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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

"You two are mad and upset, I can tell. Ok, have you talk to Nina? Telling her to be friends instant of lover, Dusk?" Sharon asked him and he looked at Mira. "Hmm....you look like a pretty young lady....."

"Nina is friends with me now. Just friends. A-And this is my...cousin Mira Yurizaki."

Mira bowed to Sharon and smiled. "Greetings!"

Oh god, just act normal and no one will suspect.

Dusk set his hands on his hips and tilted his head at Sharon.

"Why're you down here?"
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"I'm lost....hehe...." She starched her head. "And.....I can't used the elevator.....I'm a little scared going in there...." Sharon looked at Dusk. "You are acting strange...."

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"Me? How am I acting strange?"

Dusk crossed his arms and stared at Sharon.Suddenly Mira ran off and dissappeared up the stairwell.

"Ah, I'll go see what's u- !" Dusk tripped and fell flat on his chest.

"Dammit..." He kicked off his left boot to reveal it wasn't a real foot. The color of the skin was different and it had a big jutting peice of metal. It was a coil inside Dusk's ankle. He swiftly removed the dead coil from his ankle and took another one out of his bag. Once he got the new coil in he stood, put his boot back on, and took off after Mira.
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Megus said:
Gedeon stood as well as Vianne and each of them walked towards the cave opening. Their jaws dropped at the visible damage the storm had dealt. Everything was a big mess.
(Ok, officially last post. Good night!)
"Oh no....." Cosmo start running straight hoping that his families is safe. But he get there, the house is destroyed and one people is there.
Michael walks up to a local Pokemon center with a devilish smile. He pulls a Pokeball out of his pocket and it grows big in his hand. He throws it high into the air. "Come on out Tyranitar. Open the door. " Tyranitar opens its mouth and uses Hyper Beam across the front wall. Half the wall was destroyed along with the front door. Michael just walts on into the building climbing over some of the rubble. He looks around at everyone who is hiding and taking cover. "Oops, was this not the wreck sight? My bad. Oh, well as long as I am here I have business with Nurse Joy." He walks up to the desk where Nurce Joy is hiding. "Hey, gather up all of the Pokemon for me."

Nurce Joy slowly gets up from behind the counter building the courage to say. "I will not do anything for the likes of you." She looked angry.

"Oh, I wasn't talking to you." Malamar comes around Michael looking Nurses Joy in the eye and suddenly the life seems to vanishe from them. Malamar hypnotizes her and she walks away to go and do as Michael requested. Michael then turns to everyone "Everyone I hope none of you are dumb enough to be a hero, but I will now give you all the chance to run away." As soon as Michael said that a stampede of people run out of the building. He hears sirens approaching and Michael sighs. "The police sure came fast." He then hops over the counter followed by Malamar. He is then approached by Nurse Joy with a bag full of Pokeballs. "Follow me." He walks out of the back of the Pokemon Center and yells. "Bring it down Tyranitar." As soon as he said that series of Hyper Beams are spammed on the building until it completely collapse. "They will be too busy dealing this mess to come after me." He then returns Tyranitar to its Pokeball and walks off into a nearby forest with Malamar and Nurse Joy. Michael rips off his kask and takes off his disguise.

Mew flys through the sky soaring into the clouds. "Today is so nice, it feels so good up here." Poking its head out of the bottom of the cloud. "I am up so high, everything looks SO small." Mew giggles at all the small things. "The trees look like tiny broccoli." Mew then sees a flock of Pidgey flying way down. "Oooooh, friends." Mew then transforms into a Pidgey and catches up to the flock.

(Sorry for such a long opening post. There normally not so long.)
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DaManofWar said:
Chad grunted. "He's a real ass....Wait, what was he talking about with you being too young or something?"
"Um.....well.....Dusk told me that I should forget about you.....he believe you're just want my body and not real love....at first, I don't believe Dusk, then Dusk telling me more that guys like you are no good....as I'm starting to believe......I starting to like Dusk....you know like a crush........" Nina looked at him as she is scared of what Chad going to say.
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Dusk tapped on the bathroom door.

"Come on Mira. I know you're hiding in there. You can't use the bathroom, remember?"

There was a long pause. Longer than normal. Finally Mira cracked open the door and looked at Dusk through the open gap. Dusk raised his hand to speak but Mira grabbed the scruff of his hooded cloak and dragged him inside the bathroom. She promptly closed the door behind her.

"Mira, what's wrong? You can talk, y-you know." Dusk stammered He wasn't sure why Mira was acting so strange around others she didn't know personally. She sat on the toilet lid and played with her thumbs.

"I don't know how long I can keep up the act...Someone somewhere will eventually find out I'm not human. Or Hybrid for that matter..." She unbuttoned the top portion of her dress to reveal her coil. It lay upon her chest, pulsating brightly.

"I don't know how people will react when they find out I'm a robot."

Dusk sighed and took his boot off again, showing the coil he had on his prosthetic foot.

"We're all robots in a way. We have some piece of technology wired into our bodies."

Mira gripped the skirt of her clothes tight and swung her head up at Dusk.

"But the new people that came here don't know I'm a robot, Gosh, h-how will that little girl cope with finding out that the girl who saved her is just a machine!?" She begun to tear up again. Dusk couldn't pinpoint why she cried so much.

"Look. Mira. Just try to hide anything revealing. Here...We have your old clothes here. Edal could find them for you so you can hide your...parts." Dusk said, motioning towards the sync cord tail Mira had attached to her back.
JessBeth said:
"Um.....well.....Dusk told me that I should forget about you.....he believe you're just want my body and not real love....at first, I don't believe Dusk, then Dusk telling me more that guys like you are no good....as I'm starting to believe......I starting to like Dusk....you know like a crush........" Nina looked at him as she is scared of what Chad going to say.
Chad blinked. Twice. He laid back, and sighed. "Like I said, he cannot be trusted. I like your body, sure. You're beautiful. But you're also strong. And kind. And brave. You're a good person, and I love that about you, Nina." He pulled her close to him, and kissed her.
"Hmm!" Nina get surprised that Chad kiss her instant of getting mad. Feeling Chad lips for a long time, she slowly kiss him back. "I really miss you....."

The little girl was wandering around the manor, looking for something to do in boredom, she came across the kitchen in her wandering and entered it and was surprised as she saw all the cooks and waiters going in and out of the kitchen she came closer to one the cooks and tugged their shirt,


She asked, looking at the chef in curiosity.

Kendra was just screaming as she looked at the doctors she was on the bed as she bite her lip holding onto her husband hand" this hurts" she cried to them @JessBeth

Katherine went into the kitchen she wanted cookies as she saw a girl" hi there I'm kar" she say @IIQueenestII
"Yo Minister!"

Dusk knocked on Edal's study room. He leaned on the door and waited for Edal to come to the door. Almost instantly after Dusk's knock the door opened. Caught by surprise Dusk stumbled but stopped himself from falling. He smiled sheepishly at the looming figure over him. Surprisingly his helmet was removed.

"Yes, Ivan?" Edal's cool and serpent-like voice sent a chill down Dusk's spine. He mustered the courage to make eye contact with Edal and spoke.

"Sir, do you have Mira Yurizaki's original clothing?" Edal nodded and vanished behind the doorframe. He returned a minute with a box filled with clothes. Dusk saluted Edal and took the box. Running off to the bathroom with the cardboard box.

Edal found his hurried pace amusing. But suddenly he got a call from Cybernetic Squad 4. He angrily pounded his fist against the door in anger when he heard what the soldier said.


In the bed beside Nina and Chad, a cybernetic human lay upon it. Their legs were totally blown off. The severed stumps ended in a tangle of wires and twisted metal. A nearby soldier stood by the bed and watched over the injured unit. The injured unit turned it's head to the other unit standing close and grabbed their neck. Caught by surprise the standing unit tried to fight off the grip of the damaged Cyborg. Already feeling the crushing grip of the damaged unit slowly suffocate him, the standing unit drew their sidearm out of desperation and fired two rounds into the face of the bedbound unit. Peices of brain matter and shrapnel scattered from the bullets and the unit went limp. Dark blood pooling onto the white sheets of the bed. The remaining soldier pulled the coil from the carcass of the other and studied it. The soldier gasped when he saw the power button on the head of the coil was red instead of blue and dropped the coil, stomping on it to destroy it. He pulled out his cellular module and contacted Edal

"Sir...We have been tricked again by another illegal coil shipment."
Kendra just looked at him as she was worried trying to push the baby out" aaaaah" she screamed loudly as she kept pushing
The cyborg tucked the module away and turned his head at Chad and Nina.

"You two stay here. The building is on lockdown. There are three other illegal coil units in the Manor and they must be found and disposed of. Do not exit the wing no matter what you here. The reinforced doors will keep you safe."

The soldier stepped outside, only to have the metal double doors close and lock behind him. The soldier then turned around and saluted the two. He then jogged off to find the coils.


Mira put on her hat and looked at her new outfit.

"I really like this one. The leggings cover the android tattoos on my legs and so do the sleeves. The gloves are a nice addition and I really like the color scheme!"

Her new dress looked like a store clerk's wardrobe. The colors on her outfit were dark red, gray, and white. Her skirt was a plaid configuration and the long sleeves of her dress's main piece covered most of her skin. The white gloves also helped. Her hat looked like a sort of red beanie cap with a short black brim.

"How do I look?" Mira asked, turning a full 360 degrees. Dusk blinked and leaned closer.

"You look just like your old self, Mira. Jeez. I can hardly tell you're an android."

Mira smiled and adjusted her hat to cover her antenna.

"Thank you! If I want another look, there's more where that came from!" She gestured toward the box of clothes and giggled.

"Now, It's almost dinner ri- ?" She was drowned out by an announcement by Edal himself.

<"Attention inhabitants and guests. There are illegal coils on the grounds of the Article 3 manor. Stay calm as the following units will be handling the coils. Squad 4, Squad 6, and Fireteam Squad 2. Consisting of Ivan Duskburrow, Mira Yurizaki, Elijah Trebuchet, and Servane Iphil. Stay indoors and restrict noise and movement as much as possible. Your safety is our concern so please be discreet. Thank you for trusting the Enclave.">

Mira gazed uneasily at Dusk.

"Great. A disaster in luxury. Welp. Better take care of it." Dusk and Mira left the bathroom and looked around cautiously.

"Gotta be on alert. There are three Cyborgs infected with illegal, volatile coils."

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