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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Cosmo run out as he look at her. "Kenzie! Lillia! Come quick! I need help!!" Cosmo slowly hold that girl.

Nina walk out of the room and then she smell blood. 'Strangers?"

Sharon smiles a little as she hear Cosmo shouting. 'Hm?" She get up and exit out of the bathroom.

Lilia heard her name as she ran outside as she saw a bleeding girl a pokehuman

Kenzie ran outside as she was worried about the girl" oh my gosh what you want me to do" she asked worried

Olivia saw the other people she was in a lot of pain while holding onto her bleeding arm" help me" she say dozzing off
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Jack stood up. "I-I have something I've got to go do..." He mumbles.

Comet smiled. The experiment had been a complete failure! She then came to a rather illogical conclusion. Since she'd used Cathy as a test subject in her last experiment and it had succeeded, despite most of hers succeeding but having massive side effects or failing altogether, then any experiment where Cathy was the test subject was bound to succeed! Now she just needed to think of a good experiment to use Cathy for...
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Raven came back with a burn on her face "Welp..... my plan didnt go well... seems she was watching the mind swap" she said

Comet frowned. "Oh...well...damn. Say...do you mind helping me with a certain project? I want to work on a way to separate a persons soul from their body that also allows them to possess people. I have 80% of the whole device necessary planned out, but I think it would be best to ask you for a bit of help as too avoid major problems." 'And to use Cathy as the test subject'
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowned. "Oh...well...damn. Say...do you mind helping me with a certain project? I want to work on a way to separate a persons soul from their body that also allows them to possess people. I have 80% of the whole device necessary planned out, but I think it would be best to ask you for a bit of help as too avoid major problems." 'And to use Cathy as the test subject'
"It is impossible without killing their physical body..." she said
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]"It is impossible without killing their physical body..." she said

Comet shrugged. "Well, then I guess that someone 'll have to die. Doesn't really matter to me."
JackOfHearts said:
Comet shrugged. "Well, then I guess that someone 'll have to die. Doesn't really matter to me."
Raven looked at her as machines started to spark "And what.... lose all of your data..." she said with an evil smirk
"Help me take her to the guest room, Aunt Kenize...." Cosmo carry her. "Lilia, get the first aid kit!"

Sharon run outside, "What going on?" Then she saw a bleeding poke human. 'Oh my....everyone quick, follow me...." She show them the guest room as Cosmo and Kenzie slowly carry the bleeding to the bed.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Raven looked at her as machines started to spark "And what.... lose all of your data..." she said with an evil smirk

Comet sighed. "Don't be a jackass. What's wrong with sacrificin' a life or two?"
Raven looked at her as more machines sparked "Thats the same as asking whats the matter with losing some important data......"

JackOfHearts said:
Comet sighed. "Don't be a jackass. What's wrong with sacrificin' a life or two?"
Olivia looked at the people as she was moaning in pain as she was placed on a bed she just passed out

Kenzie was worried she turn away when she put the girl on the bed she couldn't look at blood the same

Lilia got the first aid kit as she was told as she was worried" will the girl be okay wonder what happened" she say
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Raven looked at her as more machines sparked "Thats the same as asking whats the matter with losing some important data......"

Comet frowns. "Alright alright, jeez. I won't kill anybody." 'I'll probably do it to myself, it's not like I'm really worth much. Plus, I wouldn't be dead, AND I COULD POSSESS PEOPLE!' "Look, I'm outta ideas now. Give me an idea for some sort of crazy project that would be cool. NOW!"
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "Alright alright, jeez. I won't kill anybody." 'I'll probably do it to myself, it's not like I'm really worth much. Plus, I wouldn't be dead, AND I COULD POSSESS PEOPLE!' "Look, I'm outta ideas now. Give me an idea for some sort of crazy project that would be cool. NOW!"
Raven sighed. "I want to find a way to cure myself...." she mumbled
"I don't know..." Sharon to look at her wound. 'I want everyone to get out...." Sharon order them, only Cosmo and herself stayed and care for the pokemon human girl.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Raven sighed. "I want to find a way to cure myself...." she mumbled

Comet frowns. "Well, that sounds like a boring project. I'm looking for a project that 'll be interesting and fun. Plus, curing your condition would take a HELL OF A LOT OF BORING RESEARCH. Not tryin' to be rude here. I'll get the other researchers on that, but give me somethin' interestin'!!!"
Olivia felt them helping her when she woke up" where am I" she asked as she saw her arm in bandages" who are you" she asked as she try to sit up on her own
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "Well, that sounds like a boring project. I'm looking for a project that 'll be interesting and fun. Plus, curing your condition would take a HELL OF A LOT OF BORING RESEARCH. Not tryin' to be rude here. I'll get the other researchers on that, but give me somethin' interestin'!!!"
All of a sudden Comet was forced against the wall by a strong gust of wind. "Find a way to control the Taint....... without me...." she said as she left the room
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]All of a sudden Comet was forced against the wall by a strong gust of wind. "Find a way to control the Taint....... without me...." she said as she left the room

Comet frowns. "Jeez, no need to be so damn mean... Screw the taint, I'm gonna work on the whole seperatin' the soul from the body thing." She mutters, pulling out her phone and teleporting Cathy into the lab, quickly knocking her out right after she appeared. 'And I'm gonna use someone who's expendable for it. Good thing I backed up all my data.'
"Shh, you're in our house, you're safe...." Cosmo said as he smiles at her.

Sharon is collate some bloodily towels on the floor.

(Oh, can you're Olive have a first crush on Cosmo. I bet it look cute!)
JackOfHearts said:
Comet frowns. "Jeez, no need to be so damn mean... Screw the taint, I'm gonna work on the whole seperatin' the soul from the body thing." She mutters, pulling out her phone and teleporting Cathy into the lab, quickly knocking her out right after she appeared. 'And I'm gonna use someone who's expendable for it. Good thing I backed up all my data.'
Michi appeared in the room "You do realize what the Taint is right?" she said with a smile. Her body seemed to fizz and a bit opaque
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Michi appeared in the room "You do realize what the Taint is right?" she said with a smile. Her body seemed to fizz and a bit opaque

Comet frowns. "Don't do that. I don't understand what it is, and at the moment I have no need to know. Although...I am curious."
"You know I am a fire type..... but yet.... I can do this...." she said as she threw comet against the wall. "I am able to use abilities I had not known of till now....." Michi said with a grin "And I will use them how I please..."
(She has a boyfriend I guess it's okay she has mix feelings though)

Olivia look at him as she look at her arm" um do you has real food besides berries I'm tired eating berries" she told him" I'm Olivia I'm 13" she say smiling

Blossom just woke up in the morning looking for her mom she was hungry she was excited about training today
Aron would be wandering around quite confused of where he was in this metal forest, to him a lot of the stuff looked quite tasty but it also was dirty looking. He would be a little lost and jumps at every time he almost runs into someone.

@The Unamed Character

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