be the scientist that he was talking about over the phone! I hope that your sanity is better than mine, though. You must be parched. Here, have a drink." Emile took out a cup and beaker from his pocket and offered a suspicious-looking liquid to Comet. "So, are you thirsty? I specifically engineered this drug for this specific situation..."
Comet sighed. "Emile, was it? I've been around enough mad scientists to know not to drink any liquid offered to me. It never ends well. Anyway, my name's Julie Adams, but most folks call me Comet." She said while staring at Emile, memorizing every little detail about him. 'Hmm...Quite interesting.' She smiled. "Although, I do appreciate the offer, even though it was most likely a drug or something."
Marcus quickly noticed something odd, the same grunt had passed by him twice in a row, running the exact same direction. "One is a fake..." He mutter to himself. "ALRIGHT MEN! KILL 'EM ALL!" He yells to the NTG grunts before running after Jack.

The NTG grunts let out a battle cry, continuing to wreak havoc upon Team Legend HQ.

Jack quickly hid from the NTG grunts, starting to get a bit tired. 'Man...I'm really out of shape...' He thinks to himself, not knowing that Marcus was quickly approaching him.

@The Unamed Character
Shadow Comet sighed, shaking her head and watching Marcus on one of the monitors at NTG HQ from a camera hidden in his clothing. "Really? Kill them all? Not only is that cliche, but it's also not why he was supposed to attack. Deoxys wanted Blitz alive, that was the whole point of the mission! I swear, if his stupidity makes something go wrong I'll kill him!" She says to herself angrily. "I'll tear his damn head off and feed it to Shadow Lugia!"
JackOfHearts said:
Comet sighed. "Emile, was it? I've been around enough mad scientists to know not to drink any liquid offered to me. It never ends well. Anyway, my name's Julie Adams, but most folks call me Comet." She said while staring at Emile, memorizing every little detail about him. 'Hmm...Quite interesting.' She smiled. "Although, I do appreciate the offer, even though it was most likely a drug or something."
"You're no fun." Emile pouted before taking out a bottle of brandy, which then he offered to James. "Aren't you thirsty too, old friend? It's been days since you've partaken in the traditional ritual of consuming alcoholic beverages. I promise that I didn't mix it with Seviper poison. I'm too crazy to use such a harmless chemical of that effect anyways." Emile slowly smiled as James took the drink with suspicion, before opening the cap and sniffing it. James then proceeded to chug the entire beverage down like a drunk Snorlax deprived and suffering from withdrawal of it's daily alcohol content. "I'm still not forgiving you for killing most of my close colleagues and my sister, Doctor. I will not ever in my entire eternal lifespan, ever give you that privilege." Emile frowned at his remark and turned to Comet. "It seems that you specialize in the arts, don't you? Do you mind if you tell me about your various inventions and involvement in such a dangerous organization such as this, who even beg to make a difference in the cycle of multi-billion dollar secret corporations beaten by twelve-year old children and their magical Pikachus?" Emile asked that question with true curiosity and wonder. Before Comet could even answer his question, the sly jackal began to focus his temporal energy onto her, as if to passively threaten her. "Please, take all the time that you need to give me a detailed explanation." Emile finished his sentence with a suggestive smile and a small wink.
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TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"You're no fun." Emile pouted before taking out a bottle of brandy, which then he offered to James. "Aren't you thirsty too, old friend? It's been days since you've partaken in the traditional ritual of consuming alcoholic beverages. I promise that I didn't mix it with Seviper poison. I'm too crazy to use such a harmless chemical of that effect anyways." Emile slowly smiled as James took the drink with suspicion, before opening the cap and sniffing it. James then proceeded to chug the entire beverage down like a drunk Snorlax deprived and suffering from withdrawal of it's daily alcohol content. "I'm still not forgiving you for killing most of my close colleagues and my sister, Doctor. I will not ever in my entire eternal lifespan, ever give you that privilege." Emile frowned at his remark and turned to Comet. 'It seems that you specialize in the arts, don't you? Do you mind if you tell me about your various inventions and involvement in such a dangerous organization such as this, who even beg to make a difference in the cycle of multi-billion dollar secret corporations beaten by twelve-year old children and their magical Pikachus?" The sly jackal began to focus his temporal energy onto Comet, as if to passively threaten her. "Please, take all the time that you need to give me a detailed explanation." Emile finished his sentence with a suggestive smile and a small wink.
Comet frowned. "Hmm, well, I don't mind telling you a bit. And wait, twelve year olds with magical Pikachus? What?... Uhh... Don't bother explaining that, I'm sure it would just be weird and boring. Annnyway, I'd better get back on topic. Alright, so I specialize in inventing devices to perform specific tasks. I'd explain all my different inventions, but about one fourth of them have been destroyed and another fourth were confiscated by Deoxys after a certain incident involving the dissection of sixty-eight NTG grunts. I'm...not going to go into detail about that incident. Annnnyway, getting back on topic, my currently working inventions are a device that can replicate the exact effects of transform on the user, a set of goggles that act as a supercomputer or phone and look downright cool, mind control nanobots capable of being injected through darts, and a mind swap machine, although I broke that last one on purpose, and will most likely be repairing it later. I'm also currently working on a machine to change the age of the user. I think I could make a hell of a lot of money off of that kind of device! And there I go getting off topic again, sorry." She sighs. "I never was much good at explaining things. Anyway, my role in the NTG is head researcher slash mad scientist slash top stealth operative. Oh, and don't you DARE compare us to the other teams! We're the best of the best, and we'll do whatever it takes to achieve our goals, no matter who many people die in the process!" She says angrily before suddenly taking on a much more cheerful attitude. "I hope that was a sufficient explanation!"
Jack quickly pulled out his phone. He didn't have Kio's phone number! "Shit! I need to warn her about what's going on.."

Suddenly Marcus rounded the corner and hit Jack straight in the face, breaking his illusion. "Huh...Even when we aren't trying to hunt you down we still manage to find you. Talk about stupid." He kicked Jack over onto his back, pinning him to the floor and pulling a knife out of his pocket. "But, we don't need you anymore! In fact, we'd rather see you dead! See ya' Jack, you useless bastard!" He says cheerfully, holding the blade of the knife to Jack's neck.

Jack stared up at Marcus, struggling to break free. He'd dropped his phone, and couldn't move! He was doomed to die! He had to think quick... Distracting him! If he stalled for long enough maybe Marcus would let his guard down! "Damn you Marcus, you're almost as annoying as your accursed sister."

Marcus frowned. "My sister? That bitch? I'm nothing like her pal, so don't compare us." He says angrily.

Meanwhile the NTG grunts were using Electrodes to breach doorways and massacre Team Legend grunts with ease. This was too easy! It wasn't even any fun! They were barely putting up a fight!

@The Unamed Character
Shadow Comet sighs, poking Raven for the one hundred and seventy fifth time.. "Hey, come on, wake up." She says, continuing to poke Raven. She had dragged Raven out of Comet's lab and into the surveilance room, where no one else was. "Wake uuuuuuuuuup!"

@The Unamed Character
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Cathy layed on her bed quietly, staring at the ceiling. "Why does it hurt so much just to lay down?..." She asks herself. "I...I don't feel right... Maybe it has something to do with Shadow Cathy dying?..."
JackOfHearts said:
Marcus smiles, standing right outside Canalave City with the detonator for the various bombs placed on the outside Team Legend HQ in his hands. Canalave City was crawling with NTG grunts in disguise, and all he was waiting for now was the signal. Suddenly, a message came through his headset. "With a thousand lies and a good disguise-" Marcus cut the grunts message off. "Hit 'em right between the eyes!" He yells, setting off the bombs and leaving massive holes in the outer walls of Team Legend HQ. The grunts quickly threw off their civilian disguises, charging into Team Legend HQ alongside an armada of their pokemon. Electrodes and Rhyperiors and Salamances and Tyranitars and many more extremely powerful pokemon all flooded in alongside their trainers, wreaking havoc on anything in their path. "Hell yeah!" Marcus yells, rushing into Canalave City to join the fight.
Jack heard the initial bombs set off, and quickly found a place to hide. "What the hell is going on?! Is it an attack?!" He mutters to himself, waiting till a NTG grunt passed by and then using his ability, Illusion, to disguise himself as the same grunt and run the same direction as the rest of the grunts. 'What's going on here?! How'd they get in?!' He thinks to himself.

@The Unamed Character
JackOfHearts said:
Marcus quickly noticed something odd, the same grunt had passed by him twice in a row, running the exact same direction. "One is a fake..." He mutter to himself. "ALRIGHT MEN! KILL 'EM ALL!" He yells to the NTG grunts before running after Jack.
The NTG grunts let out a battle cry, continuing to wreak havoc upon Team Legend HQ.

Jack quickly hid from the NTG grunts, starting to get a bit tired. 'Man...I'm really out of shape...' He thinks to himself, not knowing that Marcus was quickly approaching him.

@The Unamed Character
JackOfHearts said:
Jack quickly pulled out his phone. He didn't have Kio's phone number! "Shit! I need to warn her about what's going on.."
Suddenly Marcus rounded the corner and hit Jack straight in the face, breaking his illusion. "Huh...Even when we aren't trying to hunt you down we still manage to find you. Talk about stupid." He kicked Jack over onto his back, pinning him to the floor and pulling a knife out of his pocket. "But, we don't need you anymore! In fact, we'd rather see you dead! See ya' Jack, you useless bastard!" He says cheerfully, holding the blade of the knife to Jack's neck.

Jack stared up at Marcus, struggling to break free. He'd dropped his phone, and couldn't move! He was doomed to die! He had to think quick... Distracting him! If he stalled for long enough maybe Marcus would let his guard down! "Damn you Marcus, you're almost as annoying as your accursed sister."

Marcus frowned. "My sister? That bitch? I'm nothing like her pal, so don't compare us." He says angrily.

Meanwhile the NTG grunts were using Electrodes to breach doorways and massacre Team Legend grunts with ease. This was too easy! It wasn't even any fun! They were barely putting up a fight!

@The Unamed Character
JackOfHearts said:
Shadow Comet sighs, poking Raven for the one hundred and seventy fifth time.. "Hey, come on, wake up." She says, continuing to poke Raven. She had dragged Raven out of Comet's lab and into the surveilance room, where no one else was. "Wake uuuuuuuuuup!"
@The Unamed Character
@The Unamed Character
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character](I'm not rping on this one anymore.... it was ruined by those guys that joined..... sorta my fault but still)

(Nooooo... Now I need to look for an RP to join. Pretty much every RP I'm in is inactive almost all the time T_T...)
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowned. "Hmm, well, I don't mind telling you a bit. And wait, twelve year olds with magical Pikachus? What?... Uhh... Don't bother explaining that, I'm sure it would just be weird and boring. Annnyway, I'd better get back on topic. Alright, so I specialize in inventing devices to perform specific tasks. I'd explain all my different inventions, but about one fourth of them have been destroyed and another fourth were confiscated by Deoxys after a certain incident involving the dissection of sixty-eight NTG grunts. I'm...not going to go into detail about that incident. Annnnyway, getting back on topic, my currently working inventions are a device that can replicate the exact effects of transform on the user, a set of goggles that act as a supercomputer or phone and look downright cool, mind control nanobots capable of being injected through darts, and a mind swap machine, although I broke that last one on purpose, and will most likely be repairing it later. I'm also currently working on a machine to change the age of the user. I think I could make a hell of a lot of money off of that kind of device! And there I go getting off topic again, sorry." She sighs. "I never was much good at explaining things. Anyway, my role in the NTG is head researcher slash mad scientist slash top stealth operative. Oh, and don't you DARE compare us to the other teams! We're the best of the best, and we'll do whatever it takes to achieve our goals, no matter who many people die in the process!" She says angrily before suddenly taking on a much more cheerful attitude. "I hope that was a sufficient explanation!"
Emile smiled back at her cheerful attitude. "Most of your....creations... seem quite useful, but there might be one flaw in your plan, as the humans say: There is no power without weakness. No matter how devastating your invention's strengths are, I will not ever let another group of people stop me in achieving my goals. I could break time if I wanted to, but then I'll be forever alone, stuck in a frozen world, roaming about while feeling guilty about the many that I have taken. But, you're finally helped me figure out where I shall be going. It has taken me so many millenniums, so many lifetimes and so many trials-and-errors, but at last. I now know where I'm going. Where I've always been going. A place where no one but myself basks in glory while I watch the universe burn and rot through time, again and again without end until I ." Emile took a second to manically laugh before quickly took out two giant scalpels and proceeded to repeatedly stab Comet and James with them. "That was Doctor-Assisted Homicide!" The mad doctor laughed again at the injuries of the two. The Nightmare pokemon gently pulled the sharp object out from his stomach and glared at Emile. "You traitor! Your power has poisoned your mind and body! You are no different than a scheming Seviper! How could you cause so much pain to people who have done nothing to you?!" The white-haired legendary gestured to the bleeding and whimpering Comet, who was lying on the metallic floor in a pool of her own blood, yet very much alive. "Done nothing? May I remind you the crimes against the laws of humanity that this person has broken?! I am not worthy of any mercy no more than she is, and I will accept my eventful death with pride when it finally decides to meet me for the very last time." Emile took out a detonator from his coat pocket and showed it to the two individuals. "Your life, your choice. You have thirty hours to live." He then teleported out using an escape rope
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