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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

The soldiers ignored the warning and pointed their guns at the mechanical device, ready to shoot.


Brianna came back with an ice pack for Trebuchet,


She said, tossing the ice pack to him.

"No you aren't..."

Mira grabbed an invisible chunk of air next to her hip and held it next to Kenzie's head, Mira's hand suddenly became Dusk's.

"Try to hurt me, I will open fire. I'm not in the mood, so leave me alone."

Trebuchet stood back, aghast.
"I guess we have to do this the hard way." The Kotobukiya sadly sighed, It's anti-aircraft gun swiveling and pointing at a soldier a good few meters away.

"Goodbye, Mr. Badguy!"

The ignition coils ignited the round, sending towards the soldier at high velcoity. He began to run, but the splash blast of the artillery round blew his body into mincemeat.
Kenzie didn't listen to him she just attack him as she didn't like being like this" you have no right to wear my niece clothes" she say
"Argh! Get off me!" Mira's hydraulic pistons in her legs compressed and sprung out, Kicking Kenzie off of her.

"Get back before I shoot!" Mira held up the gun as she backed away from Kenzie.
Kenzie just didn't listen as she walked towards her as she kicked her and punched her" I'm not afraid" she say
One of the soldiers looked in shock and then activated his walkie talkie,

"Madame, we need you here immediately..."

He said in a mix of fear and shock.

The hooded woman suddenly jumped in with Kristina chained to her back,

"Wanna play? Let's play, you robotic satellite..."

She said as she summoned a large whip, with a big stone fist attached to the end of the whip, she then swung it at the Kotobukiya, with as much force as possible.


Brianna jumped in front of the two,

"Stop with the goddamn stupidity and immaturity, you two!!"

She yelled.

Kenzie just pushed the girl out the way as she smirked" aww you want me to kill you too" she say" help me" she say the real her
"You know it doesn't hurt!"

Mira easily evaded her first attack and blocked Kenzie's foot with her arm.

"You do know you're fighting with an android?"

Mira shoved Kenzie away.

"Trebuchet, help! She's gone off the deep end!"

Trebuchet formed a hammer out of stone from his bag of rocks nearby and held it outwards.

"Aye reminds me or a special Zoroark..."

"Just shut up and help me subdue her!"


The Kotobukiya caught the whip with one of it's four arms, the momentum of the attack shoving Kotobukiya slightly.

"Argh, she's tough sir! I don't know if I can stop her..."

The Kotobukiya's sensor pod looked up at the Airship.

"But I have a plan-!" Koto's gun aimed at one of the Aircraft's wings and zeroed in.


"Dammit!" Edal was getting a first person view of Koto's sensor.

"I knew it was her!"

Servane stuttered.

"Wh-Who, sir?"

Edal shook his head and watched the conflict.
Kenzie was held by her will" let me go let go of me you have no right" she say trying to kick them
"Now you're just pissing me off!"

Mira sprinted forward at Kenzie, lifted her by the shoulders, and threw her onto the floor.

"Trebuchet, stay vigilant..."
Kenzie was trying to get them off" get off of me you bastard" she say trying to kick them" you will pay" she say to him she was yelling

Katherine was watching what was going on" auntie" she say scared
Brianna was trying to use her two ponytails to wrap around Kenzie,

"Hold... S-Still!"


The hooded woman looked at the Kotobukiya,

"Nuh uh!"

She said, she then punched the ground, making a row of rocks coming out of the ground at the robot.

Kenzie just yelled" I can't control it" she say she had split personality she just calm down" I'm okay let go of me" she yelled
"Ah!" The rocks dented against Koto's chassis it covered it's sensor pod with one of its arms.

"I'm losing my grip..." It said in a defeated tone.

"But not all hope is lost! I have one final thing left to do-!"

The anti-aircraft barrel positioned at the Airship.

"Time to take this bird down!" The ignition coils lit the electronic fuse, thus activating the 40MM round and firing it. It succsessfully hit one of the Airship's wings, causing it to teeter.

"I-I did it!"

"Kotobukiya! Retreat immmediately!" Edal said through the comms. Kotobukiya fired one last attack at a group of footsoldiers and the trapdoor beneath it began to sink into the ground. Koto let go of the whip and giggled as the hatch closed over it's head.

"Good guys always win!"

Servane cast a glance at Edal, subtlly evil smile crossing his pale face.

"Sir, shall I deploy the scarecrows?"

Edal swiveled around in his chair.

"Give them the shock of their lives, Petty Officer Iphil."

With that word, walls around the establishment opened, and a mechanism unveiled the hidden horrors kept within the manor. Bodies who were completely black were folded out, their skin rotting off as theystood silent. Their gaping mouths and empty eyes staring down at the groups with predatory contemplation.

"Leave at once." Edal said over the loudhailers of the Manor.

"Or suffer the effects of our great study."

The whole manor had the overwhelming smell of burnt corpses and burnt electricity.
lostsoul said:
Devo would wake up, and look around. Wondering where she was. She tries to move but can't, as the sleeping bag twisted around her, while she was sleeping. And she just starts to whimper wondering what is going on. ( Devon has a mental age of 3 )
Cosmo then here a moving of the sleeping bag. "Ah you're awake...." He come close. "Oh hold on....." He reach out the zipper of the sleeping bag and zip down.

Katherine stole the cookie as she was hyper giving it to her aunt" auntie sharien something wrong with kenie" she say scared eating a cookie as she smiled @JessBeth
Sharon is in her bed, resting when she see Katherine with a cookie. "Katherine, how many time do I have to be telling thou, no more cookies!!!"
Katherine looked at her aunt as she pout" but but cookies is good" she say pouting" I want cookie" getting it token away from her
Katherine just pout" she acting crazy she saying she wants to kill people her eyes is pure red I'm scared" she say to her" why can't I have cookies is because I'm a baby" she say to her pouting

Kenzie was yelling" LET ME GO I'LL KILL YOU" she yelled locked in her own room
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Mira scoffed, now wearing a heavy gray turtleneck sweater instead of the previous shirt.

"Kenzie is a psychopath."

She said as she passed by Sharon.

"I doubt anything is gonna make her calm her tits and return normal..."
Kenzie just heard Sharon voice as she was trying calm down as she got a pen and paper' help me my crazy self I have split personality and I can't control her' she wrote as she slid it under the door
Katherine saw the robot person as she tripped over a skateboard falling down the stairs as she groan in pain as it was blossom skateboard" owie" she say she just cry a bit

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