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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Something clicked inside of Scythe's brain and he schemed.

"Oh. That thing. It's really cool. You need to see this..."

He took the red coil from his palm and thrust his prosthetic hand into it. The thing sparked and a sudden feeling of electricity in the air became present. There also was a strong scent and taste of copper.

"So. These smaller illegal coils cause Dimensional instability in small areas whenever they're damaged. And then..."

A nearby tree vanished with a loud buzz. Something started to resonate from within the earth and Scythe pressed his index finger deeper into the coil. It started to vibrate and spark some more. Behind his helmet, Scythe was smiling wider than ever before.

"And then we say goodbye."

Both Brianna and Scythe seemed t vanish into thin air.
J'Kara widened her eyes and looked around,

"Oh wow! Impressive!"

She said while clapping her hands softly.

Brianna looked around,

"...What. The. Fuck."

She simply said, not knowing what J'Kara was talking about.

JessBeth said:
Cosmo gather a little wires but not enough as he sit down, "Time to take a break...." Cosmo look at them with a smiles as he wonder if it time to eat. "Mmm.....I wonder if we have any berries that is still good.....do you guys like some?"

Vianne glanced up at Cosmo, nodding quietly. She was still cooking back down from using so much of her energy with the continuous flamethrower. Gedeon however was a bit more enthusiastic as he nodded his head.
Scythe opened his eyes to see he wasn't in the secluded forest anymore. He was high up above Lumiose City. The plan worked, he erased the current being of his timeline and he was reset back to a later time in his day. Sure the Dimensional instability might cause a hole in space or a portal to the distortion realm, but who cares. He was free and he had the daughter of the head of the Enclave in his grasp. The possibilities! He could use her for ransom, trading, and maybe something else. But he had an unstable coil in his possession now. Now that it's damaged it has become more dangerous before.

"Never trust a Con artist..." He laughed as he lowered onto the ground, carrying Brianna. He dropped her onto the pavement and looked around.

"Looks like it sent us way far back. Heh, you're my property now. Once I collect more coils I'll be stronger than that lady back there and your father, combined! And I'll use you as my ticket. You'll be my plaything, my tool. You listen to me now and no one else. For you see I am not an ordinary Hybrid..."

He shown the red palm of his mechanical hand and poised it at Brianna.

"I am now a God. I'm your God. And now you must obey your God. We'll head back to my hidden grotto so we can...discuss this further."

Scythe grabbed Brianna's forearm and escorted her down the street of a silent city under a silent night sky.
Brianna looked mortified and shook her head,

"Your no God... Not even to the closest level, my family... They'll all find you... And put you back in the hellhole you spawned from! I wouldn't obey some wannabe like you..."

She reluctantly said.

"They'll never find us. I was presumed dead by the rest of the world for eight long years. I don't think anyone else is going to try to find you. And you will obey me because established on my rules earlier..."

Scythe spun and knocked Brianna to her back. He then drew a small metal ball filled with holes and pressed it up against her neck.

"...I'll kill you." He held her down with one hand and with his prosthetic one he held up the metal ball and pressed a button on top of it, causing the holes to suddenly fill with sharp barbs that protruded from every angle.

"How would you like this going into your tongue? Or how about your Eye? Your neck maybe?"
Brianna widened her eyes and shook her head,

"No, none of them, thank you..."

She said nervously.


Kristina closed her eyes and whispered,

"Dearest, we're going to have to put matters into our own hands..."

"Good girl, now we are almost there so keep quiet or I'll come up with my own form of punishment once we arrive..."

Scythe opened his wings and fluttered them lightly.

"I also know that boyfriend of yours. I've met him personally and man he is a small fry. Short stock but tons of ambition and attitude. We were once friends, but then I found out about the coils and then sunk into this great scheme. He doesn't notice me now but he remembers my name."


"We will catch this kidnapper and bring him to justice, don't worry." Dusk said, stepping forward. Edal was leaned over the table, supporting his head with his hands.

"Such something from luxury turning into disaster so quick. Looks like there's two perpetrators here."
Kristina closed her eyes and then opened them,

"...No, we are going to have to... Rescue her ourselves, we can't have those guards handle him! Even if they find him, they won't be able to stop him..."

"I'd be willing."

"Aye, don't forget me."

"If it serves the Enclave...Screw it. Me and Mira are both in."

Dusk, Servane, Mira, and Trebuchet all saluted with a sad expression on their face. They finished their salute to Edal and stared at Kristina with a grim poker-face.


Scythe held out his palms skyward and grinned wide behind his helmet.

"Here we are!"

He stood in front of a rusted gate that led up a hill and eventually into what seemed to be an old factory. It had a Japanese Logo on the broadside of the building. The windows were boarded up, while some other windows still retained their glass.

"Home sweet home. The old Enclave Android Factory! You'll love the interior! It's a must see for my guests..."
Kristina looked at Trebuchet, then her heart filled with guilt,

"Elijah... I know how much Brianna means to you... And how much she made you feel significant, worth something..."

She said, walking towards him and putting a hand on his cheek.

"And I want you to know, that she loves you so, so much... She knows you love her just as much, please... Be her knight in shining armor and fight for her, okay?"


Brianna only glared at Scythe and muttered,

"I'd rather be a prisoner than a guest..."

"I guess it's the only way."

Edal stepped beside Dusk and held his chin high. He knew it would take the Enclave's best, and here they were.

"I will fight alongside my kinsman to return our daughter, love. And I will bring her back safe and sound."


Scythe creaked the door open, a clump of dust falling from a ledge. The place smelt old and damp, like mildew. Although there was also a sweet smell that overcame the stench of age. It was candylike and possessed a sweet aroma that wafted through the whole factory. If the sight was something to behold. Row upon row of empty android shells hung from invisible nooses on their racks. Empty eye sockets starinng and mechanical jaws ajar.

"Ah. let's come in...""
Kristina's hands glowed with cosmic energy as she walked towards Edal,

"Let's go."

She said sternly, with a determined look on her face


Brianna looked around and looked at the android shells,


"Heh. These female android shells are something, huh? I wasn't kidding when I said 'Android' and 'Abandoned'. Now come on. We'll have to go deeper into the building for you to see where I really hide."

Scythe tugged on Brianna's forearm, leading her down into a black stairwell.


Edal pushed the doors open and glanced at the squads reporting back.

"Sir, there are signs of a Dimensional collapse nearby..."

Edal froze for a second, every prosthetic muscle locked in rigor mortis as he tried to believe what had just been said. The air did smell of burnt metal, now that he noticed.
Brianna looked into the stairwell, but the area was too dark to see anything.


Kristina widened her eyes and shook her head,

"Oh, please don't tell me..."

She said, she covered her face with her hands in worry.

"A reality just died."

Dusk said, standing in front of a physical manifestation of the distortion realm. A cluster of trees and shrubbery were welded together by the seals of the distortion realm. It seemed to implode outward, the limbs of the burnt trees singed black.

"A personification of the distortion realm, huh? I wonder where Giratina is if it's true..."
"Well, it seems Brianna wasn't caught in this when it formed, or else we would've seen at least ten of her faces molded into this mess."

Dusk crossed his arms while Edal inspected the damage.

"It's not a pretty sight to see twice, Ma'am. If your daughter was in that mess she'd still be alive but also..."

Dusk tried to assuage the sting of fear when the Factory Incident came to mind.

"I've seen the damage a rouge coil can do. Though that time it was a green coil instead of blue or red."
Kristina nodded and took a deep breath,

"But still, this means the kidnapper may have teleported into another time period with Brianna..."

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"I know...but he couldn't have gotten that far. The collapse isn't that big so he didn't go far back. Maybe he's in the same time period but just in a different area."

Dusk scratched the goatee on his chin and looked towards the Lumiose City, many miles away.

"I'm not sure where he went. He could be in Unova, my homeland, for all we know!"
Kristina clenched her fists, and a bit of anger flowed through her,

"...I do not want to wait anymore."

She said in a bit of a commanding tone.

"Listen, ma'am. I don't know what to do. We'll start by sweeping the outer rims of the area and hopefully we can find a trace."

Dusk said, turning towards Kristina.

"We can't promise good results, though."


Suddenly the room flickered to life, illuminating the scene. It was a subway under the factory. There was a small platform next to a lower surface where a pair of tracks lay. The sweet scent was stronger.

"Ah. This is my room. Welcome my guest."

He closed the makeshift double-doors behind him and closed the padlock, slipping the key into his pants.

"Finally we can lay low for a while and relax, hm? Make yourself at home. There's a few high-quality blankets on the bed over there you can cuddle up in."

Scythe rested on a slightly torn recliner and unstrapped his helm from his head.
Brianna rolled her eyes and sighed,

"I would try to do something, but these damn handcuffs..."

She said.


Kristina looked at Dusk and nodded,

"I-I apologize... I'm just so worried about Brianna..."

"Oh right." Scythe giggled, tossing his helmet aside. He looked a lot like the younger version of Edal, though his face was less smooth and scarred with past injuries. He walked over to Brianna and disengaged the magnetic handcuffs and stepped back.

"Now go draw or something. We've got days until our next stop..."


"She'll be fine. I've known that guy who took her before. He's better than that but...He's just different. A wild card. There's no telling what he would do to her."

Dusk said, slinking into the bushes to help the other three search.

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