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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Roxie came in with some coffee one for her and one for him" hiya here you go" she say she kinda stole it from some humans" how you diinf@ she asked
"I'm doing good," He said, taking the coffee. "How are you?" He asked Roxie, taking a sip of the coffee.
Roxie looked at him as she giggled" I'm good thanks for letting me stay mr.Zach" she told him as she drink her coffee
Roxie looked at him" yes sir I'll go with you Mr.Zach" she say as she smiled" plus u have business to do with hide bad people" she explained planning a plot for revenge she just smirked
JessBeth said:
"Oh no....." Cosmo start running straight hoping that his families is safe. But he get there, the house is destroyed and one people is there.
Gedeon and Vianne both glanced over at each other as Cosmo ran off. "Where's he going?" The Vulpix pokehuman asked. Gedeon shrugged but grabbed his friend's arm and dragged her along after the green-haired male.
Roxie looked at him" I just don't have family I live on my own I steal to survive" she say

Claria was trying to pack up the stiff scared that the policemen will come back she was only 16 she couldn't go to jail what has she gotten herself she thought she was doing good but wasn't she just sighed
"I'm going to go back to the base at 10:00, you can do what you want." He said. he was going to leave at 8:00.
Claria was trying to Harry and pack before they get here as she saw her boss left without her

Roxie went to the base as they were one girl maybe her age as she try to run from them
"But that doesn't matter, what were you involved with?" He asked, hovering half a foot off the ground.
Claria looked at them as she was scared" capturing pokehuman like yourself" she sigh as she was ready for the concencess for her actions
<"Attention We are giving an 'all clear'. Resume to your tasks as dinner will be served shortly.">

Mira's eyes lit up with delight.

"Ooooh~! Dinner is almost prepared! Too bad I can't eat...heh heh heh..." Dusk smiled and rested his elbows on the counter in front of them.

"At least I get to eat. You can sit and watch if you want, but I don't see why you'd like that." Mira giggled and clasped her palms.

"I'll watch, thank you very much..."
He sighed, "I'll let you have time to get stuff straight with your friends and family." He said, "I'll take a picture and the C.I.A will come and apprehend you, OR you cut off your connections with Team Meteorite and live out the rest of your life in peace. Which will you chose?" He glared intimidatingly.
Claria just looked at him" I'll take full responsibility for my actions" she say to him" you can take me now I don't know if my family will want me they are leaders of team rocket" she say
"Well, there's a police station in town, I'll bring you there." He said to Claria. "Roxie, you wait outside of the Team Meteorite base for me to get back." He said to Roxie.
Ashestoashes said:
"My parents are not around. Not now, at least. But they will come back soon, I am fully aware of this." Her tone was as bizarre as ever, showing no emotion as she spoke. "Currently, I am not allowed in my home. Well, I suppose it's not a home anymore.
"I have never stolen anything other than a pencil. What do you have in mind?"
The feminine male stared, hearing the other's...odd tone of voice. He frowned, letting out a soft noise of concern. "O-Oh dear..I'm..so so sorry to hear that!" He paused..Having a slight idea. "H-Hey! Its dangerous to be out here by yourself and seeing how you don't particularly have a place to stay..would you like to stick with us?" He offered with a kind smile.

The teen hummed gently and smiled. "Ah..Thats quite alright..But, I'ill explain after SOMEONE stops getting off track." He glanced over at Sentry and croaked gently. He wasn't meaning to be so rude but..It was just how he was unfortunately.

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