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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"We'll decide in the morning. For now we need to rest since the day ahead is going to be a tedious one. I swear, I'll make Edal pay for what he did to me."

Scythe glanced down at his boots and suddenly flared his wings, opening them in a take-off stance. He then fluttered and jumped, hooking his legs onto a rusty metal bar protruding from the ceiling overhead. He locked his muscles and hung from the bar, motionless.

"Feel free to take the bed." He grunted.


"But for now we must go back to the manor to rest up, resupply, and prepare for this searching expedition. Now men, let us fast. And J'Kara, you can come too if you want. I'll persuade my wife into letting you in. But be warned, any sabotage will lead you directly to exile and possible execution."

Edal left behind a thicket of trees in a flurry of his cape, leaving the three others speechless.
Brianna looked a bit shocked as she saw him hang from the ceiling... UPSIDE DOWN LIKE A BAT.

"Uh... How did you even..."


J'Kara blushes for a moment when she was offered to stay at the Iphil manor.

"Uhm... Okay... I guess, I mean, I dunno, like..."

`"I'm a Noivern, so it's only natural that I sleep like this. But you can try it on your own or you can also cuddle with your big brother on the bed." He snickered, folding his large wings around his body and settling in.

"I don't care as long as I get a place to sleep."


"Here we are, er...whatever your name is! This is th Article 3 mansion. Pretty big eh?"

Trebuchet said, laughing a little. But there was no response back. Awkwardly, he shrugged the silence off and refocused.

"There are like fifty bedrooms here. Even for Mira over there..."

Mira was nonchalantly picking through the patch of flowers placed next to the main entrance.
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Clairia just ran from the man she was evil but something in her heart want to do good she had evil parents she just ran from the man as she found the girl she experiment on as she laughed as she had a medicine on her as she screamed she took her to the secret base

Blossom saw the girl who kidnapped her she just screamed for her mom as she had a needle in her that the bad person put in her the one from team metrotie"MOMMY" she yelled before she passed out @JessBeth
Brianna's cheek tinted a light red,

"Cuddle... Don't judge me!"

She said turning her back to him.


J'Kara looked a bit shocked, and then smiled a bit... Maybe Obsidian isn't THAT bad...

"Oh, um... Name's J'Kara..."

She said, slowly walking into the manor, seeing Kristina and Tachikoma together,


"Pssh. I'm not judging. But are you really implying that? Because I won't judge."

Scythe swung a little from his perch and briefly opened his wings a little.

"Honestly, it is your choice."


"No, love. J'Kara is helping us search for the man and Brianna. Trust me Kristina, she will not try to do anything uncalled for. And if she does we have eyes on her..."

A cyborg soldier nearby J'Kara folded their camera eye out of their mechanical face again, and pointed the lens at J'Kara.

"Eyes on her. All the time. So don't fret, all is well."
Brianna's blush deepened,

"...I want to Cuddle..."

She said shyly and stubbornly.


Kristina widened her eyes at Edal, when saw the guard, she knew she was staying,

"Uhhh... Alright..?"

She said, making an awkward smile.

"Okay, that was unexpected. But ah what the hell..."

Scythe dismounted from his position and landed on his feet. He rose to a stand and flopped onto the bed. He shuffled under the covers for a little until he broke the surface, his head peeking out from under the quilt.

"Feel free to join anytime."


"Now, Inside shall we? I will make sleeping arrangements for everyone not already situated."

Edal motioned towards the stairs, where on the 3rd floor the bedrooms were kept.

"Third floor, take a left turn on the last landing and you'll be in the dorm area. Room numbers go through one to fourty-five. Dusk, 32. Trebuchet, 31, Servane, your room 14 as always, and J'Kara...room 33."
J'Kara nodded and looked at Dusk,

"I'm next to yooooou..."

She said, leaning towards him.


Brianna took off her yellow boots and walked towards Scythe slowly, then crawled onto the bed,

"One question... Why did you threaten to kill me?"

"It's all an act to make you slowly start to follow my instructions. Now that I have you here I could let you do almost anything. But I bet you would want to get to know more about the brother you thought you never had. I'm still a liar and con artist, but I've grown soft for you."

Scythe shuffled a little to give Brianna room and started dismantling the armor plates on his coat and jumpsuit.

"Don't worry. I wouldn't do anything like that. It's just intimidation, a method I use a lot."


Dusk looked at J'Kara with a strange expression and scoffed.

"Tch, what's so special about that?"

(Maybe make a CS for J'Kara so we can clear a few things :3)
(Yeah, I'll do it tomorrow!)

Brianna went under the quilt and looked at Scythe,

"Yeah, I guess so, tell me more!"


J'Kara smiled widely,

"Just kinda excited! I never had to stay somewhere where people are right next door!"

She said, giving a tight hug to Dusk.

Sharon hear her daughter, Blossom, calling her as she turn around and said, "Blossom?" She looked around and try to look for her daughters.
"Turns out the contact that I was assigned to in Team Meteorite was you. So I decided I can go down my own path of accomplishment without Meteorite and hopefully gain the trust of my long-lost sibling."

Scythe shrugged, tossing his armor pieces aside.

"Nothing personal."


"Er, why are you warming up to me all of a sudden? Ugh, come on Mira..."

He muttered, walking towards the staircase with Mira at his side.

"Who's that...?" She whispered to Dusk. Dusk glanced over his shoulder to look back at J'Kara and gazed back down at Mira.

"She's some lady Edal knows. I have no idea who she is, and I'm not sure if she's alright in the head. She seemed so angry earlier and now she's clinging to me like you when you got scared of those noises a few years back."

Mira laughed, punching Dusk in the shoulder as she did so.

"Hey, the supernatural scare me. You're pretty indifferent, Ivan."
Kendra gave her son to her as she sense something was wrong with Sharon" what happened Sherry" she asked her friend as she was confused

Blossom was in chains as she was scared what will happen to her she was shaking as she turn in her pokewatch without them knowing" come on mom pick up" she say scared
Blossom looked at her watch as she saw mom" mommy I'm in trouble someone kidnapped me I'm scared its team metrotie again please help me" she told her" I don't know where I am I'm in chains" she say really scared
Blossom looked at her watch" help me mommy I'm scared" she say her body hurting" I be okay I'm scared gnat they experiment on me again" she say
Blossom looked at the window" I smell the sea close to w beach I guess" she say as she looked out the window it looks like an abandoned building mommy" she say
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"Keep trying....." Sharon about to go after her but Dresden stopped her. "Dresden, we have to save out daughter!!"
JessBeth said:
"Hehe, she kind of acting like what my little sister would do...." Cosmo said it as he remember his little sister. "My family are the great PokeHumans...." To them surprised, Cosmo, a human have a family of PokeHuman.
Gedeon nodded slowly. Vianne could act like a child sometimes, but that's why he was friends with her. Most of the time their personalities were shadows of each other. The childish streak was what made them unique and what made them love pranks. He was a little surprised when Cosmo mentioned his family was pokehuman. It was odd that he was normal while the rest of his family were half-pokemon.

Vianne returned rather quickly, her mouth and hands a little blue. She had found many Oran berries in the forest and helped herself to them they had been good.
Brianna smiled sotfly,

"You know, your STILL human..."

She said, putting a hand on his shoulder,

"I mean, so what you have a prosthetic hand?"


J'Kara rolled her eyes when her heard Dusk,

"Because I'm PRETENDING to warm up to you, idiot..."

She called out to him.

"I have a fully prosthetic body, remember? Look if you don't believe me...just look."

He lifted his sleeve and exposed the skin. The skin tone looked gray, like it had no blood in it. And there were geometrical lines running across the wrist.

"And if you think those are tattoos..."

He drew his bowie knife and cut into the forearm slightly. He winced as a small stream of white liquid began to seep from the small cut.

"That's why I hate him so much. He forced me to be practically an android."


Dusk chuckled softly and brushed his shoulder off.

"Yeah right. I can smell bullshit from a mile away..."

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