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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

JackOfHearts said:
Marcus frowns. "But that ruins my plans of waking Michi up in a very painful way and making her feel hopeless, weak, and afraid. Can't we just inject some damn adrenaline into her or something? I mean, she is still wearing the power negating handcuffs, so she's no threat."
@The Unamed Character
They seemed to be facing a problem, and he thought he might be able to help, but that would take a certain level of convincing tact that he lacked. He decided to go for it. He appeared, but didn't materialize, only showing up as a shadowy figure that spoke in an echo of a thought, "It seams you are having troubles?"
JackOfHearts said:
Marcus frowns. "But that ruins my plans of waking Michi up in a very painful way and making her feel hopeless, weak, and afraid. Can't we just inject some damn adrenaline into her or something? I mean, she is still wearing the power negating handcuffs, so she's no threat."
@The Unamed Character
Raven sighs. "You forget she has recieved training from most, if not all, the pokehuman masters. She is not a stranger to Speed, Agility, and Martial arts...." raven said
EchoNightwish said:
They seemed to be facing a problem, and he thought he might be able to help, but that would take a certain level of convincing tact that he lacked. He decided to go for it. He appeared, but didn't materialize, only showing up as a shadowy figure that spoke in an echo of a thought, "It seams you are having troubles?"
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Raven sighs. "You forget she has recieved training from most, if not all, the pokehuman masters. She is not a stranger to Speed, Agility, and Martial arts...." raven said

Marcus sighed. "Fine, we won't wake her up with adrenaline...can I at least break her legs while she's asleep though?" He asks, ignoring the shadowy figure.
JackOfHearts said:
Marcus sighed. "Fine, we won't wake her up with adrenaline...can I at least break her legs while she's asleep though?" He asks, ignoring the shadowy figure.
"And what would that do...." she said "Blitz would come and murder you....." she looked at him in the eyes. "He is learning to go through the rips in the shadows you make when you teleport..... he can see them and go straight where you are..."
JackOfHearts said:
Marcus sighed. "Fine, we won't wake her up with adrenaline...can I at least break her legs while she's asleep though?" He asks, ignoring the shadowy figure.
He admired this ones easy demeanor, but was a little irked by his insolence. He decided then to wait for them the only way he knew how, by using a weak form of nightmare on Michi to waste some time, and to appeal to the only person he might have interacted with for well over a decade.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]The nightmares seemed to affect michi. She twitched in her slumber and tumbled around

He focused more. Putting more into it, and taking care not to go to far. He only knew that they wanted her awake, and in pain, and he knew he could provide in one to two of those things, while doing this he asked, "Would you like me to continue further."
EchoNightwish said:
He focused more. Putting more into it, and taking care not to go to far. He only knew that they wanted her awake, and in pain, and he knew he could provide in one to two of those things, while doing this he asked, "Would you like me to continue further."
Michi couldnt answer because she was under the Tranquilizer.

JackOfHearts said:
Marcus smiles. "That's why we have a plan here. We make a shadow Michi, because all shadow pokemon we create are under our control, and kill the original. We don't really need her awake for this actually, it would just be more painful if she was awake." He shrugged. "And besides, we have a plan set in place to deal with Blitz, and it's name is Shadow Ho-Oh. Wait...no, that's not a plan, that's more of a living being, and that's not even the only one either. And now I'm confusing myself. Look, can I break her legs or not? Just answer that please."
@The Unamed Character
Raven sighed "I have been in the shadow realm for a while and I have learned something. Her shadow does not want to come out...." she said "It would disobey you if you got it out."
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Michi couldnt answer because she was under the Tranquilizer.
Raven sighed "I have been in the shadow realm for a while and I have learned something. Her shadow does not want to come out...." she said "It would disobey you if you got it out."

He got no response, and felt a little stupid of the fact. Wow, it had been a long time. So he instead asked the others in the room, "This one, why do you wish this upon her."
Michis eyes instantly shot open and she crashed through the wall. She was breathing hard and met eyes with Marcus. She instantly took off down the hall and turned the corner before marcus could shoot. Michi had a sort of Dark Aura around her.

JackOfHearts said:
Marcus sighs. "Well, then I guess I'll just have to change the plan. Comet, pass me one of those mind controlling nanobot darts. You did say that you protected the nanobots against electricity and magnetic waves, right?" He asks.
Comet nods. "Yeah, nothing should be able to disable them now." She says, handing Marcus a dart.

Marcus grins. "Perfect."

@The Unamed Character
EchoNightwish said:
He got no response, and felt a little stupid of the fact. Wow, it had been a long time. So he instead asked the others in the room, "This one, why do you wish this upon her."
Michi somehow fazed through Shadow Cathy and just stared at her once she fazed through. She instantly concentrated and the handcuffs fazed through her arms. She booked it.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Michis eyes instantly shot open and she crashed through the wall. She was breathing hard and met eyes with Marcus. She instantly took off down the hall and turned the corner before marcus could shoot. Michi had a sort of Dark Aura around her.

He immediately disappeared and understood this dilemma, and so followed her while passing through walls and keeping invisible.
Shadow Cathy shuddered. "What the hell was that?!... Did that just happen, or was a hallucinating..." She frowned. "Well, I'd better go tell Deoxys to kill Jack." She says before heading towards Deoxy's office.

Shadow Comet watched Michi run away. "Now that is freaky. Yeah, not going to go after her." She says, turning around and heading the opposite direction.

Marcus glared at Raven. "Explain what's going on, NOW!"

@The Unamed Character
JackOfHearts said:
Shadow Cathy shuddered. "What the hell was that?!... Did that just happen, or was a hallucinating..." She frowned. "Well, I'd better go tell Deoxys to kill Jack." She says before heading towards Deoxy's office.
Shadow Comet watched Michi run away. "Now that is freaky. Yeah, not going to go after her." She says, turning around and heading the opposite direction.

Marcus glared at Raven. "Explain what's going on, NOW!"

@The Unamed Character
Raven's eyes were wide. "Sh-sh-she......" she sounded dumbfounded. "She has the Taint......" she said surprised

Michi fazed into Jacks holding cell and noticed him. It was by complete accident she found him. "Jack!!!" she yelled and ran to him.
JackOfHearts said:
Jack was staring at the floor silently, beaten and bruised with cuts all over.
Marcus frowns. "What the hell are you babbling on about?!"

@The Unamed Character
Raven's eyes were still wide. "She was touched by Death..... and survived....."

Michi ran to jack and put his arm over her shoulder "Lets go...." she said as she started walking towards the door
Jack walked with Michi silently.

Marcus sighs. "Well then, that can't be good." He starts thinking of what to do. "Screw it, she can just leave." He shrugged. "I'm not going to waste my time hunting down someone who can just escape so easily."

@The Unamed Character
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Raven's eyes were still wide. "She was touched by Death..... and survived....."
Michi ran to jack and put his arm over her shoulder "Lets go...." she said as she started walking towards the door

He continued and found that she had a friend to bring with her. It was even better in this case, two people he could gain the favor and help of, or a person he could use as leverage. He followed even closer leaving an ominous wind behind him.
JackOfHearts said:
Jack walked with Michi silently.
Marcus sighs. "Well then, that can't be good." He starts thinking of what to do. "Screw it, she can just leave." He shrugged. "I'm not going to waste my time hunting down someone who can just escape so easily."

@The Unamed Character
Michi fazes through the wall with Jack. "I... I dont know why but i feel..." she said as they teleported into the forest and Michi falls down, dropping Jack.
[QUOTE="The Unamed Character]Michi fazes through the wall with Jack. "I... I dont know why but i feel..." she said as they teleported into the forest and Michi falls down, dropping Jack.

Jack lands face first, not moving at all. He was completely conscious however.

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