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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

JackOfHearts said:
Shadow Comet frowns. "Does that mean that you could control a shadow pokemon if you tried to?"
Cathy blushes.

Mica shakes her head. "No, no! Nothing's wrong!" She was lying.

@The Unamed Character
Raven shakes her head. "I cant control them persay.... I can control their moves" she said

Michi giggled "Your cute when you blush"

Blitz looked like he didnt believe her
Shadow Comet frowns. "Umm, could you explain that a bit better?"

Michi's words made Cathy blush even more.

Mica frowns. "Hey...what's with that look?"

Jack sighs as Marcus teleports into the interrogation room.

Marcus smiles, holding a knife to Jack's throat. "Tell me where the key is, NOW!"

Jack stares at Marcus. "I'll tell you what you want, but tell me something first...Is anyone looking for me? Is anyone trying to find me?"

Marcus frowns. "No. Who the hell would even care about a worthless murderer like you? No one is even searching for you."

Jack went silent, staring at the floor of the interrogation room.

@The Unamed Character
Raven felt a precense being teleported. "I am sorry Comet.... I have to do something" she said and went full shadow. She dissapeared and reapered as a shadow next to Marcus. Only Marcus could see her but only as a black figure. "Hello again Marcus." she said
Jack was completely silent, staring at the floor.

Marcus frowned. "Not now, whoever you are. I'm busy right now."

Mica started backing away from Blitz. "W-Well, I'm just gonna go now."

Cathy smiled. "Say..uhh...Michi, what's one of your favorite things?"

Shadow Comet shrugged. "I'm not surprised that she left, no one likes to be around me for long."

@The Unamed Character
JackOfHearts said:
Jack was completely silent, staring at the floor.
Marcus frowned. "Not now, whoever you are. I'm busy right now."

Mica started backing away from Blitz. "W-Well, I'm just gonna go now."

Cathy smiled. "Say..uhh...Michi, what's one of your favorite things?"

Shadow Comet shrugged. "I'm not surprised that she left, no one likes to be around me for long."

@The Unamed Character
A shadow appeared in front of Shadow Comet and showed Raven messing with Marcus

Raven shook her head "This isnt the way Marcus..." she said

Blitz shrugged "Ok..... I will be here if you need anything" he said

Michi thought "hm... besides you.... I would have to say.... Necklaces.... I guess" she said
Cathy smiles. "Alright, thanks for telling me Michi."

Mica runs away, heading deeper into the forest and ending up getting more lost.

Marcus shrugs. "I don't care. Either way, it's fun to see him so defeated. To let him know that no one is looking for him, and that no one ever will because no one cares about his miserable existence."

Jack looked absolutely miserable.

Shadow Comet frowned. "Jeez...Jack looks real sad. I'm gonna kick Marcus's ass for breaking that guy down like that. I remember Jack from Comet's old days in the original Team Galactic..."

@The Unamed Character
JackOfHearts said:
Cathy smiles. "Alright, thanks for telling me Michi."
Mica runs away, heading deeper into the forest and ending up getting more lost.

Marcus shrugs. "I don't care. Either way, it's fun to see him so defeated. To let him know that no one is looking for him, and that no one ever will because no one cares about his miserable existence."

Jack looked absolutely miserable.

Shadow Comet frowned. "Jeez...Jack looks real sad. I'm gonna kick Marcus's ass for breaking that guy down like that. I remember Jack from Comet's old days in the original Team Galactic..."

@The Unamed Character
Raven giggles "Oh but there are people...." she said as an alarm went on "You forget I see everything"

Michi smiles "no problem" she said and didnt ask why she asked it. She layed her head on her lap
Marcus smiled, whispering to Raven. "Yeah, but he doesn't know that so don't tell him. They won't make it far." Marcus stayed calm, even though the alarm had gone off.

Cathy blushes.

Shadow Comet freaked out when the alarm went off, running to go see what the problem was.

@The Unamed Character
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JackOfHearts said:
Marcus smiled, whispering to Raven. "Yeah, but he doesn't know that so don't tell him. They won't make it far." Marcus stayed calm, even though the alarm had gone off.
Cathy blushes.

Shadow Comet freaked out when the alarm went off, running to go see what the problem was.

@The Unamed Character
Blitz was in the front of the raid. He had left a makeshift clone from Team legends attempt to clone back at the base. He was in a complete rage mode.

Raven looked at him "You realize Blitz is here right? and he is in a rage" she said

Michi giggled
Marcus frowned. "Well then...That is quite bothersome... But Deoxys and Jirachi should be able to take care of him with ease."

Deoxys and Jirachi had been waiting at the end of a long hallway, and Deoxy fired a hyperbeam at Blitz and the other Team Legend members as Jirachi hid behind him and used Doom Desire.

Shadow Comet had come up behind the raid party, and hid while preparing an amplified boomburst.

Cathy smiled. "Is it really that funny when I blush?"

@The Unamed Character
Blitz sent a large Ice spike that went into Jirachis Shoulder and pinned him to the wall. "GIVE ME MY UNCLE BACK!!!!!!!" he yelled enraged. Ice and snow were flowing around him as his anger grew. He gave Deoxys a death glare as he formed 5 more large ice spikes "You are next..." he said with a tone that was seriously foreboding.

Michi smiled. "Maybe...."
Jirachi cried out in pain, doom desire hitting Blitz right after he attacked. Deoxys didn't respond, and used another hyperbeam while Shadow Comet hit Blitz from behind with an amplified boomburst.

Cathy smiled. "Well, I'm glad I can keep you entertained."

Jack was crying silently, staring at the floor.

Marcus smiled. "Jeez, this guy's a fucking wimp."

@The Unamed Character
Blitz stood up straight once the dust cleared. The other team legend members were on the floor. Blitz started laughing Meniachly. He was wearing thick Ice armor as dozens of large Ice spikes swirled around him. "You should not have done that..." he said as the spikes launched and Spikes lodged themselves into Deoxys's legs and arms. Spikes went into Shadow comets feet. Blitz just laughed as he went on and stomped on one of the spikes in Deoxys's leg.

Raven sighed "Blitz made it..." she said "And you may be done for..."

Michi smiled
Shadow Comet was completely silent, and was struggling to pull the ice spikes out of her feet.

Deoxys shattered the ice spikes with ease, and he didn't even have to touch them. "Why ar3 y0u h3r3?" It asks, mistaking numbers for letters. It wasn't quite used to the english language yet.(Basically it's saying Why arthree yzerou hthreerthree)

Marcus frowns. "Damn, well then I'd better torture this bastard while I still can."

@The Unamed Character
Blitz looked at him with a certain anger. "I am here for one thing.... My uncle...." he said as he used a blizzard that froze deoxys to the wall in a super thick Ice.

Raven sighs.
Marcus stabs knives into Jack's arms and legs. "Well, I'm going to leave before this gets dangerous." He says, teleporting away.

Jack was completely silent.

Deoxys shattered the ice around him with ease. "Uncl3? Y0u m3an th3 murd3r3r? Y0u cann0t hav3 h1m back y3t. 1'm n0t d0n3 w1th h1m."

Shadow Comet had managed to pull one of the ice spikes out of her foot.

@The Unamed Character
"If he is a Murderer...." he said as a Spike went straight through Deoxys's stomach, "Consider me a saint..." he said as he walked off. The spike did not go through anywhere where it would be lethal, but it went where it would cause Deoxys to faint.

Raven went up to Jack and pulled the knives from him. "I am sorry I couldnt help you...." she said as she placed the knives onto the table, she picked up some bandages and wrapped his wounds up.

The team legened men had gotten Blitz where he needed to be and they had already left as planned. It was only Blitz in the NTG Base that was from TL.
Deoxys stared down at the spike, pulling it out a bit too hard and accidentally throwing it right into Shadow Comet's arm. "00ps... Sh3'll pr0bab1y b3 f1n3."

Shadow Comet glared at Deoxys. "You've got to be fuckin' kidding me."

Jack glanced at Raven for a moment before returning his gaze to the floor as if it were somehow interesting all of a sudden. "Thanks..."

@The Unamed Character
Raven looked at Blitz "Take my hand... I can get you out of here.." she said

Blitz took her hand while holding Jack and they were teleported into the shadow realm and outside of the TL base.

Raven went back to help Shadow Comet "here...." she said as she started to pull out spikes
The Unamed Character]Raven looked at Blitz "Take my hand... I can get you out of here.." she said Blitz took her hand while holding Jack and they were teleported into the shadow realm and outside of the TL base. Raven went back to help Shadow Comet "here...." she said as she started to pull out spikes [/QUOTE] Shadow Comet sighed. "Thanks... These things hurt a hell of a lot." Jack smiled. Whoever that mysterious person had been he really owed her for helping them out. [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/15822-the-unamed-character/ said:
@The Unamed Character[/URL]

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