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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"Hey Kid."

Dusk approached with Mira gripping his leg tightly. He had a grim look on his face and he had a toothpick propped between his teeth.

"Here. Minister Obsidian wanted me to deliver this letter to you."

Dusk opened it for her and handed the parchment to Nina.

-Dear Guest-

I have awknowledged the presence of you and your family and I have humbly accepted you intergration into this fine establishment. However, exactly on 6:35 PM today I caught you and your partner copulating in the Hospital Wing. There are reasons to why I'm concerned to this act of promiscuity and I want to tell you this, Dearest Guest. This is a family building of Servane Iphil. His family has lived here for five generations and I would be panic-stricken if Servane's parents and siblings have found out about your scene in the Hospital Wing. They would most likely banish your family from this settlement or at the very least exile you and your love companion. We have audio/ visual systems in every room in the house and I will find out what you have been doing under the radar. This is a strict manor with specific rules. You may not preform sexual activities within these walls. If this act continues I will relinquish my judgement upon the matter myself. This may be the Iphil manor but I am the most influential chairman this family and company as a whole. I will see fit to what punishment that will be developed if you resume. Please be discreet as you stay in the manor.

Sincerely, Edal Obsidian

Minister of Article 3

Dusk stood by and held his breath. What was Nina going to think of a threat from the chairman himself? Surely she would oblige but what if Chad forced her into it again? Dusk felt the need to hopefully help Nina resist the urge to do so, but Dusk isn't sure how he can help.

"Hey kid. Looks like you're in the hot seat." What was all he managed to say before turning and walking back into the mess hall. Mira reluctantly followed. She felt uneasy at the thought of it. Was Minister Gahsma a pervert? Or was he a control-freak? She disregarded these morbid thoughts and decided to focus on the task at hand. A high-class feast with all different sorts of people to talk to. How exciting!
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Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom looked at her mother as she smiled looking at her mom" let's go find it most be in the kitchen" she say walking with her mom" so uh your right the human world is scary" she say to her walking to the kitchen" I wish I was there for you with the storm I'm sorry it's all my fault if me and Nina didn't get on that fight maybe the storm wouldn't come" she say blaming herself
"Sweetheart, it happen without knowing.....you girls alway fight and make up....but instant you ran off.....what the fight about?" said Sharon.
Noivern said:
"Hey Kid."
Dusk approached with Mira gripping his leg tightly. He had a grim look on his face and he had a toothpick propped between his teeth.

"Here. Minister Obsidian wanted me to deliver this letter to you."

Dusk opened it for her and handed the parchment to Nina.

-Dear Guest-

I have awknowledged the presence of you and your family and I have humbly accepted you intergration into this fine establishment. However, exactly on 6:35 PM today I caught you and your partner copulating in the Hospital Wing. There are reasons to why I'm concerned to this act of promiscuity and I want to tell you this, Dearest Guest. This is a family building of Servane Iphil. His family has lived here for five generations and I would be panic-stricken if Servane's parents and siblings have found out about your scene in the Hospital Wing. They would most likely banish your family from this settlement or at the very least exile you and your love companion. We have audio/ visual systems in every room in the house and I will ind out what you have been doing under the radar. This is a strict manor with specific rules. You may not preform sexual activities within these walls. If this act continues I will relinquish my judgement upon the matter myself. This may be the Iphil manor but I am the most influential chairman this family and company as a whole. I will see fit to what punishment that will be developed if you resume. Please be discreet as you stay in the manor.

Sincerely, Edal Obsidian

Minister of Article 3

Dusk stood by and held his breath. What was Nina going to think of a threat from the chairman himself? Surely she would oblige but what if Chad forced her into it again? Dusk felt the need to hopefully help Nina resist the urge to do so, but Dusk isn't sure how he can help.

"Hey kid. Looks like you're in the hot seat." What was all he managed to say before turning and walking back into the mess hall. Mira reluctantly followed. She felt uneasy at the thought of it. Was Minister Gahsma a pervert? Or was he a control-freak? She disregarded these morbid thoughts and decided to focus on the task at hand. A high-class feast with all different sorts of people to talk to. How exciting!
As she pick out food, she turn and see Dusk and Mira. "Oh hey you guys....don't mind me I'm just getting some food....' As she getting some drink, she notice that Dusk give her a letter. "What's this?" When Dusk open it for her, she read it and then her face went pale. "Wha.....how did he....." Nina didn't know what to say but she already got caught and look up to Dusk, who walk away.
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Dusk sat down at the table and quietly shuffled through a file hidden under his cloak. Mira curiously craned her neck to see the file Dusk had.

"Hey Ivan, what's that?" She asked, poking the envelope. Dusk cast a sideways glance at Mira and tucked it back where it was. Mira felt slightly confused about Dusk's vagueness and prodded him with questions.

"Ivan. What was that file you had? Was it important? Who gave it to you? Did Gahsma give it to you?"

Dusk clenched his fists and begrudgingly replied.

"It's just a forensic study Servane gave to me."

Mira sat back down and curled up her tail.

Dusk sluggishly turned his head and peered at Nina. A small snort escaped and he began eating Mira's food.

"Whaddaya want to talk about?"

Mira stopped her cap from falling off her head and peeked over Dusk's shoulder.
Dusk merely shrugged and continued eating.

"The guy has eyes everywhere. He practically OWNS this mansion. It's impossible to escape his sight. But you'll get used to it. If you don't do anything..."

Dusk leaned and nudged Nina with his elbow.

"...Naughty, then he won't do anything. He doesn't watch the tapes all the time but he can get the records from any given time of day and play them back if he suspects something. He's a natural sleuth."
"'Having Fun'...Nina do you know that you're too young? God, I bet if I tell you mom she'd flip the fuck out."

Dusk took a swig of water and settled.

"Seriously. I'd think it's for the best. And if you wanna stay in this big fancy house you'd have to obey the rules. Luxury comes with a price. Just accept it and move on. There's loads of other stuff here to do. They have a tennis court, a track, a few game consoles in the lounge, you could even contribute to the manor by becoming a chef or maid...or something. You get paid~!" Dusk tapped Nina's shoulder and laughed.

"Trust me. You'll love this place once you settle in. Also don't piss of any of the robo-guards. They'll bruise you badly. Hey, I got a nasty scar from one of them."
"Dusk....I appreciated that you let us stay here because of my injury....and a bad storm in our island......but I don't think we're going to stay here for long.....Mother is planning to go back to our island home...." Nina is telling a truth.

"And why? The island is an absolute mess. And I'm never going back to that island. I think I'm going to stay on Kalos for the rest of my life."

Mira gasped and looked down at her boots.

"Well. If Dusk is staying, so will I. I bet the others will feel the same way."

She pointed to Trebuchet and Servane, who were making small talk. Tachikoma was wheeling around the marble floor nonchalantly. And Edal, who was standing at the far corner of the room. It seemed he was staring at Nina.

"...So yeah. You won't have to worry about little ol' me anymore. And when you're gone you can fuck with Chad all you want because I don't care. You'll be out of sight, out of mind."

Mira frowned, looking a tad bit upset.

"I made friends with your family, Nina. I guess when you go it'll be goodbye for good..." Her voice trailed off as she somberly stared at the tiled floor in deep thought.
"I didn't say that you and you're friends are coming with us. Me and my family are going back home! If you wanna to know the reason, tell my mother or father.....but we stick together as family, you should know that! Oh wait, you don't because you don't have one!" Nina said to Dusk and Mira. "And don't you dare saying mean thing to Chad, he wasn't like what you think he is and he love me!' Nina bang on the table. " If that how you feel not being sad that we be gone? or me being gone? Fine then..." She splash Dusk drink on him. " Good-bye!" Nina get up, take some food and walk out of the room, walking to the hall and feeling hurt inside.

"At least I'm not a slut like you!" He cupped his hands around his mouth as he yelled to Nina. He turned toward the second finished plate of food and scoffed.

"Peh. Just forget about Nina. She's a small indifference in the big world. There's probably twenty more of her out there somewhere. She doesn't get the big picture."

Dusk let the water dribble off of his armor and he stood up from his seat. Mira still stared at the floor when Dusk left the hall. Dusk turned around and walked back to Mira.

"Hey. Don't think much of her. She's not the person you would want to hang out with anyways."

Mira slowly got up and stepped to Dusk. After exchanged nods they both walked off somewhere to let off steam.


Edal sat in his chair as he ran his fingers along his bare skin, feeling the groves where the prosthetic segments were connected.

"So. The family has decided to depart soon, yes? Very well. Only less mouths to feed."

He saw Dusk and Mira both exit the Banquet after the small outburst Nina had and chuckled.

"I guess they don't care much for them either. Hm. Now, back to the coil."

Edal spun on his heel, facing the stairwell behind him and vanished from sight.
Nina is walking back to her room, only she didn't see Chad there. She thinking he must be going to the bathroom or something. She put the food down and signs. She never have a fight like this with Dusk or anyone, dose that mean they're no longer friends? "....Forgot the drinks...." Nina get up again and head out and found a soda machine.


Mira suddenly stopped Dusk from heading into his reserved room with her tail. Dusk glared at her and sighed.

"What is it now, Mira?"

Mira shook her head to try to get herself to focus and made indirect eye contact with Dusk.

"I think you really upset Nina. You should apologize..." Dusk started laughing. He quickly calmed down and huffed a heave of breath.

"Listen. She'll be gone while I stay here so I don't have to worry about her anymore. She's not my responsibility anymore and quite frankly wasn't ever. So why should I worry about her?"

Mira narrowed her brows at Dusk.

"It's because you disregarded your friendship with her so suddenly and quickly! You two were best friends. Gee, I was convinced you were closer to her than to me! G-Gosh, Ivan, how can you be so heartless?"

Dusk lowered his mask onto his face and closed the valves.

"Being orchestrated into a tool of war teaches you to be a heartless machine on a warpath. I was born to serve the Enclave and I shouldn't let such stupid..trivial things halt my progress. I still like you Mira, but Nina wasn't supposed to know I even existed. We didn't meet by fate, it was mistake. She hurt me enough, I won't let her anymore."

Dusk softly closed the door beind him, leaving Mira in a state of Shock.
Nina take out some money to get a soda, but the soda got stuck inside and Nina bang the machine. "Come on!" She bang it again and let her anger get to her.
JessBeth said:
Cosmo think as he take out his cellphone. "Damm, I got no signal ..." He thought if can call his mother or father.
Vianne began opening her mouth to confront Cosmo about not answering her question, but Gedeon put a hand over her mouth. The growlithe shook his head quickly, then glanced back over at Cosmo while Vulpix poke human pouted.
Brianna was sitting at one end of the table and saw the conflict between Nina and Dusk and started to feel angry at Nina, Ugh! Why would her dad let someone with such a lack of self control in here?! It's just so agitating to have someone so idiotic here! That's it, Brianna has seen and heard enough sluttery from this girl. She walks to the spot where the note was left and read it, she then tightened her grip on the paper and threw it onto the floor,

"Ugh... She really is an idiot..."

She muttered under her breath, she then walked to Edal,

"Dad? Can I please talk to you?"

She said as she looked down, letting her hair cover her eyes.


Blossom avoided her moms question" nothing important mom" she lied she didn't want to tell her mother about Chad and Nina what they did
Megus said:
Vianne began opening her mouth to confront Cosmo about not answering her question, but Gedeon put a hand over her mouth. The growlithe shook his head quickly, then glanced back over at Cosmo while Vulpix poke human pouted.
Cosmo stand up and looked around the floor. He start pick up some pieces of metal thing.
Zeldafangirl said:
Blossom avoided her moms question" nothing important mom" she lied she didn't want to tell her mother about Chad and Nina what they did
"Ok sweetheart, but we have to plan to go back to our home, once it's over." said Sharon until she found a lobby that fill with foods. "Look, found some foods!"
Edal turned his shoulder and turns to face Brianna.

"Hm? Oh yes. You can ask me anything."


Mira sat in her room beside Dusk's and contemplated what just happened. She couldn't believe that Dusk would shuck something so precious with little thought. Mira sighed as she thought he was bringing back the whole 'Emotion is Weakness' thing. Maybe it was for the best. After all Dusk and co. would not go back to the island.
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Blossom walked to the the dining room as she sighed she just saw Brianna as she thought it was her fault for her sister hating her for telling on Brianna about her sister and Chad she just sighed a bit sadly eating her food a bit
"I'm not plannin' ta stay here for long. I'll tryta get an apartment or somethin' to live in. Ah-Ah mean this place is nice and all, but I kinda want my own living space."

Servane nodded at Trebuchet's statement and replied.

"I'll be going back to my bookstore. It's in Lumiose city and it's pretty cozy."

"Oh! Ya needa tell me where that place is. We could totally hang sometime!"

Servane set his fork down and laughed.

"The address is 4374 S. Colony."

Trebuchet scribbled it down in his wallet and stuffed it back into his back pocket.

"Great! Now 'Scuse me I wanna talk to Anna..."

He stood from his chair and pushed it in. He gave a small courtesy bow before he departed. Funny, since Trebuchet isn't the most 'proper' gentleman. At least he had some manners, contrary to his casual behavior. It's probably because he was in the vicinity of Obsidian. Servane eyed Trebuchet as he made a beeline for Brianna and Edal, who were standing on the far end of the room.

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