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Fandom PokeHumans 2: Rise of the Shadows

Noivern said:
"Only when needed." He said.
"Cuz' I ain't comfotable with sharin' a body witha girl. It'd be different if it was a guy."
"Aw... Hey! I think I see the house!"

Brianna said, pointing at it.
"Like I said, let's get this over with."

Trebuchet sped up a little.


Dusk changed back into Mira, Dusk doesn't know why, but he figures it's just because the boredom.


She whined.

"Huh?" Mira's antenna perked up and she exited the house and stared at something coming barreling through the woods.

"What the..."


Trebuchet giggled as well.

"His reaction's gonna be priceless!"
Noivern said:
"Huh?" Mira's antenna perked up and she exited the house and stared at something coming barreling through the woods.
"What the..."


Trebuchet giggled as well.

"His reaction's gonna be priceless!"
Brianna came out of the woods as the large fusion,

"Hiiiiii, stranger..."

She said, waving at Mira.
Mira's eyes widened and she tried to talk.


Trebuchet spoke up.

"Aye, somethin' wrong lad?"

Suddenly, Mira's collarbone seemed to explode in a torrent of light. After a few seconds, her colorbone was smoking, a big black hole which seemed to burn to the surface from the inside-out. Her eyes went blank and she collapsed.

"Wha!?" Trebuchet forced himself out of the fuse and rushed over to Mira.
"Oh no..."

Dusk dug in his bag.

"She burnt the fuse out on 'er coil."

He stopped digging and pulled out a spherical node.

"Cover yer eyes, Anna. For more than one reason, dammit.."

Trebuchet pulled out the blown coil from Mira's capsule in her chest and inserted the new one. Trebuchet pressed the button on the coil and it turned on. A few moments of silence ensued, and Mira sat up with a start.

"Gah!..." She started breathing again and shook her head.

"What happened, I blacked out..." She saw her dress placed at her side and her face got red.

"Wh-What the fuck did you do?" She said, covering her chest.
Brianna looked in shock as she uncovered her eyes then starts laughing hysterically at Dusk's reaction.

"I'm sorry... I... Need a glass of water..."

She stuttered before falling to the ground, kicking her legs uncontrollably.

"Ugh, what the fuck am I thinking. This isn't even my own body." Mira stood shakily.

"What were you doing? Trying to cop a feel?"

Trebuchet covered the visual sensor for his helmet for his helmet in embarrassment.

"No, you blew a Fuse. God, it feels you're an entirely different person, like you're a girl for real."

Mira cut her eyes.

"Of course, it's because I AM a different person, technically..."

She looked down at her torn dress.

"Thanks you inconsiderate fuck, I actually liked that dress. Fetch me one of blossom's shirts."

Trebuchet's eyes widened under his helmet.

"Is that considered panty raiding?"

"Just get me a shirt, goddammit."

Mira snarled.

"See if she has any bras or something at least, please."

Trebuchet sped into the house.

"Why not both?" He hollered.

Mira scoffed, her cheeks still bright red.

"Quit staring, Brianna. I actually grown quite attached to this form so this is basically the same as you walking in on me in the shower. I feel violated..."
Devo would wake up, and look around. Wondering where she was. She tries to move but can't, as the sleeping bag twisted around her, while she was sleeping. And she just starts to whimper wondering what is going on. ( Devon has a mental age of 3 )
Brianna shook her head,

"I'm sorry, but believe me, that happened to me once too, I didn't feel the least bit violated... But I did feel something other than that, I just don't remember what I felt..."

She said before walking into the house.


The airship landed at the enclave and a few large groups of soldiers walked out of the Airship.

"Search this area... And see if you can find Obsidian... If you do, notify me so I can bring a special someone he hasn't seen in a WHILE..."

The woman said, pulling the chains on Kristina's body.

"Y-You'll never get away with this! You'll never get away with our world!"

Kristina said, trying to pull away.

The soldiers nod and search the large area cautiously.

Edal was watching a film about cyberization when suddenly Beth stormd down the stairs frantically.

"Mr. Gahsma! Th-They're men storming the garden!"

Edal stayed silent, contently watching the film.


Edal turned to face Beth.

"Send out the Kotobuikyas and the Jigabachis. I have a fleeting suspicion to who this is..."



Something stepped out of a large trap door that rose to the ground level of the garden.

"Attention trespassers!" The thing announced in a voice similar to Tachikoma's.

"You may exit the area peacefully or there will be consequences."


Trebuchet came running down with a bundle of clothes for Mira.

"Since all else ya got are those leggings, I guessed I should've gotten ya a whole set."

Mira swiped the clothing from Trebuchet and strode into the house.
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lostsoul said:
DevoN would wake up, and look around. Wondering where she was. She tries to move but can't, as the sleeping bag twisted around her, while she was sleeping. And she just starts to whimper wondering what is going on. ( Devon has a mental age of 3 )
Katherine was walking down the stairs as she bumped into the lady Anna as her hair was messy she didn't felt good she was supposed to be resting but she didn't want to" oh hi" she say to her smiling to her @IIQueenestII
Mira reemerged with Blossom's shirt on.

"Wow." She cut her eyes and pointed to her shirt.

"You HAD to get the My Little Pony one, huh?"

Trebuchet shrugged.

"I...I...I didn't see the top. Heh ehe heh..."

Mira suddenly jumped, spun a full 360 in midair, and kicked Trebuchet in the groin. Trebuchet hunched and fell on his side, groaning.

"I'm...I'm sorry Dusk!"

Mira caressed her temples in frustration.

"Save it, pipsqueak."
"Anyways, Anna. What happened to you which made you feel a 'certain way'?" Mira asked, leaning closer. Trebuchet was still on the floor, in extreme pain.

"Get me an ice pack..."

"Shut up!" Mira hissed.
Noivern said:
"Anyways, Anna. What happened to you which made you feel a 'certain way'?" Mira asked, leaning closer. Trebuchet was still on the floor, in extreme pain.
"Get me an ice pack..."

"Shut up!" Mira hissed.

"Uhm... Oh, wait! I need to get an ice pack for Buch! B-Be right back! Yeah!"

She said nervously before walking a little faster than usual to the kitchen.
Katherine just was in the kitchen as she was trying to get a cookie as her aunt made some but it was too high for her she just used a chair to get it

Kenzie just walk down the stairs as she saw Katherine trying to get a cookie she bumped into Mira seeing blossom shirt on her as she sighed" who told you to borrow blossom shirt I'll buy you some clothes" she told her
Trebuchet looked up from his hunched position, the led strip light on his smooth helmet flashing red.

"Thanks lass, yer a lifesaver..."

Mira rolled her eyes.

"This is why they shouldn't let out annoying Cadets like yourself, Kid." Mira said.
"Fuck you..." Mira growled at Kenzie.

"I just blew my coil and this asshat gawked at this form's nice pair of TaTa's while he put a new coil in me. I almost died, so leave me the fuck alone."

Trebuchet sighed heavily.

"I-I was saving your life!" He exclaimed, standing up a little. "At least be thankful , god damn."

"Perv." Mira muttered as she faceplanted on the table.

"Can this day get any worse..."
Kenzie just looked at her" I'm sorry I said anything you can use her clothes" she say as she smiled" I'm sorry I upset you" she say as she looked around
"Save the remorse and feeling-sorry-for-me bullshit. It's not gonna do you much justice."

Mira dragged her face on the table a little in frustration.
Kenzie just looked at her" what is your problem" she say to her she was trying not to go crazy as her eyes were pure red" hehe I'm going to kill you" she say laughing

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