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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"Weeeeeell, I'm gonna be purchasing an apartment room, a pretty nice one at that, an' I was thinkin' if Bri could come with?"

Trebuchet pulled his best smile, even though it looked fake.
"Yay! We getta apartment to ourselves."

Trebuchet cheered, jumping a little. He took a brief pause to look around the roomy dining room.

"Gee, maybe we should join the party for now? I mean no booze of course but there's other stuff like mingling and more food!"

Nearby Mira and Dusk appeared from the far right stairwell and started walking around. As the two passed by the table Dusk plucked a few pastries from the cart. Trebuchet scoffed and crossed his arms, seeing Dusk's gluttony,

"Damn. That guy has a sweet tooth like nothin' else."
Brianna shook her head,

"Pssh, please, I am capable to make this party so much more interesting..."

She said before taking out a CD and running to her father.

"Dad! Get this playing, please!"

Edal appeared behind a pillar and approached Brianna.

"Why? The music is just fine...but alright. I'll play it."

He swiped the CD from Brianna and walked to the speaker system set up on the counter. He inserted the disc and pressed play. He had no idea what was going to play.
Brianna smiled widely before the song started to play,

(This is the song that played, I would be so surprised if Edal didn't like this, [media]

Edal backed up, slightly confused and interested at the same time.

"Uh...may you explain which...genre this is?"

Dusk, standing nearby, jumped a little from the adrupt change from quiet classical music to something far different. Mira tilted her head in question but paid not much mind to it.

"Ah, geez. That startled me."

Edal could only describe the melody as esoteric but also menacing, and slightly uplifting at the same time. He didn't like it quite yet but it did intrigue him. He didn't hear any wind, acoustic, or symphonic instruments but he did hear bass which gave the song some ground and set the rhythm. Edal began warming up to it and turned towards Brianna.

"Say, is this the kind of music you children listen to? It's quite fascinating."
"Come on what? What do you want me to do?"

Trebuchet glanced up at Edal and smiled.

"She wants ta' dance, that's what."

Nearby Dusk slowly inched back towards the stairs, but Mira spotted him and playfully dragged him back into the room.
Brianna nodded,

"All you have to do is bounce at least, Dad! You too, Mom!"

Brianna said, just letting her head spin as she jumped to the rhythm of the music.

Kristina looked confused but started to jump a little,

"Like this, dear?"

Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom looked at her mom" it's nothing really just a stupid fight" she lied she was afraid to tell her mom about the real reason as she saw the glare" fine you win mommy" she say sighing" Nina did that thing you say never to do unless your married she did it with Chad I made Chad go away Nina hates me for it I caught Nina doing it back at the house i still have the image in my head it's so disgusting" she say" a 14 year old have that image not pretty I can't believe Nina did it " she say
Megus said:
Gedeon and Vianne each placed a couple of pieces of metal on Cosmo's pile. "Is this enough?" Gedeon asked.
"That that good!" Cosmo smiles as he looked at them. "There also another thing, can you melt them too?"
Zeldafangirl said:
Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom looked at her mom" it's nothing really just a stupid fight" she lied she was afraid to tell her mom about the real reason as she saw the glare" fine you win mommy" she say sighing" Nina did that thing you say never to do unless your married she did it with Chad I made Chad go away Nina hates me for it I caught Nina doing it back at the house i still have the image in my head it's so disgusting" she say" a 14 year old have that image not pretty I can't believe Nina did it " she say
Sharon just looked at her and then, "Wait wait.....one at the time....you said Nina and Chad are in the relationship?"
Edal started jumping a little, but wasn't comfortable with dancing that much.

"Er...Like this?"

Trebuchet started to dance as well and laughed.

"Yer gettin' it old man!" He teased, nudging Edal with his elbow.

Dusk and Mire started dancing too, but Dusk was a bit unenthusiastic with the idea and restricted his movements. Mira seemed to be enjoying herself and was smiling the whole time.


Tachikoma looked at the ceiling above her and Kotobukiya.

"Wow, sounds like some sort of dance up there! Good thing I'm not up there or else people would be constantly bumping into me!"

Kotobukiya waved her arms and added.

"I would break through the floor if I ever was up there! I wouldn't even fit through the front door!"
Blossom looked at her" yeah mom" she say trying to get away" Chad isn't a good person I hate him" she say grinning her teeth together
Nina is walk outside for a fresh air, feeling lost. "I'm a slut? That what's everyone call me....." She feel hurting.
Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom looked at her" yeah mom" she say trying to get away" Chad isn't a good person I hate him" she say grinning her teeth together
"Why do you mean, he is not a good person? I saw him save you're sister from her death!!" Sharon said to her.
Blossom looked at her mom" forget it mom you won't understand" she say walking away as she went outside as she saw her sister but she froze she didn't know if she was still angry with her

Kendra just looked at her friend" er..... What just happened" she say to her friend as she was playing with her baby
Nina go to the grass and look at the red flower. "A sult.......losing a friend.......losing our home.....I hate myself....'

Sharon signs and look at Kendra. "I.....I.....I don't know what to do.....Blossom is mad.....Nina in relationship with Chad....."
Kendra looked at her" don't worry everything turn okay" she say as she smiled" let's go and eat" she say

Blossom follow her sister as she watch" big sister" she say" don't hate yourself" she say frowning
Nina hear her voice and turn around. "What are you doing here? I though you be off somewhere far....." She turn away.

'Kendra......I don't think everything is ok....my daughters is start to change......and I'm support to help them....am I a failure as a mother?

Kendra just looked at her" I got an idea make them talk to each other lock them up in a room or something" she say to her" you not a failure your a good mother" she say

Blossom looked at her" I was but someone took me here so yeah" she say looking at her sister" just stop being mad it's your fault doing sex I didn't tell mom so you should be happy" she say
JessBeth said:
"That that good!" Cosmo smiles as he looked at them. "There also another thing, can you melt them too?"
Gedeon grinned and nodded when Cosmo asked to have the metal melted. However, his smile quickly faded. His Ember attack wouldn't be able to melt the metal. The Growlithe glanced at Vianne, smirking just slightly. Vianne's eyes widened as she saw her best friend's smirk. "No. Just no." She growled as she shook her head. Gedeon quickly changed his expression to a saddened one, and anyone could clearly see the Vulpix pokehuman struggling to keep fighting against Gedeon. Fianally she sighed, "Fine," she muttered as she grabbed a couple pieces of the scrap metal. Setting down away from Cosmo and Gedeon, she used her Flamethrower attack, effectively melting the metal into a puddle while Gedeon rushed over and began to shape it as it hardened.
"Egh...Dancing is weird."

Dusk had a visible look of disgust on his face. Mira shuffled over, laughed and bumped him aside with her hip.

"Come on Ivan, let loose once in a while!"

Edal seemed to like the dancing, and other people joined into the rave as well.

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