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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Nina looked at him and smiles. Without warning, she used Force Punch move on his guts and send him up to the tree. Nina take her stuff and headed to her hoise , walk to her room and slam the door. She feeling upset as she get her bag as she start packing.

Sharon hear a door slam as wondering what's going on. She go to the living room.

Dusk felt his back crack against the tree and he fell on his knees, feeling like he was about to throw up. He crumpled to the ground clutching his abdominal region. While furiously trying to get up. Once he stood on his knees he tried to stand. He successfully got onto his feet but he noticed there was a blazing pain near is back.

"Oh no..She fractured one of my ribs." Feeling anger and betrayal boil inside of him, he limped back to the trail with a immense pain in his spine. He dialed Servane's cell so he could get help.


"There! Now we just..."

Servane disconnected the sync cord from his blackbox and put a coil inside Mira's capsule. With a press, he turned on the coil and waited. After five minutes she shot to sitting position, gasping.

"Wha-?" She looked around, confused.

"Wh-Where's the base? The manor...?" She begun to tremble, thinking she was in a vivid dream sequence.

"Ma'am. Calm down...I'm here." Servane said. Mira stared at Servane for some time until she seemed to snap out of a trance.

"Sir Iphil? Is that really you? Oh my, you used to be so much shorter!"

Servane looked down and sighed.

"You were deactivated for five years." He lied, "I decided to bribe Gahsma into bringing you with me on my travel."

Mira cocked her head in question when she heard Servane's phone ring. He pulled it fom his coat pocket and held it against his face.

"Hello...?" He said. Someone on the other end spoke and Servane dropped his phone.

"Mira, Ivan is hurt. His friend Nina attacked him."

Mira's eyes widened in disbelief.
JessBeth said:
As Cosmo come looking for the little girl, he suddenly trip over and fell on them.
Viable growled as someone tripped over her, pushing her flat against the ground. "Hey! Watch it!" She attempted to push the person off of her while Gedeon stood shocked. He himself had just barely missed being tripped over.
Brianna shook her head a little,

"Yeah, but..."

Brianna said before a loud thunk and slam stopped her,

"Dramatown once again..."

She muttered in annoyance and took off the helmet to investigate.

"Alright! What happened?!"

@Noivern @JessBeth
Kendra looked at her husband" so what are we going to do stay here or go back to our island" she say smiling

Lilia looked at Sharon" are you mad at me I'm sorry" she say looking down at the ground" I didn't know what to say I want to punch him" she say @JessBeth
Mira dashed out of the room, in pursuit.

"Wait, Ma'am! Your clothes!"

Mira stopped once in front of the stairwell and looked at Servane a funny way.

"I don't care! My friend is in trouble!"

She ran down the stairs, tail curling up to make sure she didn't trip over it. Trebuchet opened the door just in time for Servane to run into him. They both fell back clutching their heads.

"What the hell, Vine!"

"Trebuchet, get out of the way, I need to recover a loose android!"

"Eh?" Trebuchet shook his head, "Okay recap, what the hell happened?!"

"Ivan got hurt, badly!" Servane said, thundering down the stairs.
Megus said:
Viable growled as someone tripped over her, pushing her flat against the ground. "Hey! Watch it!" She attempted to push the person off of her while Gedeon stood shocked. He himself had just barely missed being tripped over.
"Ow! I am so sorry!" Cosmo quickly get off of her as he get up. "It was an accident!
Zeldafangirl said:
Kendra looked at her husband" so what are we going to do stay here or go back to our island" she say smiling
Lilia looked at Sharon" are you mad at me I'm sorry" she say looking down at the ground" I didn't know what to say I want to punch him" she say @JessBeth
"Well, I think..." Jordan stopped as he sense something. "......" He come outside and look at the sky. His face look so serious.
Nina pack her stuff, a map, Chad not and a Gps, she is really going to get out of the island and looked for Chad. "Dusk...." She feel so bad of punch him but she let her temper get to her as she leave her room out of her window.

"Nina wounded him. She broke one of his ribs and bruised him mortally!"

Servane said as he stomped down into the downstairs, Trebuchet right behind him.

"That broken rib can puncture a lung or even puncture the skin, causing him to bleed out either internally or externally, respectively!"

Servane went outside and swung his head in all directions.

"I powered on Mira and synced data into her via Dusk's computer and right afterwards He called me. I-I told Mira what happened and she fled!"

Trebuchet stomped on the ground, causing a slab of rock to protrude upward from the ground. He then stomped forward onto the angled slab, making it slide forward. It looked like he was surfing on a wave of stone.

"Tachikoma!" Servane called out.

"Yes Servane-San!"

"Come with!"

Tachikoma nodded her chassis and wheeled alongside Servane. Edal was watching the whole ordeal out the window of the living room. He decided not to go since he spotted Brianna in the crowd.
JessBeth said:
"Ow! I am so sorry!" Cosmo quickly get off of her as he get up. "It was an accident!
Vianne pushed herself up and glared at the person that has tripped over her. He seemed sincere with his apology, but unfortunately the Vulpix poke human didn't forgive easily. Gedeon reached a hand down to his friend, helping her up completely. Despite his pranks, he was better mannered than his friend. "It's fine. Vianne here will get over it soon enough." The Vulpix growled at the man in front of her.
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Brianna followed the three,


Brianna yelled as she followed them, banging her fist on the wall.

Kristina saw the situation as well through the window, spotting Brianna in the panic, she seemed to be furious about something, really furious.

Dusk clumsily broke the surface of a hedge and coughed. He felt like something inside him was loose, and he was breathing raggedly. Suddenly, he heard a commotion off to his left and crawled toward it. He already felt himself losing conciousness as his brain was being oxygen-starved. The last thing he saw before he collapsed was a figure running toward him at blinding speed.


"Where is he?!" Servane parted a wall of bushes and frantically stumbled over a root.

"Mr. Ivan?" Tachikoma hollered, arms raised into the air. Trebuchet rubbed his sweaty forehead and sat on a tree stump. "It's hopeless. Master Sargent is good as dead...I never really liked him anyways..."

Trebuchet cracked a worried grin but it quickly transformed into a frown. Tachikoma suddenly called out.

"We have two units approaching our radar, and fast!" There was a rumbling and Mira barged in through a thicket of trees, carrying Dusk. She skidded to a halt in front of Servane and frantically glanced down at Dusk.

"H-He's still breathing but he's got limited time until he starves his brain completely. I anaylized him and found out he indeed has a punctured lung..." Mira was teary eyed as she held a dying Dusk in her arms.

"Why does she have no clothes...?" Trebuchet murmured.
"Dusk!! Dusk!!! Where are you? Please! I need to talk to you!!" Nina shouted as she feeling worried. She shouting his name load in the forest.

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Megus said:
Vianne pushed herself up and glared at the person that has tripped over her. He seemed sincere with his apology, but unfortunately the Vulpix poke human didn't forgive easily. Gedeon reached a hand down to his friend, helping her up completely. Despite his pranks, he was better mannered than his friend. "It's fine. Vianne here will get over it soon enough." The Vulpix growled at the man in front of her.
"I am so sorry, I was looking for someone and then I trip myself...." Cosmo apologizing again as he looked at them. "A-Are you new in this island?" he asked them.
Mira's antenna wiggled as she heard someone's voice far off into the forest.

"Wait, I know that voice from Ivan's memories..."

She was lost in thought for a long while until she clicked back to life.

"It's Nina! She is roughly thirty yards away from her audio pinpoint!" Mira turned towards the source and wiped her eyes.

"I-I'm not sure I want to see her after what she did. Let's move."

Mira catapulted forward into the air. She landed a few feet away and ran back to the house, trailed by Trebuchet, Tachikoma, and Servane.

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