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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

JackOfHearts said:
Comet sighs. "I'm not going to spar you..." She mutters to herself. "Alright, I'll sign the dang waiver." She says, pulling a pen out of her pocket and signing it without even bothering to read it. She'd never been one to read the fine print.
Emile took the waiver and examined it. Thank you, dear. Now, please stand still, as this next procedure... will be excruciating..." The doctor sadistically grinned at the lime dragon. The Lucario took out a syringe labeled, "Chronosistant". He gently stabbed Comet in the shoulder and smiled. "Let me take you to a guest bedroom. You will be in a coma for approximately a month if you're lucky.... years if you're not...." Emile caught the scientist before she could fall over from the drug's effect. Comet, now held bridal style, was carried off deeper into the facility, where she would not wake for a long time to come....

It had been three months, and Emile was starting to get anxious. 'Did I inject the wrong drug? Possibly, but the percentages of that is low, considering I labeled the syringe and cleaned the needle.' A humanoid figure stirred from one of his cameras. His eyes widened as he checked which room the camera was watching. It was a very familiar individual with lime hair and a unforgettable face, to the doctor at least. Emile turned away from the screens and took out what appeared to be a small pill from his pocket. It was a mint. The doctor shook his head. He'd been cooped up in his laboratory for far to long to ever recognize anything besides surgical tools, beakers, machinery and the art of literature. Emile popped the small white object into his mouth and hurried to the room that was vacant by a certain person whom our dear antagonist shares a romantic feeling for. He opened the door with his keycard and walked into the room. Comet was still stirring from her coma. Emile picked the scientist up and gave her a small French kiss on her forehead. The Flygon's eyelids slowly opened to reveal the person that the Lucario had been longing for to wake up for days and days to come... until now.....
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"thanks Heatran and Aggron." she said to the two pokemon weakly as her vision blurred slightly. Chi was still hurt from the flash cannon, but shrugged it off again and refocused her vision back on Marcus. "now.... just... sleep for the time being." she told him as she nearly fell over onto her side.

Marcus sees her starting to fall, and Heatran releases him just in time for him to catch her, both of them falling onto the floor, Marcus's body cushioning Chi's fall.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?"

@Shiro kurogane
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
Emile took the waiver and examined it. Thank you, dear. Now, please stand still, as this next procedure... will be excruciating..." The doctor sadistically grinned at the lime dragon. The Lucario took out a syringe labeled, "Chronosistant". He gently stabbed Comet in the shoulder and smiled. "Let me take you to a guest bedroom. You will be in a coma for approximately a month if you're lucky.... years if you're not...." Emile caught the scientist before she could fall over from the drug's effect. Comet, now held bridal style, was carried off deeper into the facility, where she would not wake for a long time to come....
It had been three months, and Emile was starting to get anxious. 'Did I inject the wrong drug? Possibly, but the percentages of that is low, considering I labeled the syringe and cleaned the needle.' A humanoid figure stirred from one of his cameras. His eyes widened as he checked which room the camera was watching. It was a very familiar individual with lime hair and a unforgettable face, to the doctor at least. Emile turned away from the screens and took out what appeared to be a small pill from his pocket. It was a mint. The doctor shook his head. He'd been cooped up in his laboratory for far to long to ever recognize anything besides surgical tools, beakers, machinery and the art of literature. Emile popped the small white object into his mouth and hurried to the room that was vacant by a certain person whom our dear antagonist shares a romantic feeling for. He opened the door with his keycard and walked into the room. Comet was still stirring from her coma. Emile picked the scientist up and gave her a small French kiss on her forehead. The Flygon's eyelids slowly opened to reveal the person that the Lucario had been longing for to wake up for days and days to come... until now.....
Comet blushes. "Wh-...What just happened... I remember a syringe and then...did you inject me with something?..." She asks, seeming a bit disoriented.
Marcus shakes his head, continuing tovhold her.

"You're almost as bad as I am. Where the hell are your friends? They suck at this protection thing? Is there anything I can do to help you regain your strength?"

@Shiro kurogane
Chi blushed lightly at Marcus Continuing to hold her. "i don't know where they went. i told you earlier, i only met them moments before you. normally they just show up when something like the battle from earlier happens." she said too tired too trying moving out of his arms again. "and i will be fine... i just need sleep like you and Aggron."

JackOfHearts said:
Comet blushes. "Wh-...What just happened... I remember a syringe and then...did you inject me with something?..." She asks, seeming a bit disoriented.
"Welcome to the future, Comet. You are now my permanent partner in crime. I had to stab you with a special formula that enhances your genes and lifespan. You will start developing time-related abilities in the next couple years, and now you will permanently look the way you are now, since your lifespan is endless, just like me." The doctor explained to the Flygon. "Be happy, the coma you were in should've lasted a couple years, not around ninety days."
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Welcome to the future, Comet. You are now my permanent partner in crime. I had to stab you with a special formula that enhances your genes and lifespan. You will start developing time-related abilities in the next couple years, and now you will permanently look the way you are now, since your lifespan is endless, just like me." The doctor explained to the Flygon. "Be happy, the coma you were in should've lasted a couple years, not around ninety days."
Comet frowns. "NINETY DAYS?! Please tell me you have some damn way to go back in time and make up the ninety days I lost... I have my reasons for requesting this. And no, I'm not explaining them to you."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "NINETY DAYS?! Please tell me you have some damn way to go back in time and make up the ninety days I lost... I have my reasons for requesting this. And no, I'm not explaining them to you."
Emile pondered her question before sadly shaking his head. "Sorry, but I can't. For many reasons, I shouldn't rewind time for you. It's either that I will pass out from exhaustion or time would collapse upon itself." Comet started to glare at the doctor. "No, I'm not a lazy bastard. I would literally go unconscious if I manipulate time for too long. My 'Time' move can only control the clock for such a long period of the past and present. You would meet your past self, and you would break the timeline of this world prior to you going into a coma as a side effect of being my assistant. With that all being said, we have much to do. Now, as the first order of business, please take this credit card to James, who is still at the Orre NTG base. You can find him at the food court, drinking himself to death and playing that damned Dating Sim that he got hooked on. He's not the 'high and mighty' Darkrai that we're known and feared before. He's a sad individual who needs a girlfriend and a job." Emile said as he pulled out the slim, plastic object. He handed it to Comet, who curiously studied the object. "Oh, and don't try to escape. Our souls are literally linked now. We know where each other is via telepathy. We can't use our minds to talk to each other, though. That would be creepy, even for a genocidal field medic such as me." The doctor gestured to an exit, and offered her a rose before she left. Comet only rolled her eyes and accepted the rose, plucking the flower's head from it's thorny stem and placing the botany in her lime hair. Comet used Fly, and off she went, soaring like a Staraptor. Emile glanced back at his pocket, and frowned. 'Indifference, is it not? No. It is that warm feeling in my chest yet again. The feeling that I once before, treasured every moment of it.' The Lucario shrugged it off and headed back to his laboratory, where he was going to start reverse-engineering sentry guns for no given reason whatsoever.
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Marcus was already falling asleep, the Jinchurki girl still in his arms. He tries to let go, but he already fell asleep, his head tilting over, his peaceful breathing already starting up. Aggron only laughs, repeating the first syllable of his name (that is how I remember the Pokemon laughing). "Ag-ag-aggron." Heatram only continues to slumber, the heat splashing over the two as a warm blanket.

@Shiro kurogane
"Aggron, you need sleep too." Chi muttered sleepily. the warmth from Heatran and Marcus was making her sleepy. Chi moved so she wasn't practically laying on Marcus and ended up with her head on his shoulder as she fell asleep.

JackOfHearts said:
Comet sighs. 'Nothing can go right for me, can it?... Nope, it can't. This seriously sucks...' She thinks to herself, landing outside Orre region's NTG base. 'You know... Maybe I should give him a chance before condemning the guy. He may not be as bad as he seems.' She thinks to herself. (I'd appreciate it if you stopped telling me what my character did...)
James stopped playing his Dating Sim and glanced at Comet. "Is he dead? What happened? Did you kill him? Did he escape?" James' eyes widened as he noticed the credit card that the scientist held in her hands. "He's alive, isn't he?" James said in a bitter tone, a voice laced with venom.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
James stopped playing his Dating Sim and glanced at Comet. "Is he dead? What happened? Did you kill him? Did he escape?" James' eyes widened as he noticed the credit card that the scientist held in her hands. "He's alive, isn't he?" James said in a bitter tone, a voice laced with venom.
Comet sighed. "Yeah, he knew what was going on ahead of time and, well, if I don't do what he says let's just say things won't end well for anyone..." She holds the credit card out for James to take. "Well, I should've known that'd fail though."
Marcus continued to sleep, and Heatran kept himself up on guard, making sure they weren't attacked. Aggron was asleep as well, quietly snoring, but not loud enough to wake everyone up. Suddenly, a few squadron of people were advancing the group. After a few minutes, the squadron was just a few feet in front of them. Heatran noticed them, and the Pokemon growls, waking up Aggron and Marcus. However, the man in the front laughs, smiling wickedly.

"If it ain't Marcus! We were wondering where you were, since you didn't show up to the Black Market! You been dosin-"

The mans grin drops as he takes a good look at Chi, realizing what she was.

"Hey, that's a rare catch you got there Marcus. How about you come with us back to the Market? You can turn her in, and that would be big bucks!"

@Shiro kurogane
JackOfHearts said:
Comet sighed. "Yeah, he knew what was going on ahead of time and, well, if I don't do what he says let's just say things won't end well for anyone..." She holds the credit card out for James to take. "Well, I should've known that'd fail though."
"James' nodded and took the card from her hands. Five minutes later, his jaw dropped six feet under at the amount of funds on the card. "OH MY ARCEUS, I'M NOT IN DEBT!" The Darkrai pocketed the card and hugged Comet. "Tell your new boyfriend that he is forgiven for killing all my friends, my family and colleagues." James then dashed off to find Uxie, who was somewhere else inside the NTG base.
Chi woke with a start at hearing Heatran growl. "wha?" she questioned as she sat up sleepily to rub her eyes. "Marcus, whats going on?" Chi was tired and to nice to outright say anything mean to the newcomers. "turn in?"

Nido and Skar watched from nearby, incase a battle started. otherwise they were ordered to not have any contact with Chi.

TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"James' nodded and took the card from her hands. Five minutes later, his jaw dropped six feet under at the amount of funds on the card. "OH MY ARCEUS, I'M NOT IN DEBT!" The Darkrai pocketed the card and hugged Comet. "Tell your new boyfriend that he is forgiven for killing all my friends, my family and colleagues." James then dashed off to find Uxie, who was somewhere else inside the NTG base.
Comet frowns. "What the hell was that about?... Meh, who cares." She mutters before flying off back to Emile's lab. Uxie was floating silently in her new room, meditating. Interrupting her would be quite the poor idea.
Marcus looks at the men, gritting his teeth. They were right, Chi could definitely be turned in for a priceless amount. But for some reason, he couldn't make himself do that.

"Sorry guys. She isn't for sale. I think I'll be taking care of this myself."

However, the boss wasn't happy with Marcus's reply. The man growls, and all five of the men pull out a pokeball, and five Houndooms are released. Heatran and Aggron not get into defensive stances, and Marcus stumbles back up, gritting his teeth at the pain, but fighting to stand up.

"I'll take the treasure by force then. I can't believe you would get soft."

"I'm not soft. I just got a debt to pay."

The Houndoom all fire off flamethrowers, but Ahgron stands in front of all of them, and uses his Protect, dispersing all of the fire.

@Shiro kurogane
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Chi hooks Marcus's arm over her neck and helps him stand. "your injuries... they need more time to heal." she was shaking in fear, but was still concerned about Marcus and Aggron's injuries. "Aggron needs more time too."

Skar few past Chi, Marcus, Heatran and Aggron. "i can't believe im forced to protect you and all because Chi has taken a liking to you. suppression force!" he yelled from the sky above the Houndooms.

"i'm not surprised by this. poison drive!" Nido said suddenly in front of Aggron and firing the mass of poison at the Houndooms.

The Houndooms were all hit by the attacks, but the Pokemon weren't done. The Houndooms all shook off the attacks, all damaged, but still in fighting condition. And also, the men were playing dirty. They all pull out guns, and start firing stun darts at everyone. Marcus moves in front of Chi, a stun dart almost sending him to the floor, but Marcus stays standing.

"A-Aggron, Earthquake! Heatran, Flash Cannon!"

The two Pokemon nod in approval, and the two Pokemon fire off two massive attacks , blowing away three of the Houndoom. The last two turn to Skar and Nido, and they use Crunch Attacks towards them. However, while the Pokemon were all distracted, the Main Boss evades through the Pokemon, and he charges right at Marcus. Marcus holds his arms up go defend, but the Boss was a big man, and Marcus was barely able to stand. A large boot crashes into Marcus, and he gasps in pain, rolling out of the way of another stomp. He gets up, and dodges two punches before getting hit again in the stomach, kneeling down to the floor. However, Aggron was no fool. While the other five men were about to surround Chi, Aggron roars behind them, and sends the men all to the floor.

@Shiro kurogane
"rain of swords!" Skar yelled after seeing that Chi had already been protected, he aimed at the last remaining two Houndooms.

"hey what's your name, get off of the kid! assault dive!" Nido yelled as he crashed into the man beating on Marcus.

Chi yelled as the unknown man kicked Marcus in the chest. before she could move, Aggron was beside her and knocked humans that she hadn't seen away from her. "thanks Aggron. Marcus!" she yelled running to him and helping him up. "are you ok? maybe if i get myself to them they'll stop hurting you and Aggron and Heatran."

Marcus weakly shakes his head, breathing heavily, his breaths short and sharp, his chest being constricted with pain after every breath.

"No, I'd rather get myself killed then let you get killed. These guys are the Cross Bones Gang. They are more merciless than I am, and they only do Dead contracts, meaning they only turn in the corpses of Pokehumans. After what you've done for me... No. However, Nido is gonna be in some trouble soon. Kane, the leader, is no pushover. He's gonna pull out his two mains soon."

As if on cue, the big man gets up from Nido's attack, shaking his head as he grins wickedly.

"Now, this is fun. Ursaring, Steelix, let's hit the stage!"

Kane chucks two Pokemon balls, and the two massive Pokemon roar as they both instantly charge at Nido. Heatran and Aggron both stand beside Nido as Steelix uses Iron Tail, and Ursaring fires off a Hammer Arm. Heatran uses Iron Head, intercepting the Ursaring, and Aggron uses Iron Head as well, clashing with Steelix.

@Shiro kurogane
"but Marcus.." she hadn't known he cared about her dying or not. "but we can't just stay here. Aggron, Heatran, Nido, Skar and most importantly.. you could get hurt more. "i don't want to watch you or the others get hurt." Chi said looking at Marcus sadly. "it's my fault they are hurting you.." Chi wavered on trying to give herself to the Bones gang and stop them from hurting Marcus and Aggron and Heatran. she wasn't too worried for Nido and Skar because they would be warped out of danger by their organization. "absolute guard!" Chi cried and a shield-like dome covered Marcus, Aggron, Heatran, Nido, Skar and herself.

"wha? Chi no! you still get hurt yourself when the dome is attacked right? don't do it." both Nido and Skar said at the same time.


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