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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

JackOfHearts said:
Comet smiles. "Well...that went better than expected... so....uhh...what're we going to do here?...Please tell me that you're not just going to leave me here to die..." She asks James, being very careful to stay as still as possible. "This...is less painful than what I'm used to... What did he mean by that your life your choice thing?..."
James winced as he patched his wound with a few bandages he found. "Bastard of a doctor probably rigged the base with one of his time bombs. He said something about thirty hours, so we should gather as much useful supplies as possible in under thirty hours before this deathtrap becomes the first in a long line of destruction that Emile will take pleasure in." James stood up and paced around the laboratory for a few minutes. "The time bomb that he is using is a prototype that he invented a few years before. It will freeze this entire area in time, thus erasing this place and any nearby settlements and any entities caught in the blast radius from ever existing. Please act smart and collect up all who is good and dear to you. We have to leave this place behind."
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
James winced as he patched his wound with a few bandages he found. "Bastard of a doctor probably rigged the base with one of his time bombs. He said something about thirty hours, so we should gather as much useful supplies as possible in under thirty hours before this deathtrap becomes the first in a long line of destruction that Emile will take pleasure in." James stood up and paced around the laboratory for a few minutes. "The time bomb that he is using is a prototype that he invented a few years before. It will freeze this entire area in time, thus erasing this place and any nearby settlements and any entities caught in the blast radius from ever existing. Please act smart and collect up all who is good and dear to you. We have to leave this place behind."
Comet stood up. "Yeah, screw that... I'm going to find, and kill, that fucker in as painful of a way as possible. Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, stabs me with a scalpel and gets away with it. Stabbing people with scalpels is my fucking thing!" She says angrily. "Besides, I have everything I need with me. Thirty hours? That's way too long." She mutters, grabbing her tool box. She suddenly teleported to the Orre region, along with everyone in NTG HQ. "Ah, thank you Uxie. Although, next time PREVENT THE MADMAN FROM SETTING UP BOMBS!" She yells at Uxie, who merely floats away. "Wow...she's being weird again..."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet stood up. "Yeah, screw that... I'm going to find, and kill, that fucker in as painful of a way as possible. Nobody, and I repeat, NOBODY, stabs me with a scalpel and gets away with it. Stabbing people with scalpels is my fucking thing!" She says angrily. "Besides, I have everything I need with me. Thirty hours? That's way too long." She mutters, grabbing her tool box. She suddenly teleported to the Orre region, along with everyone in NTG HQ. "Ah, thank you Uxie. Although, next time PREVENT THE MADMAN FROM SETTING UP BOMBS!" She yells at Uxie, who merely floats away. "Wow...she's being weird again..."
"Bastard was stabbing things way before you or I were. Anyways, the bombs that he has invented is only one of many that was born from his sick and uncaring mind. I doubt that he intended to kill you, however. You're the type of person that he would probably have a thing for. If you need any information about his creations, here is a list that I stole from his office while we were still working for the legendary council."

My Inventions

Prototype T1M3=2 Bomb

Successful and unstoppable bomb that will freeze and destroy time and existence relative to the area of effect and the severity setting of the bomb.

X1X1-Time and Space Relocator

Unfinished prototype teleporter that can work as an alternative to bribing a fellow drunken Abra with a few bottles of scotch and brandy. Works only with Steel-Type pokemon.


Suicidal assassin bot programmed to show no fear, emotion or interest in anything other than successful kills. Will hunt down targets to the ends of the earth and beyond, shows a tendency to feed on deceased targets upon successful completion of a mission. Has a self-destruct mechanism with the T1M3 Bomb connected to it in case of no other option other than death.

The Box 2.0

Excellent stealth strategy invented by a man named after a Seviper, who used cardboard boxes to sneak around fortified enemy bases to reach certain high-ranking targets. The Box 2.0 modifies the ingenious cardboard to have a cloaking device and working radio. Does not work against enemies with night-vision goggles or sensors. Cloaking device does not render the box completely invisible to the naked eye. There is a small glitch in the wiring which sends a telepathic suggestion to the user of the device to purposely kill people undercover in a badass totally non-stealth game way. (Digital cookie if you get the reference :P )

Projekt "The Stars Are Not Enough"

========Attempting to retrieve user stored data ENGAGED=====

Request Confirmed

Sending Data...


Projekt "The Stars Are Not Enough"


"What have I done?" It was the rough voice of a seemingly agitated Lucario. The audio cracks for a second. "I have become a monster." The previous voice says again. The same voice growls to himself before laughing. "Containment." The audio crackles again, more severe this time. "The action of keeping an entity or object under control, or keeping it in a safe and harmless area." The audio cracks many times. "Such action has been effective in administering my... cure.... to the world's sickly inhabitants... until NOW..." The audio crackles many times before stopping.

The audio starts playing a different record. A different voice is heard this time: the accent of a Lucario with a similar voice to the previous one. "I wish to not live in a world without it enduring the pain that all of us had dearly held out against. We cannot live without madness nor gentleness, or peacefulness without kindness." The audio cracks many times. "I am delivering a message to all those located above and beyond the stars. A message to those who look for people like us. Men like us. Creatures like us. The audio crackles yet again. "I am calling on every intelligent being in the existing world and universe, for we will soon meet each other..." The voice of the Lucario fades as the audio ends.

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TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Bastard was stabbing things way before you or I were. Anyways, the bombs that he has invented is only one of many that was born from his sick and uncaring mind. I doubt that he intended to kill you, however. You're the type of person that he would probably have a thing for. If you need any information about his creations, here is a list that I stole from his office while we were still working for the legendary council."
My Inventions

Prototype T1M3=2 Bomb

Successful and unstoppable bomb that will freeze and destroy time and existence relative to the area of effect and the severity setting of the bomb.

X1X1-Time and Space Relocator

Unfinished prototype teleporter that can work as an alternative to bribing a fellow drunken Abra with a few bottles of scotch and brandy. Works only with Steel-Type pokemon.


Suicidal assassin bot programmed to show no fear, emotion or interest in anything other than successful kills. Will hunt down targets to the ends of the earth and beyond, shows a tendency to feed on deceased targets upon successful completion of a mission. Has a self-destruct mechanism with the T1M3 Bomb connected to it in case of no other option other than death.

The Box 2.0

Excellent stealth strategy invented by a man named after a Seviper, who used cardboard boxes to sneak around fortified enemy bases to reach certain high-ranking targets. The Box 2.0 modifies the ingenious cardboard to have a cloaking device and working radio. Does not work against enemies with night-vision goggles or sensors. Cloaking device does not render the box completely invisible to the naked eye. There is a small glitch in the wiring which sends a telepathic suggestion to the user of the device to purposely kill people undercover in a badass totally non-stealth game way. (Digital cookie if you get the reference :P )

Projekt "The Stars Are Not Enough"

========Attempting to retrieve user stored data ENGAGED=====

Request Confirmed

Sending Data...


Projekt "The Stars Are Not Enough"


"What have I done?" It was the rough voice of a seemingly agitated Lucario. The audio cracks for a second. "I have become a monster." The previous voice says again. The same voice growls to himself before laughing. "Containment." The audio crackles again, more severe this time. "The action of keeping an entity or object under control, or keeping it in a safe and harmless area." The audio cracks many times. "Such action has been effective in administering my... cure.... to the world's sickly inhabitants... until NOW..." The audio crackles many times before stopping.

The audio starts playing a different record. A different voice is heard this time: the accent of a Lucario with a similar voice to the previous one. "I wish to not live in a world without it enduring the pain that all of us had dearly held out against. We cannot live without madness without gentleness, or peacefulness without kindness." The audio cracks many times. "I am delivering a message to all those location above and beyond the stars. A message to those who look for people like us. Men like us. Creatures like us. The audio crackles yet again. "I am calling on every intelligent being in the existing world and universe, for we will soon meet each other..." The voice of the Lucario fades as the audio ends.

Comet's eyes went wide. "This stuff is...whoa...wait, a box?! What the bloody hell?! Really?! That sounds like something Shadow Comet would come up with... I could probably reverse engineer devices like those easily, if I had one to work off of. As for the audio logs, talk about useless. Seriously. Ok, now we plan how to KILL Emile... I have a plan! We lure him here, using...err...one of us as bait? And then stab him in the back of the throat?" She frowned. Her plan was horrible, but it would probably work. Usually her horrible plans worked the best. (Nice Metal Gear Solid reference :P )
JackOfHearts said:
Comet's eyes went wide. "This stuff is...whoa...wait, a box?! What the bloody hell?! Really?! That sounds like something Shadow Comet would come up with... I could probably reverse engineer devices like those easily, if I had one to work off of. As for the audio logs, talk about useless. Seriously. Ok, now we plan how to KILL Emile... I have a plan! We lure him here, using...err...one of us as bait? And then stab him in the back of the throat?" She frowned. Her plan was horrible, but it would probably work. Usually her horrible plans worked the best. (Nice Metal Gear Solid reference :P )
"Oh, you haven't seen the type of shit that Emile creates daily. And it does not just include machines. The only way that he would come here was if you were to lure him by inviting him to a date or party. Emile has never missed any of those in his entire immortal life. I wonder how many hearts that he broke during those dates, though.....Anyways, I think you should set up a fake date between you two. He has never turned down a date from a person of interest. You are not an exception." James tells to Comet.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Oh, you haven't seen the type of shit that Emile creates daily. And it does not just include machines. The only way that he would come here was if you were to lure him by inviting him to a date or party. Emile has never missed any of those in his entire immortal life. I wonder how many hearts that he broke during those dates, though.....Anyways, I think you should set up a fake date between you two. He has never turned down a date from a person of interest. You are not an exception." James tells to Comet.
Comet shrugs. "Sure, why not. Although, why anyone would even possibly be interested in me is beyond my comprehension. Alright, so, uh, how would I go about sending him a fake date invite that sounds legitimate?..." She asks. "And how would we kill him during this fake date?..."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet shrugs. "Sure, why not. Although, why anyone would even possibly be interested in me is beyond my comprehension. Alright, so, uh, how would I go about sending him a fake date invite that sounds legitimate?..." She asks. "And how would we kill him during this fake date?..."
"Killing him would be the last thing that I would do. You would break the laws of time and freeze us out of existence for eternity, much like the results of your previous base. Time cannot exist without him since he adopted the douche's position, remember? The best we can do is subdue him with a poison that Emile created himself. We should spike his drink with it and then put his body into one of his cryo-sleep chambers that he has at his abandoned lab back at the legendary council building. It should preserve him for at least a millennium. You would be dead by then and I would promptly suicide when he comes back. At least you got the easy way out." James explained to Comet in distain. "Be careful on the date, as he knows how to use attract. That is one of the reasons why he was on the council in the first place. It seems that Arceus had a Lucario fetish."
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TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Killing him would be the last thing that I would do. You would break the laws of time and freeze us out of existence for eternity, much like the results of your previous base. Time cannot exist without him since he adopted the douche's position, remember? The best we can do is subdue him with a poison that Emile created himself. We should spike his drink with it and then put his body into one of his cryo-sleep chambers that he has at his abandoned lab back at the legendary council building. It should preserve him for at least a millennium. You would be dead by then and I would promptly suicide when he comes back. At least you got the easy way out." James explained to Come in distain. "Be careful on the date, as he knows how to use attract. That is one of the reasons why he was on the council in the first place. It seems that Arceus had a Lucario fetish."
Comet frowns. "Alright, I'll be careful..." She says. 'This could be dangerous.... Meh, who cares? What's life without risk!' She thinks to herself. "Aaaanyway, where can I find him so I can ask him out on this fake date thing. I want to get this over with."
Chi awoke from her 1,000 year slumber. stretching her arms, her head looked down at herself. "wait.... what happened to my body? i look nearly human!" she was excited about this. "i can do human things now! I WONDER WHAT'S CHANGED SINCE I FELL ASLEEP 1,000 YEARS AGO?" standing, Chi walked from her earthen resting place. flying into the air, she hovered miles in the sky to look around. "woah..." she exclaimed in awe. there were others like her some distance away, not quite pokemon nor human. but something inbetween.... pokehuman. setting herself gently back onto the ground, Chi walked onward with a spring in her step and a smile comparable to an innocent child's. where was she heading? no idea, Chi just wanted to explore this newly changed world. as she walked, Chi sang a song.


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Hazel was bored so she was playing she took alex hat as he was still sleeping she was looking out the window she didn't want to wake up alex as she was plaing a game on her psp as she smiled she had a 3ds that alex stole for her she was happy to have them @An Unknown Person
Hazel looked at him" i like your hat" she say as she gave it to him" can we get a new game" she say to him as she grabbed his hand" we need to go and look for that person" she say to him
SkarmorKnight (Skar) = red text.

NidoKnight (Nido) = blue text.

Jirachi (Chi) = pink text.

Chi walked aimlessly, as she came into a town. there were so many thinks. new foods, people, houses and more, that she'd hadn't seen 1.000 years ago. normal humans still lived alongside normal pokemon and even the new pokehumans too. although, Chi was yelled at by a human who was demanding money. "what's money?" she asked him. this made the man more angry, he insulted her and called her a twit.. whatever that is. "b-but.. i've been sleep for 1,000 years..." she tried tell the enraged man, who didn't believe her.

"there she is... Jirachi." Skar said accessing the situation. "it seems a human is... angry at her."

"yeah, that's her alright." Nido said talking to Skar via a wireless transmitter. it only made sense since Skar could and was flying at the moment. "i see her now. the man is angry over money... she may have taken something to eat, not knowing that she needed to pay for it."

"yeah, lets move in. the less attention she gets, the better the chances of people recognizing her in smaller." Skar said descending and landing beside Chi. "sir, i believe this will remedy the problem. i also trust you will never speak of the incident again?" he stared down the man with the eyes of some willing to do anything to carry out his mission.

"hey Skar, don't scare the human. we made contact with our target. now we just have to be her personal guards, until she grants a wish and goes to sleep for another 1,000 years. so knock it off, look the guy took the money and left already." he pointed to the man in question as he hurried away, back to his food stand.

Chi looked between the two new arrivals. "who are you guys? are you going to be my friends!" she said child-like excitement. she took the last bite of the teriyaki she had unknowingly stolen from the angry man who had left. however Chi's stomach growled again "i'm still hungry" she pouted, looking down at and rubbing her tummy.

JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "Alright, I'll be careful..." She says. 'This could be dangerous.... Meh, who cares? What's life without risk!' She thinks to herself. "Aaaanyway, where can I find him so I can ask him out on this fake date thing. I want to get this over with."
"He'll be at his new laboratory, testing out the Box 2.0. It's located somewhere between Unova and Kalos. He's trying to use the Megastones that were found a few months ago to make himself more powerful" Replied James. "I'll send him an email. He'll be here. You should start putting on your dress. He'll be here soon. And if he ever seduces you, please do NOT under any circumstances, kiss him. His attract works passively that way."
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"He'll be at his new laboratory, testing out the Box 2.0. It's located somewhere between Unova and Kalos. He's trying to use the Megastones that were found a few months ago to make himself more powerful" Replied James. "I'll send him an email. He'll be here. You should start putting on your dress. He'll be here soon. And if he ever seduces you, please do NOT under any circumstances, kiss him. His attract works passively that way."
Comet nods. "Got it, somewhere between Unova and Kalos... I'm going to head back to my place and get on a dress, and then I'll get Uxie to teleport me there. She knows everything, so she probably knows where Emile is."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet nods. "Got it, somewhere between Unova and Kalos... I'm going to head back to my place and get on a dress, and then I'll get Uxie to teleport me there. She knows everything, so she probably knows where Emile is."
Comet was teleported by Uxie to the laboratory where Emile was fixing a bowtie unto his collar. "Ah. There you are, my dear. I see that you're looking as beautiful as ever. I apologize for the giant stab wound where your stomach and intestines are supposed to be. My schadenfreude has taken the best of me yet again." Emile charmingly smiled at the scientist. "Well, shall we go on the date? My idiot of a former friend sent me a text saying that you invited me to one shortly after I froze your previous base in time. Hmm.... something is missing though.... Ah, yes! Guards!" Yelled the mad doctor into the empty hallway. The hallway was soon filled up with a single-file line of Timebot-504s, who quickly took off their dark cloaks and gave the Lucario a salute. "Guards! Please teleport me to the New Team Galactic's Orre base." Emile spoke to the assassins. "It should be around here..." The good doctor pointed to a 3D map on the wall of all the pokemon regions, with Orre, Unova and Sinnoh outlined in red. "Here it is!" The madman pointed to a secluded area in a northern region of Orre. After a flash of blue temporal light, Comet and Emile were teleported to the base yet again, where in place of metallic inventions and various terminals were a single long table with two seats at each end. The table itself were filled with pounds and pounds of food and drink. "So, James decided to be smart today, eh? I suppose that we take a seat." Emile kissed the genius inventor's hand before offering her a chair.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
Comet was teleported by Uxie to the laboratory where Emile was fixing a bowtie unto his collar. "Ah. There you are, my dear. I see that you're looking as beautiful as ever. I apologize for the giant stab wound where your stomach and intestines are supposed to be. My schadenfreude has taken the best of me yet again." Emile charmingly smiled at the scientist. "Well, shall we go on the date? My idiot of a former friend sent me a text saying that you invited me to one shortly after I froze your previous base in time. Hmm.... something is missing though.... Ah, yes! Guards!" Yelled the mad doctor into the empty hallway. The hallway was soon filled up with a single-file line of Timebot-504s, who quickly took off their dark cloaks and gave the Lucario a salute. "Guards! Please teleport me to the New Team Galactic's Orre base." Emile spoke to the assassins. "It should be around here..." The good doctor pointed to a 3D map on the wall of all the pokemon regions, with Orre, Unova and Sinnoh outlined in red. "Here it is!" The madman pointed to a secluded area in a northern region of Orre. After a flash of blue temporal light, Comet and Emile were teleported to the base yet again, where in place of metallic inventions and various terminals were a single long table with two seats at each end. The table itself were filled with pounds and pounds of food and drink. "So, James decided to be smart today, eh? I suppose that we take a seat." Emile kissed the genius inventor's hand before offering her a chair.
Comet sits down. 'Alright Comet, make it convincing. Calm down.' She thinks to herself. "Well, I'm kind of used to getting stabbed. Trust me, when you've been a mad scientist for as long as I have, well, you get stabbed a lot with lots of different things. Although, stabbing people with scalpels is my thing." She shrugs. "But hey, let's not dwell on the past."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet sits down. 'Alright Comet, make it convincing. Calm down.' She thinks to herself. "Well, I'm kind of used to getting stabbed. Trust me, when you've been a mad scientist for as long as I have, well, you get stabbed a lot with lots of different things. Although, stabbing people with scalpels is my thing." She shrugs. "But hey, let's not dwell on the past."
"The past?" Emile asked with a suspicious chuckle. "You remind me of someone. Someone that I held dear years ago, before the Kanto region. Before everything." Emile said as he started to slice a few berries with a scalpel that he pulled out of his pocket. "She is probably dead now." He said as he continued cutting the juicy fruit. "Dead, like the others. She was something special." Suddenly, Emile sensed something familiar. Something that he hasn't felt in a long time. "Time?" Emile randomly said to no one. "Is it really that Time again?" Comet looked at the doctor as if he was going out of his mind.


Table of Contents:

Book of Curiosity

Book of Knowledge

Book of Wonder

Book of Peace

Book of Indifference

Book of Pride

Book of Dreams

Book of Sorrow

Book of Betrayal

Book of Madness

Book of Chaos

Book of Destiny

Book of Storms

Book of Nightmares

Book of Undying

Book of Love

Book of Antipathy

Book of Joy

Book of Time

Book of Indifference, Chapter 4

"Her curiosity is unrivaled. I've never seen anything like it. She always asks me if I ever dream. Of course I dream, I tell her. Everybody dreams about something. 'What do I dream about?' Many people ask. I dream of love. I dream of peace and progress. I dream of nightmares. Nightmares of myself, and the crimes that I have committed. I don't know if I will be forgiven. I don't know if I will even die. The only thing that can render me unconscious would be the creations made from my own blood and knowledge, and even then, no one would stop me once I break free from it's grasps. A darkness is rising within me. I don't know when I will finally snap and hurt everyone around me. I promised to stay sane for Her. Even if it means staying like this for the rest of Time... Oh, how foolish she was....."
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"The past?" Emile asked with a suspicious chuckle. "You remind me of someone. Someone that I held dear years ago, before the Kanto region. Before everything." Emile said as he started to slice a few berries with a scalpel that he pulled out of his pocket. "She is probably dead now." He said as he continued cutting the juicy fruit. "Dead, like the others. She was something special." Suddenly, Emile sensed something familiar. Something that he hasn't felt in a long time. "Time?" Emile randomly said to no one. "Is it really that Time again?" Comet looked at the doctor as if he was going out of his mind.
Comet gives Emile a confused look. To her Emile seemed to be acting rather crazy, but then again, he probably was crazy. "Uhh, what are you talking about? You're kind of freaking my out right now. It's really creepy, bringing up dead friends on a date, you know."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet gives Emile a confused look. To her Emile seemed to be acting rather crazy, but then again, he probably was crazy. "Uhh, what are you talking about? You're kind of freaking my out right now. It's really creepy, bringing up dead friends on a date, you know."
"No, no. Not now!" Emile said to himself, ignoring Comet. The doctor paused and thought to himself for a second. "Ohhhh.... of course...." Emile kept his stoic expression despite his obvious excitement. "This is where I come in...." Emile dropped the fruit and the scalpel that he was holding and suddenly kissed Comet on the lips. Comet tried to move away, but the doctor held her like a child's stuffed pokemon, never letting it go. "mmmph mmmmmpfhh!" All that was heard was the sound of muffled words and the feeling of the two inhabitants lips on each other.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"No, no. Not now!" Emile said to himself, ignoring Comet. The doctor paused and thought to himself for a second. "Ohhhh.... of course...." Emile kept his stoic expression despite his obvious excitement. "This is where I come in...." Emile dropped the fruit and the scalpel that he was holding and suddenly kissed Comet on the lips. Comet tried to move away, but the doctor held her like a child's stuffed pokemon, never letting it go. "mmmph mmmmmpfhh!" All that was heard was the sound of muffled words and the feeling of the two inhabitants lips on each other.
Comet blushed. 'What the hell is he doing?!' She thinks to herself, struggling to move away. 'Is he insane?!'
JackOfHearts said:
Comet blushed. 'What the hell is he doing?!' She thinks to herself, struggling to move away. 'Is he insane?!'
Emile pulled away and stared at Comet's irises. "You remind me of a certain someone." The Lucario told her with a seductive grin as he caressed her chin. "Well, I'm sorry to say this, but the world is not enough." Emile spoke quietly, with a creepy voice that could startle a horde of Tauros. Then, without warning, the doctor took out a sharpened bonesaw. "Don't play dumb with me, love. I'm not insane. You should know that from all the information that James forked over to you." Emile held the instrument of surgery against her windpipe, threatening to sever it at any sudden movements that Comet could make. It's such a shame that you decided to kill me. With my own poisons, no wonder! It's such a waste of genius, having to kill such a beauty like you. You looked cute when you blushed." Emile took out another detonator, similar to the one that Emile possessed while in Sinnoh. "Don't try to run, love. I knew that you would be teleported to the most dangerous region in the world. I have rigged all New Team Galactic's bases with my special time bombs. I am giving you a choice: Rebel against me and face the depths of reality itself as every inhabitant of this place and all the NTG bases will be erased from Dialga's records, or surrender yourself and your leader, Deoxys, to me. If you surrender, I promise that I will disarm the bombs and not harm a single hair on any NTG grunts or soldiers." Emile let his final question of the day sink into Comet's skull. 'I have plans for you, love. Plans that will make you the happiest woman in the world.....'
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