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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Aron would shiver a bit but mostly shrugs off 'Blizzard' with only a few small scrapes and would use 'Metal Claw' with quick repeat.
Comet hadn't been expecting that, and didn't manage to dodge out of the way of the repeated Metal Claws 'Woah, this kid's tough. He's almost Steelix level of tough!' She thinks to herself, quickly using Signal Beam.
Aron would instinctively use 'Protect' ignoring the attack, he would then use a headbutt to close the distance, and starts repeating 'Metal Claw' at her.
Comet manages to dodge out of the way this time. Her wings emerge from underneath her uniform and she flies up above the tree tops, using Hyper Beam on Aron.
Aron would use 'Protect' but the impact would make him dizzy a bit. He would try to take a few steps but falls over dizzy. "I seeee starss.."
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Aron would be dizzy, but his body would show no damage from the hyper beam. "Ims.. alright... sooo... dizzy..."

Comet frowns. "Oh? How'd you get so dizzy?"
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Aron would look up at her. "I'ms sorry I ams not strong..." He would still be a bit dizzy.

Comet smiles. "Not that strong? You're very strong! Most people couldn't withstand Hyper Beam, or even manage to make a small cut on me!"
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Aron would blush shyly and would sit up and hugs her. "I love you mama... Can We train later after we eats?..."

Comet nods. "Sure!"
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Aron would wiggle back and forth. "I-i-i'm.. sorry I hurt you mama... a--are you ok?" He would tear up a bit.

Comet nods. "Yeah, I'm alright. It's just a few minor cuts, no big deal!"
Aron would calm down and hugs her tightly. "I-i-is.. mama proud of me?.." His stomach would rumble causing him to blush softly.
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Aron would calm down and hugs her tightly. "I-i-is.. mama proud of me?.." His stomach would rumble causing him to blush softly.

Comet hugs Aron. "I am very proud of you!"
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Aron would wiggle back and forth happily and hugs her back. "Can we eat now? "

Comet nods. "Sure. Let's go back home and get something to eat." She says, her wings folding in underneath her uniform.
[QUOTE="Arubion Sivart]Aron would giggle and starts to wiggle back and forth happily. "Dose mama have any berries at home we can eeat?"

Comet nods. "Yep! I've got tons of them!"

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