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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Zeldafangirl said:
Kendra just looked at him as she was worried trying to push the baby out" aaaaah" she screamed loudly as she kept pushing
Jordan hearing his wife screaming until he overheard the doctors and nurses saying they're having a lockdown. "What?"
Mira scanned the surrounding areas and concluded.

"There is one unit nearby. Careful. Scan says he is in possession of a DURGAT-45 automatic."

Dusk sped behind cover and slipped his L11 from it's holding case and deployed the bipod. He laid on the floor and pointed the scope down the hall. Casually, a soldier stumbled into view. He was walking in a disoriented way like his legs were too heavy to lift. Dusk decided not to fire his sniper indoors and instead he kicked a nearby potted plant over. The soldier ceased all movement and started limping to the area where the potted plant had fallen. Once the unit reached the corner Dusk jumped from the shadows and tackled the unit. He swiftly dug his hands into the mess of wires on the unit's neck and ripped the red coil from the tangle. He promptly stomped it into oblivion.

One down. Two to go. I wonder how Trebuchet and Servane are doing,


Trebuchet ducked as a flurry of bullets nearly nicked his helmet. He returned the favor by causing the marble floor to swallow and crush the infected cyborg. Trebuchet walked over to the entombed unit and pried a red coil from the mess.

"Thank you for being a generous donor!" He said as he pocketed the coil. Servane had his sword held to his side and was rushing Trebuchet. Trebuchet backed up and waved his hands.

"Woah woah, I'm on your side!"

"Behind you, you idiot!"

Servane jumped and kicked an approaching soldier in the chest. He then dispatched him with the sword he held. The dying soldier laughed as his own coil was yanked out.

"There's one more..." He said, body going limp. Servane crushed the coil with his hand and looked around.

"An additional coil? Impossible?"
Kendra just looked at her husband" what's going on" she asked as she screamed she heard a baby cried" Jordan" she say
DaManofWar said:
Chad put his arms around her. "I'm here for you," he told her.
"Really......why did you leave? Without telling me face-to-face instant of leaving a note...." Nina look at him.
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendra just looked at her husband" what's going on" she asked as she screamed she heard a baby cried" Jordan" she say
Jordan hear a baby crying and he come closer and his eyes sparkle. "Its a boy! Its a boy!!!"
Michael gets deep enough into the forest that he feels safe. He then takes a seat on a log and starts to sift through the bag of Pokeballs. He uses a Pokedex to see what Pokemon are in the balls as well as there moves and stats. "Man this Pokedex thing I stoll off that kid a while ago really is useful." He as he loons through he spots an interesting Pokemon. "Sneasel.... nice, I think I will keep this one." Placing the Pokeball in his pocket and starts heading back to the Team Meteorite Bace.

Mew was too slow and couldn't catch up to the flock before they flew out of sight. It was too tird to keep going and decided to take a rest. Mew flys down to a branch and rests for a minute before there stomach starts to growl. 'I am hungry.' They think still in the form of a Pidgey. It sees a fruit and hops over and starts to nibble at it. It turns out it is a Tamato Berry and is extremely spicy. Mew's mouth is now burning and they fly off as fast as they can to find some water.
Kendra just looked at him and th baby as she held her son" hi there baby I'm your mommy and there daddy I don't know where your big sister Nikki is" she say
"I can't believe it! We have a son! We have a--!!!!! A bug son?!" Jordan come and see closer to the baby and realize that their son is a bug-type poke human, Volbeat!

(I'll have to make a charter profile!)

DaManofWar said:
Chad shook his head. "I can't tell you. It's a secret," he explained. He stared into her eyes lovingly.
"W-What so secret that you do wanna tell me...."Nina feel shy when Chad look at her, lovingly with his eyes. She looked away.
All of a sudden Trebuchet felt something knock him over onto his chest. He lifted his head to see some one had shoved him aside. It was someone with dark split cape and a flurry of white hair on their head

"Hey?" He called out, unsure of this mysterious person. The figure turned around to face Trebuchet and laughed, holding up a red coil.

"Hey! Who the hell are ya?" Trebuchet stormed forward. The figure fled out of the entranceway double doors. He was too fast for Trebuchet to catch up. He was long gone before either Servane or Trebuchet reached the door.

"Who...Who the hell was that?"
JessBeth said:
"W-What so secret that you do wanna tell me...."Nina feel shy when Chad look at her, lovingly with his eyes. She looked away.
Chad shook his head. "You'll find out soon...." He kissed her neck to calm her down.
The Hospital wing's doors unsealed and opened.

<"Thank you for your cooperation. The coils have been eradicate-...Oh no. It seems someone fled the building with an illegal coil. Please remain calm. We are still in high alert.">


"Oh. The power inside the unstability of the coils is...delicious...I will harness the ability and...oh the abilities it will grant me!"

Scythe caressed the red coil. He got a shiver up his spine and laughed.

"Meteorite may be subdued, but I will take control of it. The whole team will belong to me and we will procure all of the illegal coils we want!"

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