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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Ah. What is NTG? Is it an organization?" James questioned even further. "And you're a master of stealth and science? You're like Emile, a friend of mine and a field medic as well as my chief of staff and only non-legendary member to ever work in the service of Kami herself. You and him should meet up one day. He's a Lucario who's yearning for the love he desperately needs in his life. Recently though, he's been an antisocial mad surgeon who doesn't care about what he's dedicated his life to... And to think that you would ever have the confidence to try and beat me.... Telepathy, remember? My move set isn't restricted to five moves as with other pokemon. I always have an ace up my sleeve, and please don't give me that 'Not very effective' bull. Have you seen Pikachu and his dense trainer, lately?" 'Scratch that, I have a full house up my sleeve...'
Aron would glare even more now. "Mama is not anyone's to share!!" He would be starting to steam getting a bit mad.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Ah. What is NTG? Is it an organization?" James questioned even further. "And you're a master of stealth and science? You're like Emile, a friend of mine and a field medic as well as my chief of staff and only non-legendary member to ever work in the service of Kami herself. You and him should meet up one day. He's a Lucario who's yearning for the love he desperately needs in his life. Recently though, he's been an antisocial mad surgeon who doesn't care about what he's dedicated his life to... And to think that you would ever have the confidence to try and beat me.... Telepathy, remember? My move set isn't restricted to five moves as with other pokemon. I always have an ace up my sleeve, and please don't give me that 'Not very effective' bull. Have you seen Pikachu and his dense trainer, lately?" 'Scratch that, I have a full house up my sleeve...'
Comet smiles. "Hmm, interesting. I'd quite like to meet this 'Emile' person you mentioned at some point... I wonder what a partnership between a mad scientist and a field medic could end up coming up with...probably something quite interesting..." She says.

Shadow Comet frowns. 'Damned telepaths. This guy's almost as annoying to listen to as Uxie.' She thinks to herself, glaring at James. 'And still, I'd never trust Darkrai out of all the legendary pokemon.' She thinks to herself.
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Aron would glare even more now. "Mama is not anyone's to share!!" He would be starting to steam getting a bit mad.[/quote
"Dear child" James stared at Aron, his calm features replaced by a look of annoyance. "Please do not meddle in the affairs of me and these two ladies over here, or I will be forced to send you to 'bed' a little too 'early'....." His voice was dark and eerie, sounding much like himself before he was forced to flee.

Aron would stare at him. "You dont scare mes" He would start to huff and puff his tiny 7 year old body going into a temper tantrum.
JackOfHearts said:
Comet smiles. "Hmm, interesting. I'd quite like to meet this 'Emile' person you mentioned at some point... I wonder what a partnership between a mad scientist and a field medic could end up coming up with...probably something quite interesting..." She says.
Shadow Comet frowns. 'Damned telepaths. This guy's almost as annoying to listen to as Uxie.' She thinks to herself, glaring at James. 'And still, I'd never trust Darkrai out of all the legendary pokemon.' She thinks to herself.
"Emile? Oh, he's something else. He's a force that even I, the great 'Dreamer' could fear. You see, his personal quote is 'The healing leaves little time for the hurting, and spilling blood is more rewarding than patching it'. If you're ever going to meet him, please, for your mental and physical health, do not drink the substance that he will probably offer you. It will be either sleeping pills, aphrodisiac or a combination of the former and latter aforementioned drugs. Besides being a murderer and assassin more than being the 'good' doctor that he is, he has also found a way to control time, since he was the only candidate that's ass wasn't either broken or sore when I was tested by Arceus. Did I mention that he could stop time whenever he wanted? Man, the legendary council of pokemon are screwed, with Dialga fired, Emile given the position of timelord and me fleeing for my safety.
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TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Emile? Oh, he's something else. He's a force that even I, the great 'Dreamer' could fear. You see, his personal quote is 'The healing leaves little time for the hurting, and spilling blood is more rewarding than patching it'. If you're ever going to meet him, please, for your mental and physical health, do not drink the substance that he will probably offer you. It will be either sleeping pills, aphrodisiac or a combination of the former and latter aforementioned drugs. Besides being a murderer and assassin more than being the 'good' doctor that he is, he has also found a way to control time, since he was the only candidate that's ass wasn't either broken or sore when I was tested by Arceus. Did I mention that he could stop time whenever he wanted? Man, the legendary council of pokemon are screwed, with Dialga fired, Emile given the position of timelord and me fleeing for my safety.
Comet smiles. "Interestiiiing, interestiiiiing. So this Emile is, in his own way, a bit of a mad scientist? I think we would get along quite well! Also, this info you've given me about Dialga being fired, that's quite interesting. I should probably relay that info to Deoxys, but I'll give it to Jirachi instead. That idiot won't question where I got the info from."
"Wait! Give me a second..." James said to Comet as he took out a phone from his pocket. "Yes, who is this?" "Jamie, you don't recognize one of your only friends?" The voice on the other line was of mock sadness. "I'm just kidding, brother. Where are you? It's me, Emile. I was told of your disappearance a few hours ago and we've been searching all over Sinnoh for you. We suspect that it's Deoxy's meddling again. "Give me a moment" James replied. 'Remember the thing about the aphrodisiac. If he comes here, then he will surely capture you.' "Yes, I'm in an undisclosed location in Sinnoh. My captors are very paranoid people, but I assure you that I am safe and breathing, friend." James replied to the phone. Emile could only manically laugh for a second before regaining composure. "You said something about... captors? So, who is she? Do you know here?" Emile questioned yet again as James' face turned into a look of fear.
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TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Wait! Give me a second..." James said to Comet as he took out a phone from his pocket. "Yes, who is this?" "Jamie, you don't recognize one of your only friends?" The voice on the other line was of mock sadness. "I'm just kidding, brother. Where are you? It's me, Emile. I was told of your disappearance a few hours ago and we've been searching all over Sinnoh for you. We suspect that it's Deoxy's meddling again. "Give me a moment" James replied. 'Remember the thing about the aphrodisiac. If he comes here, then he will surely capture you.'
Comet sighs. "Tons of people have tried to capture me before. Trust me, it never works. Besides, as a mad scientist I know not to trust other mad scientists blindly."
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Wait! Give me a second..." James said to Comet as he took out a phone from his pocket. "Yes, who is this?" "Jamie, you don't recognize one of your only friends?" The voice on the other line was of mock sadness. "I'm just kidding, brother. Where are you? It's me, Emile. I was told of your disappearance a few hours ago and we've been searching all over Sinnoh for you. We suspect that it's Deoxy's meddling again. "Give me a moment" James replied. 'Remember the thing about the aphrodisiac. If he comes here, then he will surely capture you.' "Yes, I'm in an undisclosed location in Sinnoh. My captors are very paranoid people, but I assure you that I am safe and breathing, friend." James replied to the phone. Emile could only manically laugh for a second before regaining composure. "You said something about... captors? So, who is she? Do you know here?" Emile questioned yet again as James' face turned into a look of fear.
Aron would stare at Darkrai, "I will smash you apart if you don't leave Mr. Meany face... Mama has a invention to easily erase you from existence I bet"
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Aron would stare at Darkrai, "I will smash you apart if you don't leave Mr. Meany face... Mama has a invention to easily erase you from existence I bet"

Comet sighs. "Aron, it's alright. He's not hurting anyone. And if he tries he will regret it. Immensely. Messing with a mad scientist is quite the poor idea."
James closed the phone. "We all loath blind faith, yet we are practitioners of it. And yet, I find someone. SOMEONE in the world who would still consider him one after all the damage that he has done. Personally, I would NOT describe Emile as a mad scientist. He's too discrete to be considered one. He's more of a scientific assassin who cares naught for his patients. I fear that the microchip that he planted in my scalp long, long ago would probably alert him to our location anyways.... but unfortunately, there's one problem: We've all decided that my 'dear' friend is stronger than even Arceus, but even he doesn't know that.
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TheOutsideLookingIn said:
James closed the phone. "We all loath blind faith, yet we are practitioners of it. And someone, I find someone in the world who would still consider him one after all the damage that he has done. Personally, I would NOT describe Emile as a mad scientist. He's too discrete to be considered one. He's more of a scientific assassin who cares naught for his patients. I fear that the microchip that he planted in my scalp long, long ago would probably alert him to our location anyways...."
Aron, "This base is surrounded by special metals.. I can smell them.. I doubt your signal can pierce the metal.." He would be upset that Darkrai is still here.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
James closed the phone. "We all loath blind faith, yet we are practitioners of it. And yet, I find someone. SOMEONE in the world who would still consider him one after all the damage that he has done. Personally, I would NOT describe Emile as a mad scientist. He's too discrete to be considered one. He's more of a scientific assassin who cares naught for his patients. I fear that the microchip that he planted in my scalp long, long ago would probably alert him to our location anyways.... but unfortunately, there's one problem: We've all decided that my 'dear' friend is stronger than even Arceus, but even he doesn't know that.
Comet smiles. "Still, he is quite the interesting person from what you are saying, and I can't wait to meet him. Still, I'm bringing my rifle. I'd hate to be caught off guard."
James only laughed at the defenses of the base. "My 'dear', even if that signal wouldn't work, he would some here anyways. Special metals, you mentioned? My dear boy, Emile's origins are not of this world. He knows more then what he says. With him being timelord, he could search entire universes in an instant, checking all known places in Sinnoh. If he becomes desperate, he will probably check my counterparts in alternate universes, and then find out my current location from them. He's the only reason why people don't look up to the legendaries anymore: He destroyed them. Palkia and Dialga's special temple lies in ruins, The legendary trios have fled into the wilderness, never to return to human civilization for a long time, and the others are nowhere to be found, no doubt locked away in a different dimension, in another world, and in another time. They are probably dead too from starvation....
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Comet loads a few darts into her rifle. Even if used as nothing more than a distraction, the darts would still be handy, juuuust in case.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
James only laughed at the defenses of the base. "My 'dear', even if that signal wouldn't work, he would some here anyways. Special metals, you mentioned? My dear boy, Emile's origins are not of this world. He knows more then what he says. With him being timelord, he could search entire universes in an instant, checking all known places in Sinnoh. If he becomes desperate, he will probably check my counterparts in alternate universes, and then find out my current location from them. He's the only reason why people don't look up to the legendaries anymore: He destroyed them. Place and Dialga's special temple lies in ruins, The legendary trios have fled into the wilderness, never to return to human civilization for a long time, and the others are nowhere to be found, no doubt locked away in a different dimension, in another world, and in another time. They are probably dead too from starvation....
(Alright Ima just say this... Since when are timelords in pokemon?.... That is A bit to OP.. God like... And a few other things..)
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart](Alright Ima just say this... Since when are timelords in pokemon?.... That is A bit to OP.. God like... And a few other things..)

(Since generation 17.8232493893875925925 AKA the Dial- I mean the 'douche' ages. Game freak had too much coffee that morning. Yet another one of Ashley's companions were added to the story...) "Being a doctor doesn't mean that you are everyone's b**ch. There was that one time where he snapped and almost killed Rayquaza with his bare hands. I would've helped him, but this was around the time where he started to change his view of medicine from 'Do No Harm' to 'Stab everybody and heal yourself'." James replied to the 4th wall.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
(Since generation 17.8232493893875925925 AKA the Dial- I mean the 'douche' ages. Game freak had too much coffee that morning. Yet another one of Ashley's companions were added to the story...) "Being a doctor doesn't mean that you are everyone's b**ch. There was that one time where he snapped and almost killed Rayquaza with his bare hands. I would've helped him, but this was around the time where he started to change his view of medicine from 'Do No Harm' to 'Stab everybody and heal yourself'." James replied to the 4th wall.
(Just because Dialga has temporal abilities doesn't make him a timelord.... *Facepalm*)
"Anyways, he'll probably be here this week, so be sure to keep an eye out for a Lucario with a creepy grin" James responded to Comet. "I'll get some shuteye. Wake me when he comes here, and please don't shoot him with that dart gun. His immune system has built up resistances to drugs and poisons over the years as a field medic." James then used Rest and was out like a light.
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
"Anyways, he'll probably be here this week, so be sure to keep an eye out for a Lucario with a creepy grin" James responded to Comet. "I'll get some shuteye. Wake me when he comes here, and please don't shoot him with that dart gun. His immune system has built up resistances to drugs and poisons over the years as a field medic." James then used Rest and was out like a light.
Comet was about to say something but stopped when James used rest. "Oh, well, I was going to ask something, but nevermind, I guess...?"
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart](Just because Dialga has temporal abilities doesn't make him a timelord.... *Facepalm*)

James uses Sleep Talk "My dear, you have yet to experience the true power of time. Emile was lucky enough that he even had the chance to modify them before talking a spot on the council and killing everyone."
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
James uses Sleep Talk "My dear, you have yet to experience the true power of time. Emile was lucky enough that he even had the chance to modify them before talking a spot on the council and killing everyone."
(You do realize this is OOC chat... and not In char... That technically is a fail rp...)
TheOutsideLookingIn said:
(I know. xD I posted Emile's info on sign-up page 5 if you're still curious. I'll edit my previous post so that my OC doesn't break the 4th wall.)
(Technically you can't even mention The Lucario as a char till it's been accepted.. so everything about the Timelord and Emile would be a fail rp... )

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